Ashley- A Smoking Fairy Tale


This story is heavily based on Cinderella.

I have twisted the heel off the shoe and tried to fit it to a Smoking Fetish theme with a bit of weight gain!


The rain was beating down hard against the window, with the cold draft blowing under the miss-fitting rotten back door. When the wind gusted, the door rattled on the brass lock as if it was her chains. Mary Tremaine emptied yet another of her families’ large and overly full ashtrays into the bin, just as the wind yet again blew. Her timing was impeccable, blown ash splattered all over clothes, again…it seemed to happen this most mornings. Her stepsisters and mother had nicknamed her Ashley as to them, she never quite managed to clean their full ashtrays without covering herself in their disgusting ash.

It hadn’t always been this way, for several years after her mum died when she was just twelve her dad used to have a nice and friendly cleaner that came into the house three times a week. They were all ok for several years until everything changed. Five years later, her dad got remarried to a younger woman. The now new Lady Tremaine, she arrived and installed herself in the house with her own equally adult age daughters.

It was hard on Mary as she turned eighteen, having been alone all the time to suddenly have two very much larger than life and very annoying older “sisters” to appear.

Her dad had thought he was doing the right thing as he thought Mary needed a motherly figure in her life and as she was an only child. The idea of having some similar aged women around her would help her development.

For Mary everything then drastically changed for the worse on his passing a year later. The very first thing to change was that kind friendly cleaners got cancelled. Secondly, she was forcibly moved out of her large spacious bedroom and into one of the old servants’ rooms in the attic. Then the hardest emotional rollercoaster of them all she was told in no uncertain terms that she was lucky that she did not have to move out until she found a suitable husband

However, looking around at her current situation, sitting alone in the cold draughty kitchen cellar, she was highly unlikely to find one soon.

Her stepfamily would be down for breakfast in a minute, and she thought to herself that she really ought to get their morning soft boiled eggs and soldiers ready. She tucked her long blonde fringe behind her ears and whilst singing to herself started to get breakfast ready. She first washed her hand of the black soot. She could hear the creaks of the floorboards above her head, followed by hacking coughs and groans as the family started moving around upstairs getting ready to give her daily orders.

“Ashelyyyyy.” The call went out “Where the fucks have you put my lighter?” screamed Anna at the top of her voice, followed by a hacking cough that echoed down the wooden staircase “I need my morning cigarette now!” She continued to bellow.

Mary tutted as she tugged open the stiff wooden kitchen draw to see the emergency pack of Marlboro reds and the collection of several different colour lighters along with her father’s engraved gold engraved lighter. She smiled as picked up the gold lighter as it felt warm to touch as it ergonomically fitted the hand perfectly, her thumb opened the lid and briefly brought the flame to life. She stared at the dancing flame as she remembered sitting on her father’s lap as child after dinner helping him light his after-dinner cigar.

Mary nodded in appreciation as she closed the lid and the light disappeared and cold breeze brought her back to reality. She placed the lighter back in the draw and her finger moved over the collection until she picked out the cheap pink Bic lighter. Shock it and flicked it to check the flame and looking towards the stairs she politely called back “It will be where you left it for your bedtime cigarette?” Mary tutted and then with a deep breath and resigned shake of the head confidently made her way up the stairs with the all-important lighter securely fasted in the palm of her hand to ‘rescue’ her stepsister’s morning looming nicotine deficiency.

Chapter 2

Mary finally got up the stairs and as instructed knocked on what had been only twelve very long painful months ago her old bedroom door. “God’s sake Ash, what took you so long, enter now!” Anna shouted through the door and Mary pushed the polished brass handle and opened the door to the room.

In the last past year, the whole colour scheme of the room had been changed from subtle pink to garish red. Which looked awful in the large spacious room. The bed moved around to what would to her quietly clearly the wrong side of the room. For Mary, sadly it was quite clearly no longer ‘her room’. Anna was sat on the edge of the bed with her dark wavy brown hair scraped back into a messy ponytail, a dangled unlit cigarette in the corner of her lips above which was her very noticeable large brown mole with two long think large black hairs poking out of. She was just wearing her lace red tokat seks hikayeleri bra, and her bulging large bust was only just about contained within the cups. Her large bulging overstuffed belly rested on her equally fat thighs. Her light blue denim jeans were still down around her knees. It was obvious to Mary that she was desperately trying, and currently failing, to squeeze her extremely chubby size 16 hips into her old size 10-12 slimfit jeans. These jeans were infamous. The ones that she is for ever telling anyone who questioned her recent weight gain that she could still fit in.

As for most days along with her sister, she didn’t bother with many, if any, clothes as she sat on the sofa with a crate of beer and their pack of cigarettes, eating endless bowls of crisps or popcorn whilst watching telly until it was either time to eat a meal or sleep.

There was no pressure for any of them to work, as Lord Tremaine inheritance money still paid for everything. Their mum was for ever out from mid-morning at lunches all the way through to late evening at social events. Only then would she come home very late at night. The Tremaine house was on a small estate that the nearby farm rent continually brought in the money. All this was money that was meant to go to Mary.

Anna huffed snapping Mary from her thoughts “Ash, don’t gawk and my stunning beauty, get this cigarette lit and help me with these jeans, as I am going into town, I really need to wear them, they are my favourites!” She said tugging on the waist band a wave of fat wobbling across her stomach as she did, the underside of her belly flapping against the fabric. “And as soon as mother rises, we are all going out to see the beautician and then go shopping as we need new clothes, especially for the masked ball at the Charming’s this evening!”

Mary stood a few paces away staring at Anna as she pushed her hands down on the bed and as the springs creaked, with weary a groan and some effort she slowly stood up. Her podgy belly now over hanging the evident matching red lace underwear visible through the still wide-open jeans. Anna’s dark brown pubes were tantalisingly poking through the lace fabric. Mary stood there cocked her head to the side and contemplated with a smile that those jeans would have fitted Anna properly five years ago.

She loudly sniffed and momentarily enjoyed watching as Anna tried wiggle her bottom and try her best to pull her jeans up by herself and then tried again unsuccessfully sucking in her stomach. It was evident to both of them it was going to be an effort to try and get the button to reach the hole. Mary gently patted her own relatively flat stomach, which she put down to all the cleaning and work these women made her do and the meagre rations of food. It was obvious to Mary that Anna’s sedentary lifestyle was ensuring she was getting as large as equally fat and older sister Ella.

“Are we all going?” Mary asked breaking herself from watching the grunting and wiggling hips show.

“Well, the family were invited so mother, Ella and I are going to the ball, mother has spent all of the last evening been putting a good word in for me and Ella with the Charming’s for you, know… Henry!” Anna raised an eyebrow but nodded politely at this information wondering if Henry would see anything in either of her ugly stepsisters. “He is rather gorgeous!” She the beckons Mary forward.

“Oh” Mary finally acknowledged as she moved towards Anna lighter gripped in her hand, and with a nod of the head the lighter was flicked and Anna leant forward and with two deep pulls, the cigarette alight, and they were both bathed in the acrid smoke once Anna out of spite exhaled her first deep inhale all over Mary. “Do I get to go?” Mary asked.

Anna pulled on her cigarette, her cheeks collapsing deeply as she filled her lungs, “I doubt it!” she started to exhale “But we shall ask mother later but seeing as Ella and I are so much slimmer and prettier than you, I doubt there is little point in you going?” Continued again exhaling smoke all over Mary.

In quick burst of anger Mary roughly pushed Anna’s fat belly in “Try inhaling deeply on that cigarette again!” she suggested and as Anna cheeks dutifully collapsed on themselves as she pulled on her cigarette, her chest rose, and stomach was sucked in as Mary grunted as she helped push and then squeeze jeans around the waist as the button reached the hole and with a bit of a fiddle popped through and Anna groaned as released and her belly pushed hard against the fastening and with a helping hand flopped out over the jeans.

“Great I’m in, it’s amazing they still fit, knew they wood, oh is our breakfast ready now? I can’t have too much now I am squeezed in?” Anna smiled ironically before taking another draw on her cigarette. “Just the usual two eggs, two sausages, and don’t forget the extra bacon rashers for me” she informed.

“It will be once I get back down, the water is boiling for the eggs” Mary said being fully aware she wouldn’t have got a thank you.

“Excellent, I imagine Ella will be down shortly too”

Ella was the older stepsister and was even bigger than Anna, she always had four eggs for breakfast to Anna’s two. Her stepmother the “new” Lady Tremaine had just one egg. She wouldn’t expect her stepmother to appear for couple of hours due to her inviting herself to the Charming’s last night to help them prepare for the ball.

As she was about to leave the room, Anna bellowed again “Oi, Ashtray Ashley!” as the ash had grown long on her cigarette. Mary stopped, her shoulders slumped as she turned then scurried across the room to retrieve the full large ashtray beside Anna’s bed. She inhaled in the smoke coming from Anna’s cigarette reminding herself that she should also have cigarette break soon and put the ashtray in front of Anna, as she flicked the cigarette, she completely on purpose missed the ashtray and went all over the floor.

“Silly girl, couldn’t even get the ashtray in the right place, one day girl you will learn?” She laughed.

“Yes Anna, I will, and in the meantime, I will get the brush and pan and sort this mess out later” she replied politely.

“That is a good girl” Anna said drawing deeply on the cigarette and then with a large grin, flicking more ash to the floor, and as the ash drifted to the floor, Mary retreated backwards and as she got the door she heard further demands upon her time.

“Assssshleeeyyy, where is my morning coffee?” Bellowed Ella from the other end of the stone hallway followed by another deep hacking cough which reverberated down the hallway “it’s late”

“I am getting it ready for you now” she shouted back and put her long blonde hair in a ponytail to get it out of the way.

“I want it in bed, Mother said I could!” Ella screamed along the hallway.

“Is she 4 or 24?” Mary tutted to herself as headed down the hallway “You will have it when it is ready”.

Mary was looking forward to them all going out shopping for some quiet and me time, which later after breakfast on was ruined by her stepmother handing her an urgent list of cleaning jobs that needed including the cleaning of her stepsisters’ rooms, this all had to be done before they went out to the masked ball.

Chapter 3

With that the door slammed by her departing family which had left her sitting in the empty kitchen with a cold ham sandwich for lunch as they went off in the taxi to town. Mary flicked the kettle on wiped a tear from her eye and opened the draw and took out her dads lighter and the emergency cigarette pack, pulled out the cylinder and placed the filter between her lips and lifted the lid of the lighter the landline telephone rang, and she replaced the cigarette in the pack and went off to talk to the Microsoft call centre regarding the urgent internet problem that the computer they don’t own.

With the phone slammed down, she then set about methodically and slowly going through the house, with the vacuum and polish tidying and cleaning the rooms.

Enjoying the quiet whilst actually getting the house cleaned again before the barking tribe returned.


At three pm the large wooden front door banged open, slamming against the wall and the three women came laughing and giggling back in through the front door. They were in high spirits. They had clearly been to the pub for lunch, as well as the hairdressers, and the shops. All three were carrying several bags of new clothes. They dithered for a second at the bottom of the stairs before it dawned on the collective that they urgently needed to get ready, they were halfway there as they had all been to get their eyebrows, nails and hair done prior to this evening’s extravagance.

“Ash!” Lady Tremaine boomed “Would have thought you would have done the floor already, take our bags from us, and you have missed a spot on the floor over there” she grizzled as they came through to the kitchen, “I really think it all needs to be done again, we would do it, but we need to get ready, but as you are not going out, you ” she said as placed her bags in Mary’s arms as she climbed off her hands and knees, once she was holding the bags Lady Tremaine flicked the long ash from her cigarette on to what was a clean glistening floor.

“Yes Lady, will do that right away for you”

“Good, are the bedrooms cleaned Ash?” she asked flicking more of her cigarette ash on to the floor.

“Yes mother” she nodded as she dutifully replied.

Lady Tremaine nodded “Excellent, come on girls lets go and get ready for the party!” she said nodding in the direction of Ella and Anna to go up the stairs; they were busy smirking and smoking in the hallway.

Mary took a deep breath and leaned forwards “Sorry Lady to interrupt, is there any chance I come with you tonight? Seeing as we were all invited?”

Lady Tremaine scoffed a degrading laugh, “I don’t think you are really presentable state to meet the Charming’s like this are you?” she said with an exaggerated dismissive arm wave at Mary throwing further ash from the cigarette all over the floor “Plus what would you wear?” She rolled her eyes dismissively cackled before tilting her head back and inhaling deeply on her cigarette, and forcefully exhaling smoke down at Mary as she wobbled in her bright red 4″ high heels.


With her stepmother and sisters busy giggling stomping around in their rooms getting ready, Mary got on her hands and knees and set up about again sweeping up the ash from the floor and after dumping it in the bin, then headed up the long almost endless staircase to her “new improved” room in the attic.

As the old floorboards creaked as she slowly made her way up the long steep bare wood winding staircase. She opened her door of what would hundreds of years ago have been used to be a servant’s bedroom. She drew back the curtains on her small, tiny window to give some light to her small dark and dingy room attic room and then with great effort opened the window for some fresh air. She turned around and opened her wardrobe and pulled out an old red dress her mother used to wear to parties.

Her heart sunk “Oh hell” Mary said to herself as she pulled the dress out of the wardrobe, it was covered in tiny moth holes. “This will never do; they will never let me go to the ball.” She sighed as she put it back, then curled up on the edge of the bed and cried. After a while she composed herself enough to pull open the bedside cabinet draw. She picked up her own cigarette pack and lighter. She pulled the cylinder out and put the filter in her lips.

“Assshhhhhhhley, where are my shoes, I’ve bet you’ve stolen them!” bellowed Ella from her room. Her voice echoing up the whitewashed walls.

Mary sighed and her shoulders dropped, she slid the white cylinder back into the pack and returned it and lighter to the draw and pushed it firmly closed with the end of her fingers, she levered herself off the bed shouting dejectedly “On my way!” as she opened her door and trudged heavy-footed back down the stairs trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.

She knocked on the door, “Its open!” Ella crossly shouted through the door. Mary pushed open the door to see her very large stepsister Ella sitting at her dressing table in the corner of her room in her mismatching, ill-fitting underwear doing her make up whilst dangling her ever present cigarette.

“Which shoes have you lost Ella?” Mary asked

Ella paused applying her foundation and looked in the mirror back at Mary, “My silver glassy looking ones” she informed “they were under the bed here” she pointed using the handle of her blusher as she drew on her cigarette.

“As I have said before, there is no point me stealing them, my size sixes are far too small for your much larger eights Ella”

“Oh, but where have they gone, they are not here?”

Mary pulled up her plain blue dress above the knees and sighed as she kneeled down and peered under the bed, coughing as she pulled out the dusty pair of shoes “These ones?” she asked offering a pair of silvery almost glass looking high heels to Ella.

Surprize crossed Ella’s face “Where did you find them, I couldn’t see them anywhere, you brought them in with you? You did, didn’t you?” Ella said before a furious inhaling on her cigarette with which she almost smiled as she exhaled.

“No, I didn’t I found them exactly where you said they would be, you just didn’t look very hard! …or at all?” Mary muttered as she got up off her knees dusting them off with her hands, and then turned to head for the door, as Ella scowled at Mary’s back. Acknowledging she couldn’t be arsed to get on the floor to look. She manicured her cigarette in the ashtray and dangled it so she could focus on covering up her spotty face with more foundation.

Mary walked down the hallway and knocked on her Stepmother’s oak door. “It’s open” so Mary turned the large brass handle and opened the door.

“Erm, hello Mother, do you have a dress and mask that I could borrow to come with you this evening?”

“Certainly not, I think you are little too large for my dresses anyway!” she said dismissively, even though it was obvious to Mary that she was smaller than her stepmother.

“Oh, are you sure?”

“Quite sure!”

“Oh, ok, I guess I will leave you be, have a great evening of drinking and dancing?” Mary said dejectedly, turning on her heels and heading back downstairs.

“We will yes, thank you!” Lady Tremaine called out as the door slowly slammed shut.

Chapter 4

After much stress, getting bags, cigarettes, lighters, and girls out the door, it finally banged shut. The whole house momentarily rattled before it fell silent leaving Mary Tremaine on her own in the big old house, as her departing family headed off in the taxi to the biggest and most important social event of the decade.

Whilst Mary was sitting in the kitchen with a reeking mop head for her dance partner for the evening. She flicked the kettle on, wiped a tear from her eye and opened the draw and again took out her dads lighter and the emergency cigarette pack, pulled out the cylinder and placed the filter to her lips, opened her father’s lighter as the flame was about to reach the end of the cigarette the doorbell rang.

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