When Daddy took his Daughter


To introduce myself, my name is Jim Davis and I’m a forty-five year old single father. Jennifer, my daughter has just begun her senior year of high school. After everything that went on last weekend in my house with my daughter , I just needed to know how things went down from her perspective. I needed to make sure she was alright. As I was standing at the bottom of the stairs and thinking about all that had transpired, I heard her come out of her room. She came down stairs and told me that she was going to meet a friend to the mall, so she kissed me on the cheek.

“Bye Daddy I love you,” she said with a wicked smile. She was wearing a little summer dress with spaghetti straps. Her breasts were not too big, but they’re perky and perfect and seemed to defy gravity in that little dress. Her blonde hair lay naturally down in the little bob hair cut she’d been sporting since this summer. It made her look fresh and in full bloom. Her big green eyes always lit up for me and her mouth always curved in a smile just for me. I stood there just staring as she bounced out to the front door to the car and then she drove off.

After pondering for a moment, I decided I’d take a peek in her room and see if there was anything about last weekend in there. I knew she kept a dairy, and that was what I wanted. I know it is an invasion of privacy, but well, it’s my damn house. It’s just me and her who live here now. Her mom has been out of the picture for a long time, and good riddance And I just had to know how she felt about last weekend. So I went up to her room and opened the door. Her bed was made and her room was immaculate. It has a real girly look to it, with a heart rug and pink shades. On her dresser she even still has a few of the old stuffed animals I’ve given her. The dresser seemed like a good place to start and sure enough as soon as I opened the dresser I saw a little pink diary tucked neatly into the corner. I pulled it out, sat on her bed and began to read:

Hello Diary, my name is Jennifer and do I ever have a story to tell. I’ve always wanted it to be with the right guy. I know the boys find me attractive, but I’ve always been waiting on Mr. Right. I have green eyes wide set apart, not too far apart, but enough to make me look innocent and naive (which works to my advantage, especially with Daddy), with my eyes and my pouty plump lips, I pretty much get what I want. Big sad eyes, or a little bite at my lip and Daddy is eating out of my palm. It used to be I only wanted a little money or to borrow the car and to stay out with friends, but as of late, I’ve wanted a little bit more (okay a lot more) from my Dad.

Daddy is so big and strong. He’s 6 foot 4 inches and still in great shape because of his job, road construction. His dark hair has wisps of gray now, but as I tell him, it makes him look distinguished. He is simply the ideal of masculinity to me.

I didn’t realize that I wanted a lot more from Dad until I started dating this guy over the summer who turned out to be a creep. His name was Robert, he had just graduated in the spring, he had been the star of the theater club and glee club in High School. A lot of us girls were really smitten with him. Sure some of the girls thought he was gay, but I kept hoping that he was straight. In the last week of school he asked me out, and we started dating.

Robert turned out to be a complete dick. At the end of the summer I thought it might be fun to go further with Robert than I had ever gone before. So one night Robert and I were up in my room, my Dad was working late and it was raining and storming really hard, so I knew it would take even longer for him to get home, so I knew we had plenty of time.

So I looked at Robert and I said with a giggle: “Let’s do it Robert, you know I’m a virgin, and I want to keep it that way, but you can put it in my butt.” Robert looked a little unsure, so I took my top off to get him going, “Come on, it will be nice to finally have someone inside of me.”

He took his shirt off and said, with a straight face, “My penis is too big to put in your butt.”

“Then let me see it,” I said.

He pulled it out, and I hadn’t seen a penis in real life before, but if that was a huge cock, I was in for a lifetime of disappointment. But he was really proud of it, and was swinging it from side to side, but there wasn’t much dangle in his dingy if you know what I mean diary.

I looked at him and said,”I think that will fit just fine in my butt, come on,” and I reached out for his cock.

He smacked my hand away, “My dick is way to big, you would have a hard time getting it in your pussy even,” he said as he worked it into an erection, at least I guess it was erect, and it wasn’t too impressive at all. I looked at him and then down at his willy and Ataköy Escort cocked my eyebrow, “I think I’ll survive.”

“Come here and suck it, bitch,” he said. Now he was being mean, maybe I was a little mean too, but I was starting to be put off.

“Fine,” I said as I started crawling over to him. Then he quickly pulled up his underwear.

“I don’t want your nasty mouth on my cock. And it’s too big for your butt, I know it is.”

I stood up and glared at him and then I put my top back on. He finished putting his clothes on and left my room and went downstairs, I followed behind and saw my Dad coming in the front door. He looked nonplussed at first, but then seemed to gather what was going on.

“I take it Robert is leaving?”

“Yes sir,” Robert said.

Dad looked outside, “Well, I don’t advise leaving right now, the storm is still awfully heavy and visibility is down. Why don’t you just have a seat over at the dinner table and I’ll keep you company,” Daddy then looked up at me at the top of the stairs, “Because it looks like Jennifer is about done with you.”

Robert nodded and sat down at the table. I was intrigued by what Daddy might say or what Robert might say, so I pretended to go back to my room and close the door, but I snuck back to the top of the stairs and peeked between the rails of the stair to the dinner table.

“So what was that all about?” Daddy asked.

“Well nothing sir, just a disagreement.”

“And what was that about?” Daddy pushed.

“Well if you want me to be completely honest sir, your daughter wanted me to put my dick in her butt. But I told the little bitch that my dick was too big for her.”

I gasped at the top of the stairs and then quickly put my hand over my mouth. That Jerk! How could he say that to my Dad? Anyways, what was his problem? Was I not attractive? It certainly seemed like a lot of guys hit on me in the past, I just didn’t get it. I looked back down at Daddy, and he had the look in his eye. The look he gets when you don’t mess with him. He didn’t take kindly to me being called a bitch, I’m sure.

“So my daughter offered you to be inside of her, in that intimate and special way, and you play it off like you’re the man and you don’t have the time of day for her?”

Robert nodded defiantly.

“My guess son, is that you haven’t come to grips with who you really are. Because if you don’t like my daughter Jennifer, you don’t like women.”

“Maybe so,” Robert said petulantly, “maybe my big cock is meant for better things.”

Daddy slammed his fist down on the table, “Pull the damn thing out if you are so proud of it, let’s see what kind of wood you have down there thats too good for my daughter.”

Robert stood up proudly, why he was so proud I’ll never know, but he pulled out his cock right there at the dinner table.

“Go ahead son, lay it on the table, let see what kind of monster you have there.”

Robert looked kind of uncomfortable and tried to work his cock into something of an erection and tried to get it to stretch out on the table. It was a pretty pathetic sight.

“Son, let me show you something,” And then Daddy did what I had only dreamed of, he unzipped his fly and reached his hands into his trousers. Slowly he began pulling out what I can only describe as what looked like the trunk of a baby elephant. I gasped even louder this time, and I think Dad noticed, because he looked up at the top of the stairs for a second.

“Son, I’m going to put my dick on the table, here next to yours, because I want you to see what a real man’s cock looks like.” I looked at Robert’s face, and it was mixture of horror and fascination. Sure enough, Dad saddled right up beside him and laid his cock on the table. It was like comparing a Vienna sausage to a foot long bratwurst.

Robert stuttered, “Can I.. Can I touch it Mr. Davis?”

Daddy put the monster cock away and zipped up his pants. “No son, I believe it’s stopped raining and it’s time for you to go home. I don’t want to ever see you and your little wiener around here again. You aren’t good enough for my daughter.”

And with that Robert slunk out of the house. I heard his car door slam and he drove off.

Daddy looked up at the top of the stairs, “Honey, I’m sorry you had to see that.”

I sure wasn’t. It was the most wonderful thing I had ever seen, I thought to myself. And then I had an idea. I came down the stairs with the best pouty face I could muster.

“Daddy, what if a boy I really like wants to put it in my little butthole?”

Daddy cleared his throat, “When that day comes, he will be a lucky boy.”

“But Daddy, how can I know that I can, you know,” my voice dropped to a whisper, “have anal sex, Ataşehir Escort how can I know that it will fit? Robert said he was too big, it he’s too big anyone would be too big.”

Daddy looked at me, unsure of what to say.

I continued, “One day someone who isn’t a complete jerk like Robert will want to have sex with me and will want to have anal sex too. I need someone I can trust to gently push their manhood through my tight bum back there to make sure I can take it, so I can prove to myself, so I can prove to Robert that I’m all woman.”

I wanted to see if my little speech was having an affect on Dad, so I looked down at his crotch, and saw it move, like a snake uncoiling beneath a tarp. It was time for me to drop the question.

“Daddy, will you put your penis in my butt?”

Daddy looked shocked, “Well…uh, ehem, even if I wanted to honey, I’m over 3 times the size of Robert, you saw that. You can’t take all of me in you, especially not in your bottom.”

He looked genuinely pained that he couldn’t help me, but I wasn’t going to be dissuaded.

“Daddy, don’t you see, you are rejecting me, just like Robert did. I have to prove to myself, if I can take you, I can take anyone. And I know you will be gentle and kind and loving and that you couldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

Daddy nodded solemnly. then he began to pull his cock out. It looked even bigger than from when he put Robert in his place.

“Oh Daddy, is this for me?” I said as I gently grasped it and looked up into his eyes.

“Everything I have is for you my dear,” he said with a look of complete love and devotion on his face.

I came over and took his cock in my hand and caressed his giant manhood. Then I knelt down and cuddled it against my face. It was warm and heavy and it throbbed to my touch. There was plenty of blood flow in it as he was thickening and elongating, and he wasn’t even fully erect yet. I had seen what his member looked like fully erect earlier and despite my bravado, it was terrifying.

“Oh baby, I only want for you to have the best,” he whispered looking down at me with his cock pressed against my cheek and hanging down along my neck.

“Daddy, you are the best, you always have been, and I only want the best.” Looking into his eyes, I began to stroke his engorged penis to its full capacity. It took both hands and I couldn’t even wrap my fingers all the way around it, but I wanted him to be hard, I needed him to be hard for me. I needed to take all of him in my ass so that I could be a real woman who could take a real man all the way in her tightest and most secret hole.

“Daddy, I’m going to pull my pants down and turn around and give you my bottom. My bottom is yours to take.” I reached into my pocket for the lube I had thought I was going to need for Robert, but now I was going to need it for the real man in front of me.

He took the lube from me as I lead him to the living room. I t got on all fours on the couch and pointed my bottom right at him.

Dad sighed and put some lube on the tip of his finger. He began probing the outer ring of my bottom, careful to not insert his finger just yet, but gently massaging the out part with his finger.

“Ohh Daddy,” I purred.

“You are too tight back here for me to begin with my index finger, I’m going to have to start with my pinky and then we’ll see where we can go from there.”

“Okay Daddy, I trust you.”

I felt the push and a small pop as my anus gave way and I knew that he had put his pinky finger into my bottom. It felt really good. He started easily and softly moving it in and out, in and out. I felt like I was in heaven. After a few minutes of that I felt a light swat on my heinie.

“Okay sweetie,” Dad said, ” now it’s time for my index finger. It’s bigger and will go deeper into your bottom and stretch your anus a little more, are you ready for that?”

I bit my lip and nodded. I watched as he lubed up his finger. Again I felt the pressure, this time it took more pressure, and then the pop as his finger went into my ass. He rhythmically pumped it in and out as my body kept time moving ever so slightly back and forth as he worked his finger into my rectum.

After a few minutes, I felt that light little swat on my bottom again as Daddy spoke up. “Do you need a break or do you think you are ready for two fingers back here?”

“Oh Daddy don’t stop now, lets do two fingers, please Daddy, you have the most magical fingers in the world.”

Daddy nodded and squeezed out ample lube on to his index and middle finger. Again there was the pressure and the pop, this time it was a little more uncomfortable, I had to contort my body a little bit to accommodate his fingers. He Avcılar Escort immediately stopped when I began turning sideways.

“Are you okay sweetie?”

“Oh yes Daddy, keep going.”

Finally Daddy patted my bottom and stood up. “There you are honey, I’ve done what I can for you. Two fingers is about the size of most men’s penises, and you were able to accept my two fingers in your bottom, and my fingers are bigger than most, I’m going to go clean up now, why don’t you do the same.”

I almost cried when I realized he was going to try to get away without giving me his wonderful manhood. I flipped around and stood right up to him.

“Listen mister, you are going to give me this monster cock,” I said as I lifted his cock from his shorts, it grew in a matter of seconds to it’s full gargantuan size. He looked sheepishly at me, but he could tell I meant business.

“Now you are nice and hard Daddy, you are going to put that lube all over your penis and all over my ass and you are going to squeeze every last inch of your wonderful manhood into my ass, do yo understand?”

Dad nodded.

“Good, you are going to make a woman out of me today, end of story,” with that I handed him the lube from the end table.

He squeezed it out into his right hand and then rubbed his hands together. With my slight tug, his pants fell to the floor and he stepped out of them and then used both hands to grease up his cock from tip to base. I turned around and assumed the position on all fours. I had no idea how he was going to get that thing inside of me, but I wasn’t going to let him go until he had.

He eased his hips up behind me and pointed the huge purple head of his cock directly at my asshole.

In a raspy voice he told me, “Honey, I’m going to put my head on your anus okay and just rest it there. Relax your anus and just let it hold and massage my head.”

I nodded, and this time, I did as I was told, instead of being the one doing the telling.

Dad nodded, “That’s right baby, just relax.”

I felt the pressure, but early the pressure had been small and local, now I felt my entire asshole being push on, it was an amazing feeling. And then the pressure became harder and harder and I thought I was going to explode. I screamed. “OH MY GOD.”

Daddy immediately stopped and stepped back. I shook my head vigorously at him, “No sir, get right back there and push that thing in.”

He obeyed and returned to his position directly behind my bottom. I began to feel the pressure build up again against my ass. I bit my lip as hard as I could to stop from screaming so that he would actually get in this time. The pressure was excruciating. And then finally the pop, and I felt him begin to slide in. It was the most wonderful sensation I had ever felt. To begin with he only worked in a couple of inches, and I could feel his large rod exploring the depths of my bottom. He then put his big hand around my waist tightly gripping my hip bones. He began to push in even more. I felt like I was being torn apart and inside out, but it was the best feeling I’ve ever head. I felt the head of his penis hit against something deep in side of me, later I learned it was my sigmoid colon where my rectum makes an S curve. He kept applying pressure and gently pulling me to him with his strong hands on my hips as my butt pushed back into his pelvis. I felt another type of pop as his long cock moved through the S turn of my sigmoid and into my lower colon. It was bliss.

He continued to thrust very slowly in and out, going a little deeper each time. Finally with a large thrust I knew that he had completely filled me with all that he had, it was like every inch of his being was inside of me. I straightened up, his cock remaining entirely in me and twisted just a little bit, so that I could reach his hair on and head and pull his beautiful manly face towards mine. I kissed him deeply on the lips with his cock embedded inside of me. I returned to my doggie position.

“Daddy fuck me now, fuck me like you’ve never fucked a woman before.” And he did, he thrust in and out, in and out, completely taking me and making me his, all over again. Then he pressed all the way in and leaned over me with his chest pressed into my back and began to shake. He was humming and so was I.

“Oh God Daddy, I’m a woman, you’ve made me a woman today.”

He kept gyrating his pelvis, now flush against my body, so that we moved as one body, his great penis all the way inside of my bowels as he is shot load after load into my colon.

When he finally pulled out, he looked in a daze. I turned around and immediately planted my head in his chest. “Oh Daddy, you did it, you really did it.” As my head was in his chest, I could feel his cum begin to our down my colon and out of my ass and down my legs.

He began to stroke my hair. He began to say something but his voice broke.

I looked up into his eyes, “Oh no Daddy, whats wrong? Don’t you love me?”

“I love you so much Jennifer. Too much.”

I put my head back on his chest. “It’s okay Daddy, I’m yours forever now.”

The End Dear Diary.

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