My First Reel Porno


Jasmine gives her boyfriend the boot after she finds out he posted a secretly recorded video to an amateur porn site. Embarrassed, ashamed, and short the rent, she decides that if her video is going to be out there, she might as well get paid for it. With a little help from her friends, she connects with a reality porn producer and… well; she makes the rent! And then some.

This story is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. All characters are adults, eighteen or older, and unusually horny.

Taylor VanCannon.


I sat hunched over a cup of steaming coffee, enjoying my private pity party in a quiet corner of the student lounge.


I looked up to see Frida and Joan approaching my table.

“Problems?” Frida asked. Her furrowed brow conveyed genuine concern.

I tried my best to smile. It didn’t work. Normally, Frida’s bubbly personality cheered me up, but not today. “Sorry, this day is not off to a good start.”

“What happened?”

“I had to kick Kyle out of the apartment this morning, and now I’m short the full rent for next month.” I’d dumped him several months ago, but worked out an arrangement for him to sleep on the couch and continue to pay his half of the rent. Bad idea.


“It’s a long story. But, the short version is that he posted one of our videos when I wouldn’t take him back, on one of those revenge porn sites.”

“Get out of here!” Frida exclaimed, “What possessed you make a video in the first place?”

“I didn’t, I mean, he secretly taped me without telling me about it.” She paused, thinking about what she had just said. “Well… I guess after the first time, it wasn’t so secret.”

“You knew about it?”

“Can’t you just let it go? I mean, it’s hard enough putting this behind me when anybody can see it.”

“So,” Joan asked, “who are you seeing now?”

“Shit! I’m so gun shy about that video, I haven’t found–“

“Jasmine!” Frida exclaimed, raising her voice. “Don’t tell me you’re still seeing Kyle.” Her short hair was jet black with thick curls that bounced when she shook her head, disgusted with me.

I shrugged my shoulders. It had been a moment of weakness, after he fixed a nice dinner and we drank a bottle of wine. I know I shouldn’t have done it, but… he was such a good fuck… and it had been a long dry spell. “What can I say, I was horny, and he was right there?”

“I thought you were over him,” Frida said.

“I know, I know, it was a stupid thing to do. It was just one time, I swear.”

“So,” Joan asked, “has anybody seen it? I mean… you know, said anything to you about it.” She was a very petite Asian woman with sympathetic eyes. Her long straight hair flowed softly over her shoulders.

“Yeah,” I said, disgusted, “his friends know about it, and who knows how many people they told. He did it with his cell phone, and the damn HD quality is fantastic. There’s no hiding the fact that it is me.”

“What a rat,” Frida said, “can you find another roommate?”

“I don’t know. Most students are away for the summer, so it’s unlikely I’ll find someone in time to make the rent. Besides, it’s just a one bedroom, and I don’t really want to share it with a roommate.”

“Can you get extra shifts at the hotel?” Joan asked.

The tips were good in the hotel lounge, serving drinks to out-of-town businessmen. That and student loans kept me afloat. “I picked up one extra shift, but that was all I could get. Besides, I’ve got classes this summer and I’m just barely keeping up.” My hotel management major was intense, and I still had at least two years to get my degree.

“Well,” Frida said, “if you lose your place you can crash with us until you get back on your feet.” They shared an apartment, just off campus.

“Thanks, but I need to keep my place. I don’t want to lose my security deposit, plus, I’ll have my landlord all over me for not giving notice.”

“How about writing?” Joan said. “People are always looking for someone to write their term papers.”

“Yeah, that crossed my mind. I’ve done it before, but just for friends. Too bad it’s the wrong time of the school year.”

“You remember Cindy…” Frida said, turning to Joan, “what was her last name?”

“The one that did the porn video?” Joan asked, “I think it was Harley, yeah, that’s it, Cindy Harley.”

“Oh, no!” I said. “One sex video is enough for me.”

“It was just a suggestion,” Frida said, “since you’re already out there. I’ll bet Kyle got paid for your video.”

“No fucking way!” I said, suddenly unsure of myself, “Can he do that?”

“Not legally,” Frida said, “but who will stop him. You’d have to get a lawyer, and that would be big bucks up front.”

“Fuck!” I said, resigned to my fate. “So, what did Cindy do?”

“I’m not sure,” Frida said, turning to Joan, “what did she tell you?”

Joan said, “She did a reality porn shoot, but it didn’t go very well. She was supposed to make $2,000, but she got cold feet and gaziantep escort bayan quit halfway through. She came away with $500, I mean, for what she did before she walked out.”

“Mmmm,” I said, “$500 would get me through next month. Did she say what she had to do?”

“Yeah,” Joan continued, “this guy, I think his name is Derrick, sets up this casting couch scenario where he gets girls to think he will get them work in the adult film industry. But it is just a ruse, you know, to have sex with them.”

“So, it’s all fake?” I asked. “Like acting?”

“Totally fake,” Joan replied, “but, it’s not really acting. You just have to be yourself.”

“But I still have to have sex with the guy while somebody films it, right?”

“Yeah,” Joan said, “he has a pay website where he posts the videos, you know, like the video he made with Cindy. But it’s just him; he does all the filming. I think he even had Cindy hold the camera for some shots.”

What a conundrum. It sounded like I could make some quick money doing a sex video with just one guy. I was just pissed enough learning that Kyle might have been paid, that I gave it serious consideration. “Text Cindy and see if she still has the guy’s number.”

Moments later, Frida’s phone displayed Cindy’s reply: Yeah I have it, who wants it?

Frida texted: Jasmine.

Cindy: Let’s meet, I should try to talk her out of it.

“How about tonight?” I asked. “My shift ends at ten.”

After exchanging a few more texts, Frida said, “Okay, ten o’clock it is, at your place. Do you want us to be there with you?”

“Yeah,” I replied.


I had just poured us a second round of white zin when Cindy knocked on the door.

“Come on in,” I said, opening the door, “I’m glad you could make it.”

Cindy gave me a hug and asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Well, no,” I said, hesitantly, “but I need the money, so I want to find out a little more. What was it like for you?”

“Awkward in the extreme,” Cindy said, “I just couldn’t get into it, and it shows on the finished video.”

“So, you actually made a video?” I asked, “Joan said you walked out.”

“I walked out…” Cindy said. “But… well… maybe I should just show it to you. It’s on his website.”

“So, he posted your video?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Cindy replied, “I had to agree to let him do it to get paid.”

“Okay, show me… us,” I said, a little too eagerly, passing her my laptop.

Cindy brought up the website, logged in, and selected her video. “It’s kind of short. They’re supposed to last about thirty minutes, but mine was less than fifteen.” She clicked play, and they crowded around the small laptop.

“Can you put it up on the big screen?” Cindy asked.

“Sure,” I said. A few clicks later, and Cindy’s video streamed to the fifty inch HDTV. I handed her the remote control.

“Ready?” She clicked play.

Cindy walked into a spartan office and introduced herself to Derrick. He invited her to sit down on a tan leather couch, and then took a seat behind the desk, facing her. There were several cameras on various size tripods, along with a handheld camera sitting on the desk. Derrick went through his spiel about being a casting agent who could find lucrative work for her in the adult film industry. When Cindy asked how much, he talked about traveling to exotic locations for shooting and getting paid thousands of dollars.

“Just so you know,” Cindy said, “this is all scripted ahead of time.”

“So, you know what’s coming?” I asked.

“Yes, but he directed me to appear skeptical, you know, make him have to convince me I could make big money,” Cindy replied.

Derrick conducted an interview, asking about her background, delving into her personal life and getting her to divulge details of her sex life. This went on for several minutes, with Cindy getting more uncomfortable with each question. It was clear she was making up answers and sometimes got confused when she contradicted herself.

“How much longer does this go on?” I asked.

“The interview is almost over, and then I had to strip,” Cindy said. She stood in front of the desk, looking into the camera. “He convinces me that the so-called producers want to see me naked before they can cast me in any movies.”

The quality of the video surprised me. You could see every freckle on her fair skin, and her blue eyes were bright and sparkling. Her long flaxen hair hung straight down to her lower back; two small pigtails tied with colorful baby blue bands gave her a youthful appearance. Her large breasts strained against a tight halter. Her hard nipples poked the thin fabric, and her low-cut jeans showed off her tight abs.

He directed her to strip, slowly, taking off one item at a time. When she was down to her black lacy bra and panties, he had her turn and look back over her shoulder, directly into the camera. She had a great body, and it looked sexy in the video.

When the bra came off, he had her approach the desk so he could squeeze her tits, roughly, with no tenderness. Like he was checking to make sure they were real. He guessed at her bra size, incorrectly, and Cindy nervously corrected him. He tried to make a joke of it, but it fell flat.

Next he had her turn away from him, bend over and slide her panties down, exposing her ass to the camera. After she kicked them away, he asked her to bend back down and spread her cheeks. As the camera zoomed in, the computer screen filled with a tight shot of Cindy’s rosy pink asshole and waxed pussy lips.

I took the remote from Cindy and pressed pause.

Cindy turned beet red as Frida and Joan both giggled.

I just stared at the big screen, unsure what to say.

Finally, Frida said, “I guess it’s obvious what Derrick wants.”

“Duh, Hindster Productions!” That got a laugh. Cindy was over her embarrassment. “He even put it in the fucking contract.”

I looked at Cindy and asked, “What’s in the contract?”

“If you want the full $2,000,” Cindy said, “you have to take his cock up your ass… for a cream pie.”

“Holy fuck!” I said. “And you agreed to do that?”

“I signed the contract,” Cindy said, “but since either party could quit at any point, I figured that it wouldn’t get that far. He had each scene priced out and I figured I would stop at the $500 mark.”

“Oh,” I said, turning back to the screen. Cindy was back on the couch, her legs spread wide, massaging her pussy. She alternated between her clit and her cunt, sliding two fingers deep inside herself. At one point, she brought her fingers to her mouth and tasted them.

Derrick asked her how she tasted.

She smiled, licking her lips, and then offered her fingers to Derrick.

Cindy laughed, “At least I liked this part.”

Derrick’s head was between her legs, licking her pussy while Cindy held the camera, getting a closeup of his tongue flicking her clit.

“Did he get you off?” I asked.

“Not really,” Cindy said. “He was such a sleaze-ball: I just couldn’t get turned on.”

She was on her knees now, pulling down his pants and taking his limp cock into her mouth. He used two cameras, one handheld looking down on her face, and the other on a tripod, getting a closeup from the side. The images cut back and forth as she sucked him, struggling to get him off. It seemed to take forever, but she finally pulled it off and did a decent job of getting his cum shot on video. She made a half-hearted attempt to play with his cum before swallowing it; it wasn’t a convincing performance.

“This was as far as I would go with him,” Cindy said.

The video ended with Cindy and Derrick in a dispute about getting paid for the blow job. She spit at him and stomped out of the office.

“So, you didn’t get paid.” I said.

“No,” Cindy said, “we improvised that ending for the video and I got the $500. He was a real gentleman about it and understood why I didn’t want to continue. He labeled my video a walkout; some of his customers get off watching girls that can’t go through with it.”

“Fucking pervs,” Frida said.

“Maybe,” Cindy said, “but looking back, I didn’t handle if very well. I mean, I focused on Derrick and what I had to do with him. I should have given more thought to the cameras.”

“I don’t understand,” I said, “what is the difference?”

“Derrick’s not the type I would choose for a hookup, and I let that show. I should have thought of him as a prop, you know, like one of my dildos, and focused on turning on all the guys watching on their screens, you know… the guys jacking off, wishing they were in Derrick’s shoes. Does that make sense?”

“Kind of,” I said, “did you ever go back to try again.”

“I called him once,” Cindy said, “but he’d already posted my video and his clients loved it. He wasn’t interested in a re-make, so I let it drop.”

“What do you think Jasmine?” Joan asked. “Could you do it?”

“Maybe,” I said, grinning, “he’s not that bad looking, and I like what Cindy said about thinking of the guys jacking off while they watched me. I’d hook up with him for that.”

“Well,” Cindy said, “I’ve still got his number and I get a $200 referral fee if you go through with it. So, don’t expect me to talk you out of it.”

“Cool,” I said, “set it up.


I arrived a few minutes early for my 9 a.m. appointment with Derrick. I found Hindster Productions in the directory and headed up to the third floor. The door was ajar and Derrick was sitting at a desk in a small spartan office. The only other piece of furniture was the same tan leather couch in Cindy’s video.

“Hi,” I said, extending my hand, “I’m Jasmine, Cindy Harley made an appointment for me.”

He took my hand and gave me a warm greeting, then motioned for me to sit on the couch. It felt awkward as I sunk down into the soft leather, looking up at Derrick. He was better looking than I expected, especially after what little I saw of him in the video. He wore a crisp white shirt with grey slacks and had a professional look to him. His neatly cropped beard was more like stubble, and his bald head gave him a handsome appearance.

“Thanks for coming,” he said, “Cindy told me you were interested in getting into the adult film business.”

I gave him a wry smile, and said, “I’m sort of already in it, thanks to my ex.”

He gave me a quizzical look. “Oh? Cindy didn’t mention that. But that’s good; the second time is always easier.”

I didn’t mention that there was no first time, at least not that I knew of at the time. I needed the money, so I just said, “Yeah, it will.”

“Great,” he said, handing me a clipboard with several sheets of paper, “This is my standard contract, look it over and let me know if you have questions.”

It was pretty much what Cindy had described, starting with an interview, then stripping, masturbating, eating pussy, a blowjob, a straight fuck and then ending with an anal fuck. There were three ‘money shots’ spelled out, and each had to be done right the first time in order to continue on. I double checked the walkout clause and made sure that I could get $500 after a blowjob. He even spelled out that I had to swallow to get paid.

“What’s this bonus section?” I asked, “Cindy didn’t mention that.”

“It’s something new,” he said, “an additional incentive to complete the contract. You get $100 each time you get off.”

I gave him a skeptical look. “That’s easy to fake.”

“Not really,” he replied, “at least not for the camera. A real orgasm will produce some involuntary muscle contractions in your face and eyes. Those are harder to fake.”

“So, if I get off three times,” I asked, “that’s an extra $300.”

“Right,” he replied, “but only if you complete the contract, the full $2,000. But, I should warn you, getting off while being filmed is harder than you think, and I rarely pay for more than one orgasm. But, it’s something you can shoot for.”

The contract seemed so impersonal, like I was a piece of meat ready for inspection and grading. “I don’t know,” I said, “do all the girls sign this contract?”

“Yes,” Derrick replied, “it’s a binding agreement, including a release to use all the video as I see fit.”

“You mean for your website?” I asked.

“Well,” he replied carefully, fearful that I might head for the hills, “My website or any others that I can sell to. It’s how I make money, it’s how I can afford to pay you.”

“So, anybody can see it?”

“Listen Jasmine,” he said, “the only reason to do porn is so people will see it. So, yes, anybody that knows where to look will see it.”

He had a point. I sighed, it was now or never. I had seen enough of Cindy’s video to know what I had to do. “What happens after I sign?”

“I schedule a time to shoot your video,” Derrick said. “It takes about four hours to shoot, and I try to schedule it from 11am to 3pm, when I can use the natural light in this office. Also, I only shoot on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”

“How come?” I asked, realizing I knew the answer before the words were out of my mouth.

He laughed, “I’m not superman, and I need the time to recover to hold up my end of the contract. Besides, it usually takes a full day to edit the video down to 40 minutes.”

I giggled at his candor. I didn’t have that problem. But it raised a concern I had. “What happens if you can’t produce your money shots, do I still get paid.”

“Yes,” he said, coming over to the couch and pointing out a clause in the contract, “you’ll still get paid.”

“Okay,” I said, “today is Wednesday, when is your next opening?”

Derrick looked at the calendar on his phone and said, “Two weeks from this Friday, does that work for you?”

“Not really,” I said, “that will make me a week late on my rent.”

“Sorry,” he said, “it’s my first opening.”

I gave him my best fuck me look, along with a little pout, “I’ll have a $50 late fee to pay, any chance you can add that to my contract.”

It worked. He made a handwritten note on the contract and said, “Okay, an extra $50, but only if you complete the full contract.”

My initial thought was to get the $500 and run. But the more time I spent with Derrick, the more I warmed up to him, along with the potential for more money. I printed my name and date and then signed the contract.

“Great,” he said, looking over the signed contract. “I’ll text you a copy.”

“Thanks,” I said, “see you back here in two weeks.”

On the drive home, I thought about what Cindy had said about performing for the camera, not for Derrick. It was making sense, and with the additional financial incentives, I steeled myself for the possibility of completing the contract, including the anal sex. Fuck! It made me horny just thinking about it.

I was stuck in traffic, waiting for the light to change. I glanced around to see if anyone was watching, and then copped a quick feel of my breast, pinching my hard nipple. Mmmm, it felt so good and left me wanting more. The light changed and traffic started moving, but I kept my hand on my breast, gently massaging it without attracting attention.

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