Coby Pt. 03


Any and all sex in this fictional story occurs between humans over the age of 18 years.

Thank you, as ever, to @kenjisato for his thoughtful and thorough editing.

Coby, Part 3

Although we kept touch occasionally via text, it was several months before Coby and I connected again in person. Called me out of the blue one Sunday afternoon. He was in the city and asked if I had any time to see him. Apparently he had a surprise for me. Luckily I didn’t have much going on, other than practising, which I could pick up later – I’d already gotten a decent couple of hours in. And, who doesn’t like surprises?! So I suggested we meet at a little restaurant downtown in an hour or so. He was cool with that so it was set.

Got to the restaurant and spotted him immediately on the small sidewalk patio. He was sitting with a young woman. Hmmm, who could this be?! Maybe the evening has just grown wings.

We performed the obligatory “bro-hug” [see Coby 1 for context on hugs] and he introduced me to Alessia. His girlfriend, no less!

Like Coby, Alessia seemed a pretty typical young, mixed-race suburbanite. Where Coby is South-Asian and Central-European, she is Caribbean and Wasp. Gorgeous young woman, nicely dressed – i.e. not the typical teen uniform – and she had the brightest, liveliest eyes. Nineteen, as is Coby. The two of them were downtown shopping. In testament to which, as I sat down I noticed, the 4th seat was stacked with bags.

“Wow, impressive haul!”

Alessia giggled and Coby tried to frown, probably to avoid looking sheepish.

“Hey happy belated birthday, btw, dude. Sorry I missed it.”

“No worries – I got your text. Didn’t really do much.” He looked sidelong at Alessia as he said it, suppressing a smile.

“So, you two: same school?”

“Yeah. Only ever had one class together, I think, but, same crowd.”

Coby and I ordered beers and Alessia a screwdriver. Then I suggested shots, to get the evening going, to which they enthusiastically agreed. Tequila all ’round!

I waited for a moment when Alessia seemed engrossed in the menu, and leaned over to whisper in Coby’s ear,

“So, does she know, you know, about Cobita…?!”

Coby gave me a pretty convincing sphinx-face, mouthing, “Later.” Enigmatically. Maddeningly.

We had a delicious dinner together and a lovely time. Alessia had similar interests to Coby, which is to say, happily, a step above the usual cultural fare for kids from the extreme ‘burbs. I mean: extreme ‘burbs. So conversation was lively.

Apparently they recently saw Hamilton (and thereafter obsessively re-listened/re-watched-ad-nauseum) leading them to read up on United-States history, specifically its omnipresent white-supremacism. Ooo, maybe they were starting to get political, I thought. Yesss, I could work with that!

After dinner we took the party back to mine. The proximity of the restaurant to my flat had, naturally, played no part in my choice of restaurant. A mere 15 minute walk. ‘Twas a super, warm, calm evening. The little city parks along the way were filled with families, and buskers.

Back at mine, I cracked open some wine and we were soon ensconced in my living room with drinks and tunes flowing.

I was feeling no pain, hence, not actively overseeing my inner-smartass: “Hey why don’t you give us a fashion show. You know, with what you’ve bought today.”

Alessia and Coby exchanged a look, both smiling tentatively.

Alessia, “Well, some of it is kind of, ‘bedroom,’ *cocks head and winks* I’m not sure if we’re there yet in our relationship!”

“Fair enough.”

“But there are a couple of outfits I could show you – in fact, *turns to Coby* we, could show you.”

“Awesome! Bring it on! Bedroom’s that way.”

Alessia came right over to me, bent over and actually rubbed noses with me, “You know, I think we’re going to get along…”


We all clinked glasses, for no special reason. Then Alessia went over to her collection of bags in the hallway, selected a couple, and vanished ’round the corner.

I looked over to Coby who was smiling, only because he couldn’t entirely suppress the full-on grin his body was trying to impose on his face. He stayed mum. So I decided to just sit back and listen, until Alessia came back. The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady – intense but so what, brilliant! Mingus, baby.

Actually while I’m at it, The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady would be awesome sex-music. Hmmm, yeah, it’d have to be wild, intense, crazy sex. Worth trying, if you dare. Fair warning though: Ravel’s Bolero it is not!

Alessia was soon back, strutting ’round the corner into the room wearing a fabulous skirt/jacket combo, a medium charcoal with subtle specks in the weave, almost power-suit-ish but way more chic, stockings, and gorgeous, grey swede pumps that had column-like heels. No top though, under the blazer. Needless to say she was showing lots of décolletage. Looked amazing, svelte, sophisticated, also very very sexy. canlı bahis siteleri She executed a lovely double-pirouette – the skirt was form-fitting, so no panty flashes (sorry, pervs). She then did a slower turn, allowing us the time to appreciate all 360 degrees of her.

Coby, “Love it Lessi. You gonna wear it to work like that…?!”

“Du-uh.” Teen-snark par-excellence.

“Actually I was originally going to just put it on over the top I was wearing, even though it didn’t match. But I tried it, and I just couldn’t do it: looked awful. ‘Pretty lame, right… but it was gross. So I tested the blazer, like this *looked down*, and figured I’m not showing much, so what the hell.”

I couldn’t resist, “What the hell, indeed. You know, you’re probably right about the office, but you could totally wear it like that, socially.”

“I know, right? Actually, I’m getting ideas as we speak!”

The lapels met/overlapped above her navel, but not by much. And she was right, in that it really wasn’t showing much breast, no more than any top with a plunging neckline. Regardless, highly alluring. I wondered to myself, “Did she do the ‘bend-forward’ test before coming out?! “

She grabbed her wine then sat down in Coby’s lap, facing me, while we chatted.

Now, I had only just met Alessia so I had low-ish confidence in my ability to read her. Having said that, I was pretty sure that she was accidentally-on-purpose giving me side-glimpses inside her blazer as we chatted. She had a deadpan-par-excellence, so natural, believably innocent of any ulterior motive! Pfft…

In a lull in conversation, Alessia, “Ok, ready for the next one, boys?!” She turns to Coby, “You know what, screw it: I like Andy. I’m a little drunk; I’m feeling gooood: I think I feel comfortable showing him, you know…”

Without waiting for a response she was up again and quickly around the corner – instead of selecting again, from the pile in the hall, she grabbed them all, struggling a bit with the sheer volume. Coby and I refilled wine glasses and chatted while awaiting her next appearance.

After too long (yes, we got impatient: horny men)… she rounded the corner but stopped, allowing us to take in the whole vision, from afar. She was in a delicious teddy, the darkest burgundy, but very sheer with a hazy, metallic sheen. Along with sheer-ish, black nylons, garter, and panties. The teddy was of a flouncy material and flared out lower down, bell-bottom-like. Plus the hem was bordered with a thicker black fabric. With the result that the lower skirt was in constant motion, and mesmerisingly shimmied with every movement she made. It barely covered her nethers, offering glimpses underneath whenever it shimmied just-so.

Again she did a couple of twirls for us as she moved forward. Alessia was clearly enjoying herself. I mean, who wouldn’t get a kick out of having two adoring superfans in the palm of your hand, worshipping your every move.

Me, “*faux-discrete cough* Hope I’m allowed to say: Wow!”

Alessia, “You may.”

I guess Coby meant it when he said he’d be comfortable sharing Alessia with me, “Hey Lessi, if you’re up for it, give Andy a peak at why we picked those panties…”

“Ooo, you want me to be naughty?!”

My inner smart-ass burst out, “Hey, only if you feel comfortable. I could close my eyes if you’d prefer…”

Alessia bit hard, “Well, what would be the point in me doing all this, if you’re not going to look. Like…duh!”

Coby, “He does that all the time. Don’t let him suck you in with the bullshit innocence! It’s his version of being funny…”

“Ouch. No need to tell all my secrets, nephew-mine. Moreover, I am funny, occasionally.”

“See? He’s doing it again. Don’t fall for it. I looooove this teddy combo Lessi – I’m so glad we found it today. That saleswoman was pretty good. You look hot hot hot! *indescribable sound*”

Me, “I love how the hem dances around when you move. Really draws the eye. It’s so flouncy!”

“Flouncy?! Ha ha. But no, yes: I totally lerve the way it moves on my hips. Oh, and check this out.”

With a flourish, she did a 180, and bent forward at the waist, to offer us a glimpse. Yes, you guessed it: crotchless panties.

“Again, wow.”

“Hmm, I guess I’ll allow it again.” She was turning out to be quite the saucy one!

“Well, they’re certainly, um, efficient.”

“Ha ha. They’re fucking hot and you know it!” Coby being faux-defensive, punched me, reacting to the presumed faux-slight.

“Thanks babe. My hero!” Alessia soon straightened back up, spun ’round and came over to sit with us, as last time, on Coby’s lap. Lucky buck! She made a point of catching my eye, while squirming into Coby’s lap, ostensibly to get comfy.

“Well, all smartassery aside, I concur with Coby’s assessment: a most lovely combo. You, Alessia, are a most lovely, gorgeous young woman. Hope you will accept that simple, honest, compliment.”

Alessia, it seemed, got a kick out bet siteleri of what she perceived as my quaint, anachronistic demeanour. Not sure that she’d realised, yet, that it was all tongue-in-cheek.

“Well, compliment accepted!” She smiles sweetly. “Although tbh, I can handle a little ogling…”

Coby, “Pffft! A little?!?! HA!! Understatement of the century…”

He turned to me, “Talk about you and your bullshit-quotient; well, she’s got a pretty high one too! Oh, and she is the, literal, queen of ‘making an entrance’ into a room or a club, or whatever! You have to see it to believe it…”

Me, “Oh, I can believe it…” Aiming for cheeky.

Alessia, “Ouch! I think…”

Coby, “Hey bro, why don’t we say hello to your, uh, pipe?”

Me, “Capital idea!!”

Alessia giggled again, apparently at my word usage. Huh, someone willing to at least pretend to appreciate my humour (such as it is)! Even if it’s for the wrong reason. Brownie points notched.

The pipe was soon filled, then in a few minutes, refilled. We were feeling no pain, as they say. Grooving. I threw on a Ray Montford cd. Mmmm, perfect.

After grooving on Montford, for how long…? Alessia was slowly swaying on Coby’s lap – Coby had that far-away look in his eyes and an entirely unselfconsciously goofy grin on his lips.

Then Alessia shifted gears, hopping off Coby and pulling him to his feet in the process.

“Time for the next change. Ok Andy, are you ready for us to rock your world?!”


“Oh yeah, this one is a duo thing!”

She paused and turned to me, to, ah, I believe the phrase is: shoot me some daggers… I was hoping they were only faux-daggers:

“But don’t worry, babe, nothing you haven’t seen before, apparently…?!!

Well, shit. [Ed. Ref: For All Mankind, Tracy Stevens]

Apparently Coby did find a way to tell her. And they were still together, so…

Made me so happy for him. What a lucky guy to have an open-minded partner – especially at their tender age, when social conservatism and clique-ism can be cruel and stifling – willing to let him explore, presumably/hopefully explore together!

Alessia let that huge acknowledgement hang there – brilliant! She grabbed Coby by the hand and they were off. Coby gave me full-on sheepishness as he was led away. I puttered about while I waited. It seemed to take a while, or I was being impatient, again.

Finally They reappeared! Good thing I wasn’t wearing socks.

They were both decked out in gorgeous black, leather n’ lace. Alessia still had her black stockings, garter, and panties, but matched them with a gorgeous black corset with front lace-up, and demi-cups of what looked to be the softest, supplest leather, that held her lovely, firm, teenaged breasts up and out to the world. On her head, a crown (yes, actually a crown! Believe it or not, it looked kinda punk) primarily of the same lovely black leather, and sparkly stones.

On the side of her right thigh, she had what could only be a dildo fastened with leather straps – looking somewhat menacingly like a holstered sidearm (a sidecock!!)- and to top it off, in one hand she held a riding crop. Aye aye aye, quelle vision, ca-alice!

Now Coby, well, Coby was full-on Cobita!: very similar black bra – and were those breastforms?!; a lovely, leather-framed, stretchy-lacy pouch for her clitty and balls (not tucked) – black and sheer; black lacy stockings with a gorgeous intricate weave; black pumps! Yes, finally, Cobita in heels. Wonders never cease. Oh, I forgot to mention, her clitty-pouch was held in place by lovely slender leather leg straps instead of a g-string! Mmmm mm. Also a captivating vision. Her makeup was fabulous – obvie by Alessia – but I learned later she had been teaching Cobita.

Alessia’s expression was priceless, she took a step towards me before doing a taut 180, revealing her own unobstructed crack, which this time featured a buttplug, firmly ensconced. Turning back ’round, her eyes held mine, beaming. Shining naughtiness, desire, horniness, like beacons and she didn’t bother trying to suppress her smile, ending with a little “Ta da-aaaa…!” curtsy. What a couple.

Not done, Alessia grabbed Cobita, turning her so her ass was facing me, and gave her an energetic sting with the crop. Holy, even I felt that: ouch! Cobita yelped in pain, but took it, sticking her butt further up and out, revealing glimpses of her own buttplug. Another couple of whacks, before Alessia switched to caressing Cobita’s irresistible derriere, softly, lovingly, finishing with sliding her hand between her legs to fondle her clit.

Alessia looked over at me as if she was on the verge of saying something, then walked over, roughly forcing my legs apart as she barged between them. Placing a knee up against my crotch, she tapped her crop on my nose. Ohhh, she had my attention!:

She gestured to Cobita. “So apparently you’re to blame for all, for all this!”

“*Sigh* Guilty as charged.”

“I en iyi bahis siteleri should be mad at you. I mean, he cheated on me.”

She used the crop to lift my chin and leaned down to dominate my field of vision – eye to eye. Punctuating each word with a push of her knee into my crotch:

“You. Made. Him. Cheat. On. Me. *pause* ME!! *longer pause* I,…fuck I want to be mad at you so much. *pause, and glare* It really pisses me off that I can’t stay mad at you. That, now I’m like forced to be the mature one and say *obviously, full-on teen snark* : I would rather have been given the choice to be ok with this, ahead of time. But, hey, that ship sailed, and we are here.”

She had to take a breath, which turned into a massive sigh,

“The simple truth is I abso-fucking-lutely adore Cobita. She has opened whole new worlds for us in our relationship. We have such crazy sex together. Don’t get me wrong, we still fuck as Coby too – ohhhh he fucks me good, as… *mind wanders into a memory*…Oh, uh, yeah… Um, where was I, tee hee. Yeah, I so love that Coby was trusting enough to show me this part of him/her. Makes me adore him more. *Sigh* So, fuck, here I am thanking the dirty old man who seduced my boyfriend to wear bras, take cock, and cheat on me. Seriously, thank you!”

With that Alessia crouched down and gave me a sweet kiss. Slain by the cognitive dissonance. Absolutely floored, gazing into this wondrous woman’s eyes, I eventually dared to cradle her cheeks in my palms as our lips and tongues became acquainted. I rather lost track of time, bewitched I was. Eventually, if only for decorum’ sake, we pulled apart.

“You, are overdressed, mister. Oh and by the way, one of the main reasons we wanted to – I wanted to – hook up with you, like this, is so I can see you fuck him/her! I need to see, for myself, what you do to my Coby. My Cobita.”

With that she pulled me up and began pulling my clothes off. I had to assist, or she would have ripped something – honestly! She left my boxer-briefs on and pushed me back down onto the couch. Then she went over to Cobita and pulled her over to the couch too. We all ended up in a bit of a heap.

“Cobita, you good, so far, with me and Alessia, you know…?”

“All good, yes. It was hot watching you two kiss. Yeah, I’m totally down! Alessia and I talked about this. A lot. Not our first threesome. First with another guy.”

Alessia, “Yeah, he’s good. Trust me, if you don’t trust him…” And she winked at me. Is that a thing again and I didn’t notice? Who winks?

Alessia, the gleam in her eyes intensified, “Well I am glad to hear everybody’s so down… ‘Cause this means I am gonna fuck me a lot of boi-pussy tonight, am I right?!”

Cobita and I, in unison: “Right!”

“Check this thing out eh?!” She pulled on a couple of the straps on her leg, and the dildo came away, ready for strapping on in a different way. She held it up, gun-like and waved it about faux-menacingly.

“Isn’t it the actual coolest?! It honestly has been driving me crazy with horniness since I put it on. Makes me feel like Lara Croft. Packin’ heat, baby. So fucking awesome!”

As she waxed all TombRaider-ish, using the same straps, she fastened the dildo in it’s more accustomed position, and was soon ready for action.

“Y’know, y’all’re pro’bly thinking I’m gonna fuck Cobita first. I mean, we’re, like, the couple, and we’re still, like, learning this whole threesome thing. But no, I’m gonna fuck Andy first, maybe that’ll piss off Cobita a bit; make her reflect on her own actions. You did cheat on me, sweet one, didn’t you? Tell ya what: let’s consider this part of me forgiving you! *faux-snort* Now, come here love, get on your knees. You’re going to suck my cock. Get it wet for Andy’s cunt.”

At the sight of Cobita on her knees, slurping on her girlfriend’s cock, in preparation for fucking me, I had to free my cock and gave it a stroke.

“Hey, let’s take this to the bedroom!”

All agreed and off we scampered, wine in hand.

Cobita took the opportunity, short as it was (my apartment is no palace), to practise her heel-walking. She was slowly figuring out how to flick her hips, in that way that is, oh, so contrived, and yet appears oh, so natural, but literally no one cares either way, because it is oh, so alluring. Not to mention remembering to lock her ankles always: turning an ankle in heels is not fun!

Obviously I let my guests go first. It was the polite thing to do, and had nothing to do with the delicious view it afforded, of two of the sexiest tushes imaginable each vying to hypnotise me in realtime. Needless to say, they both succeeded. I whacked my shoulder on the door frame as a result, only narrowly missing whacking my head.

Alessia got to the room first, running right in and jumping on the bed. Then she immediately lay back, spreading her legs and started playing with her buttplug. Her eyes went wide at first tug. Cobita and I both could only stop by the foot of the bed and watch. Coby was right earlier: Alessia totally knows how to command attention. And maintain it.

“Cobita, come here please. Eat my ass. This plug has been in for too long. I need your tongue.” Commanding. “Andy, you bring your cock up here. And get those shorts off.”

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