The Hoot


For at least the last two years, Master has been encouraging me to suck the cock of a stranger. i’ve always balked at actually attempting it. Not from any objection to the task, but from a belief that i simply couldn’t do it.

i had never been able to go out and pick up a guy to fuck. In college, i went through periods of being desperate to get laid, and somehow i was never able to do it when i tried. A lack of confidence combined with a lack of self-esteem and resulted in my inability to hook up with strangers in bars.

Several times in the course of our relationship Master has ordered me to find and suck cock, with the incentive of starvation rations on the designated hunting days. Each time i failed, and, each time, He has been pleased. Not pleased at my failure, but at what it meant. He proved to Himself and to me that i am not a hunter. i am prey. i will not resist cock, but i cannot take it.

The last time He had ordered me to find cock to suck was over a year ago. i no longer gave seeking cock much thought, instead bending my mind to accepting any cock Master might find for my mouth to please.

Our only goal in going to the sports bar was to watch the game on cable and eat chicken wings. Well, we also wanted to show off my general cuteness and piercings.

For me, what i had on was conservative. A soft maroon three-quarter sleeve shirt, thin enough to show piercings if the bra weren’t too thick, over a dark, tight, pair of jeans that showed off my ass and a cute little pair of orange wedges on my feet. i wore a light dusting of make-up on my face and my short, dark, pixie-like hair was brushed forward but unadorned. A black sparkly choker hugged my neck and both my septum ring and nostril stud were clearly visible.

We arrived at the national chain sports bar restaurant before the game began, and the waitress gave us a good spot with a view of a large flat screen to watch the game. Master, of course, enjoys looking at women, and i also enjoy the sight of fine female flesh, so naturally the place was one of those that have only waitresses, and they are clad in tight showy outfits. Most of them, unfortunately, did not have good asses (standard in this area), but the ones that did were displayed wonderfully. i tried not to ogle too openly, but, especially after i got started drinking, it was hard not to stare.

There were two occupied tables in our section of the sports bar. One was in the direction we would be facing to watch the game, and it had two nerdy type men. The other was to our right with a shifting group of mostly rowdy looking men that periodically included the delightfully dressed waitresses.

We started with beer and their famous chicken wings. That’s all we ordered really. Just one large order of wings, and periodic pitchers of beer. Master had told me i was to drink and have fun, since He would be driving us home. i tried Belek escort out different beers throughout the evening, though i really don’t remember how they tasted anymore. It was just fun to watch the pre-game show and drink and eat and be cute. I made sure both of the other tables noticed me and my cuteness.

Despite the table to our right mostly rooting for the other team, i got some to convert when i announced that i would only flash everyone if my team won. Though i have my moments of shyness and reticence, i really am an exhibitionist at heart. It is one of the things that Master has helped me to express about myself.

As far as the other table, with the two nerdy gentlemen, i suppose i started it. They were in our direct line of sight, as we had to look to our right a bit to see the television with our game on it. We saw them trying to get a tennis match onto another screen, but the bar didn’t get the channel they wanted. i suggested they put hockey on that one too as i headed for the bathroom (with Master’s permission of course). They thanked me and declined my cute suggestion, since there was, after all, another screen playing the game right there.

i felt them looking as i walked off and saw them looking when i came back.

It could have ended there. i had shown off my sexy flirtiness and been a little cutesy girl. i knew it would please Master for me to be flirty, and my job was done. It was time to enjoy hockey, and hope that my team got the series to 3-1.

Except it didn’t end there. Of the two men, one was facing us, and when he made his first move, the dance really began.

He struck up a conversation across the tables with me. i felt him brazen to do so with me hanging all over Master and that made him interesting.

He did look like a nice guy. i learned he had been to school in the Midwest and was married with children. His friend at the table was engaged and less chatty, at least with me. Brown eyes, brown hair, pale skin and a nerdy cast to his features, but not unhandsome. And i do have a soft spot for nerds.

The game wore on and my team was losing so i began to lose interest. Especially since with all the beer i was drinking, it was hard to focus on both television and conversation at the same time.

Though i didn’t think it through at the time, i knew and i know that Master will not let me do something He doesn’t want me to do. i am at the point where if i am unsure i will communicate it to Him with words or body language and He will steer me true. So when i went over to sit closer to my new friend and was not stopped, i had no worries. On second thought, the no worries may have been all that beer.

At any rate, we chatted. He showed me pictures of his kids, but not his wife, which i found amusing. i flirted drunkenly, and kept drinking even as my team lost in the background.

In Belek escort bayan a typical drunk girl move, i told him about my nipple piercings and tattoos. When he subsequently, and predictably, expressed doubts about the truth of my statements, of course i had to demonstrate that i was indeed pierced and tattooed as advertised. i lifted up my shirt, and flipped up my bra, gleefully showing off the three nipple piercings and the blue tattooed areolas. Eyes rolled to the floor, needing to be picked up and dusted off, metaphorically speaking. It took me a second to realize that i had, by flashing them, also flashed the window, which faced the road. i was very glad that it was a large and busy road, not a small little lane wherein people might stroll or drive slowly by. Showing off to the men was one thing, showing off to the whole neighborhood would have been a completely different story.

When i asked him if his wife was hot, he said that she was, but i got the impression that he wasn’t telling the truth. i told him i’d fuck his wife while he watched if she was hot. i talked about how much i love being with girls. And i told him how much i love cock sucking. Sitting on stools at the high tables, we talked about many different things. i touched his leg in a friendly and open way now and again. We laughed and chatted and drank, with the fight for the league title going on unnoticed behind me.

“Well, i need to use the bathroom!” i announced to him. Then i went over to Master, and got permission to go and use it, before walking over the to bathroom. i sat on the toilet and let out a rather large amount of pee, due to the very large amount of beer i had been drinking. i dried myself off, then stood up unsteadily from the rather low toilet. Opening the door, i walked towards the sink to wash my hands.

The guy was standing there, looking at me with fire in his eyes. i looked down to see his cock straining against his pants and smiled. He moved forward and i moved back, backing into the stall i had just vacated and squatting down with my back braced against the wall of the stall. i waited in readiness, the wedge heels putting my mouth at just the right height.

He freed his cock, and now i grabbed his legs with my hands, keeping them occupied and using them for balance. i have been trained to use only my mouth on cocks, never my hands. Swiftly, i swallowed his cock down in one smooth stroke, taking in his hardness, and his readiness, knowing that this was right. This was my duty and my pleasure, rocking back on my heels, and sliding my mouth firmly up and down his cock.

Considering the hours of foreplay, i wasn’t surprised that he came quickly, shooting his cum hard down my throat, so that i could barely taste it in my mouth at all. Of course, that was my fault, because i was slamming his cock down my throat as far as it would reach in Escort Belek my eagerness to feed. i cleaned his cock carefully, squeezing it with my mouth and milking every drop of cum out of it. i let go of his legs and leaned back against the wall of the stall, a smile on my face as he quickly walked out, his business complete.

i felt so used, and it was a delicious feeling for me. i have had strange cocks in my mouth, but they were ones that Master had chosen for me. This one was the first that i had tempted and seduced into using me as a dumping spot for his cum. i felt both powerful and helpless to have stopped him. So important to me, that he didn’t ask, he just acted. To ask is tantamount to telling me not to do it. i need to be taken; it is my kink.

i washed my hands, as planned, and then stepped out after an appropriate interval had passed. i gave him a great big grin and sauntered over to Master. Sitting down beside Him again, i whispered in His ear.

“Your slut just sucked his cock in the bathroom, Master,” I told Him, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice. “He came down my throat, right there in the girl’s bathroom. Is that okay?” i asked, wanting to make sure that he approved of my actions. “i mean, i figured that if you wanted, you would have stopped it, i know you have the ability to put guys off, but you let him so…”

“It’s okay, pet,” He told me. “you did well.”

He patted my ass and i grinned and poured myself more beer and went back to talk to my new friend.

i was thoroughly drunk by this point, enough so that i hardly noticed that my team had lost. Instead, i was very interested in the man before me, hugging him and being a cute cuddly little piece of female flesh. He and his friend wanted to take me out to a strip club, and i was totally willing. Master, however, apparently decided that i was a little too drunk for such an adventure, so he paid our bill and got my silly drunk ass into the car.

i sprawled in the passenger seat, touching myself through my jeans and filling the car with the scent of pussy.

i smiled at Master. “pet did good?” i asked in a drunkenly cute little girl voice.

He patted my knee, moving it out of the way of the gearshift in the process, and reassured me yet again that i had done well. i was happy. It wasn’t simply the drunkenness. i was riding a high from this first experience with a “one night stand” of sorts. i had seduced a married man, and a father, to enter the women’s bathroom in a so-called family sports bar slash restaurant, and stick his cock in my face, a stranger’s face. For me, it was a triumph and an entirely new world to play in.

i imagined that he would be there for the next game in the series, though i would be watching that one from home. Maybe even the one after that, not to watch it, but to hope that i would show up again, and maybe this time accompany him elsewhere. And it was quite possible that Master would let me, were we to see him again. Maybe he’ll read this story, and remember that night.

If you are reading this, i would like it if you dropped me a line. i think Master would let you play with me again.

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