Did we Cross the Line Yet?


A fictional story about a couple that had just realized that their Religious Teachings were keeping them from fulfilling their sexual desires. It is not meant to be all that realistic, but is it not at least a little? Like a lot of my writing though, it’s a fucking fantasy. I hope you enjoy the dry humor of the exaggerated situations, and maybe get sexually aroused at the same time. I had to touch myself while writing some parts of it, if I didn’t I would not write stories like this. All fictional characters are portrayed as over the age of 18. It was self-proofed with the help of software, so I likely missed some errors.


I am writing this story looking back to an earlier time in my life, to try to determine when, and if my wife and I crossed the line, as our lives and values have evolved so since then. These experiences were in a period of transition for us.

We were raised in the church by our parents as fundamentalist Christians during the Reagan years. This was a period like today when moral minorities were able to convince people that their twisted and sometimes hateful ideas were not only God’s will but that of the majority. These twisted interpretations of the bible had been an influence on us in many ways, some good I guess. It had taught us basic right and wrong, but as we got older we realized that morals dictated by a religion of any faith depend on the translation of the bible by the elders and ministers of the church.

Even ministers don’t always practice the strict made-up guidelines that they preach. This has not caused us to lose our faith but made us unable to deal with hypocrites that seem to flock to these radical religions. Many just want to judge others which is a clear no-no in biblical teachings. We no longer go to church but follow the basic values and teachings of the bible, but mostly try to live our lives by using the golden rule. We find that, “Treat others as you would like others to treat you,” is an applicable rule when it comes to sex.

Our years in the church made us miss out on many fun things that we now know are not sinful. The problem is that that left a lot of things in question as to where we stand morally. We were trying to use the trial and error method to determine what does not cross that fine line of morality. I think you will find out that we were quite naive from all the living we did out of the mainstream.

Some of the basic things that had changed are that my wife started wearing make-up and jewelry. We danced and one of my friends at work talked us into going to parties. She said there is one about every week and she would keep us up to date on them and locations if we enjoyed the first one.

We never went to parties during our church days, not real parties, just family stuff and they were all pretty dull I guess. We also watched movies that would not meet the church’s approval. The movies and mixing with all types of people have made us more aware of what mainstream living is all about. We had a lot more fun and are more liberal in our personal and married lives. Yet, we have never felt like we had broken our marriage vows as we interpreted them. But we seemed to be seeking more sexual excitement, we were having more and more fun, but we were constantly wondering, even asking each other if we had crossed the line.


Here is our story told by myself, time-wise being shortly after it happened:

Ronnie (Rhonda) and I, Marty, (Martin) were in our mid 20’s and at the time felt like we missed out on a lot of fun.

As a young married couple, one area in that we seemed to have most of our interest was sex. We talked about it which is healthy and not done in many Christian homes. We both claimed to have been virgins when we took our vows, and I believe her, she knew no more than I did about sex. I personally only relieved myself by masturbation, it is just too hard for a young man full of hormones to pass on. Jerking my penis, (the only name I felt was proper for it at the time) I felt at the time kept me from other things I thought were more sinful. I guess my constant arousal was fueled by unpure thoughts, and now I don’t know if they really were. Ronnie too admits to experimental masturbation of her vagina but it was her claim she never reached any kind of orgasm.

We both felt like our marriage and bond would be strengthened by a more liberal look at sex. After marriage, all we did was missionary-style sex. We were taught to begin and end sex with a prayer of thanks to God for the pleasure we received. That was strange advice considering that we were taught sex was meant only for reproducing?

We decided to and went into what was an experimental phase, and we watched a late-night movie on cable and then decided to, well Ronnie decided to try oral sex on me. It turned out to be a more memorable night than our first marital sex on our honeymoon, (which lasted only bursa escort bayan minutes.)

We had watched a scene in a late-night movie where a woman pulled down the covers to expose a man’s flaccid penis, but for only seconds. The scene was just her head going up and down over it and was no longer showing his penis even flaccid. It was not much, but it caused Ronnie to pull down our covers, then the pajamas I once wore, and thought all men did and revealed what was already partly hard penis as we watched the movie. Once she had it out she could not help but to play with it, something I always had to do on my own. She seemed to enjoy it, I know I sure did, settled in on just stroking it a little and looking it over with a curious look on her face. It quickly, swelled so big it was throbbing, I looked at her and her eyes were as big as saucers as she admired what she had caused close up.

I thought I was going to blow just from the soft touch of her delicate hands. I thought about everything I could to hold back, I had hoped to feel at least her lips on it. She found a way to extend the time, but not intentionally. She asked questions that made me a little less in the mood, if she had stopped handling it as she asked them, I am sure I would have gone limp.

Ronnie wanted to know if they were all that size? She said some of her friends back in high school talk about them like they are bigger than that when hard. I was taken aback, well, truthfully, I was a little shaken but told her I was average. I explained to her that high school girls lie about stuff like that, and a lot of them have had very little experience with boys. She replied, “Well even in health class, the way Mr. Johnson described them I thought they got bigger?”

My penis was shrinking, we were losing the moment and I wanted my penis at least sucked.

I had to think quickly, and came up with, “Well there you go, he was a Mr., you had a male teacher, all men exaggerate size too, I bet my penis is as big or bigger than his. Then she slowly bowed her head, we had plenty of practice at that. She pretty much had to start from scratch, and she stuck her little tongue out from her luscious pink lips, and at first, just dragged it across my knob a few times. That saved the moment and my pride as it recovered to its average erect size. Then just using her lips and tongue some more on it she had me with my toes curling up. Slowly she worked up to having the knob and part of the shaft in her mouth and was bobbing her head up and down just like women in the movies. She did her best, it was her first blow-job as the giver and my first as the receiver. I figured the size questions would pass, I did not plan to get any X movies or for her to go to any strip shows where they are all huge.

Ronnie was doing her best as a rookie, and me having my first set of lips on my cock did not last long. We did not pray afterward as we were overjoyed but also laughing too hard. We were laughing because we, well, mostly because Ronnie did not think ahead. She knew what was going to happen in the end from our previous, but very mundane sex by intercourse. She just had no idea when or did she have a plan of action for this type of male orgasm out in the open. All my previous ones came pretty quickly but were in her vagina, and contained. This one was not just explosive but plentiful as well. I think me watching her as she worked my penis in her mouth got me extra excited. She must have been too and did not pull back when I made my noise, there was a lag there. She got more than a few ropes in her mouth before pulling away, but not quite quick enough.

The laughter came as she lifted her head after taking half of my shot in her mouth and half on her face. She looked at me with one cum covered eye closed and not just a half of a facial, but cum coming from the sides of her mouth as well. I will have to say for me as far as pleasureful, it rivaled even the first one I had produced myself by jerking off years back.

All we both could do was laugh, she looked funny, so I am sure it felt that way to her! But we were so pleased with ourselves that we were anxious to do it and some other new things again.

We started to realize then that sex was not for just making a baby or for that brief few moments of pleasure, but it could be fun, and we had been lied to about so many things! We could not get enough, well, we thought. But just blow jobs and missionary sex were not enough, and just made us want to try more, it was my turn to do something more. It was another late-night movie that caused it, it showed the woman’s breasts and the man burying his head between them as she cooed in pleasure.

He did not stop there, he then had his head and face between her legs, and she was very happy with it there. But the movie did not even show any of her vagina, at least they showed penises, even though they were flaccid and just a flash. In this case, it was just a flash of her bush then nilüfer escort all you could see was the top of his head. The woman in the movie was enjoying it to the point that I could see Ronnie expected me to return her favor.

It was my turn and I was flying blind. I was smart enough that I did not take the word eat literally. But I did not even know what one looked like close up. All I ever saw of her was what was visible under a pretty dense bush. My only real first-hand knowledge was the feel of it when we had intercourse, and I felt it with my hand and penis as I entered it.

I went in first with my tongue anyway and found what I now know is her labia, I parted its lips like Moses did the Sea and stuck my tongue as far as I can get it in there. I think I liked it better than her at first although she did moan, but was it just encouragement for me to work harder? I was overwhelmed and had some learning to do, but so did she.

I did my best and decided I was going to need to do some research. This was pre-internet, so I had to get a health book at the library and a Playboy from the corner market. I learned that there was a G-Spot and a clit, and that it was a very sensitive place that can be massaged to give the woman pleasure. The magazine said it was the place to work to give a woman orgasm but had no clue what part that was or how to find it. I referred to the health book and at least learned the basic layout.

After many tries I hit pay-dirt, I think it was purely accidental, but when her moans turned to, “Oh Yeah Honey, and just plain “Yes.” I concentrated on it, and I eventually gave her an orgasm, her first. It scared me, she was all flushed and had her little fist clenched, but then she kissed me, and then I knew I did well. I did not pray to give thanks for that as I had to do it all on my own, nowhere in the bible is it mentioned how to please a woman. I reasoned why give thanks to the guy that helped to hide all these pleasures from us? I was the one that received thanks for the first “O.” Ronnie immediately proceeded to give me thanks, if it was a prayer, it was said silently with her mouth full of my cock again. In the end, we were thankful for what pleasure we gave each other.

The late-night movies did give us a variety of sexual positions, not in detail but figuring out how to do them was half the fun. A few missteps along the way, I was too soon thinking she might like my penis in her butt. We continued to learn so I will move on to another area.

We started going to parties where the people were our age, and usually house parties. Most of them were too dull, but we did not want to go to ones involving drugs, but avoiding booze was impossible. Finally, we tried going to some parties my workmate recommended as moderate. Looking back it had to be obvious to her I, or we were pretty clueless about the world. We would see her there but did not want to glob onto her, but eventually, I would dance with her. We even participated in the ingestion of wine, they drank wine in biblical days, right? It loosened us up to dance and mingle.

Ronnie finally got the nerve to accept a dance offer from a guy that had been in one of her classes in high school, years before. He was there with his wife who was dancing with someone else so she thought it must be OK to dance with other married men. She looked toward me, and I encouraged her with a head nod. I figured I did not own her, just made some promises to love her and adore, and protect her.

She danced a full dance and part of another back in a dark area before she came back to the table. She had a funny look on her face and I asked her what caused it. She was embarrassed to tell me at first but I got it out of her. Ronnie got close to me so no one could hear her and said, “He moved his hand down and was holding my butt during the second dance. At first, I ignored it, then his hand went under my waistband and he slid it down my bare butt and I think his fingers were headed between my legs. I thought he was going for my bush so I panicked and ended the dance.”

I told her it was not her fault if she did not return his moves. Then she said, “Yes, but I panicked because when his hand got that close to my vagina, I got this warm feeling, a good feeling. I wished his fingers were inside it, now I feel so wet down there and a little ashamed.”

I told her it was just his fingers and not his penis, so if she liked it him doing it was not that bad a thing, and you can’t help liking something. So we solved that problem if it feels that good and does not feel that wrong to you, we probably should at least give it a try. He asked her again right in front of me a little later if she would like to dance again, he acted as if nothing happened earlier. She accepted she seemed to have some courage after I reassured her she did nothing wrong, and we both had a few more glasses of wine. She was a little tipsy going to the dance floor, then later türbanlı escort came back looking pretty flushed, but I did not pressure her for details, I was pretty sure she let him do more. She became a busy dance partner after that, I guessed she gave him a little more freedom. People on the dance floor can see what is going on with others, and word got around, and like immediately. The hottest girl at the party did not mind a little touchy-feely.

I kind of enjoyed it too, from what I could see. I liked watching to see how long it would take for her partner to get the nerve to move a hand down to that fabulous ass of hers. Then watching for any reaction from her. Eventually, one danced her back into a dark area of the dance floor, a place where people seemed to disappear for a while. It was an area back in some foliage. She stayed there a while with him and was not very visible to me. When she came back this time she was flushed and I thought she seemed really upset about something. I was ready to go after him if he hurt her. She wanted to go home. I pushed her to tell me why and she said, “He worked three fingers inside my vagina, and was pushing them in and out as you do with your penis. I did not know if I should, or how long if I did.”

I ask her if it hurt her, and if he forced them in? She said, “That was the problem, it did not hurt, or was not that uncomfortable going in, it kept feeling better as he sped up. I was so turned on that I felt a need for you and came back so we could go home and I could give you a blow job, and you can put your fingers in me. Maybe then have intercourse. Well, honey, I will just say it, in the world we are in now that we left the church, “We can go home and have a good Fuck.”

We did, we fucked, using dirty words between each other could not be that bad, and that was the start of more special nights of sex for us both.

I am not a good dancer but started dancing more at parties, I admit I wanted to touch and be touched by someone else too. It took me a while to get courage, just like the guys with Ronnie, it is harder than it looks. I started with just three fingers below the waistline of the friend I knew from work. I was not sure if I could get the nerve to go inside her but she had her hands all over my body so I kept going. She continued to return the favor and had me by the cock, so I took that as an OK and entered her with my fingers.

I have to say both giving and receiving from someone new felt good. Ronnie and I were still in the rule-making stages of this experimentation so I did not tell her I started it, just that I enjoyed someone else grabbing my cock like she enjoyed a guy’s fingers. We had not yet decided what was wrong because we were having too much fun. On nights like that, we went home to have some of the best experimental and learning sex ever.

Another milestone came at what seemed to be a party of more open-minded people I will call them. It was another outdoor party that my friend from work turned us on to that she said might be a step up for us action-wise. So we went to it on a hot summer night. It was some of the same crowd as usual. Ronnie had shopped for something more casual, and well, sexier. I was starting to see a change in her, like she was ready to show more, and do more. She came home with what they call culottes a cross between shorts and a skirt, that was very short, and was popular back then. She bought a top that could be worn without a bra and it showed some of her fabulous breasts, and without a bra, cleavage galore! I had to reassure her that not having a bra on was not too much. I guess I wanted to show off her great breasts too.

The culottes were very short, I think a lot of guys thought it was just a short skirt, and she was getting a lot of attention at the garden party, and I liked that. Was I wrong to be proud to show off my beautiful wife? Her dance card was full, and I was doing better. Looking back, and now knowing what kind of party we stumbled into, we were fresh meat I guess. It did not help that we were rookies to drinking, we did not know our limits as far as how much our judgment might be impaired as we drank more. The sexy clothes and drinking together seemed to make Ronnie more daring, I liked this side of her.

She came back after one dance so far in a dark corner of the room that I could not see her. All that cleavage she was showing had turned pink, as was her face, she was flushed this time. I had to know, but she was not quick to tell me, I think she thought she really did something wrong this time. I was too curious not to press her, again and she moved over close to tell me. She said, “I wanted to find out what my limits were, and let him put both a hand up my top, and one down my pants, and some fingers in my vagina.

He felt up my bare breasts at the same time he fingered me. So I went too far I guess, I reached down under his waistband to see what he had. I found what felt like a pretty big and hard penis I could not help but play with a little while he played with my parts. I don’t want to talk about the rest of what happened here and now where someone might hear. But I am just ashamed and turned on from it, and now I want to go home.”

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