Pole Dance – część 01


‘I think one sees more pretty women in five minutes in Warsaw than in half an hour in any other European capital, London thrown in.’ — Harry de Windt

This story of Julia (42), her Husband – Jakub (42) and their son – Antoni (20) is set in Poland, for most part in the Tatra mountains.

It is an Incest theme story (M/S) with an undertone of Group & Lesbian action.

Currently the story is currently in two parts, and I intend to write an Epilogue to this story sometime soon.

I hope you all love the build up….

Happy Holidays. Enjoy.


“Jakub has done it again.” I was upset.

“Don’t worry, Mama, he will be here soon.” Antoni defended his father.

“It is not unusual for him to do this.” I insisted, “He keeps doing this, and we keep letting him off every time.” I complained.

“Mama, his job is important, and he is making this world a better place.” Antoni idolized his father, and hence his defense seemed superficial, but it wasn’t far from the truth. Jakub was indeed a smart man, with a serious job. Jakub works for Greenpeace.

On this occasion, he had missed our date, my birthday. His last message, an hour earlier, was that he’d be late but that he would surely come.

Antoni and I had reached the restaurant ahead of him and were already halfway through our meals, and Jakub was nowhere to be seen.

For Krakow standards, the restaurant wasn’t fancy but was still an upscale fine-dining place, the other end of town from where we lived. We had decided a long drive would also do us all good.

Antoni was twenty and reading at the Jagiellonian University. He had another year and a half to go.

“Mama, you look beautiful today.” Antoni chipped in, trying to calm me.

“Stop patronizing me, young man.” I snapped at him.

“No, Mama you do,” he said, seriousness in his tone.

“umm..hmm,” I accepted his compliment with some hesitation.

Wearing a stylish dress, I did feel slightly overdressed for the evening – but it was my birthday, so what the heck. An off-shoulder dress that showed my cleavage was a present to myself, telling me that forty-two was just a number.

Just then, a young couple reached our table. The guy, about Antoni’s age, tapped on his shoulder.

“Hey, Antoni.”

“Oh, hi, Jan,” Antoni responded, a bit flustered.

In under a minute, it was evident that Antoni seemed intimidated by Jan’s presence. Jan had a beautiful young girl on his arm. Although polite, she, too, seemed largely disinterested.

A flustered Antoni forgot to introduce them to me.

Jan confidently took over, “Antoni, you haven’t introduced us to your beautiful girlfriend?”

Jan sidelined Antoni and looked directly towards me.

Before Antoni could speak, I said, “hi, I am Julia.” The part that I was Antoni’s mother got skipped. It didn’t seem necessary for them to know, I guessed.

“Charmed,” he replied, taking the hand I offered without shaking it.

Jan was clearly impressed by my presence. More specifically, I think, with the fact that Antoni had a nice-looking girlfriend.

If he had not been with his girlfriend, I would have bet he was hitting on me. It did seem as if he was flirting – or at least maybe complimenting more than he should have.

Antoni seemed awkwardly unsettled in the situation, which could quite possibly be given that he was with his mother.

Jan and the girl finally took off. Before leaving, Jan invited us, “We are headed for the movies. We’d love for you to join us if you wanna?”

We politely declined, without explaining why we couldn’t.

Jan repeated, “We’ll be at the Kijow if you change your mind. We would love for you to join us.”

Then Jan added, “It was lovely to meet with you, Julia.”

“And you too,” I replied. I nodded at the girl as well.

After they went, I quizzed Antoni about them and found out that Jan and the girl were also attending the same university. Jan was a hotshot of some kind, and before today, he had never bothered to chat with Antoni. They were good acquaintances but not friends.

Antoni acknowledged, “Seeing you with me clearly must have changed his view of me.”

I smiled.

“Your playing along in the role of my girlfriend got him intrigued.”

I had already gathered that much from the interaction. The positive change in Antoni’s mood clarified that it also meant something for him.

I chipped in. “Would you like to go to the movies at the Kijow, where they are headed?”

Antoni seemed surprised. I was pissed at Jakub, so I didn’t mind leaving. And I wanted to make it up to Antoni for sticking around with me.

“Not that Jakub’s coming…” I added.

Antoni gave a half-hearted protest and said, “Mama, I don’t know if it’s a great idea.” Antoni attempted but he was clearly double-minded on the opportunity.

“Well, If you don’t want to……” I allowed him an out. I didn’t know if the playacting – being his date for the movies, in front of Jan and the girl – interested him at all.

“No, Mama. I would like Kıbrıs Escort you to be my date for the evening.” He pleaded.

Half an hour later, we caught up with Jan and his girlfriend at the Kijow theatre. Both were glad we had decided to join them, especially Jan.

For the rest of the evening, I played along as Antoni’s date and clung to his arm as the girl did with Jan.

Antoni was delighted, and I was happy that he was happy.

On first impression, Jan seemed like an arrogant, brash fellow but as the evening progressed I understood that he was an affable, confident, and sociable guy. Antoni looked up to him, and it was just that before that evening Antoni was never in Jan’s close circle – and it looked like Antoni wanted to be in there. That must’ve changed when Antoni came out as someone who had a beautiful girlfriend, or so it seemed. Jan already knew, as did most of his other friends, Antoni’s an intelligent and smart young man.

We entered the second from last rows of the theatre and we approached the twin-seater row. The rear end of the audi had two rows of twin seats, where two seats were attached at the base, and they had retractable armrests. On lifting each armrest the twin seats would become a two-seater sofa. The outer cushioned armrests on either side had cup holders and enough width to sufficiently distance the occupants from the couple sitting adjacent to them.

Jan and his girlfriend took one set, and we took the next one. It was a no-brainer that the armrest in between our seats had to go up, just as Jan pulled up theirs before we could even settle in.

Our twin seats had become a sofa, and we sat close together hip-to-hip. Jan had his arm around the girl, and Antoni could not muster enough courage to do the same. I took Antoni’s hand and pulled his arm behind my shoulder encouraging him to relax. We shuffled a bit closer.

Twenty minutes into the movie and Jan was inside the girl’s mouth, kissing her hard. The muffled moans were sufficiently loud for us to hear but generally low.

Both Antoni and I looked over towards my left, where Jan was kissing his girlfriend. The couple next to them were doing the same. On Antoni’s right was another pair, who were sitting close together like us, watching the movie.

Jan looked at us from the corner of the eye, even as his face was almost fully blocked by the girls’. Embarrassed for staring, both Antoni and I hastily looked away.

Jan took his mouth off from the girl and smiled at us, before our heads had turned away. His hand had vanished inside the girl’s top.

I turned my head to look towards Antoni, trying to see if he saw what I saw. We were merely inches apart, my lips were quivering, our breath met midway, a couple of inches between us.

I knew Antoni needed me to play along as his date. He had become cool in front of his friends and it was time for him to meet the new benchmark.

My eyes blinked slowly, my hand went up his arm telling him to go on. I bent my head a little suggestively and Antoni was only momentarily hesitant, before making our playacting date real.

Antoni leaned forward. Assuming I was allowing him to play-act, he kissed the side of my lips. For some reason, I was disappointed, but I let him choose.

I, too, pursed my lips, kissing the other edge of his lips.

I had half-turned towards Antoni. He could possibly see what was going on behind me with Jan and his girlfriend. I assumed he would carry on until he was satisfied that he had made an impression.

Our kiss was soft and subtle. No one but we knew that we were kissing the side of the lips.

As we continued to pretend, Antoni’s mind returned to the woman in his arms. Encouraged, he moved his lips sideways and centered them on mine.

Our lips remained pursed but we were now kissing on the lips – properly. Strangely, I was relieved. I applied pressure, and Antoni reciprocated.

We were kissing nicely until Antoni decided it was time to up the game and opened his lips a little to take mine. Finding no resistance, he merrily kissed, sucked, and licked my lips. I opened my eyes and saw his eyes were closed. I decided to let him go on.

Somewhere around then, I felt Antoni bring his hand around my ear. His palm cupped my head from behind my neck and pulled me towards him. I brought my hand from his arm to his shoulder and then his neck, letting him know it was okay by me.

Antoni continued to lick, suck and play with my lips, and I sat there enjoying the feeling. Both of us had a hand behind the other’s head, applying soft inward pressure.

I cannot clearly remember if it was me or if it was Antoni that started the tongue play, but I am certain that neither of us resisted it even for a second.

When I did realize we were french-kissing Antoni was inside my mouth, tapping, and reaching deeper. I had volunteered and sucked on his tongue. After he had cleared the inside of my mouth with his tongue, he withdrew in his mouth, magnetically taking my tongue into his mouth along with his own. I played Lefkoşa Escort inside his mouth for a sufficient time.

Before long, we were panting and gasping, both unwilling to let go of the other, even for air. When we did part, we took in quick gasps and dived right back in.

If Jan and his girlfriend were looking our way, we didn’t care. If the pair on the other side of Antoni were peering towards us, it didn’t bother us.

It took the concession break for us to step back and untangle. Flustered, I pulled away from Antoni. He sheepishly smiled at me as if he had been french kissing me forever.

I was glad Antoni seemed confident. We looked towards Jan and his girlfriend. I couldn’t say if they had just backed off from one another or any earlier.

I straightened my dress and moved forward towards the edge of the seat. Then straightened my hem lower and stood up first.

Jan’s girlfriend smiled cheekily towards me and stood up. “Boys, I think we need to use the ladies for a bit. Get us some snacks and drinks.” She looked towards me for approval. I nodded.

Both Jan and Antoni sprung up. All four of us exited the auditorium together. Both of us went towards the ladies, and the boys trudged towards the food stall.

Jan’s girlfriend started the conversation, “where did you two meet?”

I thought for a moment and replied, “We live on the same street.”

“You two seem very close.” She added.

I smiled, and my heart warmed up for Antoni, “Yes, I love him. And I think he cares for me too.”

“I bet he does.” She chuckled.

“When we exited the stalls, we met again at the mirrors and washed our hands. She offered me her lipstick, seeing that mine had vanished.

My hands were wet, and before I could rinse the water off my hands, she stepped close and said, “okay, Julia, you might as well let me.”

I smiled and let her. I lifted my head towards her, and she held my chin in her left hand. Armed with lipstick on her right, she stepped close and started to apply some on my lips.

I closed my lips for her. She started her artwork carefully. Moving closer, she completed the upper lip first slowly.

Our breasts mashed, mine a cup size larger than hers – thin pieces of clothing between our globes. My hands rested on her waist.

By the time she finished my lower lip, I puckered to let her admire the job she had done.

She smiled back. Our moment passed.

A few minutes later, we walked back into the auditorium and found the boys chivalrously waiting at the gate. I took Antoni’s arm as we returned to the auditorium.

With the snacks and drinks parked in the cupholders on the outer armrests, we snuggled back into each other. As I looked over to see Jan and his girlfriend, they too sat joint from their hips. Jan’s girlfriend had taken the seat nearer to me. We both smiled at each other. The movie restarted with a mellow scene.

I turned towards Antoni and he smiled. I smiled and gave him a motherly touch on his chin with my knuckles. He mistook it for an encouragement to kiss. I wasn’t spontaneous enough and his kiss landed on my jaw.

Not to be cowed down, Antoni stuck around there, carrying on with the kissing. My hand, instead of coming off from him, moved behind his head. He decided that it was another sign of encouragement, which in a manner of speaking it was.

Antoni moved down and, without removing his lips from my skin, reached my neck. As soon as he found soft skin, he kissed, licked, and sucked. Unwittingly, he had found the one spot that had forever been my weakness.

I was purring in no time. My hand combed through his hair, now formally prompting him to keep doing what he was.

It did not take advanced engineering to figure out that he had hit the jackpot. And boy, did he cash in his chips!

I was now putty and at his mercy. I was not sure how I would explain the hickey to Jakub, but that was for later. For now, I was enjoying my son’s lips and hands playing with my body.

Oh, so that was what it was – his hand was fondling my left breast. He was kneading it like dough and his lips on the right of my neck had me mewing. My hand in his hair didn’t pull him off.

To reassure myself that all the sensations were accurately relaying events to my mind, I opened my eyes. With Antoni stuck in my neck, my face was directed to the other side.

The first image that I caught with my drunken eyes was Jan’s girlfriend. In my horny state of mind, she was expecting too much from me if she expected me to respond immediately to her smile.

Slowly catching up, I squeezed my fingers into Antoni’s hair and half-heartedly tried to pull him off from my neck. Antoni’s head provided resistance but he realized I wanted him off from my neck.

He complied with my wishes, but in an altogether different manner.

He planted kisses upon kisses from my neck to my clavicle, from my chest, and then to the top of my left breast. His trail of wet kisses left me berserk.

I wonder if it was embarrassment or confusion, I closed Girne Escort my eyes again but my hand fell off from behind Antoni’s head. My forearm lay limp on the armrest while my mind tried to recover and muster up some response to my son’s assault.

Antoni was licking and sucking the top of my breast, the bare part. Moments away from peeling my dress from the rest of the breast and reclaiming the nipple after almost twenty years.

Just then, my limp hand felt warm, soft skin. Jan’s girlfriend moved her hand in mine. I opened my eyes again and saw her give me the warmest, encouraging smile that I desperately needed.

Her fingers interlocked with mine. Synchronized with Antoni taking my nipple in his mouth, our hands tightened their grip. Lust in my eyes must have been apparent.

An oblivious Antoni whole-heartedly sucked merrily on my puffy nipple.

Thanking the girl in my mind, I brought my other hand behind Antoni’s head and pulled him in.


I was so much in heat that when we reached home, I fucked Jakub’s brains out.

Jakub had been waiting at home for us, profusely apologetic for his conduct. Having made us wait at the restaurant, he had gotten late by over an hour. We had scooted to the movies with Jan and his girlfriend, letting Jakub assume I was upset with him.

In the bedroom, I spoke little and let him say his piece. Within the next few minutes, we were fucking like wild cats. Or I did, I should say.

I am sure I must have left Jakub wondering with stupid ideas of making me wait every time we were to go out, given the massive bout of love he had just got hit with in bed.

The next morning, he discovered a hickey on my neck. When I saw him looking, I smiled at him lovingly and brought my hand to the spot, caressing it.

I did not do anything to refute his presumption that it was his doing. Though, he must have been trying to wrack his brain to recollect when did he do it the previous night.

After Jakub had left for work, Antoni rolled down from his room towards the living room.

He would be leaving in an hour, as usual.

I walked in and met him there, with a hot cup of coffee in my hand.

If he was tense before meeting me, he eased somewhat after seeing me smile.

I smiled at him and sat on the sofa opposite him.

“Good morning, Mama,” he said in a low tone, still trying to gauge my mood.

“Good morning, son.” Reassuring myself and him of our relationship.

He couldn’t recall what could ideally be said in such a scenario as ours. For that matter, neither did I.

I initiated the talk, after taking a sip, “so, about last night.”

His face went pale and his heart was in his stomach.

I smiled back and said, “someone got lucky last night at the movies.”

He was confused and every wrinkle on his forehead told me he was baffled.

“Mama, I got carried away with the play-acting. I am sorry. I was just trying to impress Jan and Zuzanna.” Only then did I realize I had never asked her name.

“I am sure they are more than impressed,” I smirked.

“Mama, I just wanted Jan to think that I, too, had a hot girlfriend. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He was blabbering now.

Glad to have got addressed as hot, I smiled politely.

“Mama, I swear….” he was going to go on when I raised my hand.

“Antoni, I am glad that you were able to make an impression and everything, but it should not have happened.” I was not accusatory nor was there any reprimand. I knew of my role in the entire episode and thanked the Lord for the after-party fuck it had resulted in with Jakub. It had been quite a while since I had felt a mind-numbing lust of that level.

Seeing that I wasn’t really angry, Antoni cooled off a bit and relaxed.

“I need you to put this episode behind us and ensure that it remains between us and nothing of the sort repeats, ever.” I insisted.

“Sure, Mama. I understand.” He said, glad to have gotten away so easily.

He stepped up, came near me, and hugged me, even though I was sitting. The hug was awkward but it reassured him and me that we were back to our God-given mother-son roles.

He kissed my cheek and smiled, backing off. His kiss was normal, but him kissing me wasn’t usual.


Slowly we went into our routines and the theatre episode was not discussed nor brought up by either of us.

But Antoni was somewhat more confident in his behavior, or possibly I was overthinking it. He became more comfortable hugging me, kissing me on the cheek, and holding my hand. None of which was usual a few months earlier for my twenty-year-old son.

He admitted once to me, without bringing up the Kijow episode, “Mama, thanks to you, I am now popular and have great friends.” At the time, he meant it as a compliment. I deduced his extra displays of affections off-late were a result of that.

In another couple of months, Antoni would have graduated from college and, in all likelihood, with honors. Despite that, he seemed dull and disappointed. The dull, long face went on for ten days.

Jakub and I checked on him but could not recover anything worthwhile. He was going to pursue a post-graduate degree from the same Jagiellonian University that he preferred. He was going to continue his preferred specialization in Economics. But it was clear – something was off.

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