Journey to Incest Ch. 01


The journey to incest is a strange one, at least that’s how it felt, a combination of random circumstance and, yes, good luck. I was twenty six and had been married for almost two years, Mum, Evelyn is her name, Eve to her friends, was forty nine and widowed for fourteen years. Dad was much older than Mum, sixteen years. He showed little interest in her and definitely not sexually. After he died Mum had a couple of brief unsatisfying flings but devoted her time to making a home and raising me. I didn’t know any of this when I was young and if Mum and I hadn’t become lovers I would probably never have known.

It began one Saturday when Lynn, my wife, was out with her mother and aunts and not due home till late in the evening. Mum came over to our flat to stay. She wanted to help out so did some of the ironing and cooked dinner for me. After dinner she remembered the blouses she’d ironed for Lynn and took them through to hang in the bedroom. I didn’t give it a second thought.

Then, ‘Woo hoo!’ It was Mum’s voice. ‘Look what I found.’ She walked into the room holding up the hanger that held the Lacey black basque and panties I’d bought for Lynn last Christmas.

‘Shit!’ I panicked. ‘You’re not meant to see that, nobody is, I…’ I was almost stammering. ‘Don’t tell Lynn.’ I blurted. ‘She… well she likes these things to be private.’

‘Roy, it’s alright I’m your Mum. You don’t need to hide anything from me. I don’t mind if my daughter in law has a penchant for sexy lingerie. I must say she hides it well. I didn’t think she’d be the type to corrupt my lovely son.’

‘Mum, Lynn and I are twenty six, we’ve been married for almost two years…’ I was floundering, blushing, wishing I could sink into the chair. Lynn would be mad if she knew Mum had found the basque, ‘…and she’s not corrupting me.’

‘You bought this?’ Mum held it against herself as if trying it for size.

I nodded. Yes.

‘Well done. I’m impressed. Your father would never have dreamed of buying the likes of this for me.’ She spoke with sadness. It was rare for her to mention Dad.

Mum sat on the sofa facing me. She laid the basque beside her running her fingers over the fine lace. ‘I would have suited this when I was young,’ she said more to herself than me. She finished her wine.

‘You still would.’ I blushed again as I said it. I didn’t know what had got into me, except that Mum had a fine figure. She was slim but not like Lynn. Mum had curves, breasts you would want to fill your hands with and a bum that was firm and curved in her tight skinny jeans.

She looked up. ‘Thank you.’ She spoke softly with a sad smile. ‘But I think it’s too small for me. Does Lynn like it?’

‘Well… She was a bit shocked at first but was pleased when I persuaded her to try it on. She thought she looked like a tart but she liked it.’

‘And were you pleased?’

I paused a moment wondering how we got into this conversation. ‘Yes.’ I paused again. ‘She is very sexy in it.’ I didn’t need to tell Mum that about Lynn but my groin tingled as I did.

Mum played with one of the hanging suspenders. ‘I suppose she wore it with stockings?’

‘Yes. Black fishnet and heels.’ I felt the groin tingle again. I wanted to talk about my wife in her lingerie. I wouldn’t do it with my mates or anyone else but with Mum, well it felt ok.

‘I’ll bet,’ Mum said with a saucy smile. ‘So my kinky son likes women in corsets, stockings and heels. I’ll need to keep an eye on you young man.’ She held it up and looked at it again. ‘I might buy a few for my clients. There’s a big demand for boudoir photography now. I’m moving into it.’ Mum had always been interested in photography and after Dad died she set up her own very successful studio. At first it was family portraits and weddings then she added fashion and advertising. ‘The offer is still open for you to work with me. You’re to talented not too. The business will be yours one day and boudoir, well it sounds right up your street.’ She laughed salaciously.

‘Not yet Mum. I want to finish the PhD first then I’ll join you. I’m making enough with the tutoring just now. Though a bit of me would love to see Lynn’s reaction if I told her I was doing boudoir.’

‘Good. And I wouldn’t be asking my randy handsome son to shoot my boudoir clients. God knows what would happen.’ She stood up lifting the basque. ‘I’ll put this back,’ she whispered. ‘And I’ll not tell your wife I’ve seen it.’

‘Thanks Mum. It’s just that she’s a bit shy about it. You know what her parents are like. They wouldn’t understand. Not like you.’

‘Like me? What does that mean?’

‘Just that… I don’t know, you’ve always been sensible and understanding. I can’t explain it. I just trust you.’

‘Thank you. That’s a lovely thing to say.’ She bent and kissed me on the forehead. She straightened up and held the basque tight against her white t-shirt. For an instant I had an image of Mum wearing it in my head. I felt a rush in my groin. Perhaps it my association of seeing Lynn wear it but my cock began to swell. ‘So do you think I’d suit this?’ Mum asked. ‘It is very sexy.’ She ran Lefkoşa Escort one hand delicately down the lace, over the swell of her breast and down, down almost to her groin as if she was teasing herself.

‘Yes.’ It felt like I whispered the word as I blushed.

‘Thank you. That’s lovely.’ Mum paused a moment. ‘Do you actually mean that?’

‘Yes. Yes I do.’

‘Then can I have a look at myself in the mirror in your bedroom?’

‘Yes of course.’

‘We’ll open another bottle of wine while I have a peak.’ Mum went to the bedroom, giggling as she went though.

I opened a bottle and refilled our glasses, a bit bemused at what was happening. I’d just told my Mum she would look sexy wearing the basque and my cock was rapidly expanding. I didn’t get time to get my head round it all as Mum called me through to the bedroom.

I jumped and went through like a shot. Mum was standing facing the mirrored wardrobe stretching the basque around her. ‘Come here a minute,’ she said. ‘Stand behind me and pull it tight so that I can see it better. My hands are in the way.’

I did as she asked. I was right up close. My mouth and nose were just in her hair. I could smell perfume, CoCo Chanel. Another present I’d bought for Lynn and since then I’ve always associated the scent with sex. Mum must have taken a scoot from the bottle.

I pulled the basque tight round Mum’s t-shirt. It was just a little to small to fasten. Mum looked at herself for a while. Her eyes had a dreamy, heavy look. I looked over her shoulder to the mirror. I had the same view she had. The lace stretched over the white t-shirt and strained to take the curve of her breasts as I imagined what she would look like if she was wearing it. My cock was hard, trapped by my tight jeans. Mum stepped back, her bum gently brushed against it. I so wanted to grind my groin against her arse but held back pulling my crotch away. All the time Mum ran her hands over the lace even for a moment cupping her breasts.

She must have realised I was so close for she stopped caressing the basque against herself. ‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘I got a bit carried away. I’m forgetting it’s Lynn’s. I suppose you and she have… I suppose you two have made love while she wore it?’

‘Eh!’ I did not expect the question. ‘We’ll sort off.’

‘Sort off? What does that mean?’

‘Well… We start with her wearing it and after a little while she asks if she can take this ridiculous thing off.’

‘Oh. And you don’t want her too?’

‘No. I love it when she wears it.’

Mum looked at me thoughtfully. ‘Want to talk about it? And what else have you bought her?’

I froze.

‘Roy you can tell me. I’m your Mum. It’s just between ourselves. Remember I’ve always said you can bring anything to me. Don’t be coy.’

‘Lingerie and her leather mini skirt.’

‘Sounds naughty. Can I see it too?’

I rummaged at the back of the wardrobe where Lynn had hidden it and pulled it out. Mum took it from me and held it against herself in front of the mirror.

‘Does she wear this for you too?’

‘Yes but only in here.’

‘And you’d like her to wear it outside the flat?’


‘Well she doesn’t know how lucky she is to have a husband who wants her to be sexy. Put those away.’

I took the basque and skirt and put them in their hiding place.

‘Now, said Mum taking hold of my arm. ‘Come on. We’ll go back through and talk.’

She led me to the living room, sat me down and handed me my wine glass. I took a big draft.

Mum settled herself on the sofa opposite me. ‘So, Lynn’s not as adventurous as you’d like? Sexually, I mean.’

Talk about coming right out with it. Mum leaned forward and smiled. She stretched her hand across the coffee table and patted mine. Encouraging me.

‘It’s not that she doesn’t like sex. She does.’ I kept hesitating. ‘It’s just that… Lynn likes to make love and it’s lovely but sometimes I… I want us to… fuck.’ I expected Mum to flinch at the word but she just kept looking at me with love and encouragement.

‘So what’s the difference for you, between lovemaking and fucking I mean?’

‘I don’t know how to explain it. Lovemaking is slow, tender. It, it is wonderful but not all the time…’ My voice trailed away.

‘And fucking?’ Mum said softly. She leant closer looking at me intently. I’d hardly ever heard her say fucking before and then it was expressing anger not describing sex. Hearing her say it like this was exciting, it encouraged me to go on.

‘Fucking is… Well it’s more spontaneous, wilder, trying new things. It’s about pleasure in the moment.’

‘The sort of thing you might find in a sexy story or video?’

‘Yes.’ I was puzzled. How did Mum know about porn?

‘Don’t look so surprised,’ she said. ‘I’ve read and seen my share. You don’t think young men are the only porn users out there do you?’

Mum used porn? She wanked? Was it wanking when women did it? The questions bounced around my head.

‘You look shocked. Women have needs too. What do you think I done for all those years?’

‘I Kıbrıs Escort suppose.’ I blushed.

‘And I suppose you masturbate as well young man even though your married? She held up her hand. ‘Don’t tell me. At least not yet. I’ll need more wine for that one. So get these thoughts out of your head and let’s get back to Lynn and you.’ She paused. ‘What things would you like that she’s not keen on?’

My head was still trying to get it around what Mum was talking about. ‘Well things like dressing up, positions.’ I stopped for a moment. ‘Lynn doesn’t masturbate.’ I blurted it out.

‘Well,’ said Mum. ‘That’s a good sign.’


‘It means she must be satisfied with you. That’s good. Not all women are satisfied by their partners. I should know.’

‘What?’ I couldn’t let that go.

‘The guys I dated after your Father died, they were rubbish. Even when I was married, well, the age difference…. I don’t want to tell you about that, it’s private.’

‘That’s ok.’ I didn’t want to know about my parents sex life. Some things really are taboo.

A nervous silence settled between us. I filled it by finishing my wine. Mum’s glass was already empty. I lifted the bottle to top up. We’d finished it so I waved it in front of Mum. ‘Another?’

‘Why not? If we are going to have this chat we’ll… We can always blame it on the wine. It’s just as well I’m staying over. I’ve had too much to drive.’

I went to fetch another bottle. My head felt the room sway as I stood up but I didn’t mind. We couldn’t have this conversation if we were sober. Bring it on I thought as I opened and poured our third bottle.

Mum relaxed into the sofa. ‘So my lovely, handsome son loves his pretty wife and they enjoy making love together. Correct so far?’

‘So far.’

‘But his wife wants it all to be vanilla. It’s all nice but nice is a bit dull so he’s frustrated. So what sort of things would he like? Do not be shy.’ Mum emphasised the last words, they were a command.

‘I’d love her to wear the basque and heels for sex and act like a whore. I want to be on top, I want Lynn to mount and ride me and to take her from behind with her on all fours. And make her cum, cum and cum again before filling her with seed.’ I spurted the words out. I needed to tell someone. There was relief in doing so.

Mum’s eyes widened. ‘Your not being coy now are you? Go on.’

‘Any time I… I go down on her, kiss her down there.’ I tilted my head down.

‘Give her oral sex you mean. I get it,’ said Mum impatiently.

‘It always starts ok. And I never try now unless she’s had a few drinks. She begins to respond. I can sense she likes it so I increase the pressure, slip my tongue in, then suddenly she freezes. She thinks it’s a bit dirty and pushes my head away.’ I sipped at the wine. ‘There’s a moment always. Her hands go to the back of my head, at first she pulls me tighter to her then suddenly pushes me away. It was the same once when I gave her a… well not a spanking just a playful slap when I was inside her.’

‘A slap! You are adventurous aren’t you?’

‘We were in bed and Lynn was on top. She’d started gently but were speeding up. I sensed she was close to cumming so I gave her a couple of light slaps on the bum. It was just spontaneous. Her whole body jerked and she gasped loudly. That’s rare, she’s a bit paranoid about the neighbours hearing us. Her cunt gripped me tightly. That was great. So was the look on her face. Then she stopped and pushed my hand away. It was a bit dirty for her. Honestly she never really explained why she wanted to stop.’

‘Not everyone, I’d imagine, wants to be spanked during sex Roy. I’ve never thought about it.’

‘But she liked it!’ I could see my enthusiasm surprised Mum. ‘I could tell from her body, her face, the sound she made. I think she liked it and it scared her. Scared her that she could get off on it. It’s the same with the lingerie, the clothes… I think she’s frightened she likes getting wild and what she might do if she lets go.’

‘Well,’ said Mum. ‘That’s a lot to take in. I didn’t expect you to answer so… graphically.’

‘I’m sorry Mum, I shouldn’t have.’

‘No it’s alright Roy.’ She came across and sat on the sofa beside me, put her arm round me and cuddled me in. I turned to her, just as I did as a child, just like then I needed comfort and reassurance from someone who loves me.

‘It’s alright.’ She spoke softly. ‘We’ll find a way to sort this. I could talk to Lynn…’

‘God no! What’s that going to sound like? My Mum telling my wife what I’d like sexually.’

‘No, not like that. What do you take me for? How about I ask her to be a practice model. I’ve done it before with friends and family to help me get the best set ups for projects. I could ask her to do boudoir. An attractive young woman in her basque would look good on my website. It could be publicity shots.’ Mum put up her hand to stop me interrupting. ‘She could wear a nice mask. No one would know it was her. That’s a good idea. I might even do it myself.’ Mum’s words trailed away and I didn’t give them Girne Escort any thought at the time but they stayed somewhere in my memory.

‘She’d never agree Mum. I’ve asked her to pose and she won’t do it.’

‘She might, for me, it’s not like I’m her pervy husband.’


‘I’m kidding. Think about it. We get on well. If it’s just me and set up shots and no one sees the pictures. It might just bring her out of her shell a little, get her to relax. But it might take a while. I’m very busy for the next few weeks. Oh! I’ve not had a chance to tell you. I’m going to the South of France soon. There’s a client who has a few Airbnbs she’s setting up and has hired me to go over and take the shots for the website. All expenses paid and I’ll stay in a villa in its own grounds with a pool. It’s paying well too.’

‘That’s great. I’m delighted for you.’ I paused. ‘Mum I’m not pervy am I?’

‘No. My darling you’re just a normal healthy young man and you have a healthy young man’s needs. It’s natural that you should want your wife to be sensual, sexy and wild. You’re not a pervert.’

I was grateful for Mum’s reassurance for I felt like one, sitting tight against her, talking softly, intimately. I longed to put my arms round her, feel her tits, her ass, take her tongue into my mouth. I guess it was all the talk about sex, the wine and just the sheer proximity of a woman’s body pressed against mine. Her jeans were tight and tucked into tall tan boots. They were flats but I wished they had high heels. I tried to shut out these thoughts but, in spite of myself, my cock grew again. I liked being hard as our bodies pressed together yet it worried me as well. If I stood up or changed position would she notice the shape under my Levi’s? Would Mum think I really was a pervert?

It wasn’t the first time I’d been hard for Mum. I’d done my share of guilty teenage wanking to her but it was only my imaginings. I’d never tried to spy on her undressed and never raked around her underwear clean or used. The first time was when I’d just turned eighteen. I was on holiday with a bunch of mates. There was little privacy to have a wank and no luck with any girls. I went to have a shower one day and almost immediately I was erect. I stroked quickly, desperate to cum, grunting with every tug. As the pressure built up it was Mum’s face that came into focus. Mum in her black swimsuit or pink bikini. I spurted high and long. It felt wonderful, the thought of fucking her. Then the guilt came. It lasted ages. I would succumb to my Mum fantasy only occasionally but every time it felt great.

‘So,’ Mum said. I sensed from her tone that a big question was coming. ‘Tell me, only if you want to and this is just between us, but what do you fantasise about?’

‘Oh,’ I turned my head away, trying to think of an answer.

‘Let me help,’ she said. ‘Who do you fantasise about?’


‘Your wife doesn’t count. No mater what you might be thinking of doing.’

‘Well some girls at the University, some celebrities, some of Lynn’s friends.’

‘What celebrities?’

‘Jennifer Anniston.’ I looked at Mum seeking approval.

‘Go on,’ she said.

‘Elizabeth Hurley, Gillian Anderson, Amanda Holden.’

‘They’re all about my age, older. So you like the older woman.’ She stood in front of me, hands on hips, one knee slightly bent. ‘And how do I compare with them?’

‘Well.’ I croaked it out, amazed that I was telling Mum this. ‘You are as good as the lot of them.’ It was as close as I could get to telling her I’d wanked off thinking about her.

‘Good answer.’ She did a sexy wiggle in front of me, sat down and crossed her legs, leaning in so her thighs pressed against mine. ‘So, you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to.’ I tensed up afraid she was going to ask if I fantasised about her. ‘Which of Lynn’s friends do you think off?’ She tickled under my chin gently.


‘That’s the tall one. She’s a bit tall for you still I suppose in your imagination that doesn’t matter. Or do you like the thought of her dominating you?’

‘I… Oh God. I shouldn’t be telling you all this.’ I put my head in my hands.

‘Sorry. Am I going to far?’

‘No. It’s just that your my Mum and I don’t want you to think any less of me.’ I felt that I was going to cry.

‘It’s Ok,’ said Mum. ‘Do you want to stop?’

I nodded. No. ‘I’ve fantasised about some of your friends.’

‘Ooh. Who? I want to hear this.’ She laughed and gave me a playful kiss on the cheek.

‘Flora.’ I stumbled over the words. ‘Aunt Jan.’ she wasn’t really my Aunt but I’d called her that since I was a kid.

‘Well that’s not a surprise.’ Mum was grinning. ‘Will I tell you a story about Jan? It’s got to be between ourselves..’

‘Of course.’

‘If I tell it properly you’ll hear things about me you might not like.’

‘Mum, I’m a big boy.’

‘I hope so.’ She looked at me quizzically. Did she recognise the double meaning? ‘Alright then.’ Mum gulped down more wine. We were both pretty drunk now. Mum took in a deep breath. ‘A few years ago Jan and Rob went on a skiing holiday. They got friendly with another couple there, Tracey and Brian. Tracey’s a psychologist specialising in sex therapy. Well, and I don’t know how it all happened but Tracey influenced, encouraged. I’m not sure what the right term is but she persuaded Jan to try fucking another man.’

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