

The phone only rang once before Don heard Anna’s still familiar voice. “Hello?”


“Who’s that…..? Good God!” The penny had dropped! “Talk about a blast from the past, how are you?

They had been an ‘item’ once, until her obsessive jealousy and possessiveness had killed Don’s feelings. He knew that he was walking on emotional thin ice in calling her, but he had what he firmly believed to be a very good reason!

“I’m fine, you?”

“Yes, fine thanks, to what do I owe this honour after… four years is it?

“I just fancied hearing your voice again.”

“And I just fancied sex with a Martian! Now what’s the real reason?”

“The real reason, oh ye of little faith! Ok, if I’m going to be honest, sex does have something to do with it!”

“What a surprise, go on!”

“Well, do you remember what you said when we split?”

“Quite bit as I recall!”

“Well,” he said again, “the bit I’ve got in mind had to do with you never turning me down if ever I felt fruity and wanted a shag!” He paused. “Well, I’m as randy as hell and Sylvia’s away, so how are you fixed?”

“You cheeky bastard, for four bloody years – nothing, then all of a sudden you think you can just ‘phone and fuck me?”

The direct approach had always been best with Anna in the past, but it looked like he’d miscalculated this time.

“You always said that it’s best to be honest, even if it sometimes it doesn’t look like the best way, so I’m just being upfront about things, I thought you’d appreciate that!” He was trying to sound apologetic

“And you thought that just by asking you’d get into my knickers?”

“Well, you did say….!” He left the statement hanging in the air.

“Yes, I did, didn’t I, and I meant it at the time.., though I wasn’t thinking of you waiting this bloody long!” She was capitulating! “You really are a bastard, you know that Don? But if you’re still as good as you used to be… You sod, you’re turning me on thinking about it”

“Is that a yes?”

“Oh……Damn you! Ok, Maybe yes, you bastard!”

“Then get your knickers off, gal, ‘cos I’m just outside!”

“Don’t be such a male chauvinist arsehole. The least you can do is have a coffee and tell me a bit about yourself before expecting me to lose my fucking underwear! …and I’m making no promises either”

“Temper, temper!” He was grinning now.

“Just get your arse in here, dammit!”

The door had been left open for him by the time he’d walked up the path. He took that as a welcome sign and let himself in, walking through to where he could see a light on in the kitchen. Little seemed to have changed in the house, it was still a miscellaneous mix of assorted styles and periods, as chaotic as its occupant.

That said occupant was standing at the sink rinsing a cup when he walked in behind her. Like the house she seemed much the same, still a bit heavy on the ‘derriere’, still a bit stooped in her posture, though she was not yet fifty, and still with the nondescript head of poorly styled brownish hair. She still dressed the same, he noticed, a white blouse and dark knee length skirt without stockings. What he had once seen in her he couldn’t think, except that she was a bloody good shag, and at his age he had been running out of alternatives!

He knew from her stance that she had heard him come in, but he still placed his carrier bag on the floor quietly before he padded up behind her and, reaching round, cupped her left breast with one hand and her ‘mound of Venus’ with the other! She was still wearing underwear! For about twenty seconds she made no sound or movement, seemingly just savouring an old familiar touch, but then she twisted away and went to the cupboard for the jar of instant coffee. The same old brand, he noticed irrelevantly!

“Coffee and a chat, and then maybe, just maybe mind….!” She looked at him for the first time as she spoke and he wondered if she was thinking that he had aged as much as he was thinking it of her!

Don watched as she stirred the coffee mugs. “Anyone in your life now, Anna?”

“Not since you ….Well nothing steady anyway”

“Must be ready for a bit then?” He was being deliberately rude, but then that used to turn her on! Anna was a very possessive and jealous woman, but she was also submissive in the sense that she loved to be humiliated verbally and ordered about in the bedroom. The more obscene the talk the hotter she became. She also enjoyed being spanked, and though that was not Don’s scene he had obliged her in the past. She looked at him but didn’t speak.

“Well, are you?”

She finally answered. “Yes, of course I am, as you might damn well know! I’m still bloody human, aren’t I?”

“Wet and willing then, eh?”

She picked up the coffees and started out for the living room, answering over her shoulder, “Do you have to talk so dirty?”

They sat down. Anna sat at one end of the settee, expecting Don to join her, but instead he sat in the chair facing, where she would normally üvey kız kardeş porno have sat.

“So, what have you been up to since the last time you were here?” she asked him.

Don thought for a moment before saying, “Not a lot!” He knew that he really didn’t need to answer. The simple fact that the use of Sylvia’s name earlier had not raised any query had confirmed what he had suspected, that Anna had made it her business to follow his progress since they parted. He wasn’t surprised. Though they had never lived together, she had still acted as if she possessed him. Even though he had always made it clear that he was never going to settle down with her, but she had always wanted to know every detail of his life, sniping about every female he spoke to, even in the course of his business. It was this unbridled jealousy that had eventually caused him to finish with her and to move away, cutting all contact. Tonight’s phone call was supposedly the first she had heard of him since.

“And did you take your knickers off like I told you?” He knew she would have!

“I don’t know why you think I would, so no, I didn’t!” She knew what was coming next!

“You know you’re going to though, don’t you? And you know you want to really!” The direct approach again, it was the one sure way of getting her going at one time. Maybe this time?

“You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you? You think I’m really going to fuck you just like that?”

“I think you want to. Go on; take ’em off!”

Anna hesitated, angry with herself for wanting him. But Don knew that the delay was more for effect than for real and waited. Sure enough, after looking hard at him for a long twenty seconds and seeing only a blank face, she raised her behind from the seat, pulled up her skirt and eased her panties down her legs, kicking them away with a look of defiance. She had let her pubic hair grow back.

“Open your legs and show me your cunt.”

She obeyed even more completely than he had really expected, raising her knees as she parted her legs, so that he had a completely unobstructed view of her pussy. It was, he could plainly see, glistening wet!

“Spread yourself, gal, I can’t see your clit for your bush”

Again she complied utterly, pulling her legs right back and reaching under them with both hands to hold her labia apart. He couldn’t complain about that sight, even her arsehole was on view.

“Anything else you’d like to see, oh mighty one?” She was trying to sound sarcastic, but her shallow breathing and sopping wet cunt showed that really she was only too eager to oblige.

Don smiled, “You might as well strip off and be done with it”

Without hesitation Anna stood and undressed, even ‘accidentally’ dropping her bra so that she could bend over with her back to him, wanting him to see a rear view of her pussy as well. Now naked before Don had so much as loosened his metaphorical tie, Anna sat back on the settee and opened her legs for him without any prompting. Her belly was, he thought, just a bit more rounded and her breasts were not quite as high, but her dark nipples, always so sensitive to his touch, were just as perky as ever, and just as inviting! She reached between her legs, using just the fingers of one hand to spread her labia this time for her other hand was cupping and gently massaging her left breast.

“Weren’t you going to tell me what you’ve been up to?” Anna reminded him, still displaying herself to him as she spoke.

“Yes, but maybe later. Right now I’m enjoying the show.” That was certainly true, especially the way she was playing with her breast, probably unaware of her actions. Don couldn’t help but feel randy watching this uninhibited exhibition by his former lover. “Anyway, you tell me, how’s your sex life these days?”

“If I say I buy my batteries wholesale, you’ll get the drift.

“Still strumming the old guitar then, eh?”

When Anna nodded ruefully he continued, “Then strum it for me now. Let me see how good you’ve become!”

Anna coloured with embarrassed surprise, but then began gently playing with her clit, ‘strumming’ it with the first two fingers of her right hand, letting Don watch her masturbate as he had often enjoyed doing before. Her breathing, already shallow, became more pronounced as performing for an audience aroused her further. In the past he would most often have stripped himself and joined in, letting her watch him masturbate at the same time. But this time he simply sat watching her play, apparently just taking in the sight of her wet pussy and busy fingers.

Then Don had another request. “Use your other hand and finger yourself, I want to see you right up your own cunt.”

Once again she submitted to his order without complaint and reaching beneath her raised leg she thrust two fingers deep into herself, pushing them in and out in time with her ‘strumming’ fingers. So wet was she that her fingers made sucking noises as they slid in and out of her pussy. xnxx porno She knew he could hear them, but she didn’t care, somewhere deep inside her an orgasm was making its first stirrings ready to blast her into heaven.

“Do you still like to get your arse smacked?” Don’s question caught her off guard and she nodded automatically. She had forgotten about the games they had played, pretending that she was a naughty schoolgirl needing punishment. Her body hadn’t forgotten though. She felt the jolt of adrenalin course through her at the memory of a smarting posterior.

“I’ve got pretty good at it now, wanna try?” he asked, but already knew the answer to that, as he did to his next question. “It might hurt a bit though, but you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Just don’t mark me” As she said that she realised she wanted him to hurt her, just like he used too – pleasure and pain were combined beautifully under his hands.

“I won’t, at least not permanently. But don’t stop frigging, you gotta cum first before I can punish you for it!”

He said it as if stating the obvious, and she realised that she had indeed stopped playing, but with her hands still in place and in fact with two fingers buried up to their knuckles in her cunt. She began again, the promise of things to come giving her the extra impetus.

It was not long, a minute, maybe two, before the orgasm struck and she half sat, half lay on her settee, her hips jerking and thrashing at the fingers plunging in and out of her hole, while her other busy fingers were almost a blur working on her clit. She was conscious of Don being seated, seemingly unperturbed, still fully dressed, and still only showing interest by slightly leaning forward towards her, but it didn’t put her off, she was too far gone for that, in fact, if anything it added to her excitement! She wasn’t going to tell him, but this was her favourite fantasy made real, Don watching her masturbate to take the edge off her own need, before taking her to bed for a long and satisfyingly kinky sex session. Now, as her climax subsided, she lay back on the settee, panting from her exertions, her face glowing with both excitement and anticipation.

“Go to your room, you dirty cow, and wait for me there!”

Anna rose immediately, heading for the door, knowing that this was going to be a session to remember, even if it had come out of the blue. Don watched her go, still naked, through the hall and start up the stairs before he collected his carrier bag from the kitchen and followed her.

He reached the bedroom he had not set foot in for four years, pushed open the door and entered. Anna sat on the bed looking up at him, eager arousal written across her face, as he collected her old nursing chair and drew it close to the bed before sitting down.

“I shan’t beat about the bush – unless it’s yours!” It was an old pun! “You have just displayed yourself like a wanton hussy, and you must be shown the error of your ways. Come here and bend over my knee.”

Head hanging in mock contrition Anna came to him, lowering herself across his lap ready for her ‘punishment’. Don immediately hooked his leg around hers and grabbed the back of her neck, effectively immobilising her across his knee.

“Are you sorry for acting like a whore?”

“No” Her pretend defiance was rewarded with a genuine smack on her ample buttocks. She gasped from the sudden pain. It was harder than she expected, harder than she remembered, but God it was so nice!

“Let me know when you are.” Another smack, a few seconds wait and then another, and another, and a third, a fourth, a fifth. All were delivered hard across her behind, first one cheek then the other. She was gasping from pain and arousal. Her bottom stung and he had barely begun.

“Harder?” he asked.

“Oh, have you started? Then yes, of course harder if you want me to feel it!”

They both knew she was definitely feeling it, her voice was tight with pain, but this sort of banter had been par for the course in ‘the old days’, and had allowed Anna to control things from ‘below’. The knowledge that she had the power to set the level of pain she would receive was part of the turn on for her.

The next time Don’s hand descended on Anna’s arse cheek it was, as promised, with greater force than before. This time the pain was intense, just on the edge of pleasure. She gritted her teeth and awaited the next, knowing that his eyes must be seeing her reddened cheeks and taking pleasure from the sight. Again a few seconds wait before the next hard smack, and then again and again, each time delivered with similar stinging force after a suspenseful wait of varying lengths.


He knew her better than she thought. He knew she could not allow herself to be beaten and would say yes, regardless!

“Yes, please!”

She had not expected that he could hit her harder, but he could! The next blow made her squirm and struggle against his hold in shock at its intensity. But his hold zenci porno did not slacken and nor did the steady rain of slaps on her behind. She was now taking a severe thrashing, the effect of which was to bring tears to her eyes and lubrication to her cunt. As hard as it was, she was still being aroused by the pain! When he finally stopped she was trapped between relief and disappointment, but she was not to know that it was because his hand was too sore rather than because he thought that she’d had enough!

“Are you going to behave with more decorum now?” He asked.

“Yes, I promise”

“Then get up and go and lie on the bed like a starfish” The obvious contradiction between his order and her promise did not seem to register with her and she did as she was told, climbing painfully onto her bed before spreading both arms and legs towards the corners, a puzzled look on her face. The puzzlement deepened when he turned to pick up a plastic carrier before advancing on the bed.

“My shopping” he said.

Then, from his shopping Don pulled several lengths of this rope and a set of straps, which he promptly set about tying to her wrists and ankles. Anna now realised what was intended, and wondered what this new sensation of being rendered helpless would really be like. She had thought of it before, even fantasized about it, but never had the chance to try it for real – until now, and the anticipation was doing wonders!

For his part Don was busy making sure that all the straps holding Anna star like across the bed were as tight and secure as possible. He wanted her totally powerless. Having finally secured her to his satisfaction, her picked up his carrier once more and, bringing it into Anna’s field of vision, began removing various articles which he placed on the bedside table. First he took out two red alter candles – and lit them. Alongside these he placed a packet of clothes pegs and two tiny ‘G’ clamps, each about an inch and a half long. These were followed by a vibrating love egg, a large hand held dildo, a tube of lubricating gel, and a black permanent marker pen.

“Don’t bother with that lot, just fuck me please!” Anna needed to be fucked, and the need was becoming agony since being rendered so vulnerable and obviously accessible by her bonds.

“You’ll know when I’m going to fuck you – I’ll strip off,” Don told her bluntly. “But until then I’m going to play with you, so lie back and enjoy!”

Again Anna experienced both disappointment and anticipation, vaguely thinking what a silly remark that was, as she could do little else but lie back, enjoying it or not!

Picking up one of the two little clamps, Don reached across her body and began to attach it to her right nipple, screwing it shut until the jaws began to bite into her flesh. When the tension in her body and the sharply indrawn breath confirmed to him that the clamp was hurting her, he took the other and began again on her left breast until he reached the same point of pain in both nipples. Satisfied with his handiwork he gave both clamps an extra half turn “Just to be sure you can feel them” he explained, and then attached one of the pegs to her clitoris. Anna was squirming from the pain in three very tender regions, though she didn’t feel it as pain, but rather as very intense pleasure, and she wanted more. Already her pussy was becoming wet again and already she was feeling the first tentative signs of approaching orgasm. More pegs followed, clipped to her labia and making a line down each side of her pussy. She was now writhing slightly in agony and ecstasy, the pain just, and only just, the right side of pleasure. Her toes, Don noticed, were curling from the intensity of the sensations and her nails were biting deep into her palms. He was pleased with his work so far.

For several minutes Don sat on the edge of the bed and studied Anna as she coped with her torment, watching her mouth the word ‘bastard’ at him with a smile on her lips to cancel it’s meaning. Then, without warning, he picked up a candle and dribbled the molten wax from it’s apex across her breasts. Anna yelped from this sudden additional pain, but then, looking Don straight in the eye she asked, “Again, please!” trying to keep her voice as normal as she could. Don took up the other candle and obliged, this time trailing it across her inner thighs. Again Anna cried out from the hurt, but again she smiled up at him as if he had softly caressed her. Don placed the candles back on the table, gazing for a moment or two at the little lines of red wax droplets, each one solidifying while becoming surrounded by a little circlet of brighter red skin in testimony to its original hot and molten state.

Once more he sat for a few minutes quietly watching her, before taking the dildo from the table and holding up for Anna’s inspection. It was realistically shaped, but it was huge, jet black, with exaggerated veins down its shaft, and as hard as rock. Looking at it, Anna was praying that he’d be gentle with it, but at the same time hoping that he wouldn’t!

“I don’t know why I brought the lubricant, do you? Your hole is gaping enough to take a bloody baseball bat, let alone this vibe, don’t you think?

Her voice was tight from pain, but she replied defiantly. “How the hell do I know, I can’t see it from here, can I?”

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