A Visit to Their Club Ch. 02


(This chapter picks up at the end of Chapter 1. It may be helpful for you to read Chapter 1 to know who the players are.)

While a crowd formed, looking in through the window and the open door, Aaron, Renee, Tom, and Sally mixed and matched in almost every possible combination.

Oral, intercourse, masturbation — you name it, they did it. The moans from the women, often muffled when they had their mouths full, proved to be an excitement to the crowd. Aaron noticed, when he changed positions, what was going on around them. One couple had come into the room; while she put her hands against the elevated four-poster bed, her mate — was it her mate? Who knew? — came up behind her and slammed his dick into her doggy-style. She reached for Aaron’s cock, but so did Sally, and no contact was made, not that time, anyway. Out in the hallway, couples were groping each other. One woman went down and gave a man a blowjob; that gave another woman an idea, and she did the same. While that was happening, the women were caressing the man they were sucking, the man next to them, and the other woman.

Toto, Aaron thought, we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Renee found herself to be the center of attention, a role she loved. When she looked up into the mirror on the ceiling, she saw Aaron sucking one nipple, Tom sucking another one, and Sally licking her cunt. This was just about as good as it got — but, yet, she wanted more. More, in this case, was a dick in her red-hot, wet, steaming pussy.

Scissoring her legs up in the air, Renee moved to one side. First, she slid down the bed to give Sally a deep kiss. The two women lay on the bed, their hands roaming over each other’s body. Then, Renee broke off the kiss and turned and spoke to Aaron. “Honey,” she said, “I’ll have you the rest of the weekend and the rest of our lives. But this young man” — she took a moment and kissed the head of Tom’s dick — “looks like he’s ready o give me a good fucking, and I want to take advantage of it.”

“No problem, honey,” Aaron said. “As long as I can lay with this beautiful woman” — he gave Sally’s nipples a light squeeze — “I think I can be happy, to.”

Tom and Sally, somewhat newcomers to this scene, were surprisingly bashful with Aaron and Renee’s openness. That did not mean that they weren’t ready to play. Far from it.

As the two women lay down on the bed, side by side, they spread their legs. Aaron got on top of Sally and Tom got on top of Renee and the serious fucking started. A few moments later, Aaron leaned over and gave Renee a deep kiss, telling her how much he loved er. Tom did the same to Sally.

And then there were climaxes — intense climaxes, complete with roaring (at least, on Aaron’s part). Cum passed from male to female. What was wet on the women became much wetter and much stickier; what was hard on the men became softer — not completely soft, but partly. After a few final strokes, each man pulled out.

There were kisses all around, and then there toplu porno was something else. Renee slid down and started to kiss Sally’s pussy. What she was looking for was Aaron’s cum — and she found it. While Sally got one final mini-orgasm out of the deal, Renee got to taste Aaron’s cum.

Everybody was happy.

The four partiers looked out into the hall. The couple that was doing the deed doggy-style alongside the bed had left the area, but there were probably six couples blocking the hallway.

“That was incredible,” one of the guys said, his hands straying to a woman’s breasts near him.

“Well, next time, you should join in,” Aaron said.

“Maybe we will,” the other guy said. “You all were so hot!”

They all took a moment and got dressed — well, partially dressed, at least. Renee didn’t put her panties back on; as Aaron said, what was the point? Aaron pulled on his shirt and pants, but carried his shoes and socks. Sally slid her dress on. Aaron and Renee found it interesting that Tom put back on his underwear, pants, shirt, sweater, and shoes and socks, almost like he was ready to go home.

After a final parting, Aaron and Renee slid through the crowd that was still gathered in the hall and headed to the locker room. They had “play clothes” to change into, if they wanted, but instead they chose a plain golf shirt and a pair of white shorts for Aaron and a wraparound skirt and top for Renee. After a quick shower, and a brief conversation with the new folks in the hot tub, they were ready for something to drink and a little bit of a rest.

Well, Renee wanted to rest a little bit. Aaron was looking at the beauteous bodies and he couldn’t wait to get back at it. They got something to drink — soft drinks, only — and sat in the social area for awhile. They recognized couples who had watched their little show in the back of the club, but they merely nodded and walked on, much like too-shy people do when they see a celebrity.

Aaron made that observation to Renee, in fact, and she giggled. “Us? Celebrities?” she asked.

“You know, honey,” he said, “most of these people would LOVE to do what we just did, but they can’t seem to screw up the courage to do it. Please excuse the pun,” he said with a smile.

“I know,” she said. “You know, we just really need to tell people that it’s OK to play here. I don’t know why they’re so shy. Who’s going to tell on them?”

Just then, finally, it was time again for a slow song. Aaron and Renee hit the dance floor, their hands around each others’ bodies, their mouths engaged in a hot and furious kiss that lasted almost the entire song.

As the song was ending, Brent and Nancy, the couple they first saw in the corner room with the chair, came over to them. They had already dressed into lingerie; Nancy was wearing a luminous gown and Brent had on a pair of silk boxers and a T-shirt. They renewed their acquaintances, and then realized that they were standing türbanlı porno in the middle of the dance floor with everyone else maneuvering around them.

“So, would you care to dance?” Brent asked. The question was not asked of Nancy, however; it was asked of Renee. She considered the question briefly, and replied, “Certainly.”

So Aaron found himself dancing with Nancy as Brent took Renee into his arms. There was small talk (“Where are you from?” “How long have you been coming to the club here?” “Have you been to any other clubs?” “How long have you been in the lifestyle?”) and then there was kissing — on the lips, on the necks, on wherever they could reach while dancing — and then there was sighing. Hands roamed all over bodies. Male hands caressed female breasts. Female hands reached down and caressed a penis. Everyone was happy with what they were feeling. The song came to an end.

“Well, shall we?” Aaron asked.

Renee knew her man, and couldn’t resist leading him on. “Shall we WHAT?” she asked, grinning even as she moved her hand over Brent’s ass. She loves a man with a nice ass, and Brent’s was obviously meeting her approval.

“Shall we go get naked and horizontal?” he asked, holding Nancy in front of him while he wrapped his arms around her marvelous breasts.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Brent said. “What do you say, honey?”

Nancy was in a playful mood. “Last one there is a rotten egg,” she said, heading toward the back.

Aaron was right behind her. He caught up to her and grabbed her hand, holding it as they moved into the hallway. Renee and Brent, their arms around each other, followed behind.

They looked to see if the room with the four-posted bed, Renee’s favorite, was open. It wasn’t. In fact, someone was in there and had the door closed and the curtains closed. For all anyone knew, they could be playing backgammon in there. “What’s the point?” Aaron asked.

“Now, honey, relax,” Renee said. “Besides — look at this!”

The four of them stood in the hallway looked into the room. This was one of the club’s rooms with two beds, and there were four naked people in one of the beds while the other sat empty.

“Can we use the other bed?” Aaron asked, hugging Nancy to his side.

“Should be no problem,” one of the women answered from the foursome already in the room answered. “Maybe you might want to use this one, too.”

Brent took a moment, but he realized that what he heard was an invitation. “Maybe we will,” he said, squeezing Renee’s hand. “In fact, we certainly will.”

Aaron, Nancy, Renee, and Brent made their way into the room and got naked. They laid down on the bed. Once again, the men performed oral sex on the women.

Everyone took time, on occasion, to check out the people in the other bed. Aaron noted that one of the couples was a Hispanic woman, a little on the large size, but not obese. Her husband, a larger man, had a head of brown, curly türk porno hair, and looked like the kind of guy who was voted “class clown” for all four years of high school.

The other couple were a little younger and, Aaron noted, very nice looking. The woman was blonde, with very large tits – is there a correlation between tit size and sex drive? Aaron wondered. He was dark-haired and had a big penis, which the Hispanic woman was gobbling like she was starving for it.

After some male-on-female oral sex, Aaron and Brent laid down on the bed and the women began to suck their dicks. Aaron had been getting soft but he responded to what Nancy was doing to him. The same was true of Brent, but Renee took a mouthful of dick and made it stiff.

Moments later, Nancy climbed on top of Aaron and stuff his dick into her pussy. Renee asked that she be allowed to lay down, and she did, and Brent climbed on top and began to ride her.

The same kind of couple-swapping was taking place on the other bed, and everyone in the room delighted in what was going on. Aaron, in fact, was so caught up with Nancy that everything else seemed to disappear – but only for a moment. A hand on his balls make him take a look.

“Hi, I’m Tonya,” the dark-haired woman from the other bed said as she put one hand on Aaron’s balls and touched Nancy’s nipples with the other. “Do you mind?”

“No, of course not,” Aaron said, and began to rotate his hips to get higher and deeper into Nancy.

As he did so, he noticed that the dark-haired man was over with Brent and Renee, sucking Renee’s nipples as Brent held himself up with his arms. “Do you think we ought to get acquainted?” Aaron asked.

“Sure,” said the blonde from the other bed. She and the larger man were up on their elbows, watching the scene before them. “I’m Mary, and that’s Ron,” she said. “Tonya you already know, and on the other side there is Tom.”

“Nice to meet you,” Nancy said, leaning over to give Tonya a kiss on the lips.

What happened next sounds like it was scripted, but it was just as natural as anything … Tonya replaced Nancy on top of Aaron, and Ron replaced Brent on top of Renee. Brent then decided to check out the other bed and found Mary waiting for him, sitting on the end of the bed. She took Brent’s dick into her mouth and sucked all of Renee’s juices off of it.

“Oh, you taste delicious,” Mary said after she plopped Brent’s dick out of her mouth.

“Thank you,” Brent said, not quite sure of what to say.

“I wasn’t talking about you,” Mary said, giving Brent’s ass-cheek a mild slap as she reached around her body. “I was talking about her” — and she pointed at Renee.

Renee could hardly notice. Ron was giving her an enthusiastic fucking, and she was loving every minute of it. And Tom and Nancy were going at it, too.

Moments later, the final connections were made — Aaron and Mary, Brent and Tonya, Tom and Renee, and Ron and Nancy.

Tom and Brent came on that final go-round; Aaron and Ron held out. So the women went to work; while Aaron fucked Mary and Ron fucked Nancy, Renee and Tonya licked the couples and, sure enough, cum flowed.

“Oh, my God, that was wonderful,” Mary sighed, and everyone in the room nodded in agreement.

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