Deliciously Dominated Ch. 03


Chapter Three

Riley Jacobs

Somehow, word had gotten around about not only my sexual prowess, but my well-endowment as well. So much so that ‘that kinky little slut’ Riley Jacobs had approached me one day while I was in the library studying for finals.

“So,” she said, coming up to my table with her arms crossed over her small breasts. “I heard you got a big cock.”

I looked up at her from the book I was studying. She cocked an eyebrow as if to say, [Well?]. I slowly closed the book and leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms. “Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t,” I answered with a smirk. “Either way, that’s for me to know and you to find out.”

She raised her eyebrows a fraction of an inch. “I want,” she said simply.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” I asked, leaning forward and folding my hands together on the table.

“Is that a deal-breaker?” she asked in return.

I nodded. “Absolutely,” I answered. “I don’t fuck sluts with attachments.”

Her eyebrows rose another fraction of an inch. “Says the guy with a girlfriend.” She smirked. “Maybe I don’t want to fuck,” she said. “Maybe I just want to see it.”

I leaned back again and cupped my right elbow with my left hand across my chest. I placed my right index finger across my lips and hmmm’d in contemplation. I looked at her with her strawberry-blonde hair pulled out into matching pigtails from the sides of her head. I could just see the roots of her hair were burnt orange and her eyebrows matched the roots of her hair. She had dark blue eyes and a round face with high cheek bones. She had on her cheerleading outfit and god damn if it didn’t look good on her.

“Tell you what,” I said as I crossed my arms across my chest. “You tell me how you think you know I have a big cock, in detail, and I’ll let you see it.” I smiled and winked playfully at her.

Now she looked genuinely surprised. “Are you making fun of me?” she asked, getting defensive.

I frowned slightly. “No,” I said. “I don’t lie to, or make fun of, beautiful women even if they are sluts.”

She blushed, whether in embarrassment or anger, I didn’t know. The ball was in her court now, though. She took a minute to think about it. I just kept smiling up at her. I thought my smile was of genuine playfulness, but I guess she thought I was mocking her. Oh, well. I didn’t care. She’d either go along with my request or not. “Fine,” she said and pulled out her phone. My eyes went wide. She had pulled up her skirt and pulled her phone out from the front of her panties.

“Damn, that’s hot!” I said, grinning. “Who are you calling?” I asked, intrigued.

“My ex-boyfriend,” she answered with a smirk.

“Oh, good,” I said lightheartedly and leaned forward on the table again. “Put him on speaker.”

She shrugged as the phone rang, placing it on the table. “Hello?” a man answered. His breathing was labored and there were distinct sounds of bodies slapping together and a female moaning.

“Jesus Christ, Jason, who are you fucking this time?” Riley asked.

“I’ll tell you later, babe,” Jason answered. “What’s up?”

“I think we should break up,” she said, almost nonchalant.

All movement ceased on the other end of the phone. There was slight rustling and the woman on the other end of the line very clearly said, “Why did you stop? I was almost there!”

“Any particular reason why?” Jason asked, ignoring the girl he had been fucking. He sounded like he didn’t care.

“Well, for one,” Riley began. “I honestly don’t see this going anywhere.”

“Yeah,” Jason said. “I kinda got that vibe as well.”

“And, for two, there’s this guy I kinda might wanna fuck,” she told him, winking at me. “But he’s kinda hung up on the idea that I’m dating someone, even though he’s dating someone.” She looked at me with a knowing smirk and a cocked eyebrow again. I just shrugged, effectively letting her know that I wouldn’t budge. Besides, this was kind of fun.

“Sounds like a douchebag,” he said, laughing.

“You’re one to talk,” she said, laughing in return. “You answered the phone while balls deep in some other ho.”

His laughter died abruptly. “Well, fine,” he said, sounding angry. “If that’s the way it’s going to be, then fuck you, bitch!” he said, then hung up.

Riley looked at me with a self-satisfied smile. “Now,” she purred. “How about that cock?”

I grinned at her. “That wasn’t the deal I offered,” I purred right back.

She blinked. “Uh, you just said me having a boyfriend was a deal-breaker,” she said, confused.

“I also said,” I told her. “that I wanted to hear how you found out I may or may not have a big cock. In detail. Only then will I let you see it.”

“Oh,” she said, nibbling thoughtfully on her finger and batting her eyelashes at me. “You did say that, didn’t you?”

I nodded. “I did.”

“Okay,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Let’s go-“

“Nope,” I cut her off. “Right here.” I pointed at the table with my index finger to emphasize my point.

Her eyes went trabzon seks hikayeleri wide. “H-here!?” she stammered, looking around.

“What?” I asked motioning around the room. “The library’s empty. There’s no one around. You sit, tell me what I want to know, and then you get to see my cock. From what I hear about you, that shouldn’t faze you in the slightest.” I smirked at her again.

She nibbled on her bottom lip in thought. “Normally it wouldn’t,” she agreed. “But this is different.”

It was my turn to cock an eyebrow in confusion. “How so?” I asked.

“Well, I do my work-study here,” she answered. “I try to keep my work and personal life separate.”

“I can see how that makes sense,” I told her. “But still, those are the terms. If, after this, you want to continue anything further, we can go someplace else. But for now,” I shrugged and motioned to the chair across from me.

She sat down and relaxed. “So,” she began. “I don’t really…” she trailed off. “I mean, what happened was…” She looked thoroughly confused.

“Why don’t you just start at the beginning?” I said with a smile of encouragement.

“The beginning,” she said thoughtfully. “I guess it starts with the slumber party.”

“You still have slumber parties?” I asked with my eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Well, we call them lingerie parties, but, yeah,” she said.

“Hmm,” I pondered. “Lingerie parties, huh? And what exactly goes on at these lingerie parties?” I asked.

She shrugged. “You wanna know about that or how I found out about your cock?” she asked with a devilish smile.

“Touché,” I said. “Please continue.”

“Well, as I said,” she began, “we were at the party and Jessica O’Toole had a little too much to drink, so she went to sleep in my bed.” My ears perked up at my slave girl’s name but I betrayed no emotion. “After the party wound down, no way was I going to sleep anywhere but my bed, so I got naked and climbed in bed with Jessica.” I cocked and eyebrow at this. “She immediately started snuggling into me, her head on my shoulder and her leg on top of mine. I realized only then that she was naked as well! I thought it was weird but just shrugged it off as a drunken afterthought.”

“Anyway, I was just about asleep when I heard her mumbling something. I opened my eyes to look at her and she was mumbling in her sleep. Then, her hips started gyrating on my leg and I could feel how wet she was!”

I mock gasped. “What did you do?” I asked.

“I just went with it,” she told me, shrugging and not blushing in the slightest. “I started softly talking to her and eventually, her mumbles turned into coherent speech.”

“What was she saying?” I asked eagerly, heart hammering in my chest.

“‘Oh, Daddy.’ and ‘Yes, Daddy.’,” she said. “Mostly that but once, she muttered something that brought me fully awake.” She paused for full effect and I pretended to be insanely curious as I slid my ass to the edge of the seat. “She said, and I quote, ‘Daddy, please fuck your little slave girl until she can’t see straight.’ My eyes went wide when I heard that, so I started asking her questions. Did you know that you can have a conversation with a sleep-talker and most of the time they’ll answer any questions you have?”

I shook my head. I did not know that, but it was good information to have. “What did you ask her?” I said.

“The usual small talk questions at first,” she told me. “Once I knew she was going to answer anything I asked, I started with the questions I wanted to know. My first question was ‘How big is your Daddy’s cock?'”

I blinked at her. “That’s what you led with?” I asked incredulously. “Not ‘What’s your Daddy’s name?’ or ‘Who’s your Daddy?'”

She shrugged. “Cliche, but I do have priorities, you know,” she said and winked. “She didn’t give me an exact size but said it was huge. So I asked her if it fit in her mouth and she said ‘barely’. Well now I was really curious, and a little turned on, so I asked her to describe her dream. I didn’t think she was going to, but she did! She started describing how he tied her up and she couldn’t move. She told me she was being a little bitch so he gagged her then fucked her thighs without touching her pussy as punishment.”

[Holy shit!] I had thought. She was describing our session from Thanksgiving! “Wow!” I said. “That sounds fucking hot!”

“I know, right?” she exclaimed, then remembered where she was and lowered her voice. “Then she said her sister shaved her pussy bald and she came twice just from that! I was floored! The thought made me so horny I started masturbating. I mean, who has an orgasm from having their pussy shaved!?”

“Holy shit,” I said. “That’s insane!”

“I KNOW!” she whispered loudly. “Then I thought about something. She hadn’t mentioned him cumming, yet, so I asked her about it. You’re not gonna believe what she told me.” She was shaking her head in disbelief.

“What!?” I asked, in mock exasperation.

“She moaned and I thought she was having a mini-orgasm in her sleep. Then she said he only cums when he wants to,” she told me. “She said he can hold off his orgasm for as long as he wants.”

“Fucking A, really!?” I asked.

“Who the fuck is this guy!?” she asked me, looking incredulous. I thought I caught a hint of longing in that question as well.

“Continue the story,” I prodded her without answering. Her question was more rhetorical anyway.

“Yeah, so, anyway, I continue masturbating as she tells me the rest of her dream and by the time she was done, my pussy was soaked,” she informed me.

My cock was definitely responding to that. “Did you orgasm?” I asked.

She nodded. “It wasn’t a big one,” she said, shrugging. “But it was enough, at the time.”

“What did you do next?” I asked.

She shrugged again, nonchalantly. “What any red-blooded American slut would do. I ate her out.” She grinned.

My eyes went wide. “Whoa,” I said, in awe. “But wait, you never found out who her Daddy is?”

She shook her head. “Nope,” she answered.

I looked confused as I leaned back in my chair and put my hands up, palms out. “Okay, you’re gonna have to help me understand, then, how you think I have a big cock,” I told her.

“Because,” she said, and her grin turned absolutely malicious, “when I was eating her out, just before she came and woke up, she called out your name,” she said with a triumphant smile. “‘Oh, Kaden!'” she said, mimicking an orgasming Jessica.

My jaw hit the floor. Well, not literally, but you get the idea. Jessica never called me by my name in any of our sessions. I was gonna have to have a talk with her about that. For now, however, I’d have to figure out what to do about Riley. “She called out my name?” I asked, incredulously as I pointed to my chest. “Are you sure? It could have been Hayden, or Gayden, oh or even Raiden! Never know, she might have a Mortal Kombat fetish.” I was grinning at my joke.

She was shaking her head the whole time I talked. “No doubt,” she answered. “She specifically said Kaden, and since you’re the only Kaden I know in the whole school…” she trailed off motioning to me.

“Okay,” I told her. “Let’s say you’re right. Why me? She’s always hated me. Hell, she goes out of her way to make fun of me when we pass each other on campus.”

“Who knows?” Riley said, shrugging again. “Maybe she fantasizes about fucking the shrimp for some reason. Maybe in this dream she had, you were her fantasy Daddy.”

I thought about it for a minute before coming to a decision. “Welp,” I said, clapping my hands and rubbing them together. “A deal is a deal, I guess. Crawl on under here,” I motioned at the table, “and get a load of my package.”

“Crawl?” she asked, confused.

“You didn’t think I was just gonna stand up and whip it out, did you?” I asked. “Right in the open like this?” I motioned around the empty library. “I don’t want to go to jail for indecent exposure.”

“B-but,” she stammered. “You said…”

It was my turn for a malicious grin. “Right here,” I said, pointing at the table again with my index finger. “That was the deal.”

Her eyes went wide. “I’ve been played at my own game,” she said finally, grinning as she knelt down. I smiled questioningly at her. “You thought I wasn’t going to do it, didn’t you?” she asked.

“I mean,” I began with a smile and a wink. “I knew you were a kinky little slut. I just wasn’t sure how kinky.”

She started crawling towards me under the table. “Never underestimate how kinky, or slutty, I can be,” she said. I felt her hands grab the waistband of my sweatpants and tug softly, so I raised my hips and let her tug them down. I heard her gasp softly as my fully erect cock sprang out of the waistband. “Oh, Daddy,” I heard her whisper. “You are him!”

My cock twitched as I felt her breath on it when she talked. She must have been really close. I moaned softly as my mouth went dry. “I am,” I said.

“Can I touch it, Daddy?” she asked. I heard the humor in her voice when she called me Daddy.

“Babygirl,” I told her, looking down at her, “you can touch it, lick it, suck it, and even fuck it for all I care, so long as you understand that to do so, you’re my toy to play with as I please.”

She looked up at me, nibbling thoughtfully on her bottom lip. She reached up a tentative hand as if she was going to pet my cock like it was a puppy. Then she winked at me with a seductive smile. “You might regret that, Daddy,” she purred, as she wrapped her hand around the head. I groaned at the warmth of her hand. It was like wrapping a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer around your body on a cold day. “Holy shit, I can’t even get my hand all the way around it!” she suddenly exclaimed.

“I told you it was big,” said a familiar purring voice from around the bookshelf to my right. I started and Riley jumped so hard her head hit the bottom of the table, causing both of our phones to bounce off of the surface before clattering back down. Jessica slowly sauntered around the edge of the bookshelf and leaned against it, crossing her arms across her gorgeous breasts.

“OW! FUCK!” Riley exclaimed.

I leaned down and took her head in my hands as I scooted my chair back to let her get out from under the table. “Are you okay, baby girl?” I asked, concerned.

“Yeah,” she said, rubbing the top of her head. “What the fuck, Jess? Warn somebody before you do that!”

Jessica giggled and swayed her hips from side to side as she made her way toward us. Standing next to me, she gave me a playful wink as she leaned down and slowly, but very deliberately took the head of my cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it for a couple of seconds and moaned with longing before releasing it. I groaned at the feeling of her hot, wet mouth enveloping my shaft. Looking back up at me, she softly said, “Might want to put that monster away, for now, Daddy.” She winked. “You’re going to have company soon.”

I stood up to pull my pants back up and when I sat back down, I pulled Jessica into my lap with her back to me. I wrapped my arms around her mid-section and held her close to me. She giggled as she wiggled her butt against my erection. “So, you told her, huh?” I asked and Jessica went still.

She looked back at me over her shoulder and I saw a hint of worry in her eyes. “Yes, Daddy,” was all she said.

“You were never asleep, were you?” I said. It was more a statement than a question. She shook her head. Looking around Jessica’s body, I could see Riley was still kneeling on the floor, looking up at Jessica in shock. “That’s why you called out my name. You never called out my name in any of our sessions. Hell, the only time I’ve ever actually heard you call me by my name was that first night in the Rec Center.”

She nodded again. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy,” she apologized.

“Let me guess, Jules?” I asked.

She nodded again as she moved off of my lap and knelt on the floor next to Riley and faced the floor. The strawberry-blonde was still looking incredulously at Jessica. “She told me you were taking too long to get into Riley’s pants,” she explained as she cast a side-long glance at the still wide-eyed cheerleader. “So, we devised a plan to make it happen.”

“And that was your big, devious plan?” I asked. “Pretend to be drunk at a lingerie party and pass out in Riley’s bed, pretend to sleep talk while snuggling up to her, and then tell her all about little ole’ me?”

She looked up at me again, this time with no hint of apology. “Among other things,” she said. “We decided that if either of us had the opportunity, to just wing it. It worked, didn’t it?” she said, grinning as she looked back and forth between Riley and me.

“I suppose,” I said. I couldn’t really be mad. I mean, what guy in his right mind would be? I smiled looking down at her. “I forgive you,” I said. “Jules, on the other hand.” I let it drop with that.

Riley was looking at me, now. Her eyes were still wide, but she appeared to be taking the news rather well. “What?” she stammered. “How? She…” She didn’t seem to be able to form a coherent thought. She suddenly leaned over and kissed Jessica full on the lips. I could see a bit of tongue involved before Riley pulled back and grinned at my little slave girl.

“Fucking A, girl!” she finally exclaimed, looking proudly at Jessica. “If I had known you were able to play the game that well I’d have tried to get you in the sack a long time ago!! Well done!!”

I grinned as I looked at her. “So, you really had no idea Jess was faking it?” I asked her.

“Not a fucking clue!” she exclaimed, laughing. “Oh, Daddy,” she said, grinning with happiness. “We have to go find someplace to fuck right now!” She stood up and held her hand out to me.

I looked down at Jess, who was grinning as well. Riley’s elation was infectious, I guess. “What about you, baby girl?” I asked Jess.

She shook her head. “Not this time, Daddy,” she replied, standing up. “I do have to study. That’s why I’m here. I just happened to overhear your conversation before coming over.”

“Suit yourself,” Riley said, shrugging. “More for me.”

“Oh, girl,” Jessica said, laughing. “You’re going to come to regret that statement.” She shot me a lascivious grin. “Put her in a wheelchair, Daddy,” she said, leaning in to kiss me lightly on the lips.

I returned her kiss and smacked her ass as she walked away. She shot me a playful glare over her shoulder. I looked at Riley. “Wheelchair?” she asked with a small amount of concern.

“It’s just an expression,” I said. “It just means you’ll most likely be unable to walk after I get done with you.” I winked at her as I took her hand and led her out of the library.

“Oh!” she exclaimed with no small amount of excitement. “Now that’s the kind of promise a girl can get behind!” She giggled then her gaze turned conspiratorially as she looked down at my crotch. “Or under.” She grinned and winked at me.

I laughed. “So, you want to follow me in your car?” I asked.

She stopped and looked at me, confused. “I don’t have a car,” she said.

“Oh,” I said. “For some reason, I thought you did.”

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