Tiger’s Tale


Tiger’s TaleMy name is Tiger. I’m a ten year old male cat. Erin is my 18 year old human pet. You can see our pictures above. I’m the good-looking one. If you want a bigger picture of me to print out and frame, then here is the link xhamster.com/photos/view/339950-5156795.html When i was a kitten, my mom ran off with some tomcat and left me to fend for myself. One day i was walking home to my alley when i came across Erin. She was selling lemonade on the sidewalk. Erin won my heart with a can of tuna fish. So i decided to adopt her.Until recently, Erin has been so wonderful to me. She let me sleep as much as i wanted (which is almost all the time) and she made me a smoked salmon smoothie every other day. But now things have taken a turn for the worst. Erin’s masturbation habits are ruining my sleep and the girl would rather play with herself than make me my smoothie.I sleep with Erin in her bed. I burrow under the covers and lay my head in the warmest Escort place that i know – against Erin’s pussy. But now she constantly masturbates and her hand is always hitting me on my head and waking me up. Even worse, she just bought The Rabbit (you know, that noisy vibrator). Between the noise and being hit on my head with that object, i can’t get a decent night’s sleep in her bed anymore. I’m so mad. I want to use my paws to rub hot sauce on that Rabbit when Erin is at school. But she locks her Rabbit in a metal safe with her other valuables that she can’t bear to lose.Another good sleeping place for me is on the comforter under Erin’s computer desk. Well, it used to be a good place. Erin used to only do her homework there. She would pet me with her bare feet and she even scratched my chin with her toes. But now Erin spends most of her time on xhamster. She’s always playing with herself when she’s on this site. It always ends with Escort Bayan Erin squirting her girl cum right in my face and and that wakes me up.Earlier this month, me and Erin drove all around the United States for two weeks. I decided to let her take me on the trip because i love to sleep in my cat carrier while i feel the vibrations from the road. It is heaven to me. But Erin spent most of her time driving with one hand on the wheel and the other hand between her legs. She was always grunting and groaning. I hardly got any more than a catnap. I think the worst part of our road trip was when she brought me into a motel room in El Paso while she had a day of sex with one of her xhamster girlfriends. Listening to those girls moaning and screaming was like hearing nails across a chalkboard. I sure didn’t get any sleep that day.But the straw that broke this cat’s back came this morning. I walked into the bathroom to have my morning Bayan Escort drink of water from the toilet bowl. I heard some noise and looked around. There was Erin on the shower floor with her hands holding up her ass. She was peeing on her face. What a weirdo! She has time to do that sort of thing, but she doesn’t have enough time to make me a smoothie.So, i have nine lives and i think i’m done with this one. If i can’t get a decent day and night of sleep, then i might has well find another productive use of my time. I want to get into porn. Do any of you xhamster members need a sexually experienced cat for any of your videos? I have been the very first love of many a female feline. I’m known in the cathood as Buster Cherry. I think that would be a good porn name too. With my sandpaper tongue, i can make any girl cum as soon as i lick her pussy. I might even suck a guy’s cock too, but that is not usually how i roll. You can get rough with me also and throw me around. I always land on my feet. The only sex position that i won’t do is the doggy.Best of all, i really will work for food. A smoked salmon smoothie with some albacore tuna and cavier on the side and i’m a happy cat.

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