The Princess and the Pauper Pt. 11



We awaken to the sound of my cell phone.

They closed on a 2-story fixer upper.

I text Ben: I have a house to renovate, 437 River Street. Please meet me.

Reply: pick me up after class, or should I take the bus.

I text Ben: Get an uber I’ll pay.

Chantelle and I go for a leisurely breakfast then to the house to begin restoration plans.

We’re slowly making our way through the gorgeous Victorian home, compiling 2 lists of requirements; structural, and cosmetic.

Ben arrives, he hollers.

“Hey Dad, I’m here.”

We meet him in the front foyer.

“Ben, this is my girlfriend, Chantelle. Chantelle, my son Ben.” They nod and shake hands.

“I paid the uber. You owe me $12.”

“Don’t you own a car, Ben?” Chantelle asks.

“No, I walk to school, bus sometimes when the weather’s inclement; it’s ok, it’s not as bad as dad had it when he was young.” Ben chuckles.

“It’s only uphill one way, and I guess we don’t get as much snow these days.” He taps Brian on the shoulder. It’s obvious they have a great relationship.

“I plan my dates around mom’s schedule and use her car. I’m hoping to make enough money this summer to buy a reliable one.”

As we wander through carefully inspecting everything.

“Well, it’s mostly cosmetic Ben, you interested in working the majority of your summer here.”

“Dad, restoring old houses is awesome. I’m in.”

“I bought it under the new company, ‘BenBri Homes’. I’d like you to become my partner.”

Ben smiles and nods, looks like he’s fighting back tears, as they do the quick man hug, with a fist bump on each other’s back.

“This became possible because of a loan from Chantelle’s company.”

Ben and Chantelle seem to be getting along well; I wouldn’t expect any less, they’re both very sociable. Whenever I’m preoccupied in thought, or writing, their chatting about life. I always envied people who could multitask like that; being able to flip a switch back and forth, being 100% focused on more than 1 thing.

We meander through discussing options, sharing ideas; after a couple hours, we pretty much settle on a plan.

“Will you join us for supper tonight, Ben?” Chantelle asks.

“Sure, I’ll text mom.”

On route to Chantelle’s, I ask.

“How’s things going with you and Maureen, Ben?”

“Getting serious Dad, I’m pretty sure she’s the one; we’re so happy being together all the time. That’s gonna be the biggest change come summer, not being with her every day.”

“Well, maybe you can, if she wants to work, we’ll have plenty of cleaning, painting, lots of stuff she could do, working with us on the house.”

“I’m done exams Wednesday, she’s done tomorrow, Grad is on Thursday.”

“Great, I’m staying at Chantelle’s now, so you have a choice where to sleep, your mom’s or my apartment.”

“Mom and Cassie aren’t getting along; it’s really bad these last couple days, fighting all the time; your name has come up often; I think I’d like to move out.”

“Guess we might be to blame for that.” I look at Chantelle we exchange knowing smiles.

“Ya we recently crossed paths; Sharon expressed an interest in us hooking up, I refused, Cassie got jealous.” I embrace and kiss Chantelle.

“We’re serious about exploring our relationship.”

Chantelle gets a text. She sighs.

“Cliff saw the Dr. it’s not his, he broke up with Becky and needs a place to stay.”

“I’ll get him a hotel room, and sort this out tomorrow.”

Chantelle true to her word, she books a hotel room and texts him back.

I pull in the drive, pushing the remote, opening the garage.

“Wow, who’s vehicles?”

“There mine Ben, you’re welcome to use the Jeep, Brian’s claimed the ‘Vette, when not needing his truck; the Benz convertible is my favorite, the Mustang was Cliff’s.”

“Really, for real, I can drive it?” I nod, he’s got a huge smile.

“So cool.” Ben jumps in.


We enter the house, Chantelle takes Ben’s hand, leads him to the back patio doors.

“Ben, the pool house is there, that’s another option, to stay.” Chantelle points.

“It’s yours, if you’d prefer it escort over the apartment, you can eat with us, commute together. If your dad agrees, I’m ok if you have sleepover guests; maybe Maureen.”

She gives me a very seductive smile.

“Your dad makes too much noise at night; you wouldn’t get enough sleep in here.” She chuckles hugging my arm, peering up at me mischievously.

“Well; I will admit we’re generally loud, and I might be to blame occasionally, but I assure you Ben, it’s not my voice that generally pierces the night air.” I spank Chantelle’s backside, as we all chuckle.

“Go check it out,” Chantelle taps the back of his shoulder, “what would you like tonight; pizza, Greek or Thai?”

“Thai please.” He says as he jogs across the deck.

Ben returns shortly.

“Wow, that’s so cool, a mini home, and i can eat with you guys, i don’t have to cook?”

“I’ll be hiring a cook, and a maid. So, it’ll be like a free hotel.”

Chantelle tosses a set of keys to Ben.

“Take the Jeep, go get Maureen, I’d love to meet her.”

“She’ll be studying, she’s adamant about graduating with straight A’s.”

“Ben, she has to eat, and it doesn’t have to be all night, at least text and ask her to join us for Thai.”

Ben takes out his phone. texts her.

“Ok, but only for an hour she says.” He leaves.

They’re back before the food arrives.

Maureen bounces in, giggling about something, a beaming smile, her blushing, dimpled cheeks, eyes sparkling.

Imagine going through a Hollywood celebrity magazine and putting together a person choosing the best, most stunning, alluring parts.

Start with Marilyn Monroe’s body, add longer, thick, wavy blonde hair, down to the lower part of her back. A rounder face, much like Selena Gomez, dimples on full cheeks, tiny, upturned nose, full sensuous lips. Large, Miley Cyrus, bright blue eyes. A natural, no make-up style wholesome gal.

Add a vivacious, charismatic, bubbly personality. Humble, friendly, extremely intelligent, and very caring. That is a quick description of Maureen.

I’m astounded, standing beside each other, the similarities; she could easily be Chantelle’s daughter, or younger sister.

She has on a pair of tight, red gym shorts and a white and red striped cotton halter top; she opens her arms for a hug.

“Hi.” Chantelle hugs her, as Ben introduces them.

“Hi, Brian, Ben told me about the project, I’m excited to help.”

Doorbell rings, food arrives, we parade to the kitchen table.

“This is a gorgeous mansion, Chantelle.” Maureen compliments, as she takes plates and utensils from Chantelle and distributes them.

“I inherited it from dad. I’ll give you both a tour after we eat.”

“My rooms outside,” Ben chuckles.

“What?” Maureen gives him a quizzical look.

“Ya, I can stay in the pool house, it has a murphy bed, shower, fridge, stove, tv, even a murphy table; it’s just a cool little mini house beside the pool, we can go midnight skinny dipping.” He wiggles his eyebrows and delicately kisses Maureen.

Maureen emits her charming, sweet giggle.

“Ahh, you may reconsider that Ben, there’s security cameras, EVERYWHERE.” I add chuckling.

After the tour, Ben takes Maureen home.

“Brian, you need to share your sexual wisdom with Ben right away.” She lights a joint, I put my arm around her, she snuggles against me on the sofa.

“I told Maureen we agreed it was alright for her to stay with Ben in the Pool house.”

“She confided they’re both still virgins but have made plans to copulate next week.” She takes the weed.

“I outright asked Maureen, what knowledge she has; Brian they’ve done some online searches and intend to explore.” She twists to look at me.

“I was forthright, told Maureen, I’m willing to explain how to guide Ben, you need to explain to Ben, how to communicate with Maureen, so they don’t fumble and bumble like we did.”

“I will when he returns.”

“Good, I also have an idea how to get them started right. There’s no reason they should miss out on quality sex when we can pass along the secret.”

We finish the escort bayan roach and have a make out session.

“You can offer Cliff my apartment, we’re both going to be here. That way when you kick me out, I’ll have a place to go without the hassle of looking for a new place.”

“Oh, I doubt you’ll ever go; my spell is especially hard to break.”

When Ben returns, I go to the pool house with him. I spend at least an hour explaining how he needs to put Maureen on a pedestal and set his desires aside until he fulfills hers. The importance of being honest and communicating what, where and how to touch each other, for maximum pleasure. It was an easy conversation, as they already had several intimate discussions, viewing anatomy pictures and researched relationship requirements. I was impressed with his knowledge, and their academic approach.

I return to the house to find Chantelle, laying on the bed in a sexy red negligee.

“Ok, we had the father son chat, he was extremely receptive, it wasn’t awkward at all, they’ve already been communicating well.” I undress and lay beside her. I admire our naked bodies in the ceiling mirror.

“I texted Maureen, we have a gal’s spa day after her exam tomorrow, and I made reservations for supper Friday.”

She moves my hand to her breast.

“Lights dim. Fire on.”

“Ok, let’s make some noise daddy, give me that big hunk of meat.” Our mouths attach, her fingers wrap around my pecker. She uses one hand on my balls and one tenderly twisting, tugging my stiffening shaft. Chantelle kisses my nipple, her tongue teases, licks, before her teeth gingerly bite my nipple.

“Damn that’s great.”

She slowly tongue bathes and kisses my chest, meandering lower, continuing the tongue bath, until her mouth envelopes my member, her fingernails lightly scratch my ball sack. One fingernail delicately tracing the valleys of the wrinkles in my ball sack, another nail follows her sucking lips up scraping the underside of my cock. Damn it’s erotic; I moan as she deep throats the majority of my meat. I reciprocate with my fingers toying with her pussy lips.

Her right hand starts a prostate massage, the tantalizing trifecta is impossible to resist, and I grunt.

“HELLL YYAAAA GET IT BABE.” My eruption begins filling her mouth. Chantelle sucks and swallows, not slowing, not stopping, not letting a drop escape.

“WOW, the student has become a master.” I comb my fingers through her wavy, locks. She looks up at me with a Cheshire cat grin.

“Your turn master,” she splays herself across the bed.

“HMMM, love to.” She assists in removing the negligee. Piling a couple pillows, she leans back against the headboard, legs yawn wide. I dive in face first.

“BBLLLLRRRRBBBBBLLLLLUURRRBBBB” I give her a side-to-side, face wagging, lip flapping, motorboat, across her labia, her legs bend, her hands on my head she lets out a belly laugh.

“Gawd, I love your craziness.” She caresses my head, fondles my earlobes; her legs stretch out.

My hands on her boobs, lightly squeezing, her nipples already hard, I turn them like I’m adjusting radio knobs, fine tuning the station and volume.

My tongue making tiny circles on her inner thighs, as I nibble my way up, my nose guiding me, narrowing in on the sensational scent of delicious female secretions. I use my lips to tug her slim, fleshy flaps, when I get a grip on one, my tongue tip slides along the edge. I try getting both at the same time, to suck on them, it’s a challenge, like lowering a claw in a vending machine to grasp a stuffed toy. I abandon that activity, her delicate lips are too tiny, and slick, but the exciting effort is worthwhile.

Chantelle is crooning a melody of moans. Her fingers are partnered with mine, as I caress, squeeze roll, my fingers on her tits, her fingers are right there, on top of mine, like she’s learning Braille through my fingers. I leave her hands over her tits; I drag my nails down Chantelle’s abdomen, she moans louder; she’s as ready to erupt as I’ve ever known.

I kneel, lifting her legs in a wide V. I maneuver my hips, so my cock head touches her delightful bayan escort taco like labia, I press, forcing the underside of my dick against her wet slit. Moving so my purplish cone rubs between her labia, up and over, teasing her clit, she’s rolling her hips, moaning. Both our hips thrusting, my dick slides along her vulva.

Chantelle’s arching, adjusting her hips, trying to devour me into her vagina. I’m fucking her labia, my hard shaft squashed between us gliding along her sopping lips.

My hands still on her ankles, I arch my back, roll my hips, adjusting my angle, I press in, barely moving, just giving her my mushroom tip. Knowing the majority of female nerve receptors are nearest the surrounding edge of the vagina opening.

Several short, shallow strokes, my crown spreading her open, then exiting, repeating the constant contact of little more than her labial lips.

“Oh, fuck do it Brian, put it in, fuck me, I want all of you inside me.” Her nails raking my back, moving lower tugging my butt cheeks, pulling me to her.

Her hips thrusting upwards wanting me deeper inside. I mirror her movement, when she thrusts, I withdraw, teasing her, keeping only my tapered cone inside.

“Ohhh Mmyy GAAwwd Briiiaaaannnn,” she begs, her eyes pleading. Barely more than a whisper.

“Fuuck mee Daaaddeee, pleeeze give me all that big stick.”

I let go of her legs, she keeps them high and wide. My right thumb toys with her clit, left thumb teasing, pressing her butthole. I unhurriedly slide my shaft deeper, slow, steady, purposely angled for full contact against her g spot; she begins to shiver, uttering loud guttural sounds.

“Yeeesss, fuck me.” I push further, holding still, forcing her hips into the bed. I take a full second to withdraw, another equally slow insertion, a pause, creating a fierce desire in her.

“Mmyyy gaaaAAHHhwwd thaaat’sss ssssoooo gguuuuuddd, Aaaahhhhh.” She begins her climax. I’m barely moving, she is heaving her hips.


I begin a steady, medium speed, a couple strokes a second, relentless, full stroking; her hips meet mine, mashing mounds, we move in unison.

“Faster, harrrderrr.” With our combined rhythmic motion, she continues to orgasm. I push my thumb past her sphincter, increasing my hip action to rapid thrusts, she cries out.

“AAARRRRGGGHHHH!” I feel sharp pangs of nails raking my back.

I speed up my assault fucking her as fast as physically possible, maintaining full strokes. I try to yank her nipples from her tits, she flinches and wails.

“OOOHHHH FUUUUCCKK YYYAAAAAAHHHH.” Peaking with another climax. Jerking, whimpering, groaning through several more continual orgasms when I spew my hot sperm.

“OH YEESSSS, OOHHH TTHAATSSS SSOOOOO GUUUUD! AHHHHH” She has a tight grip on me, bucking wildly, her hips thrashing against me.


She falls limp. I roll us onto our sides holding her tight.

Sometime during the night, she turned as I awaken to us spooning, my arms around her one hand holding each tit. We have an erotic make out session before showering and going for breakfast.

Maureen and Chantelle genuinely bond, connecting like a close mother and daughter, or twin sisters, while at the spa.

We are dining at fine hotel restaurant on Friday, during desert Chantelle lifts her champagne flute.

“To our favorite kids; may tonight be the beginning of a fulfilling, fantastic, forever, relationship.”

She tosses a key card to Ben.

“Please make a concerted effort to pleasure each other fully. The room, room service, champagne, anything, everything, is on my tab; go wild, stay naked for at least 2 days.” We all clink glasses.

We had a wild weekend as well; Chantelle received her first anal fucking, followed soon after with her first squirt.

Epilogue: {for now;} I may continue this story in the future.

Cliff moved into my apartment, prepaid for 3 months and Chantelle had him open his own bank account and transferred $5000. She emphasized; that was all, to stay out of her life.

Maureen moved into the pool house. They are engaged, intend to get married as soon as she graduates business college. Both continue working as partners at BenBri homes.

Cassie and Sharon no longer live together.

Oh; and we’re expecting a girl in 2 months.

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