Kelly in the Mirror


Kelly looked at herself in the mirror, pulling the bottom of her bathing suit tight against her crotch and running her finger up the crevice between her labia. She stepped back and looked at the strip of fabric covering her crotch, but all she could really see was the gently rounded mound of her vulva. Nothing was clearly defined. It was just the rounded mound that existed between every woman’s legs.

She looked again at her reflection, focusing on her breasts. Her nipples, in contrast to her vulva, were clearly visible. They were two nubs, clearly displayed under the light blue nylon fabric stretched across her breasts. She rubbed them a little, and they swelled from the stimulation. Now you could clearly see her puffy areolas as well. In fact, Kelly noticed, you could just about see through the fabric and view the contrast between the pink skin of her areolas and the pale white skin of her breasts. “Oh well,” she thought. “I did it for them, I guess I’ll have to do it for my crotch as well.”

She peeled the just-bought, tight nylon tank suit, really a size too small, from her body. She glanced at herself in the mirror. “Not bad for forty,” she thought. She still had her curves, even if she was 15 pounds heavier than she was in college. Her legs were well shaped, mostly from the daily walk she took; her bottom only sagged a little. Her breasts weren’t enormous, but they had stayed a nice firm 34B in the 18 years since she’d graduated and married George. Her breasts, like her butt, sagged a little, but that only proved that they were real, she thought. They weren’t hard and round and pointing out like the basketballs Joan Samson had installed the previous year. “There’s something to be said about natural,” she thought.

Kelly turned the suit inside out. She looked at the lining inside the chest. Two circles had been cut out of the sewn in bra and carefully hemmed so that her nipples and areolas would push out against the thin outer material of the bathing suit. She turned the suit in her hand so she could see the crotch. It was lined with a thin beige material. She tugged at it and saw that it was only sewn to the seams of the leg holes of the suit. Kelly picked up her sewing scissors, and with a few quick snips, the lining was gone.

She slipped back into the suit, carefully positioning her breasts so the nipples were in their holes, and pulling the crotch taught. She ran a finger between her labia. The fabric clung to her now, outlining her slit. “It’s the classic peach shape,” she thought. “Good.” A few wisps of pubic hair poked out from under the edges of the suit.

“What am I doing?” Kelly said to herself. “Do I really want to go out like this?”

It had been two years since George had left her “to go find himself.” “How stereotypical of him,” she remembered thinking. George was now managing a fast food place in Haverton on the other side of the state. Kelly, on the other hand, had grown her temp service to three offices, had sold the tract house she and George had bought, and moved into a much-better built house in a trendy subdivision with a clubhouse, pool and tennis courts. Her offices each had excellent managers, and she spent most of her time now dealing with a select few old and valued clients and checking the books.

“You’re doing this,” she said out loud to herself, “because you’re tired of being alone and horny. You’ve played it safe all your life. It’s time to take some risks – especially erotically. You can do it in business, so do it with your personal life. And maybe if you let people see that you’re a woman with all the operating parts, they’ll get interested.”

This mild bit of exhibitionism was the result of a challenge from her neighbor, Mandy. Kelly had been complaining, she thought confidentially, to Mandy a few days before about the sad state of her sex life. Mandy had leaned forward and the neck of her blouse had fallen open. “Look here,” she had said. “This is why I have a sex life and you don’t.”

“They’re not that big,” Kelly had replied, glancing over at her friend.

“Look a little more,” said Mandy.

Mandy looked a little more carefully. “My god!” she exclaimed. “What’s with you? I can see you nipples!” And she could. Mandy was not wearing a bra and her breasts and their nipples, small, brown and erect, were clearly visible.

“Exactly,” said Mandy smugly. “And because I let them be seen now and then, discreetly, but clearly, I have a sex life.”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” said Kelly.

“Not at all. And I bet if you’d show off a little, you’d get some attention. As a matter of fact, I will bet you. You come to the pool Saturday, in something that shows you off a little – something that lets people see your nipples or your crotch or whatever, and I’ll introduce you to something that you’ll never forget.”

“What do you get if I don’t do it?” Kelly asked.

“You buy me that expensive vibrator I showed you in the catalog,” Mandy replied.

Kelly thought about it for a minute. “You’re on,” she said.

Now she just hoped that her cut-out suit kağıthane escort was enough to win the bet.

Saturday came quickly, and that afternoon Kelly found herself in her newly-tailored suit arriving at the pool. There were a few families around, and the kids were playing in and around the pool. She picked out a lounge chair, spread her towel over it, and sat down. She read a few chapters of the romance novel she’d brought with her

“Hi Kelly, how’s it going?”

It was Mandy. Kelly looked up at the brunette standing over her.

“Mind if I join you?” Mandy asked.

“Not at all,” Kelly replied. “It was getting a little dull. I’d enjoy the company.”

Mandy spread a towel over the next chair and sat down.

“What are you reading?” Mandy asked.

Kelly held up the book so Mandy could see the cover.

“Ooh, that’s a hot one,” Mandy said. “There were parts of that one that I read with only one hand.”

“Mandy!” Kelly exclaimed.

“Oh come on, get off it,” replied Mandy. “I can tell you’re reacting to it. Look at you – your nipples are hard and before you moved your leg I could see that you were a little wet.”

Kelly became very aware that her suit really was a little small for her, and even more aware that her nipples and vulva were very clearly outlined by the material that clung tightly to her body. She was also aware that Mandy wasn’t entirely wrong about the book – it was hot and she had been reading a particularly good bit.

“So what’s with the suit?” Mandy asked.

“What do you mean what’s with the suit? It’s a bathing suit,” Kelly replied.

“Yeah, it’s a bathing suit, all right,” said Mandy. “But it’s a bathing suit that’s a size too small and it tells the world exactly what your nipples and crotch look like.”

“Well, I want to win our bet.”

“Ok,” Mandy said. “If you want to win the bet, get in the pool.”

“But the water’s cold,” said Kelly. She glanced down at herself and realized that the pale blue suit, when it got wet, really needed the linings she had cut out.

“Yeah, right, the water’s cold,” said Mandy sarcastically. “If you want to win the bet get in the water.”

Reluctantly, Kelly got up and walked over to the pool. She tugged a little at the leg band of the suit, which was riding up.

“Leave that alone!” said Mandy.

Kelly looked back at her friend, then turned to the pool and dove in. The water was cold at first, but as Kelly swam a few lazy laps, she adjusted to it. Ten minutes later she got out of the pool and walked backed to her lounge. She tried not to think about what the suit might look like.

“Much better,” said Mandy. “And if you keep that suit wet for another hour or so, you definitely win the bet.”

“What do you mean?” asked Kelly. “I’m wearing the suit; I’m exposing myself, discreetly. I win already.”

“That’s not enough when the suit is dry,” said Mandy. “You can see nipples and vulvas all over the place here. But when it’s wet…”

Kelly glanced down at herself and blushed crimson. The pale blue fabric of the suit that was no longer lined was practically transparent. She could see her prominent areolas and nipples clearly, and there was little doubt that the fabric between her legs was equally transparent.

“I can’t stay out her like this,” she said, embarrassedly, to Mandy.

“If you want to win the bet you will,” said Mandy. “And I guarantee it will be worth it.”

“Well,” Kelly said looking around. There were only a few mothers and their children, and a small group of teenagers over in the far corner. “Ok.” She sat down again.

After that the two chatted aimlessly, Kelly talking about work, Mandy reporting on the goings on in the neighborhood. Occasionally Mandy made Kelly get into the pool and rewet her suit.

Every once in a while someone would walk past the two women. The men, mostly fathers with their small children, did subtle double takes when they realized what they were looking at. One teenage boy kept walking past, his erection obvious despite his baggy bathing trunks. A few women even looked twice, just to make sure they saw what they thought they did.

What Kelly didn’t know was that Mandy had arranged for most of the adults to walk past.

“Do you like the way it feels?”

“What do you mean?” asked Mandy.

“Do you like the way it feels?” Mandy asked again. “Do you like the feeling that your nipples and your crotch are only covered by that thin little bit of nylon, and that everyone who can be bothered to look can see your hard nipples and puffy areolas and the shadow of your pubic hair and the line that runs down between your labia? Does it make you hot?”

Kelly looked at her neighbor and was confused. Mandy had never spoken to her like this before. And what bothered her even more was that she really was enjoying being on display in this relatively modest way. And it did make her hot. She answered.

“Well, yes, a little.”

“It does me too when I do it,” sarıyer escort Mandy admitted. “You win the bet. Come over about 7. It’ll be fun, I promise.”

Kelly gulped. She wondered what Mandy meant by taking a risk. But here was an opportunity. “Thanks,” she said. “I’ll be there.”

At 5:00 the phone rang in Mandy’s house. It was Geri Johnson. “I don’t believe you got her to do that,” she told Mandy.

“I told you, she’s been alone since her husband left. I finally got tired of her moaning about her nonexistent sex life. So I flashed her, and then bet her she wouldn’t do something like that.”

“And she took the bet,” Geri said.

“You saw, and so did Keith and everyone else. So what do you think?”

“Well,” said Geri, “Everyone’s called and said they think we should let her try it. But you’ve got to tell her to be discreet. And we’re going to keep it simple. The women will just flash her a little bit now and then when they’re teasing the men. And if she returns the favor, then, well, you can get us all skinny dipping and we’ll go from there.”

“Fine,” said Mandy. “We’ll see you tonight.”

At 6:45 Kelly stepped out of the bathroom. She was nervous. She thought back to the afternoon’s conversation with Mandy, and about sitting out that afternoon, practically naked. Kelly pulled a pair of pale blue cotton bikini panties out of the drawer and slipped into them, and then picked up the sundress she had laid out earlier. It was pale blue as well, with white and yellow daisies embroidered here and there on it. Kelly thought for a minute about putting on a bra, but decided against it, since the dress held her up pretty well anyway. She slipped the dress over her head and pulled it down over her hips. Then she reached in through the neckline and adjusted her breasts so they were comfortable. Kelly bent over and picked up the sandals that were on the floor next to the chair and slipped them on her feet. A quick look in the mirror to make sure everything was ok, and then she was out the door.

Ten minutes later she walked up to Mandy’s door and rang the bell.

Mandy answered the door a moment later, wearing only a bathrobe.

“Come on in,” she said to Kelly.

“Oh, geez, I’m sorry,” said Kelly. “I thought you said seven. I’m obviously early. You’re still getting ready. I’ll just walk around the block and come back later.”

“Nonsense,” said Mandy. “You’re right on time. Come in. You can help me finish up.”

Kelly thought the invitation to help Mandy “finish up” was a little odd, but she followed her friend into the bedroom.

“I always think it helps if I get in the mood before I go out,” said Mandy, slipping out of her robe and lying down on the bed. I was just about there when you rang the bell.”

“What do you mean?” asked Kelly, staring at her friend. Mandy was totally naked.

“I mean I like to be in the mood,” said Kelly, picking up a vibrator from where it lay on the bed and switching it on. “And I want to be in the mood for what we’re going to do tonight. So just sit back and watch while I finish up, or you can join me if you want.”

Kelly was a little shocked. She thought of Mandy as a fairly close friend, and she’d never seen this side of her. She didn’t know quite what to do, so she sat down in a chair facing the bed.

Mandy was gently rubbing the vibrator around her breasts. Kelly watched as her friends nipples hardened. Why was she doing this? Why would Mandy want to masturbate in front of her?

Mandy moved the vibrator down to her crotch. With one hand, she spread her labia apart. With the other, she positioned the vibrator between them, gently moving it up and down the length of her slit. Kelly noticed that, while there was a patch of neatly trimmed hair on Mandy’s mons, the labia had been shaved clean. She also noticed that she was becoming aroused as she watched her friend stimulate herself.

Mandy began to gently moan. She focused the vibrator on her clitoris now. Kelly watched as her friend became more and more aroused, a flush covering her chest, her legs clamping closed around the hand that held the vibrator. Mandy trembled as the pleasure washed through her. Kelly noticed her own nipples were hard and beginning to ache.

A minute later Mandy sat up. “Ok, that’s got me in the mood. I’ll be right back.” She got off the bed and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later she was back, still naked.

“What was that all about?” asked Kelly. She couldn’t figure out why her friend had masturbated openly in front of her, and then stopped just before it looked like she was going to orgasm. Kelly glanced at her friend. Mandy’s nipples were still hard and erect, and her genitals were still clearly aroused – the inner labia gaping open, the outer labia puffy and engorged.

“I told you, I wanted to get in the mood for tonight. And you watching me has definitely got me in the mood.”

“But in the mood for what?”

“Think about it. By the way, are you wearing panties?” Mandy sefaköy escort asked.

“Of course I am,” said Kelly. “What kind of a question is that?”

“Give them to me,” Mandy demanded.


“Give them to me. Tonight we’re going to solve your little shyness problem. I can tell you don’t have a bra on under that sundress, that’s good, but give me your panties, too.”

“Mandyyyy…” Kelly whined.

“Now,” her friend demanded. “You did the thing with the bathing suit, you watched me masturbate, now you’re going to do a little more. Give me your panties.”

Reluctantly, Kelly slipped her panties over her hips and stepped out of them. She handed them to Mandy. Mandy threw them on the bed.

“Good. I promise, you’re going to have fun.”

“I don’t know about that,” said Kelly. She was nervous about what would happen.

Mandy pulled a pink sundress over her head and slipped into a pair of sandals. Quickly, she brushed her hair and touched up her lipstick. “Let’s go,” she said.

Mandy led Kelly out of the house and down the street. “We’re going over to the Johnson’s,” she said. “There’s a little party tonight. I think you can figure out what kind of a party. Just a few things:Rule one is, be discreet.”

“What do you mean, be discreet?” Kelly asked.

“Well, I think you’ll understand. Just be discreet. This group is pretty private, and very conservative about what gets said about these little get-togethers.”

“Fine.” Kelly was put out. Mandy was being strange – the bet, the masturbating, taking her panties – it was all a little much. And now, Kelly was pretty sure, they were headed for some kind of an orgy.

“There are a few other rules. No means no. If someone tells you no, stop doing what you’re doing, or don’t start. If you really get uncomfortable with something, just say lemon.”


“Lemon. It’s something we all agreed on. If someone says lemon, everything stops and we change the subject.”

“And one last rule – have fun. Remember what it was like at the pool today. Remember those feelings. I think you might be able to get them back tonight – and maybe do something more.”

“Mandy, what is this all about?”

“Just wait. You’ll see. Follow my lead, or Geri’s, for that matter. Anyway, we’re here.” They had arrived at the Johnson’s.

The Johnson’s owned one of the larger houses in the neighborhood. A large brick colonial, its backyard was surrounded by a tall stockade fence. Kelly had always assumed it was because of the pool. She took a deep breath and wondered what she had gotten herself into.

Geri greeted them at the door.

“Mandy, thanks for coming. And you must be Kelly. Please, come in. You run that temp agency, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do,” Kelly replied.

“We’re all out here in the back. Come on through.”

Kelly looked a little more carefully at Geri. She was wearing a sheer black blouse. So sheer, in fact, that you could clearly see, held up by a demi-bra, her full breasts with their nipples fully exposed. “Oh well,” Kelly thought, “It’ll at least be a new experience.”

The guests were gathered around the pool, mostly conversing in small groups. Kelly noticed that Geri was not the only woman wearing a sheer blouse.

After Geri had introduced her to the various guests, and gotten her a drink, Kelly and Mandy sat down with Brad and Suzy Morgan and Keith Johnson. Suzy and Keith were animatedly discussing the antics of the local mayor. When Suzy leaned forward to make a point, her blouse fell open. Kelly could clearly see a soft round breast and its hard pink nipple. She also noticed that Keith was staring down Suzy’s blouse.

Mandy joined in the discussion. “He’s just a typical politician. He’s up for re-election soon and he needed a contribution. So what if that contracting company made a donation just before they awarded the road paving contract? That’s the way that game is played.” She leaned back in her chair, uncrossing her legs. Keith got a clear look at Mandy’s still-reddened labia, as did everyone else in the group.

About 45 minutes later, after Kelly had mingled with several groups, and seen at least one woman in each of the groups obviously but apparently innocently display herself to the others, Kelly found herself alone at the bar with Mandy.

“Ok friend,” Kelly said. “I see the game. The women are all flashing. I haven’t seen so many breasts and vulvas since I was in the locker room in high school.”

“Well, first, in this group anyway, tits and pussy,” said Mandy. “But just in this group and just at these parties. And cocks and balls and whatever other dirty names you can think of.”

“So, I should be flashing?”

“Definitely,” Mandy said firmly. “Show it off. And when it gets dark in a little while, be ready for more. Just follow my lead. I promise you’ll have a good time.”

“Ok,” said Kelly, a bit warily. “I’ll join in. But lemon is the word, right?”

“Yes,” Mandy replied. “Lemon is the word. But don’t use it unless you’re really uncomfortable. Push yourself a little. It’s more fun that way.”


Kelly and Mandy rejoined the party. Kelly sat on a lounge and leaned back against its sloping back. She pulled her knees up in front of her and wrapped her arms around them. Her skirt pulled up to the top of her thighs. She felt exposed, but knew her legs blocked any view of her privates.

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