By switchhitter46
I live for the moment I hear that catch in her throat with our first kiss. Her breathing getting heavier with each tender touch, and caress of her sensitive places, I wait for those three words she will not say…, yet.
Catherine Chapter 16
Recital And I Fuck Sally
The routine train ride, the walk to school, stopping to get a paper from Henry’s news stand on the way, then breakfast in the cafeteria like every week day for the last twenty something, give or take, number of weeks except for today, its the deep funk I’m feeling with already missing her.
Sitting at the table with John, “Plans with the girlfriend this weekend?” he ask. “No John,,” telling him. “I’m driving to Virginia tonight when I get home to be there tomorrow for my daughters piano recital, and won’t be back till sometime Sunday evening. Plus I think Catherine may be seeing a friend this weekend who’s in town for awhile who’s been wanting to take her out for dinner.”
“Oh…, another guy in her life huh?” His quizzical look at me.
“Yeah John, it’s a guy. She’s known him from sometime before she and I met,” telling him.
“Oh.., then an old boyfriend,” he says.
“I don’t think it was like that; boyfriend and all John. Just someone she was introduced to by some mutual friends. She went out with him one time while she was visiting those friends. So he’s kept in touch with her since,” telling him.
“Well…, how convenient,” he says. “You being in Virginia, giving her time to get reacquainted with some guy from the her past…, you know…, just saying…, and all.”
“Try not saying so much John!” Telling him as I’m getting up to head over to the coffee bar. Damn him! I was already bummed out missing her already. But as for John, I swear before this school is over I’ll end up tossing his ass out one of those seventh story windows; now laughing out loud at the thought.
John, hearing me laughing as he comes up to me. “”What’s so funny,” he’s asking.
“You John.”
” Me…, why me,” his asking.
“Because John, I was picturing you flapping your arms like a bird as you’re plummeting towards the parking lot!” Walking away to his, “WHAT?”
Now this morning it’s a slow walk up the stairs, my funky mood killing my enthusiasm for beating the elevator riders to the seventh floor. So when I open the stairway door on the seventh floor, it’s John already waiting for me.
“What the hell did you mean by me plummeting to the parking lot,” he ask.
“Just breaking your stones John,” telling him. “The windows are probably to thick or sealed so tight you wouldn’t go through them anyway.” Then walk on past him leaving him standing there wondering what do the damn windows have to do with anything?” His forgetting, I guess, asking him about surviving a hard landing.
A little while into the start of class I get a text message, It’s Catherine, “Call me at break time.” Then back to her.., “K” So when at last Frank’s usual break time words where I’m out the door to the stair well punching in her speed dial number for her cell phone to five rings before it’s, “Hello You.”
“Hello you too…, what’s up? “I forgot to tell you if you were thinking about lunch…, I can’t make it today. We have a group in from a out of town office and I’m the designated hostess. I just got off the phone ordering lunch,” she tells me.
“Oh…, Okay. I was going to ask about that before you left this morning but…, I got distracted. Then John distracted me when I got in, so I was going to call you about this time anyway, but after what you just said…, well, whatever. So.., how was your drive to the office,” asking her.
“I was just ahead of the wave, so I got down hear in time to get a good parking space too,” she tells me.
“I guess that’s a bonus, huh?”
“Yes it is,” she says. “Especially when I work late in the winter months where it’s dark early so a short walk to my car. And the summer time no hot car to cool off before driving.”
To a long pause before she says, “Bobby about what you said this morning…,”
“Catherine…, please…,” it’s my interrupting her, “it’s okay! I read things in people; it’s my innate intuition; remember — last night? Where I’ve told you several times; it’s the part of me that makes me good at what do — so I know…, now do it; if you haven’t already called him.”
“Bobby, I haven’t,” she’s tells me.
“Well…, then do it Catherine! Enjoy yourself, catch up on things. Hell, a free meal is a free meal, what ever it is. I know! Some of it is in my refrigerator.”
“You are such a shit Swaggart!”
“Yeah, you keep telling me that! So, I think you should get back to your hosting…, it’s bad form for the hostess to disappear on their guest. I’ll call, or text you when I get back sometime Sunday evening…, Okay?”
“Bobby thank you! I’ll miss you, and you haven’t even left the state.”
“Thank you, I’ll miss you too and you haven’t left for DC Catherine! Bye.”
“Bye Bobby.”
Kind of strange isn’t it Swaggart, now thinking to myself, insisting the woman you’re in love with call some guy she’s seen before, who’s obviously very interested in taking her out; she does like him she said. Even interested in maybe more; she said that too; even giving up his name, although not on purpose; as well as admitting to, ‘others’. The two dinner dates while she’s in DC, one Tuesday night, the other Wednesday night; are either one or both of them someone she’s been sexually involved with? I bet they are!
All of sudden this vision of her sucking their cocks, her magic mouth driving them to distraction. That turning into fucking her as she wraps those long beautiful legs around them, pushing her ass up to meet their cocks driving into her. Around on her knees with them dogie fucking her, turning the tables on them with her hard cow girl riding she loves when she wants to cum! How many times; multi-orgasmic Catherine?
Why in the fuck am I suddenly turned on by the thought of her like that?
Was it watching Sally with Alex, how that turned me on so much; hard to believe some people would think. But a life style that seems to be more common then some would think. It does seem strange that the one you love you’re so eager to see having sex with another.
Would Catherine and I be that free if we became a, “Couple,” at some point in the future? That’s funny, because I shouldn’t even be here with a future after all the close calls I’ve had; like the one I opened up to her with.
You have been one lucky bastard Swaggart! And not just with the women you been so fortunate to have in your life. Have fun Catherine, tell me all about it when you return!
It’s coming Swaggart…, twice!
Saying good bye to John with his, “I hope your daughter does well at her recital and see you Monday,” he says. Shaking his hand then a wave just before I open the door to the stairway and the seven flights to the ground floor. But today I’m not hanging around in the cafeteria because it’s right out the door on my way to the train station, by passing my usual route through the plaza; avoiding looking at her building, dredging up those thoughts of her I had earlier.
The train ride on the week day locals is interesting returning from the city with the mix of the different sides of life; mothers with their tired, cranky kids in tow, teen somethings talking to loud, others with headphones on listening to what ever the current fad of crappy music is? Others of lesser education or manners, their vulgar language, not caring who’s around them is hearing it. Hard working people who get off at every stop along the way, who maybe started their jobs at four or five in the morning, nodding off in their seats. Others of every stripe sitting or standing up holding onto a seat back handle.
Not feeling I’m any better than any of them, it’s just the quiet of the express, with the commuters from the far off suburbs, nurses, professionals, white collar office workers plus a smattering of the others, college students, older shoppers without cranky children and me; I just like being alone with my thoughts. An that is why I wait the extra twenty minutes in the cafeteria before I start my walk to the train station so I can miss all of the other and be alone with my thoughts; yeah, thoughts; not able to shake what I imagined earlier today.
That’s why today, I need this distraction of the locals.
At last pulling into my driveway, stopping at the mail box collecting the junk mail and the important stuff. Then parking in front of the garage using my cell phone to bring up the alarm ‘app’ resetting the system to occupied. Coming into the house from the garage; there it is! Just like this morning…, even after her not being here all day; I can still…, smell her!
But that I have to put out of my mind because I need to get my Class A and the over coat in a garment bag, shoes, cover, in a hard case, and what ever other things I’ll need to wear to and from Virginia this weekend; all the time knowing I should have done it this morning; again her distraction.
But instead of every thing else I usually do when I get home, fix a pot of coffee, check emails, heat up what ever left overs I have around; the left overs tonight would be what she and I brought back form the “Steak & Brew.” That was what…, a little less than twenty-four hours ago? I wonder if I should call her…, just to tell her thank you again. But what if she called this, “Brian,” and accepted his invitation of taking her to dinner and drinks. But no…, she might think I’m…, anyway.
Now with everything together and about to leave the bedroom, it’s my double take where I see a piece of paper taped to a clear plastic baggy laying on one of the bed pillows. Picking it up to see the paper stuck to the baggy is a note, and inside the baggy is…, two pair of — Catherine’s panties? The writing I recognize as Mrs. Murphy’s, with the words:
“Mister Swaggart.”
“I found one of these on your sofa this morning, the other on the floor in your den. I assume they’re not yours? Your girl friends, I hope? And from the labels I know they can only be purchased from a expensive lingerie shop, so “she, or they,” may want them back. Unless you prefer to hang onto them for what ever purpose you might have in mine; they have been worn recently.”
“P.S. I ran your dishwasher…, twice! Please, for my sake, remember to run it occasionally.”
Hope you have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Murphy.
PS: And thank you for the extra money, it was very nice of you!”
PS:PS I changed your bed close too; you must live a very exciting life!
I had left twenty five dollars included with her check in the envelope I pin on the bulletin board before leaving this morning.
But…, I wonder what she was implying about, what purpose I had in mind involving Catherine’s panties? Well.., I wouldn’t want to disappoint her about any intentions. So pushing the slider on the baggy to open it and without the least bit of hesitation, bring the open bag up to my face, inhaling her erotic feminine scent. Yeah…, this bag will go under my pillow when I get home. But I have to remember to write a date on the bag…, just in case it becomes just a souvenir from a time in my past. But no, I’ll give them back to Catherine with the note still attached. And yes Mrs Murphy, I have some very exciting women in my life!
The drive from my garage to the back door of Sally’s grandmothers on a Friday evening, takes me about, four and half to five hours, but that’s when I’ve left directly from where ever my assignment was at that time, where I’ve made it sooner pushing the speed limit on those occasions. But tonight it’s the train commute home which will put me right with weekend traffic on the interstate so I won’t be going to Alice’s. Instead I’ll be checking into my hotel room then driving to Alice’s early tomorrow morning.
I’ll also be changing into my Class A’s before going to the Alice’s too, so lots of time for hellos, hugs, kisses, talk and of course, some of Alice’s coffee, and home made biscuits and jam.
Calling Sally from my hotel room letting her know I’ve made it down here. Where she tells me Erin’s already in bed, so of course I won’t be going over to Alice’s and wake Erin up; I’ll show up there early tomorrow morning. Then with some short catching-up between Sally and me, it’s saying good night; ending the call.
Erin is all over me as soon as hit the back door.
Sweeping her up in my arms it’s all I can do to hide my misty eyes; she’s getting so big. In another year or so she’ll be to big for me to be doing that; she’ll be a young lady starting to fill out. But I had to laugh a few months ago when I mentioned to Sally how fast Erin was growing up, where Sally whispered to me, “She’s already budding and with pubic hair too,” she told me.
That hurt me!
My little girl maturing into a women and I’ve missed so much of her getting there. Sally seeing my reaction had squeezed my hand.
Alone in the living room while the three of them are getting dressed for the recital gives me a chance to wonder around refreshing my memory and how much I’ve love this old farm house, plus I’ve put a good deal of work into it myself over the many visits during the years Sally and I were married. And I still do things now when I come to visit Erin, but not this time. This time it’s all about Erin!
The girls, including Alice, coming back into the room, Sally’s dark blue high heels click, clacking on the wooden floor, dark blue suit, pale blue frilly blouse, blond hair made up in a way unsual for her — an even more beautiful Sally!
Alice slowly coming in behind Sally, the cane in her right hand steadying her walk. Then the star of this whole parade, Erin, in a conservative long sleeve black dress, white frilly collar, the dress just touching the top of her shiny black shoes, along with a wreath of baby’s breath flowers encircling the top of her pretty blond head. Perfect for a budding concert pianist!
Turning to Sally, who’s looking at me for approval sees the smile and the nodding my head; “She looks perfect Sally and so do you!” Sally’s broad smile, is her reply to what I said.
“Okay.., every body ready?” Sally passing a look around to all of us. It’s ladies with their coats on, then out the back door into Sally’s car. With Alice in the front passenger seat, Erin and me in the back. Its Sally turning the car around along with my look to Erin giving her a thumbs up sign.
Recital’s over, where I thought all the kids did well, but certainly prejudice in my daughters favor; I thought she was perfect! Sitting on the sofa in Alice’s house, who comes in from the kitchen carrying a cup of coffee for me, “Bob, would you mind building a fire in the fire place for me, it gets a little drafty in this room at night,” she says.
“Of course I will!’ Getting up, rolling up my shirt sleeves, its getting three large pieces of wood from the wood box placing them on the grate, sheets of newspaper balling them up, stuffing them under the grate. Checking the damper is open, it’s with a long stem fire place match from it’s metal container, where it’s only a few minutes before a nice glowing fire, warming the room.
Then with Sally and Alice sipping a glass of red wine, me with my coffee, but the best thing of all, my daughter, sitting right next to me, with her head resting against my shoulder.
All this on a early winter evening, in a farm house in a town full of history in northern Virginia. A fire burning in the fireplace thinking so many things about this are so right. Yet, there’s one thing wrong. And that is back there where I don’t know…”
Pushing that out of my mind as I slip my arm around Erin’s shoulders. “I hope you know I’m very proud of you lady,” telling her, kissing the top of her head too.
Where it’s Sally, getting my attention, looking over to see her fingers wiping her eyes, but when she sees me looking at her, turns her head away.
Now its Alice calling me from the kitchen, “Bob, would like some more coffee before I pour it out?”
“Yes please Alice, thank you!”
With that Sally, except for the suit jacket, is still wearing what she wore to the recital, gets up from her chair telling Erin, “I think it’s time you changed out of that dress. You’re going to need it for the next recital and you don’t want anything happening to it; so come on, I’ll help you out of it and we’ll hang it up,” she tells her.
With that Erin gets up, but before she follows Sally, “Daddy, are you staying here tonight,” she’s asking.
Glancing at Sally, “No honey, I have my room at the motel. But I’ll be back early tomorrow morning. Plus I’ll need your help again finding another book at the library. So I need you with your library card to check it out if I find the book,” telling her.
Gets her laughing at that to a sassy hand on a raised hip, “Only if you promise we’ll go to the ice cream store later!”
“Wow, playing hard ball are we?”
“You betcha!” Erin not taking her eyes from me.
Looking at Sally, who’s trying not to laugh, then it’s back to Erin, “You’re driving a hard bargain lady…, but…, it’s a deal; shake?” “Shake!” She says. Where it’s Erin taking my hand giving me a firm hand shake. Then Sally following Erin to her bedroom to change out of her dress.
With Erin back sitting next to me again, playing on her iPad, its Sally, and Alice bringing me up to date on the town gossip and everything else that’s been happening around town. Sally, with her job, Alice’s aches and pains, me with school still down town, my college history class and all the papers I’ve been doing for that, where it’s become pretty late and Erin has fallen asleep with her head on my thigh.
“Come on honey it’s time for bed,” Sally coming over to wake her.
“Daddy, would you walk me back to my bedroom,” she’s asking. Of course I will pumpkin.”
But as I’m about to leave her room, “Should I leave the little light on pumpkin?”
“No..,” she says, You can turn it off.”
“Okay, how about the door then, should I leave that cracked a little?”
“No…, you can close it all the way,” she says.
“Alright pumpkin,” kissing her on the forehead, “See you in the morning!”
“Thank you daddy for coming to my recital.”
“You’re welcome baby, it was my pleasure!”
Closing the door I have stop to pull myself together before going back to the living room.
“Alice would you like me to bank the fire before I leave?” Picking up my uniform jacket and coat.
“Bob, you’re not leaving already,” she ask.
“Yes Alice, it’s been a long week, but a great day today. But I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Well make sure you’re here early, breakfast will be ready,” she tells me.
“Alice, I wouldn’t miss your Sunday morning breakfast for anything!” Going over to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Well mister Swaggart, I’d be very upset if you did,” she tells me.
“Alice, I certainly don’t want you upset with me so I’ll be here waking the chickens so I can snatch up the eggs you’ll be fixing for breakfast. Oh and about the fire Alice,” asking her again.
“That’s okay Bob, I’ll take care of it!” Coming from Sally.
“If you’re sure Sally, I’ll see you both in the morning.”
With uniform jacket on, my cover in hand, the overcoat over my arm, “Bob, I’ll walk out with you.” Right before I was going to tell Sally good night.
“You don’t have do that Sally, it’s cold out.., stay here with Alice,” telling her.
“No Bob, I want to walk out with you.”
With both of us standing just outside the back door. “Thank you for being here for Erin.” It’s Sally.
“Sally…, I’ve missed way to many things, but I wouldn’t have missed this for anything. You’ve done a great job and I think she did very well.”
“Yes she did Bob and not just very well. I’d be very surprised if she’s not invited back for the next one!”