The Beach Hut


‘How come you never took me to the beach hut for sex?’

Adam looked up from his newspaper, shocked and a little afraid he’d said out loud the thoughts that had been running through his head, and for a moment he couldn’t quite meet his wife’s eyes.

‘You what?’ His guilty cheeks colored up. He couldn’t think of anything else to say, but Sara didn’t appear to notice his unease. She’d turned back towards the sink, and was staring out of the window, her hands immersed in the soapy dish water. It gave him time to think — time to come up with a reason that would stop her from questioning him too far. Why was she bringing this up now…after all these years?

‘You know it was all talk — what the lads used to say about me and that hut, don’t you?’

The hut’s imminent sale had brought back some fond memories. Memories that stirred his cock along with his conscience, but anything he may or may not have got up to in there was over long before he met her — he thought she knew that — and much as he loved her, he resented her sudden accusatory stand.

‘But, I know you fucked someone there.’

‘Are you serious?’ Adam was shocked. He prepared himself for an argument, but when Sara turned towards him she was smiling, and now he was unsure what to do with the defensive mode he had just deployed. Was she just yanking his chain or did she really want to know?

For a moment Adam considered telling her everything and getting it off his chest once and for all, but he was aware that the need to clear his conscience was not the right reason for raking through the still smouldering embers of a long lost, past love. That was a ghost he was going to have to lay to rest all on his own – and he meant to…just not quite yet.

‘I’m kidding,’ she added. ‘You really don’t have to sell it on my account, darling.’ Adam’s smile was edged with relief. It was as if she’d read his mind — or at least the thought that was uppermost in it at that moment. Had she been able to delve a little deeper, she’d have discovered thoughts that would not have prompted such a sympathetic comment, for his mind had been basking in the sweet memory of one particular girl, and one particular night, ten long years ago…


His tiny attic apartment was stuffy and airless. He couldn’t sleep, so Adam picked up a few cold cans and a towel and headed down to the beach for a swim.

It was well after midnight when he hit the street but the smell of suntan oil and chips still wafted on the warm breeze. People had spilled out from the stuffy clubs and restaurants to drink and chat on the streets instead. The town had a Mediterranean feel about it tonight that he liked.

Decent work might be scarce but there was something about living in a seaside town that seemed to get under your skin…or maybe it was the constant flow of fresh girls that were always passing through — not that he’d had much luck in that direction, but he was always hopeful and ever ready…he felt for the condom in his back pocket.

As he descended the steps to the beach, the noise of the town gradually faded away and Adam found himself alone in the deserted little cove. He kicked off his flip flops and made his way across the still warm sand. Not many people strayed down here at night. In the dark, there wasn’t much to see from the top of the steps but once down on the sand, surrounded by the sheer granite cliffs, it felt like another world — a world where he could do as he pleased and be who he wanted.

He dropped his stuff on the veranda of the little beach hut his grandfather had left him, stripped off his shorts and t shirt and ran naked to the water’s edge, enjoying the solitude and the feel of the cooler, salt laden air on his clammy skin. The tide hadn’t yet turned and about a foot of frothy white surf was breaking noisily onto the sand. He dove straight in, swam out past the breakers, and floated around in the gentle swell beyond, just listening to the distant thrum of the town whilst his fingers toyed idly with his cock.

It wasn’t until he finally waded out of the water half an hour later, that he noticed the girl perched on a rock at the water’s edge. He’d spoken to her in the cafe a couple of times during the week, and even tried chatting her up — he remembered her dyed red hair — and wondered if she’d come here in the hope of meeting him. The thought made his cock twitch and he suddenly remembered his nakedness, but did nothing to cover himself up, even though he became acutely aware of his cock as it hung free between his legs…and of her eyes upon it, but he didn’t want to look stupid by attempting to cup his equipment in his hand, now.

For a long moment they stared at each other without a word passing between them — until Adam finally managed to find the words to break the awkward silence.

‘Have you been there long?’ He was annoyed at how nervous he sounded. His voice came out far too high. He coughed to clear his throat.

‘Since before you arrived,’ she said with a ankara escort smile. ‘I was sitting right here when you ran down to the sea.’

Adam’s eyes were drawn to the expanse of creamy white thigh she was displaying…and of the brief glimpse of white panty that his vantage point below her gave him. She had her knees drawn up to her chin, and held together with her hands, but her feet were set apart, giving a tantalizing view of white cotton as it stretched over the bulging lips of her sex. It was about the closest he’d ever got to a girl’s pussy and his cock swelled in anticipation. He turned away from her, pretending to look out to sea, as she was doing, embarrassed by his growing erection and wishing now that he’d kept his shorts on.

‘Are you on holiday?’ Adam was sure he’d asked her the question before but he couldn’t think of anything else to say. He crossed his arms across his chest in an attempt to look relaxed. When that failed he let them hang awkwardly by his side. For some reason he couldn’t remember how he normally held them. He wished he had jeans pockets to stuff them in.

‘I go home tomorrow,’ she said.

Adam didn’t know why she was here but now that she was he wanted to keep her. Opportunities like this didn’t present themselves to guys like him that often, but he wasn’t sure what to say next — his cock was saying, get her on that mattress and get her knickers off quick, but luckily his brain managed to translate the words before his mouth had a chance to let him down.

‘Do you like cider — I have cider?’

The girl nodded and Adam reached out a hand to help her down from her rocky perch, but as she took it, her foot slipped on the wet rock and she fell into his arms, her breasts crushed against his damp chest, her hands warm on his shoulders. He liked the way she felt against his skin and his cock hardened and nudged her belly. He blushed, expecting her to push him away in disgust but she didn’t. Instead, she looked at him, her shiny pink lips slightly parted as if she were about to kiss him. He could feel the rapid beat of her heart reverberating against his own chest and the minty aroma of her breath. He wanted to kiss her, too but he was paralyzed by fear — struck dumb by his own naivety, and he just lay there until she climbed off him. He was scared he’d mucked it up. Things like this just didn’t happen to guys like him. He couldn’t let her get away from him now.

‘Do you want to come up to my beach hut?’ The words sounded wrong, even though he’d rehearsed them a thousand times before he’d never actually said them out loud to anyone. He held his breath, waiting for the inevitable no way, but she nodded and he quickly wrapped his hand around hers and guided her across the sand to the little blue painted, beach-side hut he jokingly called his shagging shack. Not that anyone had actually been shagged in it…but he had a feeling that tonight that was all going to change.

‘We can sit here,’ he said, pointing to the wooden bench on the veranda that faced the ocean. As she stepped in front of him and moved towards the bench, he picked up his discarded shorts and pulled them on. Now that the visual barometer of his lust was no longer on show, he felt slightly less awkward around her.

Adam handed her a can and cracked the top off one for himself, taking a long slug to calm his nerves. She did the same, smiling up at him as she wiped a drip from her chin. Adam’s lust struck him dumb again…her full lips, wet from the cider…her eyes sparkling in the moon light…the curve of her breasts…her thighs, slightly parted and flattened against the bench as she crossed her ankles. He ached to reach out and touch her, but instead he sat there, stupidly mute, his cock straining against his shorts.

‘It’s a hot night,’ he finally said, sliding along the bench beside her so that his thigh was resting against hers.

She nodded. ‘That’s why I came down here. I hoped you might be here.’ She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her eyes sparkling. His belly did a double roller coaster flip.

‘You did?’ He hadn’t meant to sound so surprised. His voice seemed intent on betraying him tonight.

‘Of course,’ she giggled, a coy smile lighting up her elfin features.

For want of something to do with his hands, Adam handed her another can, and they drank in silence whilst he desperately racked his stupid brain for something to say, wishing he could muster up the courage to reach out and touch her. He looked down at her knee, and then back at his own hand, willing himself to connect the two but nothing happened. In the end it was her who turned to him.

‘I don’t mind if you kiss me,’ she whispered.

Adam felt his heart thump so loudly against his chest wall that he was sure she must have heard it, but buoyed up by his second can of cider, he leaned in for the kiss. One hand moved awkwardly over her shoulder, the other, bravely towards her thigh, his heart now pounding in his throat as their lips finally touched. Hers were chilled ankara escort bayan from the cider, but quickly warmed against his own. She responded with a low murmur that vibrated tantalizingly against his own lips, and seemed to travel all the way down to his cock, which was now pressing insistently against his cotton shorts.

He clumsily moved his trembling hand from her thigh to her left breast and kneaded the soft, warm flesh through the material of her little white sundress, not knowing quite where to venture next. But when she slipped her hand between his legs and searched out his cock, Adam’s heart stopped dead. He didn’t care that she seemed unsure what to do with him now that she had him in hand. Just the feel of her warm fingers wrapped around his throbbing shaft felt so good that he was reluctant to move…but for the fact that he was trying to work out how he could get her onto the mattress and out of the panties that were now restricting further fumbling explorations.

‘Do me,’ she whispered against his ear. ‘I want my first time to be with you.’

Holy shit! Adam gulped hard. She’s a virgin! He wished he was a little more experienced. He wished he knew what the hell he was doing. He wanted her to remember him favorably, not as the fumbling, tongue tied twat he was behaving like right now. She was different from the other girls. He wasn’t sure why but he’d been drawn to her from the very first moment he saw her pursing her scarlet painted lips around a straw to suck up the chocolate milkshake he’d made for her.

‘I’ll be gentle,’ he said, as he stood up to open the hut door and pull her inside. It seemed like the right thing to say in the moment, even though the words sounded cheesy and insincere the very moment they slipped from his lips — when it was too late to take them back and change them for

Adam reluctantly disentangled himself from her arms and hastily spread his freshly laundered towel over the old mattress that took up most of the floor space in the old hut. The scent of fabric conditioner briefly masked that of the slightly dank bed. Its laying down had also sent up a cloud of dust, reminding him that the shagging shack had seen far less action than his imagination, but in a moment of inspiration, he pulled the mattress out of the dusty hut and onto the little wooden veranda.

‘So that your first time will be under the light of a full moon, in a star studded sky,’ he said, proud of his romantic gesture.

As she finished off her cider Adam went back into the hut to turn on the radio. His fingers trembled on the dial as he searched for a signal, and eventually he found a late night local station playing love songs. The haunting sound of Eva Cassidy singing Fields of Gold wafted on the warm breeze, helping to fill the uneasy silence that had settled between them again.

He felt he should ask her name; ask her where she was staying, or some such small talk, but he didn’t want to risk breaking the mood — there’d be plenty of time to talk afterwards — so instead, he went to where she stood in the doorway and hesitantly lifted up the hem of her dress, his trembling fingers left a trail of goose bumps on her otherwise silken thighs as he worked his way upwards towards her panties. Once there, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and slowly rolled them down over her thighs, holding his breath, sure that any second she would change her mind and push him away.

As she stepped out of them he instinctively moved his hand between her legs. Her flesh was hot here and her inner thighs unbelievably soft. She took a shuddering breath as his finger brushed her hair covered sex for the first time, whilst his own heart thumped like a jack hammer against his ribcage.

‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ he said, inwardly cursing himself for giving her the opportunity to escape, but she nodded her head and allowed him to pull her dress up over her waist, even raising her arms so that he could peel it over her head. The warm, sweet scent of her skin made him want to bury his face between the mounds of her breasts, had he not been mesmerized by the way her nipples stood proud and dark in contrast to her milky white flesh. With his heart in his mouth he lowered his lips towards her left breast, and working on instinct more than experience, he touched his tongue to the puckered flesh; tasting her, breathing in her sweet scent, and sucking her nipple into his mouth whilst his hand went intuitively towards her other breast -feeling more confident as she began to respond to his inexperienced fumbling.

‘Lie down,’ he urged, breathlessly, helping her down onto the mattress before struggling to discard his shorts. His cock bounced free and a string of glistening precum dripped onto her belly, connecting them together until he climbed between her legs and lowered himself on top of her. He pressed his hot tongue back against her nipple. She whimpered a little and arched her back to meet it. Her impulsive movements and pleasured little grunts hit him escort ankara low in the belly, almost like a physical pain, it sent electrical pulses along his cock to tug at his balls. Adam tried to think of something slightly less stirring, taking things as slow as he dared, playing his fingers lightly over the slight swell of her belly on his inevitable journey towards her sex. When he got there he found her knees clamped tightly together. He pushed them apart. He couldn’t stop now, but she only put up a token resistance before she allowed them to fall open, and the pink petal-like lips of her sex blossomed and spread before his eyes. His breath caught in his throat.

He moved his hand slowly upwards from her knee, until the tips of his fingers made contact with her fleshy sex lips, and as he lowered his mouth onto hers and pushed his tongue in through her teeth to explore her mouth, he also pushed one finger inside her, releasing the musky scent of her arousal into the night air and covering his finger with her viscous juices.

She broke free from his kiss. ‘Do me,’ she whispered again, as he clumsily worked his finger in and out of her moist entrance, and those words, coming from her cute little lips, sounded as sexy as hell to him.

He pushed himself up onto his arms, nudging the head of his swollen cock against her entrance, fumbling clumsily to guide it home with his hand. Nervous now, as she looked up at him, her eyes wide, her tongue running slowly over her slightly parted lips. She gasped as his first hesitant thrust broached her entrance and he groaned as her pussy lips enveloped his shaft. As he pushed his cock deeper inside her she let out a soft, low moan. Adam looked at her face. She had her eyes tightly closed and her mouth open, and as he moved inside her, little grunts and breathless mews escaped from her parted lips.

He came too quick, spurting inside her, his eyes screwed tightly shut, his cock jerking and pulsing. When he opened them to check that she was ok, she was watching him. He had the urge to apologize for his poor performance but managed to keep his mouth shut.

‘I’ll never forget this,’ she whispered, as he withdrew and lay down alongside her on the mattress. And even though her words scared him a bit, he thought he felt the same.

He must have fallen asleep, because when he woke she was gone and there was nothing left to prove she had ever been there, except the lingering taste of her on his lips and the damp patch on the mattress. He pressed his face against the material and breathed in her scent…that was when he remembered the condom in the pocket of his shorts.

Fuck! How could he have been so fucking stupid? His father would kill him if he got a girl pregnant.

Adam had meant to boast about his exploit that night. He remembered being eager to meet up with the guys, but when it came down to it he didn’t even mention her. They had shared something special that night and he was sure he would see her again. But the following morning there was no sign of her in the cafe, and even though he returned to the beach for the next three nights, she never turned up again.


Adam looked at his wife. He didn’t like keeping things from her, but even after all this time, he still thought about the girl on the beach. In a way he wished he could forget her. He felt guilty for carrying this secret into his marriage, and in part, that was why he’d decided that the beach hut had to go. He figured that selling it would finally exorcise her memory from his life.

‘Are you listening to me? I said we don’t have to sell it.’

Adam put down his newspaper — he hadn’t read a word for the past ten minutes — and looked at his wife. Sara had such a generous spirit but she had no idea what she was saying and he didn’t want to enlighten her and risk changing the way she looked at him. He watched her fondly as she wiped her wet hands on the back of her jeans and crossed the kitchen towards him. He smiled as she slid her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist as she lowered herself onto his lap.

‘We could make memories of our own. It would be my way of claiming your shagging shack back from all your ex girlfriends.’

Adam wanted to tell her that there really hadn’t been that many. In fact, there had only ever been that one girl, but the phone rang and he reluctantly disentangled himself from her embrace to answer it.

She was back at the kitchen sink by the time he had finished with the call.

‘That was the agent. They’ve had a call from someone who wants to view the beach hut. I’m showing her round tomorrow evening.’ he tried to keep his voice light but the phone call had brought home to him how close he was to parting with the only tangible thing he had left of her.

‘It’s up to you,’ Sara shrugged, ‘but just think how much fun our kids would have down at the cove.’


After work Adam headed to the beach for the viewing. He’d been thinking about Sara’s comment all day and had pretty much decided that he was going to have to tell this person that the hut was no longer for sale. He was being selfish wanting to sell it, and stupid for trying to hold on to a memory from his teenage years.

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