The Training of a Young Submissive Ch. 25


“This almost looks like a wedding invitation.” Faith was going through the day’s mail on the kitchen counter.

“Let me see,” I said. I smiled when I saw the return address. “I had forgotten about this.”

“What is it?” asked Faith.

Shannon looked up from her homework to see what we were talking about.

“Remember Jonathon from the event we went to six months back?”

“How could I forget,” Faith grinned. “The way he handled that whip. I was so wet, I had to rush off to the ladies room.”

“I think you told me about this,” said Shannon. “And then those two guys stopped you and Sam came to your rescue.”

“I prefer not to talk about that,” I said.

“Why not?” asked Shannon. “I dream of you doing that for me.” She smiled as she said it.

I smiled back to her. “That was sweet of you to say.”

“I am very sincere about that, Master.”

I caressed her cheek with my fingers.

“So what is this mail?” asked Faith. “An invitation?”

“That’s exactly what this is,” I said. “Jonathon has an annual party. I didn’t attend last year. But I think we should definitely attend this time.”

“Is it like the event you went to with Faith?” asked Shannon.

“Oh no. This is much more private. Jonathon invites ten or twelve friends. They are all Doms or Dommes. And of course, we all bring our submissives with us.”

“A party?” Shannon sounded very excited.

“Yes, but not the kind of party you may be thinking of. The party is for the Dominants. You slaves will be there to serve.” I paused for a moment. “And you are also there to please the Dominants sexually.”

Faith smiled, but Shannon’s jaw dropped. “You mean I could end up with anyone?”

I didn’t want to sound stern, but my voice came through that way. “Shannon, if you don’t wish to attend, you don’t have to.”

Shannon blushed and looked at the floor. Faith quickly spoke up. “She will come, Master. And I know she will love every minute of it.”

My voice softened. “Shannon, you won’t be with anyone I don’t want you to be with. It only happens with my approval. Remember, you belong to me. I will protect you. Besides, these are some of my closest friends. Besides Jonathon, Sara and Jake will likely be there.”

Shannon looked up. “I am sorry, Master. I was wrong to question you. I know how much you love me and I know you will never allow harm to come to me.”

Faith wrapped her arm around Shannon and grinned. “Besides, Jake might want to have you at his side for the evening. And he’s dreamy.”

“Dreamy? Really? Suddenly, I feel old.” I tried to sound stern, but could help but laugh.

Faith blushed. “You know what I mean.”

I opened up the invitation after winking at Faith. “The party is four weeks from Friday. I’m sure our calendars are free, but both of you need to check your school calendars. This is not just an evening get together. It will go on through the entire weekend.”

“I’m sure it won’t be an issue,” said Shannon.

“Just the same, check to be sure. This party is important, Escort bayan but your school work is more important.”

Faith was already beyond thinking if her calendar was free or not. “What will we wear? We need to do some shopping.”

I shook my head and chuckled. And then I stopped to think a moment. “Yes, you will need to do some shopping, but not the kind of shopping you’re thinking of. You will wear very little. I think we should go lingerie shopping.”

Shannon had gotten quiet, but Faith was getting more excited about this party the more we talked about it. I stopped and watched Shannon. She was deep in thought.

“Shannon? Is something bothering you?”

She looked up as I had interrupted her thoughts. “Oh no. There is nothing wrong. I was just thinking.” She paused again. “I was thinking about your friend Jonathon and how his use of the whip arouses Faith. It reminded me of our get together with Sara. She also used the whip. It made me wet and I can’t explain it.” She looked at me and swallowed. “Sam? Would you do that to me? I want to understand it. I want to know the feeling of both pain and pleasure.”

“Are you sure, Shannon?”

“I’ve been thinking about it for weeks. Yes, I’m sure. And the sooner, the better. Before I change my mind.”

I stood there, looking at Shannon, and thinking. And then I decided. “Come with me. Faith, you too.”

The three of us walked downstairs and into the playroom. Faith was curious as to what her role would be, but she knew to keep quiet until she was told. Shannon was trembling just a bit. She was anxious, but she trusted me. And then she smiled.

“Master? My safe word is ‘trust’.”

I smiled at her. “Well chosen Shannon. Get undressed.” I pointed at the spot on the floor where six rings were bolted to the floor. “Hand and knees, slut. Faith, you are here to support your sister. Face her, encourage her, hold her face if you wish.”

“Yes, Master,” they said in unison.

Shannon got to her hands and knees. Faith got on her knees to face Shannon. Shannon’s hands, knees, and ankles all rested beside one of the six rings. I began to tie her to each ring. I then pulled two ropes down from pulleys above Shannon. The first, I tied to her pony tail and then tied the end of the rope off to hold her head up. The second rope had a metal hook at the end of it, Faith’s eyes got wide when she saw it. I walked to the work bench and pulled a specific butt plug from the top drawer. I also picked up a bottle of lubricant. I returned to Shannon and screwed the plug to the end of the hook. Once it was secure, I began lubing her tight little ass hole with the oil and my finger. Shannon whimpered and squirmed a bit, but it was difficult for her to move much. I slid the butt plug into her hole and then pressed it until it popped in. Upon pulling the other end of the rope, Shannon groaned as the hook pulled her ass up high, arching her back.

I stood back to check my work and smiled. Shannon could not move. I heard a whimper and then realized it was coming Bayan escort from Faith. She kissed Shannon’s lips and whispered “I’m jealous.”

I walked back to the work bench. I had already decided that I would use a paddle. Not that a paddle would be easy on Shannon, but I felt it was the right tool to use to introduce her to this new phase for her. A crop would have been much tougher on her. And I didn’t trust myself with a whip. I picked up a paddle and the electric wand.

When I turned back to Shannon, I could see that the inside of her thighs were wet. I smiled. “My little slut is wet.”

Shannon’s voice trembled. “Yes, Master. Very.”

I kneeled behind her, laying the wand down on the floor. With my fingers, I caressed her dripping cunt. She groaned and squirmed a bit, but could not move much beyond that. The hook with the butt plug made sure of that. And then without warning, I smacked her ass hard with the paddle. Faith saw it coming and looked directly into Shannon’s eyes as she grunted and managed not to cry out.

Faith whispered, “Good girl.”

I smacked Shannon’s ass again, harder this time. I was careful not to come close to the hook. Her ass cheeks were turning pink. I spanked the back of one of her thighs. Shannon could not keep it in. She cried out. Faith caressed her cheek. And then I spanked the back of her other thigh. Her skin was turning a bright pink. I picked up the electric wand and turned it on. As soon as I placed it against her swollen clit, Shannon cried out loudly. Her body shook hard. I spanked her hard again.

Faith looked up at me. “Master? Is she allowed to cum?”

“Only when she asks for permission,” I replied.

Faith looked back into Shannon’s eyes. “You are doing so well, Shannon.”

Shannon was panting. “God! I need to cum.” But then she whispered back to Faith, “But I’m not ready to ask permission. Not yet.” She was shaking as she spoke. The wand was still firmly against her clit.

“Good girl,” I said.

And then I spanked her again. Shannon’s body shook as she moaned. I spanked her hard again. Her ass and thighs were bright red.

She couldn’t hold back any longer. “Please Master, may I cum?”

I smiled at how well she had down. “Yes, slave. You may cum.”

As I pressed the wand more firmly against her clit, Shannon screamed as her entire body experienced her orgasm. Through it all, Faith held her face. She smiled at Shannon. Her cunt was almost as wet as Shannon’s. Shannon continued to cum, screaming in intense pleasure. When I pulled the wand away, she would have collapsed if she had been able to.

The experience had aroused me. My cock was throbbing. I undressed and kneeled behind Shannon, my hands holding her hips. I sank my cock into her easily. She was well lubricated from her own cum. She groaned as she felt my cock fill her. I could feel the plug in her ass. I stifled my own moan as I began to fuck her. And then I was completely amazed. She was managing to squeeze my cock with her cunt. She still had the stamina Escort to do so. I moaned, this time unable to be silent.

An evil thought came to me. With a grin, I picked up the wand and turned it on again. I pressed it against Shannon’s clit. She screamed again and immediately climaxed. The addition of the electric wand caused my cock to tingle and I knew I would not last long. I began to slam my cock into her as she continued to experience orgasm after orgasm. I lost all control and cried out loudly as I shot my cum deeply into her. Shannon climaxed again and then I pulled the wand away. She was exhausted. I stopped fucking her and simply rested with my hips pressed against her ass, my cock buried in her.

Finally, I pulled out of her. I quickly removed the butt plug and then untied her pony tail. Shannon immediately collapsed, still tied to the floor. I moved around her and untied each of the six pieces of rope. Shannon collapsed completely, still breathing heavily. I picked up her naked body and carried her up stairs, Faith following me.

I walked into my bedroom and laid her body on my bed. It had become a tradition of taking a hot bath after a session in the playroom. But this was a special event. I was proud of Shannon, but I was also very interested in hearing what she had to say about this new experience.

As I headed to the bathroom to start the bath, Faith touched my arm. “Master, may I cum?”

I gave her a surprised look. And then I grinned and said, “Yes, slut, you may cum.”

Faith smiled sheepishly and ran off to the other bedroom.

I returned to Shannon and picked her up again, carrying her into the bathroom, setting her in the tub. I sat behind her and held her against my chest. Her breathing had returned to normal. Her fingers slowly ran along my arms.

“I’m proud of you, Shannon. And I love you very much. Thank you for trusting me.”

Shannon turned her face to kiss my upper arm.”I love you too, Sam.” She was quiet for a moment. “I understand now. With each strike with the paddle and as much as it hurt, I had complete trust in you. I knew I was safe. You used that paddle with love. And then the combination of the wand and the paddle, the pleasure with the pain … my god, I’ve never experienced anything like it.” She turned around to face me, tears on her cheeks. “Thank you, Master.”

As I dried her with a towel, I was very careful around her tender behind. In the bedroom, I had her lay face down as I applied lotion to her skin. And then I slid into bed with her and held her close to me again.

Faith walked in, with a smile. “Did you enjoy yourself?” I asked with a smile.

“I did,” she said. “And I look forward to when you use us both like that.” Faith could not stop grinning. And I heard Shannon giggle.

Then Faith leaned into whisper into my ear. She turned, left the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

“What did she say?” asked Shannon.

“She told me that this time was important for you. That you needed to be alone with me because this time was special for both of us. She remembers her first time.”

Shannon smiled as I felt her hand reach for my cock. She slid under the covers to begin to make love to my cock with her mouth.

Several hours later, we were both, once again, sweaty and exhausted.

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