The Endless Night Ch. 08 , Epilogue


Chapter 8

I have a feeling that you are getting bored with my story. Well if your not, I’m surprised. I was getting bored and I lived it. I actually walked into the next room, looked at the guy and said lets get this over with. So we did. He stripped off his thong, laid me back on the bed and fucked me until we both came screaming. I know, not very exciting but that was pretty much how I felt at this point. I still had five guys to go until this night was over and all I wanted to do was go home.

I told you in the last chapter that there were two more men that I fell for that night, since I am actually getting bored of telling you each and every encounter. I know it sounds glamorous but when you live it you will understand. I will tell you this. One of the men I fell for was Mark. The other one was bachelor

1. Any idea who it was? Well I will give you a hint; he has been in each chapter of the story although I didn’t have sex with him. Surprised? Yup, the other man I fell for was Bruno, the guy who answered the door.

Since I told you about the first 6 men and 3 of them I did fall for, I will tell you tale of Bruno and I. It is actually a bit romantic in my opinion. Oh he fucked me just like the others, but he did it in such a way…Well listen to my tale and you will see.

By the time I finished with bachelor

0, I was both physically and emotionally exhausted. I didn’t think it was possible that the remaining two men could be able to teach me anything new. I mean I had sucked so many cocks that my mouth hurt. I had been fucked on my back, on top of a guy, on my side twice and even against the door as I explained earlier. So what was different about Bruno? Well…

I was dragging my feet as he let me to the next door. I rested my head against his shoulder as I was so tired that it didn’t register at first that he didn’t knock but just opened the door. “Can’t we just stop now?” I begged.

He suddenly swept me up into his arms kissing me deeply as he walked into the room, kicking the door behind him.

I was so surprised that he actually kissed me for about a minute and a half before I started to kiss him back. When I pulled my face back, his eyes were smoldering. “Baby, I have watched your naked body all night long. Please tell me you’re not going to deny me.”

Instead of carrying me over to the bed, he carried me somewhere that wasn’t in any of the other rooms, a small sofa with a crocheted quilt over the back of it. He lay me gently down on my back then kneeled on the floor beside me. “You’re one of my lovers?” I asked in awe.

He smiled, running his hand lightly over my skin. “You didn’t think I just manned the door did you?”

My eyes watched his hand as he caressed my stomach. I was entranced by how his dark skin meshed with the lightness of mine. “Actually I did.” I sighed as he moved his hand down over my legs. He didn’t touch my snatch; he bypassed it all together as he caressed one leg then slowly moved his hand up the other one.

“I do man the door darling, but I also enjoy being with a woman.” He kissed me again, this time his mouth was hard and demanding almost as if he was expecting a response, which I willingly gave. When his hand finally moved between my legs, I rested one leg on the floor while the other one on the top of the back of the couch. “Bruno.” I whispered ankara escort as he slowly caressed my skin with his fingers.

“Shhhh…You have been fucked tonight. I plan to make love to you.”

I looked at him in awe. His fingers bringing my body to life in ways that none of the other men did. He barely touched me at all. His fingers moved over me like a butterfly’s kiss. By the time he finally slid a finger inside me, I was breathing hard and panting. He had barely entered me when I suddenly flooded his hand. “Hm…I wonder if that was for me or because you are on a sexual high?”

I had closed my eyes when I came but when he said that, I lifted mine to his. “Oh believe me, that was all you.”

He chuckled as he slowly fingered my pussy. “Well that makes a man feel good.”

I started whimpering as he slowly fingered me. My body was writhing all over the couch and all he was doing was sliding his fingers in and out of me. “What are you doing to me?” I sighed when I suddenly came again, harder then before.

His eyes were a dark brown normally but when he looked at me, they looked almost black. “I am making love to you baby. I am going to bring you to release so many times that when I finally slide my cock into you, you will be sure you are going to die from the pleasure.”

I smiled at first when he said those words. “Yea right.”

He cocked his head. “You don’t believe me?”

I shook my head. “Not really.”

He just smiled as he kissed my nose. “Then watch and learn little girl.”

I kept my eyes locked on his as he continued to slowly finger me. He never moved his hand fast inside me, his movements were slow, caressing. That was what was so weird about that encounter. I mean sure, some of the other guys had fingered me slowly but they also either ate me out or mauled my clit with their other hand. Bruno didn’t. He stayed on his knees beside the couch, his eyes locked on mine. He didn’t touch me at all except for the slow movements of his hand inside me.

My whole body was shivering with passion as he brought me to orgasm over and over. Each time, his eyes would darken even more. I swear they did, although to this day, still can’t figure out how. By the time I had cum six times just from his fingers in me, I wanted to beg him to fuck me. My body was constantly strumming with need. Each time I came quicker. He said earlier that he thought I was on a sexual high. Well I sure was now.

My hips were pushing against him as moans escaped my mouth. Cries that rose in volume as he turned my body into a mass of quivering jelly. By the time he had made me cum for the seventh time, I knew that if he didn’t fuck me soon, I would die from the pleasure. “Bruno…Oh god…Please…Fuck me.” I begged as I felt him push me again towards ecstasy.

He kept his eyes on me, as he pulled his hands from my soaked hole. I was surprised when he brought them to my lips. I slowly opened my mouth, letting him slide them inside. I tasted myself on his fingers, then sucked greedily at them. When they were clean, he pulled them out, and then pulled me to my feet. I was sure he was going to lead me to the bed.

Nope, he led me to the arm of the couch. He positioned me there, with my arms resting against it. Then he lifted one of my legs, until my knee was lying next to my hand on the arm. “Bruno…” I whimpered ankara escort bayan as my snatch drummed with need.

“Shhhh love,” He said behind me. I couldn’t see what he was doing but suddenly I felt something press against the entrance to my pussy. I held myself still as he smoothly slid inside me. I cried out loudly as I came yet again before he was even halfway inside me. He was actually bigger then any of the men I had been with tonight. He was long and thick and he knew how to make a girl beg for more.

Believe me, I was begging as I held my knee against the couch as he slowly thrust into my body. “Bruno…” I cried lowering my head as I felt him slide further into me then any had before. “Oh Bruno…Fuck me.”

He wrapped his arms around me, gently taking my breasts into his hands as he continued the slow torture. “I am baby.” He growled huskily. “I love how you feel around me honey.”

I pushed back against him the best I could in my position and heard him moan as he started pumping himself harder inside me. “Tell me you like this love.” He panted as he took me from behind. “Tell me you love my cock sliding in and out of your sweet hole.

“Bruno…Yes…I love it.” I cried as I pushed my body against his. “It feels so good. Oh fuck me lover. Fuck me good.”

His hands gently squeezed my breasts as he rode me. I felt my orgasm wash over me again and screamed in pleasure. He just grunted but kept slicing his cock into my body. “So good,” He purred as he leaned down so he could run his lips over my neck. “You are so tight even after a night of fucking. It’s like you’re a virgin all over again.”

I was having a hard time catching my breath when he suddenly slammed hard into me, nearly knocking me head first into the couch. He had himself buried inside me completely. “You’ve got all of me baby.” He groaned as he held himself deep in me.

“Oh Bruno…”I cried tightening my muscles around him. He groaned then started practically raping my hole with his hard cock. His movements were ragged as he slammed hard into me. I finally collapsed against the couch. My head rested against the cushions as he continued to pummel into me. “Oh Bruno…I’m cumming again.” I cried as I felt my orgasm wash over me for at least the 10th time.

“I feel it baby. Oh god, I feel it.” I felt him pull forcefully from my body as he came like the others on my back. I sighed against the cushion as I felt his cum spill onto me.

Sighing with contentment, I rested there until he was empty then let him pull me back against his hard body. “You have one more baby…You up to it?” he asked against my ear.

I was so tired and so sated but I knew I couldn’t let the gentleman who had waited all night for a taste of me down. I stiffened my spine as I rested against his chest. “Bring it on.” I stated with more confidence then I felt.

He just chuckled then led me to the room towards my final conquest.


So there you have it dear reader, my night that never seemed to end. 12 men who used my body for their own pleasures but at the same time brought my body to life so many times that when I was finished with bachelor

2; I curled up on his bed and slept for the next 10 hours straight.

When my parents picked me up at 6:00 the next evening, my face held a smile that I didn’t feel. All the men escort ankara I had been with were in the parlor awaiting the night’s customers. I thanked them all for a wonderful night, but my eyes rested longer on four of them then on the others. I lost my heart to four men that night. Four men that I figured I would never see again.

As my eyes rested on each of the four men I had lost my heart to, each of them gave me a smile. I felt love but nothing over powering for one. The next was a bit stronger but not heart stopping, nor was the next. But when I looked at the fourth, I knew that my heart was breaking. He had made me feel like something special. It was like I was more then just a piece of ass to him. I tried not to show in my eyes how I felt but I think he knew cause his eyes widened for a minute, then he smiled tenderly before blowing me a kiss.

Reluctantly I turned from him and followed my parents from the house.

Now before I tell you what happened next, have you figured out who the four were? I mean I told you about Mark and Bruno. But who were the other two?

Let’s take them one at a time. First there was Michael: he was a great guy and I learned some things from him but not my cup of tea.

Next was Tommy: If you guessed he was one of them, you would be right. I fell hard for Tommy.

Then there was Mitch: He was a great man but I felt more a fatherly love towards him then that of a husband.

Let’s see who’s next. Oh yea, the jerk Andrew…Not a chance in hell would I touch him again.

Then of course there was Vince and last but not least that I told you about was Mark. But you already know about him. So kind of out of other guys, yes I will tell you that like Tommy, I fell hard for Vince. I fell pretty hard for Bruno and Mark to but they were not the one I ended up with.

So which one was it dear reader? Vince or Tommy? Who am I marrying next spring? Read on and I will tell you.

I spent the next week locked in my room, only coming out for meals and to go to the bathroom. I hadn’t planned to fall in love that night and now I was nursing a seriously broken heart. When I heard the knock at my door, I tried to ignore it like I had the others. But this knock was insistent.

Finally I pulled myself off the bed and aggrieved I unlocked then threw open the door ready to yell at whoever stood there.

But when I saw who it was, my voice somehow lost its way from my throat to my mouth. Vince stood there looking at me with a soft smile on his face. Yup, it was Vince, sorry to disappoint those that rooted for Tommy. Tommy is a sweet kid but there was something about Vince that just took my breath away.

“What…What are you doing here?” I finally asked when I was able to speak.

He didn’t say a word, he just moved into my room, closing the door behind him before pulling me gently into his arms. “I love you Alisha.” He said softly as his mouth met mine. “You are the only woman I want in my life and in my bed.”

I cried tears of happiness as he swept me up into his arms, carrying me to the bed. We undressed each other slowly then made slow passionate love. We were both so caught up in the love we had found in each other that by the time we finally found release, both of us had tears in our eyes.

So there you have it dear reader. A tale of an 18 year olds story of sex, romance and finally love. How I walked into a whorehouse a virgin and walked out with the man of my dreams. I gotta go, he’s calling me. I hope you enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed telling it.

The End

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