Burning Issue Ch. 02 – Jenny

Female Ejaculation

Mum and I were relaxing after what, to me, had been a totally mind-blowing experience, fucking her for the first ever time – but not, I sincerely hoped, the last. We’d opened a bottle of Merlot and I’d poured us a glass each. I passed Mum’s glass to her and she raised it in toast.

“To never-ending erections, wet pussies and mind-blowing sex,” she said, with a broad grin.

I laughed, and raised my own glass, clinking it against hers. “To never-ending erections, wet pussies and mind-blowing sex.” We both took a drink, and set our glasses down on the coffee table beside the couch, just as the phone rang. Mum and I looked at each other and she grinned.

“You get it, honey, I’m too comfortable.”

I laughed. “Slave driver,” I said, and took the two steps required to reach the phone. I glanced at the caller ID display, seeing a familiar number.

“Hi, Jenny,” I said, hearing a giggle at the other end.

“Hi, Gary, is it okay if I come round to see you in the morning? Say, ten?”

“I think so, sure, but hang on, I’ll just check with Mum, in case there’s something I’ve forgotten.” I covered the mouthpiece. “It’s Jenny. She wants to come round in the morning, around ten.”

“No reason why not. Tell her yes.” Mum grinned “She might skinny-dip with us. Ask her if she’d like to have lunch with us, too.”

I grinned and uncovered the mouthpiece. “Jenny? Ten is fine by us, so see you then. And, Jenny? Mum says would you like to stay and have lunch with us?”

“Ooh, yes please! Great! Looking forward to it, it’s been ages, before the crash, since I saw you last.”

“Heck! You’re right, it was before the crash. I’d forgotten.”

“You can’t have forgotten us skinny-dipping together, Gary, no way!” I could hear the laugh in her voice. “Maybe I’ll remind you tomorrow. See you.” And she hung up. I was still laughing inside when I put the phone back on the rest.

“What are you looking so happy about?” said Mum, smiling.

“Jenny just reminded me of something from her last visit, before the crash,” I said.

“Oh, yes? And what was it?”

“I never told you, but Jenny and I skinny-dipped together, and you can so get two people in my shower, because we fitted very nicely, thank you. Sorry about pretending I hadn’t seen her naked before, and a lovely sight she is, too. Almost as good as you, Mum.”

Mum laughed. “Better, surely? I’m on the wrong side of forty and Jenny’s what, nineteen?”

“Not better, Mum, perhaps as good as, because, Elizabeth Elaine Welch, you are an absolute knock-out in your skin.”

“Why, thank you, sir, you are too kind,” Mum retorted, laughing. She paused, sobering. “Gary, I know I have no right to ask this, but have you and Jenny fucked?”

I shook my head. “No, Mum, we haven’t, not yet. I think it could happen, but so far, no. We have masturbated together, though, and that was fun. Well, actually, we masturbated each other. Jenny gave me a hand job, and I stroked her pussy and clitoris until she came. Lovely and juicy, Jenny. Like you, Mum.”

Mum laughed. “I’ll bet that was fun, although not as much fun as fucking, perhaps.”

I grinned. “Maybe next time, Mum, maybe next time.”

“That could be tomorrow, sweetheart, so do you want me to be somewhere else?”

“No way! I’d like to have both of my favourite girls here together, please, so I get a chance for a double drool.”

She laughed. “Now that’s a vision I could do without, if you don’t mind.”

“Well, you can’t blame me for wanting to see you both naked, together. Two of the loveliest sights it has been my joy and privilege to see.”

“I suppose not, and talking of naked lovelies, weren’t we going to look at the photos you took of me on your monitor?”

“Yeah, we were. I guess we got kind of side-tracked, Mum.”

“I guess we did. After all, fucking each other would do that, wouldn’t it?” she replied, laughing.

“Would and did. Okay, Mum, I’ll go and get the cameras, they’re still beside the pool, and transfer the photos to my hard drive. Give me ten minutes, then come up to my room. Okay?”

“Sure thing. I’ll bring two more glasses of wine, too, shall I?”

“Sounds good, and we can toast the beginnings of your new career as a figure model,” I said, laughing. “Okay, Mum, see you in ten minutes or so.”

It only took me a couple of minutes to collect the cameras and remove the memory cards, and only a few minutes more to copy them to my PC, so everything was ready when Mum came up with two glasses of wine. I’d fetched a second chair from the spare room — my PC is in a converted box room, next to my bedroom — and we could both easily see the screen. I brought up the folder with the photos of Mum, and I clicked on the first one, then put the folder on slide-show and the two of us watched as the pictures slowly changed for us, taking occasional sips of our wine.

As we watched, my phone pinged with an incoming message alert, but I ignored it until the slide-show finished, then glanced at the display. Ah. Message from Jenny. I turned to Mum.

“So, what do you think of yourself as a nude model, Mum?”

“I think my son is a good photographer who makes his mother Lefkoşa Escort look good with no clothes on,” she replied, smiling.

“No, Mum, it’s you who makes you look good, I just record it, but I will say this. As a normally horny young man, I’ve seen plenty of teen and twenty-something glamour models posing nude, and they can’t hold a candle to you, Mum. You’re a sex goddess!” I picked up my phone and gestured with it. “I’ll just see what Jenny wants,” I said and opened the message. Ah! An attached photo. I glanced at the message.

Hi, Gary. A reminder for you. See you tomorrow. Love, Jenny

A reminder of what, I thought, then opened the attachment, and almost fell off my chair. Jenny had sent me a nude selfie! Probably taken in the bathroom, I thought, in front of a mirror, a smiling Jenny held her phone so as not to obscure herself, and I was reminded of her slender beauty, but with a difference from when we’d skinny-dipped together. Then, she’d had a neatly tidied pubic bush, but the Jenny in the photo was shaved clean!

“What did she want, sweetheart?” said Mum, her eyes still on the computer screen where she was paging lightly through the photos.

“She sent me a reminder,” I said.

“Reminder about what?” said Mum. I didn’t say a word, just held out the phone so that Mum could see the photo. “Oh, my! Looks like I’ve got some competition there, son. She’s gorgeous!”

“Yes, she is rather, isn’t she. Don’t know whether she’ll pose nude for me, but I guess I lose nothing by asking her, do I?”

“If it helps, show her some of these,” said Mum, gesturing to her naked self on screen.

“Thanks, I will.” I paused, thinking. “Mum, would you pose with Jenny, if she says yes?”

“You want us together?” said Mum. At my nod, she shrugged and I enjoyed the brief bounce of her breasts. She caught the direction of my glance and laughed, then shrugged again. “I don’t see why not, sweetheart, but they stay private to the three of us, okay?”

“Absolutely, Mum, absolutely.” I gave a brief, theatrical shudder. “Can you imagine Toby Wells having them? No, they stay private and you can have that in writing.”

Mum laughed. “I don’t think I need ask you to go that far, son, your word is good enough for me.” She paused. “Would you copy those photos to my PC?”

“Yes, of course. Although, tell you what, I’ll copy them to your folder on the network drive, that way you can access them without cluttering up your hard drive. I’ll password protect them, too, so what password do you want?”

She laughed. “I’m tempted to say ‘motherfucker’, but I think, um, ‘naughtymum,’ all one word. Okay?”

“Naughtymum it is, naughty Mum.” I paused. “Or would you prefer ‘nakedmum’?”

“No, it’s more fun being naughty, rather than just naked, don’t you think?” Her glance at me was innocence personified.

“You do have a point,” I said, laughing. While we’d been talking I’d created the password-protected folder on our network drive. “Okay, Mum, your new folder is ready, called mumpix, password naughtymum as requested. The photos will be waiting for you when you want them,” I said, and initiated the copy.

“Thanks, sweetie. I think I’ll do some writing for an hour or so, I feel a need to be creative for a while. When you’re ready, come to my room and we’ll sleep together tonight.” She laughed. “Or, rather, we’ll stay awake together. I want you to make love to me again.”

I grinned and her smile broadened. “I think it will be sooner rather than later, Mum. I mean, I’ve got used to you easing my erection problems, and I think JT will be hard again soon, ready for your help, especially after what you just said.”

“Think about what you’d like us to do, honey. So far we’ve only done straight, vanilla missionary, and don’t get me wrong, it was marvellous, but there are so many other ways. Woman on top and doggy style for two, ways your Dad and I never managed to try, and I’d like to try some of them with you. Okay?”

“Absolutely, Mum, but you call the shots and I’ll try to perform to your satisfaction.”

“Oh, you will, honey, don’t worry.” She stood, and bent to kiss me. “See you in an hour or so, stud,” she said, and swung her hips invitingly as she sauntered to the door, blowing me a kiss as she went. I turned back to the screen and looked more closely at one or two of my photos of her. Yep, no two ways about it. Mum is hot!

Mum had bought me a subscription to Adobe Photoshop CC, so I opened up Lightroom and imported the nude photos into a new folder, then played about with the features for a while, but the program has a long learning curve and I was still learning, so I packed up after about forty minutes or so, and thought about what had happened.

That Mum and I fucking was wrong, legally and morally, I discarded as irrelevant. As Mum had said, it was a woman showing her love and gratitude for the man who had saved her life in the most intimate way possible, and for me it was showing my love for her in the same way. Of course, thinking about it didn’t do anything to stop JT from perking up and soon I had a boner. I glanced at my watch. Forty-seven minutes Girne Escort since Mum had gone upstairs. Time enough, I thought, and made my way up to her room.

The door was mostly closed, just ajar, and I could hear the clatter of her keyboard. It paused, and I tapped on the door.

“Mum? Is it time yet?”

“Almost, sweetie,” she called. “Give me five minutes, then come straight into my bedroom. I’ll be waiting for you.” A pause. “Make sure you’re hard when you come in,” she said, and I could hear the anticipation in her voice. Five minutes? Open one of the mother and son stories on Literotica? No, I didn’t need that, I just needed to think about what we’d been doing. So I did, reliving every wonderful moment of it in my mind, lightly stroking JT.

After five minutes of stimulating reverie, JT and I were ready and I headed back for Mum’s room. Come straight in, she’d said, and that’s what I did, tapping lightly on the door before I opened it. And stopped dead, in pleased surprise. Mum was kneeling on the bed, bum in the air, resting on her elbows. Because of the position of her bed relative to the door, it meant she was facing away from me and I could see her pussy clearly, even in the dim light, swollen, moist, ready.

“Wow, Mum, that looks hot!”

“That’s the way I feel, sweetie. I decided I want to try doggy style first, so climb aboard and get your beautiful cock into me. No need for foreplay, because I’ve been playing with myself for the last ten minutes and I am so ready for you.”

No sooner the thought than the deed and I moved across to the bed and knelt behind her, then eased forward, inching my cock into Mum’s soaking pussy, my hands holding her hips lightly. Paradise! Hot, wet, tight, gripping me as I moved into her. I paused with my balls pressed against her, and she gave a soft moan.

“That’s it, son, now fuck me!”

“Yes, mother,” I replied, and she laughed.

“Get moving, stud, because your mother wants to come!”

I’d love to say that it was a lovely, long, drawn out celebration of all things sexual but, truth to tell, we were both so excited, so involved in the moment, that it wasn’t long before Mum was crying out as she came. Of course, the moment took me, too, and very shortly afterwards I was crying out my own passion as I shot my seed deep into Mum’s soaking, grasping pussy.

Breathing heavily, I held onto Mum’s hips, as much to keep myself approximately upright as anything else, while we calmed down from our shared climax, then eased my shrinking cock out of her. I glanced down as I eased out, then fought a laugh. I’d love a photo of Mum’s pussy just then, soaked as it was with my jizz and her juices, but I kept my thoughts to myself, mostly because I thought my chances of such a photo were somewhere between slim and zero.

I collapsed onto my back next to Mum and she smiled across at me, then stretched out on her tummy beside me, leaning across to give me a soft, sweet kiss.

“Thank you, honey, that was good.”

“No, Mum, better than just good, much better.”

She laughed, nodding. “Yes, it was, much better.” She paused, a gentle smile on her face, then raised up onto her elbows, her lovely breasts softly pendant. “Shower, sweetheart?”

“A quick one, I think. I need sleep, give me time to recover.”

She grinned. “So you can fuck me again in the morning?”

My answering grin was wide, happy. “Of course.”

“Perhaps Jenny, too?”

“Dunno, Mum, probably not if you’re here.”

“Do you want me to be somewhere else, then?”

“You asked me that before, and I’ll give you the same answer as I did then, no. No, because I want both of my girls here together with me, hopefully all naked. If we get together for some threesome sex, great. If not, we’ll have each other when Jenny goes home, won’t we?”

“Yes, we will, definitely. But now, shower time, and then bed, but to sleep, this time.”

And that’s how it went. We showered, laughing and giggling as we carefully washed interesting portions of each other’s anatomy, dried each other, brushed our teeth and settled ourselves in Mum’s bed. I think we were both asleep almost within seconds.

It wasn’t the alarm clock that woke me next morning. No, it was Mum’s mouth as she licked and sucked JT to a wonderful morning hardness. She smiled at me as my eyes opened, then stretched up to kiss me, quick, light.

“Morning, sweetheart.”

“And a wonderful way to be woken, too. Do you want to be my alarm clock from now on?” I said, smiling as she sat back on her heels, nipples erect. She laughed.

“Only if I’m awake before the alarm goes off,” she said, laughing. She paused, then went on, “Gary, honey, remember, last night – “

“Yes! It was wonderful!”

” – I said I wanted to try doggy style and woman on top?”

I nodded. “Of course, and I plan to be your ever-willing accomplice.”

“Well, last night, accomplice of mine, we successfully tried doggy style, and it was everything I hoped it would be. So, honey, this morning we try mama on top, okay?”

“Absolutely, Mum. Climb aboard!” I said, grinning at her, easing myself onto my Magosa Escort back, getting comfortable, holding JT steady, pointing firmly to the ceiling. Mum grinned and swung her leg over me, giving me a quick flash of pussy — and from the look on her face it was no accident — then shuffled forwards on her knees until she was poised above me.

“Ready, honey?” she murmured, taking JT in a light grip as I let my hand fall away.

“I told you, Mum. Absolutely!”

“Okay, then,” she said, and lowered herself slightly, pausing to slide JT’s head back and forth along her labia a few times, spreading her juices, then lowered herself a little more until my erection was positively located then, with a grin I could almost feel, she took her hand away and lowered herself slowly the full length of my boner, and she was so wet that she didn’t even need to lift herself a little to make it easier. Bingo! Straight in! A little noise escaped her mouth, half gasp, half groan.

“Oh, fuck! You feel so good!” she said, then blew me a kiss. “Ready, honey?”

“Always ready for this, Mum.”

“Okay, then, honey. Enjoy this, because I certainly am.” She grinned at me and began to move, lifting herself so that I almost slipped from her pussy, then lowering herself, taking my full length inside her again, then repeating the move again, and again, and again … She established a comfortable rhythm, not too fast, not too slow, bringing me — and herself — slowly up towards climax.

My hands were resting comfortably on Mum’s hips, but she leaned forwards and kissed me, never stopping her smooth rise and fall, then, as she sat back up she took my hands and raised them to her breasts. She smiled.

“Play with them, honey. I always did like to feel your Dad’s hands on my tits.”

Well, I wasn’t going to refuse an invitation like that, and cupped and squeezed her lovely breasts, letting my thumbs rub over her nipples, her deliciously erect nipples. She sighed, but it was a sigh of content. Her eyes came to mine and she smiled.

“You have a nice touch, honey, very nice.”

“And you have beautiful breasts, Mum, absolutely beautiful. I love how they feel, how your nipples respond, heck, I love just seeing them!”

“And photographing them,” Mum added, laughing.

“That too, definitely.”

She was silent for a while, never ceasing her steady motion as she rode my cock, my fingers continuing their caresses, not just her breasts, but her sides, her hips, her thighs, anywhere I could reach, delighting in the smooth softness of her skin. Her steady motion had been bringing me closer to climax and as I neared my peak I rested my hands on her hips, my own hips moving to lift me into her wetness as she rode me.

“Getting close, Mum,” I murmured.

“Me, too, honey,” she replied, her breathing deepening, quickening, an almost imperceptible increase, too, in the speed she was riding me. Inspired, I slid my hand between us and stroked her clitoris. She gasped and then she was coming, her belly rippling, her pussy clamping down on my cock, pushing me, too, over the edge, so that my hips bucked, thrusting my cock into her clutching depths with urgent strokes and then I was blasting my jizz into her as we rode the storm together.

Long moments later, we calmed and my lovely mother collapsed forwards across me, her head on my chest. I put my arms around her, hugging her to me, and we lay like that, not speaking, just hugging, while our heart rates slowly returned to normal. Eventually, Mum sat up, and bent to kiss me.

“Shower?” she said, just as the phone at her bedside rang. She stretched across and picked up the handset. ‘Jenny,’ she mouthed as she pressed the key to open the line. “Hello? … Hi, Jenny! Not crying off, are you? … No? … That’s good, we’re looking forward to seeing you again. So what is it you want? … A bed for the night? Not a problem, honey. Just tonight, or are you staying for a few days? … Discuss when you get here? Okay, we’ll do that … right, we’ll see you later, then. Bye for now, honey.”

Mum closed the line and put the handset back in its charging cradle. “Apparently her mum and dad have got the chance of a few days away at a bargain price, but Jenny didn’t really want to spoil their break by tagging along, so she asked if she could crash with us for a few days. As you heard, I said yes, of course, so we shall be three tonight. With luck, all in the same bed, but it might be a bit too much for Jenny to take in, so we’ll take it slow, okay?”

“Of course. Now, weren’t we about to have a shower?” So, Jenny was staying over. Great! I was certainly looking forwards to seeing her again, especially after the selfie she’d sent.

We didn’t linger in the shower, although we did have a few fun moments as we washed each other, but just after nine we sat down to breakfast. We’d decided not to rush Jenny into anything, so we’d dressed. Sort of. I was in shorts and a t-shirt, and my cotton gloves, Mum in a loose sun dress. With nothing under it! I’d enjoyed watching her dress — a lot. Breakfast finished, we took our tea into the living room to await Jenny’s arrival. She’d always been prompt in the past, and I didn’t think today would be an exception, and so it was. At ten to ten Charlie Talbot’s Land Rover came up the drive and Mum and I went out to meet it. Charlie and Jenny got out and Charlie reached in the back and took out a holdall, which Jenny took, and which I took from Jenny.

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