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Big Tits

“Hellooo? Is anybody here?”

Lisa was startled awake by the voice so close to her in the house. She immediately jumped up and threw on her robe over her t-shirt and underwear. It was midday on a breezy spring Saturday. “Who is in my house?” she thought to herself.

Heart pounding, she crept out of her bedroom where she had been napping and headed down the hallway. Her bare tiptoes made no sound on the carpet, yet she was sure who ever it was could hear her pounding heart.


It was definitely a male voice, though not one she recognized. Clutching her robe closed, she realized how foolish she was to investigate and sprinted back to her room. She needed to grab her cell phone and call the police, or her brother down the street or someone, anyone.

“Can someone lock up the dog, so we can take measurements? Hellooo!” the voice boomed. “Damn!” she thought to herself as she stopped half way back to her room.

She had totally forgotten, that they were supposed to come to measure for the addition to the house. She quickly cinched the belt to her robe and headed down stairs still wondering why they were in the house. When she got to the bottom of the steps she totally expected to find someone standing right there as she could hear men talking. That’s when she realized they were not in the house but standing at the front window which was open.

Heart still in her throat, she managed to smile at the two middle aged men standing outside the widow.

“Hi there! Sorry to bother you ma’am. We were supposed to come out to measure for the new addition today, but, um, the dog seems to be loose in the back yard and he is kind of big,” the larger and older man who seemed to be in charge blurted out.

Finally having calmed down enough to speak, Lisa only got out “Oh sorry, uhh I’m Lisa … I forgot you were coming out today, let me go take care of him. It will just take a second.”

She walked away from the window and started to head up the stairs to put on some jeans. She felt kind of vulnerable dressed as she was. “I’m just being foolish, we’re all adults and I am sure I am not the first woman they have seen in a robe. Hell it’s probably one of there fantasies!” she thought to herself feeling a strange twinge of excitement she hadn’t felt in a while. She was a very attractive 29 years old after all and running kept her body pretty tight. Plus they didn’t look too threatening. So she turned bursa escort down the hallway toward the back room.

As she opened the back slider, she saw Salty, her two year old German shepherd, was still on his runner in the back yard. “What were they worried about? All he could do was bark.” Somewhat annoyed she quickly scampered across the grass in her bare feet and grabbed Salty’s leash to unclip it from the runner. Of course, Salty was happy to have her attention and came running up to meet her just as she was unhooking the leash. He jumped up on her and she had to push him down with her free hand as she struggled to get the leash undone. Finally she got it and pulled her robe, which had been knocked open, back closed. Just then, Salty realized they were going in side and took off for the house. Caught off guard with the leash wrapped around her wrist, Lisa was pulled off her feet. With a high yelp, she landed in a heap face first in the grass and mud. Salty, a little startled, came back to see if she was all right.

Laughing at herself she got to her knees and checked that everything was all right. The wet grass had soaked her robe, t-shirt and underwear and she had to pull her robe back around herself as she got up. Salty again started his pull toward the house. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of movement, as did Salty who began barking, and she saw the two forgotten handymen standing by the fence.

Suddenly she turned red as she realized they had witnessed the whole thing and had probably gotten quite a show. She struggled to pull her robe farther closed as she continued toward the door. Putting the barking Salty inside, she leaned out and shouted to the two men “It ok now. He is inside.”

“Thank you.” the men shouted back in unison.

With the door closed, she stood with her back to it, and reran the last two minutes in her mind. “How much did they see? Did they see her robe come open? When she fell did they see her underwear? They were probably just as embarrassed, right? Heck she probably made there day. Did they think she was attractive?” All of this kept running through her mind. She realized how much her heart was pounding. Why did the idea of strange men seeing her uncovered body excite her so much?

She headed back up stairs to her bedroom. As she entered her room, she slid over to the window. Running the incident in her head for the hundredth time, she pushed bursa otele gelen escort one blade of the blinds up so she could peer at the men without making it obvious. They were having a very animated conversation as they were laying out stakes to measure. Were they talking about her?

The idea excited her. She turned around, took off her robe, mud stained t-shirt and underwear. She pulled out clean underwear, for some reason she chose a thong, and started to put on jeans. Then something came over her. Instead of putting on jeans she grabbed her other robe which was a little shorter than the other and put that on. She looked in the mirror. “What am I thinking!” she said to her self not sure whether to egg herself on or to stop something which was starting to brew in her head.

She looked great in her little robe, with no bra and her thong only visible when she bent over. She looked at herself from all angles. “Gosh it feels good to feel sexy.” Since her boyfriend started traveling for work she really hadn’t seen much of him. And even when she did it was like they were married for 70 years. He usually just wanted to sleep regardless of what she tried to do to get him going. The idea that he might be unfaithful was also in the back of her nagging mind. She slid her hands up and down her smooth tan thighs, pulling up her robe just a little bit until the split showed just the hint of her panties. God she felt a live.

Then slowly she slid out of her room and onto the stairs where she sat down. She could just see the too men working but figured they could not see her through the darkened house. Every sensation on her skin felt so intense. The rough carpet on the bare cheeks of her rear-end, the silk robe sliding back and forth on her nipple as she breathed. The sensation as she little bit her fingers on her left hand. Just then Salty wandered up the stairs to see her. She wondered what he was thinking. He just laid there on the steps next to her.

What should she do next? She really liked this feeling of danger and excitement. Something she hadn’t had in her life in a long time. Quietly she snuck down the steps and into the hallway. If they looked right now they could see her, but they would just think she was walking around the house.

She slipped into the dining room where she could watch them through the window but could hide behind the sofa. She put her knees on the couch bursa türbanlı escort and peered over it. She looked over to where they were but there was only one there. Suddenly Salty started barking and she heard a knock on the back slider.

What should she do? Had she been seen? Could she answer it in the new robe? They obviously knew she was here. She got up and pulled her robe tighter and tip toed over to the slider. The younger of the two men was staring at her through the glass. She walked over and slid it open a little so she could talk, but Salty could not push his way out.

“Ma’am, Sorry to bother you I don’t usually do this but could I possibly use your restroom?” He seemed very sincere in his request and did not seem to be a threat. She did have Salty who was ready to tear him a part if she let him from the sounds of his barks. With one hand on Salty, she pushed the slider open with the other hand. This let her robe slide open slightly and expose a little more cleavage than she was expecting.

“It’s down the hallway to the right. Oh can you please take off your shoes” She said.

“Thank you ma’am” He managed to say, though she though he was saying it more to her breasts than her. He headed down the hall, into the bathroom and closed the door.

Still struggling with Salty she finally put him down the basement stairs. She could always let him out if she needed him. Then standing in the hallway in nothing but her robe and panties with a strange man in the house, feeling unprotected she got a thought.

“I’ve gone this far. What if I showed him something? Maybe a little more breast, or my panties, or …” She was overcome just by the thoughts running through her head. She pressed her back against the wall. Looking toward the bathroom door, she let her robe fall open and began running her hands on her exposed skin. Did she have enough guts to leave it open? Would she do it? What would her do? Would he attack her? Was this dangerous? Could she make it look like an accident? She was getting really worked up as she heard the toilet flush and the faucet go on… but then she chickened out at the last minute and pulled he robe closed as the door opened.

“Thanks ma’am,” he said as he brushed past her in the hallway. As she turned toward the door to follow him, she noticed his coworker standing at the door. He was looking at this watch but she realized he might have seen the whole thing! Did he see her? Did he see her exposed? He smiled at her as his friend opened the door but didn’t say anything, his friend said “Shouldn’t be more than another hour or two.”

“Thanks,” she managed. Her heart was again pounding. A few more hours… not much time… as her head was filled with ideas.

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