The Carnal Couple: Angels v. 01


We met Grace on a hot Sunday afternoon at her and Jason’s housewarming party. It was their big introduction to the neighborhood. They were newly engaged and had just moved to our sleepy little college town about two weeks prior. They live on the opposite end of our street, so I hadn’t actually seen them close-up, but I’d heard they were good-looking.

When we got to the party, I knew instantly that my husband, Cory, didn’t like her. We watched her strut her big juicy ass around their large backyard, charming our white and other non-black neighbors, with her exotic features and stylish hipster vibe. Cory was the only other black person there. He gets really annoyed by black women who covet the attention of white men. It’s one of those intra-racial dynamics that I’ll never understand about black people.

Grace is third-generation Nigerian-American. Both parents are doctors and she grew up in neighborhoods with little to no black people. Cory? He’s just black. From West Philly. Raised by a single mom. That whole story. He and Grace had nothing in common, other than being black. He hates it more when black women who carry themselves like Grace are attractive, and Grace is undeniably beautiful and insanely fuckable. Her skin is perfectly smooth and hydrated, like the back of a chocolate bar. But, it’s those mysterious, deep brown, almond-shaped eyes of hers that really catch your attention. She’s well-built, extremely curvy, with one of those big protruding asses only black women seem to have.. She wears her natural hair, letting it grow all knotty and wild. She looks like an artist or a celebrity. I’d soon learn that she was a fashion writer. Close enough.

“That’s the hairstyle bitches wear when they only fuck with weird niggas or white boys,” Cory whispered in my ear.

He could be shitty that way, but his humor is what first attracted me to him. We met at work. Like most women, I was curious about black men, but I doubt I would have ever dated one. I was weird about approaching them and I guess they were weird about approaching me. His humor broke the ice. He was the snarky IT guy that made everyone feel like morons for not knowing every single thing about computers. After a few flirty exchanges during happy hours, we hooked up. I fell for him completely the first time we had sex. That’s my husband, he’s funny and he can fuck.

I laughed off his comment, never taking my eyes off her. Watching her was making me wet. I couldn’t distract myself enough to stop imagining all the disgusting things I wanted to do with her body. I wanted her and I immediately started plotting how I was going to get her. My kink is turning white women into BBC sluts. I love the lust in their eyes when they finally see Cory’s ridiculously large cock up close. The way they hold it, feeling the weight of it, puts me in a trance. And when they take it in their mouths and exhale their pleasure? God, I love it. It never gets old. I’ve literally fed Cory’s dick to so many girlfriends, wives and mothers in our neighborhood that we can’t go to the supermarket without running into one of them. And we only moved here a little over a year ago. So, needless to say, the party was a who’s who of women we’d fucked. Most of them were joined at the party by their unsuspecting husbands and boyfriends.

But Grace was a new challenge. A few days before the party, I’d learned from a neighbor, Heather, quite possibly the nosiest person in the world, that Grace had never been with a black man. Dated? Sure. Fucked? Never. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. This beautiful black woman had never had sex with a black man? The thought of her taking Cory inside of her drove me crazy.

Heather was probably more excited than me. She’s a 45 year-old mother of two young college kids. I let her suck Cory’s dick a few times a month, maybe a fuck here and there, if we’re really horny. Heather kind of looks like that actress who played Joan on Mad Men, with her cherubic face, warm eyes, pale skin and shiny auburn hair. She definitely kept up her looks, with lots of yoga and proper eating. Cory likes her big milky tits and wide, jiggly ass. A nice curvy Pixar mom bod. She had no idea how sexy she was before we moved into the house across the street. She was obviously intrigued by us when we met. We had no intention of hooking up with her, because we live so close together, but she was very insistent on getting fucked. Without us, she’d be terminally bored. A bored, sexually-frustrated, empty-nester white woman is not good for anyone, so keeping her well-fucked was more strategic than anything. I keep her happy and she keeps me informed about potential recruits. She’s my best worker bee.

“She said she’s just not into black men” were Heather’s exact words. I was surprised and amused by the range of emotions I felt after hearing those words. Offended, intrigued, determined, skeptical, disappointed. Like, seriously? Not into black men? I called bullshit.

Before we made our way over to introduce ourselves to Grace and Jason, I had to compose myself. I went into the house to use the bathroom Halkalı travest and left Cory to fend for himself. He’d been with most of the women there, so I knew he’d be fine with mingling on his own. As for me, I needed to wipe my juices, which were soaking my panties at that point. The sight of Grace and imagining what I’d do with her was making me a mess.

By the time I’d returned, Cory was talking with Grace, Jason, Heather and Heather’s dumpy husband Mike. I watched them for a moment, admiring my husband. Sometimes I forget just how attractive he is, how magnetic a presence he can be, with his lithe, athletic 6-3 frame, shaved head, stubbly beard and deep cinnamon complexion, which gets much darker in the summer. Objectively speaking, Cory is gorgeous, a fact that stands out more when other attractive men are nearby, including Jason. Jason looks like Captain America: a hard body, chiseled face and short sandy blonde wavy hair. But, given the choice, I know every woman there would rather spread for Cory. A lot of them already had.

But not Grace, according to Heather. She’s not into Cory, a black man. We’ll see, I thought to myself. I made my way over to join the conversation. Cory watched me as I approached the group. He smiled and announced:

“Finally! There she is!”

“Sorry. I’m here now. Quick bathroom break.” I said, laughing, doing my best ditzy blonde routine.

I walked up to him, beaming, and wrapped his beautiful, long veiny left arm around me and tip-toed up to him, prompting him to kiss me. I’m not really into PDA, but I wanted to see Grace’s reaction. She seemed unfazed by it, offering only a polite smile. So, I pressed the issue.

“I know we just met, but I just have to blurt this out, because it’s killing me.”

I could tell everyone was holding their breath, preparing for something cringey, anticipating some weird allusion to them being an interracial couple. I came close.

“You two are stunning! You look like something out of a movie!”

Everyone laughed in implied agreement. Grace feigned embarrassment and thanked me in a way that annoyed the shit out of me. Mike supplied the cringe, pointing out the obvious about him being old, fat and bald, the only unattractive person in the circle of people taking part in the conversation. It’s no wonder Heather fucks like a wild animal, having to put up with him between orgasms.

“So, you’re the other fun-loving, childless millennials on the block?” Grace asked, in a way that made me think Heather may have given Grace too much insight into our…lifestyle. Cory could sense it, too, so he quickly responded with the kind of blandness that fits a suburban housewarming.

“Nope. No kids yet. Maybe in a couple of years, God-willing. You?”

“We’re just young and having fun,” Grace blurted, shooting me a look.

Heather definitely opened her big ass mouth, I thought. I spent the rest of the party wondering what she could have told her.

Toward the end, as most of the guests had left, I was cornered in the kitchen by Grace and Jason. Cory was in the bathroom and I was waiting for him. Grace approached me with a smile and put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a little rub.

“Thank you again for coming! You and I should hang out. I feel like all the other women are too busy being moms to really get to know.”

“Absolutely! We should.” I said, trying my best to seem cool, while her touch was making me moist again. I wanted to put my tongue in her right then and there

“Yeah, you and Cory seem like a lot of fun. We should all hang out sometime,” Jason said, which immediately snapped me back to reality..

Before I could respond, Cory entered the room and saved me from saying something awkward.

“Hey, baby. You ready?” he asked, putting his arm around me, as if protecting me from them. I said yes and kissed his big hand, as it hung from my shoulder.

“You two are so cute,” Grace said, flatly. She tried to smile when she said that, but it seemed insincere. Was it jealousy?

“I was telling Grace earlier that looking at you guys is kind of like looking in a mirror,” Jason said, which landed so awkwardly that I thought no one would even acknowledge it. It was obvious Jason had no game and was a huge cornball, so it seemed best to just let it go. But Cory just couldn’t resist.

“Really? How so?” Cory asked, looking directly at Jason, almost taunting him.

Jason stammered a bit, trying to answer this simple question. Grace quickly stepped in to save him.

Grace: “It’s just nice to have another young couple on the block. We feel like we can relate to you. That’s all.”

Cory: “Oh, right. I get it. Like a mirror.”

Did I mention Cory could be shitty? I could tell Grace didn’t like Cory’s condescension.. A wall of tension went up between us and them after Cory’s remark. So, we said our goodbyes and went on our way.

Later that evening, I summoned Heather over to our house for the rundown on Grace. I wanted to know exactly what she’d told Grace about us. We sat her down Halkalı travestleri like a child in a principal’s office and made her give us every detail. She said she told her that we’re very friendly and like to go out a lot, which was fine. That’s true. Then, after a few more minutes of interrogation, she admitted that her little conversation with Grace got very personal and she’d mentioned some things about her sex lives.

Cory exploded: “How the fuck did y’all start talking about peope’s sex lives? You barely know each other!”

I wanted to interrupt and point out that we were fucking Heather within a week of meeting her, but this was no time for jokes.

“She asked about you two, specifically.” Heather explained. “She took a jog and saw you and another woman coming out of your house early one morning last week and she wanted to know your story.”

Cory and I exchanged looks. We try to be discreet, but I guess we need to do a better job. The woman Grace saw could’ve been one of several women we had over the previous week.

“And what did you tell her?” I said

Heather smirked and replied flatly:

“I told her that Zoe’s bisexual and that y’all like to share women.”

Cory was in disbelief. He started to yell, but shook his fist and turned away. He couldn’t believe how careless Heather could be. We started to chastise her, but then the real tea was spilled.

“It’s okay. She won’t tell anyone,” Heather said, casually. “She’s bi, too.”

I fucking knew it. The energy was too strong.

“She told you she’s bi?” Cory asked.

Heather smiled coyly, no longer able to keep her little secret from us.

“No, but I assumed she was after we fucked.”

We thought she was joking at first. The way she said it could have easily been taken as sarcasm. But the look in her eyes told us she was telling the truth. She was so pleased with herself. Cory and I were at a loss. We looked at each other, mouths agape, shocked and amused by the monster we’d created.. Heather was fucking other women now? Without us?

She proceeded to detail how she had Grace over for lunch, while Mike was at work. She could sense that Grace was attracted to her and she didn’t want to waste time with useless flirting. She had to have her. And Grace felt the same way. They fucked in her bed, probably the most action it’s seen in years.

As she went on and on about how amazing Grace tasted, how sex with us had increased her sex drive and self-confidence, I became irrevocably horny, and weirdly proud of her. Heather had never been hotter to me than she was at that very moment. Cory must’ve felt the same way because I could see his massive dick print between his legs, as he sat next to me.

“Come here, Heather,” He commanded, interrupting her mid-sentence. She knew what his tone of voice meant. We both did.

Heather obeyed and stepped over to us, standing in front of Cory. He leaned back on the couch, letting his erection show. I could see Heather’s mouth watering, as she looked down on it.

“Did you fuck him, too?” he asked, referring to Jason. Smiling, she shook her head.

“No. You know I only want you.”

I knew she wasn’t lying. I’ve never seen a woman worship Cory’s cock like Heather. She literally starts crying, she becomes so overwhelmed when trying to stuff it down her throat.

Cory: “Turn around and show me that ass.”

She was shaking, like this was the first time he’d told her that. He loves watching her ass spill out of her pants, all plump and pale, with just the right amount of cellulite. The kind of real woman’s ass that only black men seem to appreciate.

He made her bend at the knees, stick her ass out and spread her ass cheeks. Her pretty little hole was calling for my tongue, but I resisted. Cory was giving the orders and I wanted to see what he was thinking. He’s got the dirtiest mind of anyone I’ve ever met. His dick is just icing on the cake. The man was born to please women.

He stuck his ring finger in my mouth and worked it around. My tongue was circling around his ring and then he pushed it firmly into my throat as far as he could and held it for a moment until I gagged. After gathering as much saliva as he could on his finger, he tapped the tip of it on her tight hole, preparing her. He slowly slid it into Heather’s asshole, twisting and turning his hand, getting it as deep as it could go. Once her butthole was wet enough, he put his middle finger in as well. More twisting, turning, thrusting. Heather bounced and gyrated on his fingers.

“Yes. I love it. Play in my dirty fucking asshole. You’re gonna make me cum.” Heather moaned, furiously rubbing her clit.

It was so sensual and salacious, I couldn’t help but recline on the couch and start playing with my pussy. I knew I’d make myself cum in seconds. I was that turned on, watching him finger fuck her ass.

Before I could finish, he stopped. It caught Heather and me by surprise. We were both so close to exploding and he stole the moment. But, knowing Cory, I knew he wouldn’t leave us Travesti halkalı wanting. He loves making women cum. He loves to dominate. Devour. Own.

He slapped her ass and snarled “Turn around and get on your knees, you sexy bitch!” She obeyed without hesitation, dropping to her knees and whimpering at him, pleading for her next command.

“I’ll do anything you want. Tell me. Just tell me,” she pleaded, almost near tears. Her chest heaved with excitement. Her breasts bounced with her breathing. Her pink nipples were hard.

“I know you will,” said Cory. “Now, open.”

She opened her mouth. When I realized what he was about to do I let out a small gasp. It was so deliciously disgusting. As he slowly moved his fingers toward her waiting mouth, Heather could no longer stand the anticipation. She grabbed his large hand and hungrily sucked his fingers, licking between them, tasting every bit of her ass that she could find. The woman was ravenous. I’ve seen her turned on plenty of times, but this was a new level. I didn’t think she had it in her.

“God, Cory, you make me so fucking nasty!” she cried, tears falling..

Cory yanked me closer to him, which instantly reminded me of how strong he is. I’m 5-8, 150, so I’m not a small girl. But he can really manhandle me when he wants. He ripped off my leggings and thong in one swift motion. My lower half was in his lap, facing Heather. My pussy was so wet. Whatever he wanted, I was ready. So was Heather, as she stared at my cunt and asshole, ready to feast.

He rubbed on my pussy like it was a pet, playfully yet firm. I came almost instantly. Then, he cupped my ass and jammed his fingers in my shithole, his fingers still soaked with my pussy juice. Heather’s eyes danced, watching this. Cory knew what she wanted. He held out his hand and she immediately sucked all of my juices off his fingers, like she was starving. I never knew Heather could be pushed this far. We had done a little anal with her before, but the sex was always pretty vanilla. Maybe this is what she wanted all along. Or maybe she learned, like I did years ago, that when Cory wants a woman to do something sexually, there is no resisting, only submission. He can make you get off on things you never even considered.

Cory grabbed Heather by the back of her head and guided her face to my crotch. She was insatiable, alternating between eating my ass and my pussy, unable to focus on one or the other for more than a few seconds. Eventually, she settled on my ass, which was fine by me. Cory finally slid his pants off and his cock looked so beautiful, slapping back against his abs. He watched Heather eat me out for a moment, while he stroked himself. Heather was so focused on me that she hadn’t noticed his dick was out. When she did, she laughed and let out a huge lustful sigh. She was in heaven. I watched as she wrapped both hands around his dick and admired it for a moment, before filling her mouth with the spare inches. I have no idea how big Cory actually is, because measuring it seems so unnecessary. It’s very long, very thick, very veiny and it gets very hard. Once it’s inside, there’s no give. It just fucking burrows right through you. The biggest I had prior to him was about 8 inches and that guy wasn’t even close to my husband’s size. The only thing better than Cory’s size is how he uses it. Like I said, his mind is filthy.

He grabbed Heather by her chin, tilting her head up to look him in the eyes.

“You love this dick, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, still slowly stroking his cock. “I love everything about you. You’re so fucking hot. I love fucking you so much. No one makes me feel like you. No one.”

“Did you like fucking Grace?” I asked. The question caught her by surprise and she looked hesitant.

“You can be honest. I won’t be mad at you.”

She put her head between my thighs and looked up at me with the naughtiest grin.

“I did like fucking her. But not like I like fucking you.” She kissed and licked my inner thighs, working her way closer and closer to my wet holes. “She can’t make me cum like you do. She doesn’t know how dirty I can be.”

“How dirty can you be?” Cory asked.

Heather laughed shyly, embarrassed to say.

“Tell me what you want.” He said.

She met his gaze and said with no shame “I want to taste your wife’s ass off your big fucking cock.”

At that moment, I knew we’d be fucking Heather much more often. We had been holding back on some of our kinks with her, because we didn’t want to scare her off, but now we knew she was one of us. A true freak. We have anal sex fairly often and I love sucking my juices off of Cory, so this wasn’t new territory for us. Cory didn’t say a word. He just smiled at her. Then, he leaned in and kissed her so passionately I thought I’d burst. It was insanely hot. Our chemistry was perfect. We’d fucked a lot of women…a LOT…but Heather became our main bitch. My little worker bee.

I climbed up on Cory’s lap, reverse cowgirl, looking down at Heather. She was hungry for it. We were all so turned on that we didn’t even think of lube. Heather had gagged herself enough that her saliva did the trick. I lifted myself up and looked down at Heather steering Cory’s dick into my asshole. Once the head was finally inside me, I took a breath and gently started working the rest of it in, inch by inch.

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