Standing in for Dad Ch. 11

Big Tits

We finished moving DD in and we decided then we would go into town to eat at the Club before picking up my uniform and getting Doc’s and Cathy’s stuff they needed from their apartments. Dad had the Bentley professionally washed and cleaned along with Sue’s Mercedes in prep for the award ceremony arrival at the Club on Monday.

We had skinned the Pike and Catfish and cut out the Y bones on the Pike before cutting them into bite sized pieces. For dinner, the ladies Combined 2 tbs Lemon pepper and 2 tbs celery salt, 1 cup seasoned salt, 1 cup of sugar, and 24 cups of boiling water. They then quickly put in the Pike and brought it back to a boil for 4 minutes before straining and serving with melted butter.

The Catfish was cut into bite sized pieces, soaked in buttermilk, rubbed with fresh crushed garlic, salted, peppered, and battered in a half and half mix of fine corn meal and flour with added baking soda in a 5 to 5 to 1 mix. They were then deep fried in hot peanut oil until lightly browned before being drained in the strainer lined with paper towels to drain and emptied onto a large serving platter.

There were also ears of fresh corn that were baked still in the husks and denuded after baking before being slathered in butter, boiled and spiced new potatoes, and Cathy’s family recipe Cole Slaw….which was the talk of the table. A local home brew craft beer rounded out the menu.

Dinner was informal, as in no clothing allowed informal. I set the tone at the table and made a plate for both Sue and I. I then had her sit on my lap, my cock deep inside her pussy, as I fed us both. DD then sat on Doc’s lap, James had Leesie, and Barbara put on a strap-on and Cathy sat in her lap.

Needless to say, dinner was very good, very exciting, and very sensual.

After dinner we all cleaned up the dishes…there were no leftovers. The Catfish was crispy and very good, the Pike tasted like lobster, The Cole Slaw was lightly tangy sweet and meshed well with the spicy new potatoes.

We all went out to the pool where I served up drinks. Most of the ladies wanted strawberry Daiquiris while the men all agreed to snifters of Remy Martin Cognac Louis XIII (that stuff is so smooth it is dangerous).

Sue, Cathy, Doc, DD and I went over to DD’s place to sleep the night and help her acclimate to her new place. Cathy slept with Sue and I so Doc and DD could have some privacy…not that a whole lot of sleeping was happening. I was laying on the bed with Cathy sliding up and down my soaked cock while Sue levitated her engorged clit just at my lips while the two women played with each other’s boobs and french kissed.

I have no idea what Doc and DD were doing, but they were not quiet about it. I know for a fact DD came 5 times as she loudly announced each one, lol.

DD and Cathy got up around 6 in the morning and fixed lots of sausage gravy and flaky Grands Biscuits. The rest of the family came over and we ate till we were stuffed. The women went out to nude sunbathe while we men cleaned up and went to town for groceries and a bit of shopping.

Marion took me to an outfitter for Law Enforcement Officers with Doc and Dad in tow and we walked in as they opened the doors at 9 am.

“Hello Sheriff! How may I be of service to you today?”

“Yes, my nephew has joined the Sheriff’s Office and we need to kit him out today. All he has is a Full sized Sig in.45 caliber. Everything else, he needs.”

The clerk smiled brightly, “Let’s start with a backup pistol and work from there”

The clerk had me look at several high end light carry pistols and I picked out a two tone Colt Defender Combat Elite as a backup pistol in.45 ACP which matched my primary caliber and felt good in my hands. It was also in the 1911 style just like my primary.

Along with a formed ankle holster I got my belt, tack belt, belt keepers, cuffs, name tag, quick draw level 3 holster that fit my primary pistol, magazine holders, a hidden handcuff key that went inside the belt keepers, some additional ballistic underwear (T-shirts and full length drawers), and a level 3A tactical vest with Sheriff printed on a Velcro strip across the back. I also got a set of boots for everyday wear and a set of boots specifically for special occasions.

My tack belt was also equipped with a pepper spray canister and holder as well as a small pouch with 4 sets of Nitrile gloves shoved in it.

I had three magazines for each weapon, two each in pouches on my belt and one in each pistol. Two mags were loaded with +P Winchester 230-Grain Ranger T-Series rounds with one mag each of custom, LEO or Government issue only, +P+200-Grain steel tipped and Teflon coated bullets for situations were extreme penetration (such as an assailant wearing a bullet proof vest) was required to stop a criminal.

I purchased an extra three boxes of the Winchester and the penetrators so I could practice a bit with each and know where they were going when I fired them.

All told, I was rigged for bear with 47 rounds of ammo, 15 of which were custom penetrators that would go through ballistic Magosa Escort vests or concrete block walls. I thought it was overkill but Marion insisted.

We went directly to a clay pit where LEOs practiced and put up a few silhouette targets. I started at 10 yards, then backed up 5 yards at a time until I was at 25 yards. I fired three mags of the Winchesters at each distance with my Sig and then with my Colt, noting the differences in aim point at each distance.

I repeated this process with the penetrators and when I was through I felt I was proficient enough, given my previous firearms training, to put the rounds where they needed to be. Frankly, I was impressed with the Colt. The rounds fell 2 inches low at 25 yards, which was expected with the shorter barrel. I was also impressed with the penetrators. At 25 yards they were within one inch of elevation from the 10 yard mark on each gun but all of the groups were two inches higher than the Winchesters at 25 yards.

So, from 10 yards to 25 yards, regardless of round or pistol, I was within a 4 inch window. The groupings were very consistent and, when I took a half second to aim, were within one inch center to center on both pistols with both types of rounds.

I found that when I double tapped the Winchesters the second round was consistently one inch above the first on the Sig and 2 inches above the first with the Colt due to it being a lighter pistol with a bit more recoil.

We then went by the Tailor’s shop and I picked up my uniform. It fit perfectly, plenty of shoulder and crotch room while also defining my ass. I could have done without that last part but it was too late to change that now. Marion attached a second badge as well as my name tag and had me wear the uniform, with complete kit, for the rest of the trip.

We went grocery shopping. I swear, every woman in the place was checking me out. One even exclaimed, “Damn officer! I think I may need some protecting later tonight! You available?”

I politely responded, “M-Lady, I would love to be your protector, but I am afraid my protection duties are fully booked for the foreseeable future. I deeply appreciate your request and I am very put out that I must decline.”

The lady just swooned, “And he has a silver tongue as well. My goodness, someone is a lucky girl!”

Marion guffawed and dad just smiled, “Damn son, that must hurt! She is hot!”

The lady smiled at the compliment and shot him a wink.

We were at the Club by 10:45 and Mavis was beside herself when she saw me in uniform. “Harry, you look good in that, I mean, like, I want to go do something so you can arrest me, good!”

I laughed, “I seem to be getting that response from several ladies today.”

She replied, “I have no doubt!”

Mavis went into the kitchen to let Chef know we were there and she came out to say hello. She looked at me and had a sharp intake of breath, looked at Mavis, and whispered, “Mistress! He is dangerously good looking in uniform!”

I blushed a bit, “Chef, it is just me. Thank you, though. Can we put ourselves in your masterful hands to prepare us lunch?”

Chef smiled, “You will have my best, Great Master.” With that she ran to the kitchen to prepare our lunch.

It turns out today was Oriental cuisine day and the waiters soon brought out hot herbal Tea with Chamomile, Cardamon, and Fennel. This was soon followed by a small Chinese salad featuring sesame seeds, slivered almonds, green onions, and bok choy napa cabbage leaves (stems removed) with a delicate but slightly sweet roasted sesame dressing.

This was soon followed by generous helpings of Pork Dumplings, crispy Green Beans, and crispy Spring Rolls as the second course. The third course consisted of Hot and Sour Soup while the fourth course included Thai Shrimp and Peanut Noodles, Spicy Beef with Noodles, and Seared Duck Breast With spicy orange glaze and Asian greens.

We then went home and all hell broke loose.

“Harry! While you look fantastic in your uniform, Now we have to find a one hour dry cleaner to get it ready for the award ceremony!” Barbara groaned.

I was immediately stripped and all the ladies left, saying they would bring home pizza and beer for dinner. I stood in my skivvies, holding my tack belt and boots in my hands in the living room as all the ladies gave me a kiss and left. Marion and Dad just laughed their asses off and I stood there with a WTF just happened look on my face.

Dad looked at Marion and chuckled, “You know what that was really all about, right?”

Marion winked, “We didn’t invite them to lunch and didn’t bring any home.”

I face palmed.

Well. The four of us decided to take the afternoon in the pool.

We were productive, however. Dad did order a Generac, Guardian 24kw whole house backup generator for the lodge as well as a large propane tank that was to be buried to the left of the house, just off the driveway. He also ordered one for their house and, with my permission, one for Mom’s and my home. He got a good deal with Kıbrıs Escort the three purchases, making the installations almost free.

I decided to work on my boots. I first placed them in a 100 degree F oven for 30 minutes to pull out all the oil in the leather. I then used a degreaser and wiped the expressed oil off the boots.

While waiting for my boots to cool down, I stripped and cleaned both weapons and put them away. After they cooled back down to room temperature, I grabbed my boots and polish and polishing kit and went out to the pool.

I sat at a table outside and began working on a spit shine for my special occasion boots. I first spread a medium-thick layer of paste polish over the portion of the boot to be spit shined using a moist micro weave cloth. I allowed that coat to dry for 10 minutes before I buffed the dried polish (using a circular motion) with the wet cloth, until the wax started to become shiny.

Using the same damp rag on my finger, I applied a fine layer of polish in a circular motion and kept on rubbing lightly until a hazy shine developed. I kept applying very thin coats of wax, buffing them with a small circular motion, until I had buffed out an additional 15 layers of wax on each boot after the base coat and each boot was highly glossed before using a clean, dry, soft, micro weave cloth to give it a final buff. When I was done, I could shave off my reflection.

The ladies eventually returned just before 6 pm. Barbara said, “Don’t believe it when a dry cleaner says they offer one hour service! We dropped off your uniform, went to eat at the Club, went shopping for clothes and lingerie, and then still had time to order pizza and pick up some craft beer before your uniform was ready! But it is now dry cleaned. Hope you don’t mind, but we had them add a stain resistor to the fabric.”

“Thanks ladies!” I responded, “I appreciate all the effort you put into my uniform.”

The ladies had purchased 3 16 inch artisan pizzas, one full of extra cheese and most every meat you can imagine, one Hawaiian with pineapple and Canadian Bacon, and one truly Italian with a seasoned San Marzano tomato base, thin sliced onions, Canadian Bacon, deli pepperoni, slices of authentic mozzarella cheese, and black olives. Sue even picked up a few cans of anchovies, fresh Jalapeno’s, a large wedge of Parmesan cheese to be shredded, and a large loaf of garlic bread.

They popped everything into the ovens after adding Jalapeno’s and anchovies to order. Dinner was no clothing allowed as it was the weekend.

The beer was a L’Obscur (Amaro) which is a very well made, incredibly bold, complex and finely nuanced Flemish Red,with tastes of oily, tart vinegar forward pomegranate syrup among bakers chocolate, old garden herbs and sugared blood oranges. The initial prominent tartness of the beer gets gently toned down by a complex, grape dominated barrel appearance which opens up the palate to red currants, unsalted olives and ripe blackberries. The beer finishes with a perfect, well nuanced balance between its prominent, leathery tartness and the beer’s dry to sweet plethora of herbs and fruits.

The short skinny: Perfect pizza beer.

After dinner I pulled Cathy over to the living room couch where I sat down, lubed up my cock, and had her straddle me as she lowered herself down on me. She started to work at bringing us to climax so I put my hands on her hips and settled her down. “Cathy, I just want to have a relaxing sexual encounter with you as we talk a bit, that OK?”

“Sure, Harry, what’s on your mind?”

“Well, your life has been uprooted this weekend. I just wanted to make sure your feet were still on the ground and to get a feel for where you are with all these changes in your life.”

“Aww, thank you Harry. Actually, I feel very centered right now. Your family is amazing at being inclusive and accepting and making someone feel right at home and at ease. I’m really not questioning what is going on or why I am just running with it. I figure it works, or it doesn’t. But the ride so far has been pretty amazing.”

Sue brought us both a nice glass of fresh squeezed fruit and sat down beside us, absently playing with Cathy’s nipples as she laid her head on my shoulder. Cathy’s breathing began to quicken and she started gently moving her pelvis forward and back, which had the delicious effect of moving my cock head front to back inside her. “Mmmm, honey, that feels wonderful.”

Sue asked Cathy, “So, how has your experience with a free use household worked for you?”

“Well, it is certainly unique. I am not sure most people are secure enough in their relationships or are mature enough to make it work. But you all seem to be very comfortable with it. This being a perfect example. I am fucking your fiance’ right in front of you and the family, on the living room couch, and you just nonchalantly walk up with fruit drinks, sit down, and have a pleasant conversation. It is kinda mind blowing and takes a bit getting used to, for sure.”

“Oh honey, I am just waiting Lefkoşa Escort for you both to climax so I can eat both your cum out of your pussy,” Sue laughed.

“Well, Sue, keep messing with my nipples and I will oblige you sooner rather than later.”

With that encouragement, Sue leaned in and began suckling on Cathy’s nipples. For her part, Cathy was kicking my cock into high gear with her Kegel muscles. She wasn’t moving much, but my cock felt like I was banging the shit out of her pussy.

Doc came over and spread Sue’s knees and ate her out a bit before sinking his cock balls deep into her pussy and she began to moan on Cathy’s nipples. “Damn,” was all Doc got out.

“I told you Doc, the smoothest pussy you will ever fuck.”

“I can’t believe you will just let me fuck your fiance’ right in front….unh…of you. Damn your pussy is slick, Sue.”

“We know our love for each other is on solid ground, Doc. We enjoy not having to worry about the stresses and yearnings of being only for each other with sex. This is out in the open, very loving, (Cathy started squeezing the shit out of my cock as she orgasmed) fuuuuck!” I came with her. My balls pumping her full of my cream.

When Cathy recovered, Sue had her position herself over her mouth so she could eat her pussy clean as our combined climaxes oozed out of her cunnie.

“Sue? Doc? Either of you mind if I sleep with Leesie and DD tonight? I think I am wanting some serious boob action tonight.”

“Sue piped up, not at all hon, you know better than to have to ask (knowing full well it was all for Doc’s benefit). I think I would love to sleep with Doc and your mother tonight. I think Doc would love sucking her tits while he fucked me some more.” Evidently Doc’s cock responded favorably to that idea as Sue remarked, “Mmmmm, I think Doc likes that idea.”

“Cathy, I know Marion is looking forward to being with you tonight, and James really wants to sleep with Lisa. Let’s all meet up tomorrow here for breakfast and I will make a ham and egg quiche for everyone.”

With sleeping arrangements worked out, everyone retired early so as to enjoy one another’s company. Doc and Sue and Barbara went over to DD’s place along with Marion and Cathy. I went to take a shower and when I got back to the room, DD and Leesie were in a really sexy 69. I walked around the bed, admiring the shapely bottoms and large breasts. I took my time and enjoyed fingering DD’s ass while Leesie did a number on her pussy and clit.

It just got wilder from there. I pulled out a vibrating anal plug from the dresser, lubed it up, and slid it into DD’s ass. When I turned it on, she creened, “Oh fuuuck!” and soon came all over Leesie’s face. I went and got a second one, lubed it up, and had DD separate Leesie’s cheeks as I slid one into her and turned it on. Her pussy immediately began to wink and DD dove in, eating her pussy and nibbling on her engorged clit till she came explosively.

I then straddled DD’s legs and Leesie’s face and slowly fucked her glistening pussy while Leesie continued to suck on her clit as my balls softly impacted her face on each gentle down stroke. DD’s pussy was tight, very slick, very hot, and very inviting. A man just loves it when a woman really wants to feel his cock deep inside her and lets him know how much she is enjoying it. “DD I want to have a nice, sensual, slow fuck with you my pet.”

“Then I want you to clean up my cock as Leesie cleans your pussy. Leesie, after that, I want you and DD to get me hard again and I would like you to sit on my cock so I can play with your tits. DD, I would like you to get a bunny vibrator and slip it in and out of your pussy as you sit next to Leesie so I can play with your tits as well.”

Slowly sliding my cock into her cunnie, the ridge behind the head of my cock felt the delicious friction of every inch of her slick, sliding pussy walls. The feeling was intense and I felt it deep down in my balls. I could feel the vibrations of her butt plug as well, and it took a herculean effort to keep going slow and steady.

I wanted this climax to start at the base of my spine and work up both ways, up my spine and through my balls, instead of being all centered in my cock. So, I continued to slowly fuck DD’s inviting pussy. I lasted 45 minutes before I felt the tightening of my sphincter, the warm electricity begin to flow up my spine, and the intense tingles washing over my balls and up my cock.

“Pet, Master is about to cream your pussssssyyyyyyyy!” My balls pumped cum into DD’s pussy like they were machines intent on impregnating every egg she had. I came so much that Leesie had some difficulty licking up the cum that I plunged out of DD’s sopping cunt.

DD was cumming as well and she lifted her head to howl and growl like a coyote in heat as her spasms caused her cunnie to express load after load of my cum from her exposed sex, right into Leesie’s eager mouth.

I lay on my back on one side of the bed and Leesie made short work of cleaning DD while DD licked my cum off of my balls and cock. The sight of all that boob flesh bouncing around, and the excited women refreshed my cock and Leesie slid down my cock in one drop. Leesie needed cock bad, and she had no patience for a slow fuck. She started bouncing up and down on my cock, pressing her clit against my pubic mound on every down stroke

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