Rob’s First Time at the Clinic


Rob sat in his parked car, with a contemplative look on his face. His palms were sweating slightly, and his heart beat at an above average pace. His eyes were closed, and he tried desperately to focus on anything besides the thoughts that raced inside of his head.

He had never done like what he planned to do next. He had suffered from mild anxiety since his late teens and Rob always overthought most situations. However, he had reached a point in his life where his anxiety and emotions often got the better of him, and Rob knew this had to be controlled.

After he had sat in the car for five minutes, he gained a burst of confidence and opened his driver door. In his right hand, he clutched a small plastic folder with various forms inside of it, which he had brought from home.

Rob strolled toward a small building next to the parking lot, only a few steps away from his car. The building was made of dark grey concrete, with only a few windows, and had three floors stacked on top of each other.

As he got close to the single door leading into the building, Rob got a good look of himself in the doors glass reflection. He was a natural athlete, and had played football in high school, but later switched to bodybuilding as he moved away to college. A bit on the shorter side, around five eight, but stockier than most.

He paused to open the door, but briefly looked up at the sign above the doorway. It read: “Dr. Smith and Dr. Knight, Male Fertility Clinic” in blue font, on top of a white oval plastic sign.

Rob walked into the mudroom of the building, a very small area, and saw several pairs of men’s shoes already lined up against the wall on the floor. He took off his shoes, and put on slippers from a nearby bin. He then rang an intercom on the next door going inside the building. A female voice filled the small room, “Hello patient, please state your name, appointment time, and look at the camera in the top right corner of the room.” Rob followed these orders, and the door in front of him unlocked with click sound.

Inside, Rob walked in the next area and saw what essentially looked like a normal doctors office. Several cushy black chairs surrounded a wood table to his left, and in front of him was a secretary’s desk, with two women on computers, one of whom was talking on the phone. The other secretary mouthed that she would be with him shortly. He took a seat in one of the chairs to his left, and looked around. On the other side of the secretary’s desk, there was a hallway lined with several rooms featuring thick closed doors and no windows. Rob saw two female nurses briskly leave one room, and walk down to the far end of the hall, to a room labeled “Equipment and Sanitation”. This made Rob’s heart beat slightly faster, and his mind began to race again. Despite this, he was still excited and knew this experience was for the best.

The first secretary had finished on the phone, and now the other one was ready to process Rob.

“Good morning, Rob, how are you today? the secretary asked.

“A little nervous, but ready as ever.” he responded, giving out a small tense laugh.

“Don’t worry, you’re in such good care here. Every patient we’ve had says their sessions were worth it, and I’m sure you’ll be no different.”

Feeling a little more relieved, Rob handed over his folder. The secretary quickly looked them over, and looked satisfied.

“Everything looks to be in order. Just take a seat and your assigned nurse will be right out.”

Rob thanked her and went back to his seat. After barely sitting down for a second, a nurse walked into the waiting area. She walked right up to Rob and smiled.

“You must be Rob, I’m Nurse Lexi. How are we feeling today?” she asked.

“I’m okay, ready to get started.” Rob replied.

“Oh perfect. If you’ll just follow me then.” said Nurse Lexi.

The first thing Rob noticed about the young nurse was how attractive she was. She wore pink nurse’s scrubs, and was around five ten with thick, athletic curves and a perfect, full butt. She had fair skin, with blonde hair in a long braided ponytail stretching down past her neck. Her top was tight against her large, size E breasts, and the v in her shirt went far down her chest, making a perfect line between her two breasts. He couldn’t help but stare at them, and had to quickly snap out of this trance.

The nurse guided Rob down the hallway, and led him into a room adjacent to the one he had seen the two nurses going into before. He briefly heard small chatter, and the sound of a sink running coming from inside the double doors of the room next to his.

Nurse Lexi saw that Rob was distracted, and gently pulled him into the smaller room. He noticed it was very similar to a hospital room, since it had tile flooring, and a single, twin XL bed in one corner, with space on either side. It lacked any windows, and Rob noticed there was white straps on the bed, with thick buckles on each of the three straps.

The lighting in the room was also reminiscent istanbul Escort Bayan of a hospital, giving an atmosphere of sterility. It was silent in the room itself, which calmed down Rob a little more, and he could no longer here the noises from the adjacent room, or the traffic outside.

“This is where you’ll be staying for your sessions. As you probably noticed, there isn’t much in this room, and only contains things you need as part of your therapy. All patient rooms are missing windows, since we don’t need you to be distracted by anything, and your recovery here will be more effective that way.” explained the nurse.

Rob took another look around the room. There was a small white desk next to the bed, and a garbage bin next to the desk. Everything was spotless, and the bed was expertly made.

The nurse continued, “As well, there is a room at the end of the hall, the room next to this one, where all of the nurses in this clinic go to pick up equipment for the therapy sessions. Under no circumstances are you allowed in that room, and that brings me to my next point. You are not to leave this room unless given permission, understand?”

“Uh, yeah I think so. What about using the bathroom?” Rob asked.

“You will see there is a red button on the left side of your bed. If you press it, myself or another nurse will escort you to the bathroom. Make sense?”

Rob nodded, and the nurse began explaining again.

“As you may have read in one of our pamphlets, or on our website, this clinic is for treating male sexual problems, including fertility, physical, and emotional or hormonal problems.”

“You are here because you have an addiction to video pornography. It says in your file you find it difficult to get erections because of this addiction, and you ejaculate several times a day, often without lube, and without a partner.”

“For your treatment, and to get rid of this behavior, you will be administered by myself, and possibly another pair of nurses, if I deem it necessary for your therapy. You will be taken care of here, you will not be seriously harmed, and cannot leave the session except for what I said before, and a few other reasons. And obviously, we will help you in the case of a legitimate medical reason, which we are trained to rapidly diagnose and treat, if the situation arises. I’m telling you this information, since it is the last formal agreement you have to agree to before treatment begins. Do you agree to this?”

Rob had played this situation over in his head multiple times. “What if it doesn’t work?” he said to himself. “What if I can’t handle anything they do to me?”

After waiting a moment, Rob slowly nodded and said yes to Nurse Lexi.

“Perfect! Then we’ll get started right away.” she said with a smile.

“First things first, you will address all nurses in this facility’s simply as “Nurse” or Nurse plus their name. You are totally under our control, and you must obey every order we give you. Any deviation from this will result in punishment. However, this punishment will be in the form of more extreme treatment, and is for your benefit, and your pleasure in some cases. You will resist, you’ll want to escape, but in the end, this therapy is for you only, and you won’t regret coming here.”

“Now if you will, please strip down your clothes and hand them to me.” He quickly undressed in front of Nurse Lexi, and he couldn’t help but notice her looking at his crotch area. Given her cute and hypnotic looks, and the way she ordered him around, Rob was already getting pumped up.

Rob quickly undressed, and went and laid on the bed, fully exposed. Nurse Lexi followed, and once he was on the bed, she began to buckle him down to the bed using the three white straps. First, she did the ankle strap, then the hip strap, and finally she buckled and tightened the strap on Rob’s chest, about two inches down from his nipples.

The feeling of the cold straps made Rob shiver slightly, and Nurse Lexi’s gentle hands didn’t help this either. After she was done, he tried to move around, but was completely stuck. He could only move his head, and clench his fists and toes.

“Don’t worry, this is all part of the experience. These are for your own safety, and they help with administering the therapy.” Nurse Lexi explained, gently patting the strap around Rob’s chest.

“Okay, so now most of the preparations are done, so we can get started soon enough.” she said.

“This first session will just be me and you, but we might invite some other nurses in later if I think it’ll help you out. Does that sound good?” she asked.

“Okay, yeah that sounds good to me.” Rob replied.

“Great. I’ll go and grab my equipment!” And with that, Nurse Lexi left the room, and was back a moment later carrying a bottle of clear lube, a towel, and a box of latex gloves.

She walked over to the side of the bed, and place the items on the small desk. The nurse took out two blue latex gloves, and istanbul Escort snapped them on one at a time. While she did this, Nurse Lexi made eye contact with Rob, and gave him a small smile.

“In your file it said you had several fetishes you were interested in. I’ll try to accommodate everything you listed, but I’ll try to keep you guessing for each session as well”. As she said this, Rob noticed how well the gloves fit the young nurse. He could smell her sweet scent, and it reminded him slightly of vanilla.

At this point, Rob was getting excited and was becoming extremely turned on by Nurse Lexi. He knew what was coming next, and was no longer hesitant about the situation.

At age 26, Rob had a short sexual history, since he focused more on his career, and working out. He watched porn because of how easy it was, and he could watch anything he desired.

Nurse Lexi walked over to the side of the bed, and began gently touching Rob’s naked body with her gloved hands. She started slowly at his neck, going down his chest, barely missing his left nipple, moving closer to his groin, and again just passing by, missing his cock by mere inches. She moved down his thigh, sending a short spasm through his back, and lastly caressing his calf, and gently tickled his foot with her gloves.

She repeated this once more, but going up his body. She stopped at his nipples, and began to tenderly touch them with both of her index fingers. She moved them going clockwise, then switching and going the opposite direction. At this point, Rob couldn’t help but close his eyes and he started to breath deeply.

However, his cock had only responded minorly. Nurse Lexi then moved her right hand to Rob’s mouth, smothering him. With her other hand, she continued to tease his left nipple, going again in a clockwise rotation, and gently pinching it too.

“Mhmmurmm.” Rob moaned quietly. Her gloved hand covered his mouth, and he could smell the latex quite strongly. Nurse Lexi moved her hands so that one completely covered his mouth, and her fingers pinched his nose. Taking a second to realize what was happening, Rob panicked as he struggled to breath.

“Don’t worry, I’m just teasing.’ said Nurse Lexi, with a slight giggle. She had only stopped him from breathing for about five seconds.

“The breath is a powerful thing. One lesson you’ll learn here is that breathing can affect your sexual health, and using it with power play, like I just did, can help you achieve stronger erections, and powerful orgasms.” she explained.

“These sessions will slowly increase in intensity. Besides, I wouldn’t want you accidentally passing for our first time!” she said.

Rob opened his eyes again and looked at Nurse Lexi. He was growing hornier by the minute and she switched back to playing with his nipple while still smothering him with her gloved hand.

Nurse Lexi pulled up a chair which had been at the desk, and sat down. She reached across Rob’s chest, grabbing his right nipple, and caressed his lower pelvic area, about two inches away from his exposed member.

Her touch on his pelvic area sent a wave of pleasure up Rob’s body. He couldn’t help but move his hips towards the ceiling as she gently rubbed his lower abdomen near his crotch.

The little amount of slack in the straps was also having an effect on Rob. The tightness and secureness of the straps made him feel safe, but at the same time, he was trapped in this room with Nurse Lexi. Rob realized he was her slave in a sense, and she completely controlled him.

“I just trying to see how you respond to my touch, and where your sensitive areas are. I can also see your cock hasn’t moved much, but you’re still getting turned on.” said Nurse Lexi. Rob nodded in acknowledgement. He loved every minute of it, but his cock hadn’t responded to her teasing.

“I’m thinking your penis has a blood flow issue, since it seems you have no problem getting turned on. I’ll go grab some medication to sort you out.” she said.

Nurse Lexi removed her gloved hands from Rob’s naked body, and left the room. She came back a minute later, holding a pill bottle and a glass of water.

“This is ED medication. While most men use it by itself, they often continue their bad behavior while using it. They also typically use too much or too little. Plus the cause of ED can be both physical, like a blood flow problem, and psychological.”

She opened the bottle, and handed Rob a small pill with the glass of water. He downed it, and returned the glass back to her.

“Very good. Now that pill is fast acting, and it should make your little guy shoot up, nice and hard for me. It’s common for us to give it to patients, and it’ll really help in your case.” she said. “Your file said you’ve been watching porn for a very long time, and multiple times per day. Since there is a psychological attachment, a chemical drug like this should be helpful short term.” she explained.

Nurse Lexi sat back down on her Escort istanbul chair and went back to teasing Rob. She covered his eyes with her gloved hand, and began to rub his nipples again. Rob’s world went dark, and all he could feel was the sensation of her hands on his body.

“Sight is another sense we often put aside during sex. We often look at people and judge them based on attractiveness only, and this includes during sex or watching porn. Sexual health is more than this, as you’ll soon come to realize during our sessions. Remember, I have total control over you during this time, and I can take away your sight, your breath, and the pleasure you receive.” said Nurse Lexi.

“I can tell you will make a good patient. Obedience and trust is all you have to give to me.”

She continued to rub and tease Rob’s naked body, which sent shivers of pleasure up his body and made his head tingly. After about fifteen minutes, he felt his cock begin to rise.

“Ah, there’s the star of the show! I was wondering when he’d made an appearance.” Nurse Lexi laughed as she said this.

Rob couldn’t help but blush slightly, feeling a little embarrassed. His cock was average sized, around five and a half inches, and circumcised. Rob had always thought his cock was nice looking, and the handful of sexual partners he had in the past were mostly left satisfied. He always made sure to shave his pubic area, since it made his package look more presentable, if not slightly bigger.

It was fairly chilly in the room, and Rob felt goosebumps from the temperature and from Nurse Lexi’s touch. Removing her hand from his eyes, she slowed moved towards his cock, carefully grazing his nipples, and then towards his abs. She gripped his half chub with her soft, latex gloved hand. Her hands barely covered his dick, and this gave Rob confidence about the size and ability of his cock. Her hands were cold on his warm dick, and Rob moaned quietly as she took him in her hands.

“Very good so far. Your cock is definitely one of the nicer ones. And it’s refreshing to have a younger patient around here too.” said Nurse Lexi.

She began to squeeze his cock with both her hands, not moving at all, but gripping it tightly. She teased him by removing one hand, moving it to his balls, and cupping them. She then formed a ring around his cock with her index and thumb, and pressed down with her other three fingers into his abdomen.

This further excited Rob, and now he started to hit full length. The sight of this fit, young, blonde nurse playing with him like he was a toy made him extremely aroused.

Without saying a word, Nurse Lexi got up from her chair and squirted lube from the bottle on the desk, into her gloved hands. She rubbed them together, and sat back down to resume where she had left off. She immediately went for Rob’s balls, and deeply massaged them. Rob noticed her face was in deep concentration, and she was staring straight at his cock and balls.

Both of her hands worked expertly on his sac. She played with them, pulled them away from his body, and then used the palm of one hand to gently massage them. Her thumb grazed his cock as she worked, and the tips of her fingers lightly touched his inner thigh.

“How does that feel?” Nurse Lexi asked.

‘Mhmmm. It feels like heaven, thank you Nurse.” Rob moaned. He was in pure ecstasy as she rolled his balls around in her lubed up hands. Rob closed his eyes once more and all he could smell was her sweet scent, and felt her hands working on his manhood.

Nurse Lexi moved up to his shaft and began to gently touch the tip of his head. She kept one hand firmly on his balls, tightly squeezing and kneading them. With the other hand, the young nurse stroked his head with just the tips of her fingers, and rotated them around his cockhead.

By now, Rob began to move his lower back up and down, to reach her gliding hands. But she quickly noticed this, and began slowly down her rhythm so his movement was for nothing.

“Now, now. I’m the one doing the work here, not you. If you want to succeed in your treatment Rob, you’ll have to stop doing that. Otherwise I’ll tighten the straps even more, or bring out toys you may not enjoy.” she said.

Rob quickly obliged and restrained himself from bucking his hips.

“Yes Nurse, I apologize. I won’t get in the way of your work.”

“That’s better. It’ll all be worth it in the end, trust me.” She flashed a smirk at Rob, and went back to her normal pace on his cock.

Nurse Lexi switched up her movement once again, and took his cock in both her hands. She began to move them up and down, twisting and turning them in opposite directions.

“Ohhh, my god that feels amazing, thank you Nurse.” said Rob. Instead of bucking his hips, he clenched his fists by his side and curled his toes.

“I know it feels good, which means we can start on the next stage of treatment.” replied Nurse Lexi.

Unaware of what she meant, Rob wondered what this could be. Nurse Lexi picked up her pace on his rock hard cock, and continued this for about 20 seconds. Rob had been teased and jerked off for about 10 minutes up to this point, and started to feel the impending orgasm.

Nurse Lexi abruptly stopped jerking him, stood up, took off her gloves, and threw them in the bin next to the desk.

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