A Hot Afternoon in the Barn


Crystal came out of the tack room and headed across the barn toward the watering trough just outside the main door. Her damp shirt was unbuttoned and she flapped it open and closed to circulate some cool air. It had to be one hundred in the barn and hotter than that in the tack room and it wasn’t even noon yet. She was sweating her ass off.

At the door of the barn, she whipped the shirt off and hung it on a nail. Her breasts were slippery with sweat as she ran her hands over them. She glanced over at the bunkhouse and then down toward the main house. There was no one here at the main compound but her today. Her parents and brother had left early for the weekly trip to town. Curly, the foreman was out checking the windmills and waterhole’s.

With a grin, she wiggled out of her cutoff jeans and hung them on another nail. Her ass was as slippery as her breasts, especially between the cheeks. Her fingers explored deeper until one of them bushed her anus. Her hips gave a little jerk and she took a hissing breath. She loved how sensitive her asshole was. It always gave her a thrill when she played with it. Out here in the open, even more so.

She teased her asshole with one finger while the other hand came around to caress her slick hairless mound and then down across her puffy outer lips. She took a half step to the side and shivered as her fingertip found her clit. Being naked here in the compound always made her hornier than normal. The heat seemed to add to it.

Her hips rocked back and forth several times before she moved her hands away from her sex and ass. An orgasm now would be nice but…. Crystal sighed as she turned toward the old wooden horse trough. It was six feet long, three feet wide, and three feet deep. When she was little, she actually learned the basics of swimming in it.

There was a two by six nailed across one corner. She had used it way back when for a diving platform. Now she sat down on it with her back toward the water. Her legs were spread wide by the corner. She grinned and reached back to dip up water and drizzle it across her breasts. The trough was in the shade so the water felt cool as it ran down her body.

She scooped up more water and dribbled it on her chest. She shivered as she thought of climbing in the trough. With a grin, she reached down and pulled her boot and sock off. A moment later, she had the second boot off. She turned and lowered her feet into the water. It wasn’t cold but it sure was cool against her hot body.

Standing up, she waded to the center of the trough. As she squatted down, she placed a hand on each edge of the tank. The water touched her ass and sex. She shivered. It felt cold on her pussy. Slowly she sat down. The bottom was slippery and the water cooler feeling. The water was over her breasts as she scooted back against the end of the trough.

With a soft sigh, she leaned back and stretched out her legs. Much better, she thought as she sighed again. Her hands went to her breasts and caressed them as she looked around. She grinned at the picture her mind showed her of herself sitting in the trough with just her cowboy hat on.

“Talk about your Kodak moments,” she said still grinning.

She leaned her head back against the edge of the trough and shivered as her fingers pinched and rolled her nipples. Her eyes slowly closed as she went back to caressing her breasts. It wasn’t long until her right hand wandered down across her belly to cup her sex. Her feet moved out against the sides of the tank as her middle finger traced her slit. It was warm and slippery.

Crystal teased her hot opening and then moved her finger up to roll her clit around. She whimpered softly and returned her finger to her opening. She stirred her finger around in circles as she pushed it in to the second knuckle. Her hips quivered as she did and gave a little jerk as the fingers on her left hand brushed across her clit.

“No, no, not so fast,” she said aloud and moved her left hand back to her breasts.

She had a smile on her face as she worked her finger in and out of her sex slowly. “I’ve got all day to build things up,” she whispered.

“All day to build what things up?” She heard her brother’s voice ask from behind her.

Crystal jerked her finger out of her pussy as her head snapped around. Gary, her brother was standing about ten feet away. “What… what are you doing here? Are mom and dad home?”

“Nope, they left early and I slept in. I was supposed to help you with cleaning the tack and tack room but….” He paused to grin as he walked a few steps closer, his eyes on the shorts and shirt hanging on the wall. “Interesting place to go skinny dipping.”

“It was hotter than hell in the tack room,” Crystal said and then added as her brother took another step. “Stay the hell over there.”

“And you’re going to make me how?” He asked as he took another step.

Crystal bit her lower lip. Gary had played football his last two years of high school and helped with loading the hay the last Girne Escort four years. He was bigger and stronger than she was. “Good question,” she admitted. “If I said please, would that help?”

Gary laughed. “”Probably not. I haven’t seen you skinny dipping since I was like five and you were eight.”

“Uh, there’s been a few changes since then,” Crystal said and then sighed as Gary took another step. He was about four feet away and she knew he could see into the trough.

“I can see a couple of them.” Crystal used her hands to cover her breasts and Gary laughed. “Too late for that now.”

“Why don’t you go back to the house or at least turn around so I can get out of here and get dressed.”

“Where’s the enjoyment in that? With you going to college three or four days a week, I can’t have any fun anymore.”

Living at home was the only way Crystal’s mom and dad could afford for her to go to college. The drive to town wasn’t bad but the college was on the other side and traffic was never easy. The only way across town was right down the middle. It was a major highway and traffic always stacked up.

Gary took another step, his eyes running up and down the shadowy figure of his sister’s body. “Not bad, not bad at all. A little skinny for my usual tastes but….”

Crystal chuckled. “Mary Beth or Annie Richards?” Both were girls she knew her brother had dated. Both were on the plump side.

“Hey now, don’t knock the ladies. They’re both built for comfort, not speed. Anyway, they’ve both got breasts two or three times as big as yours.”

Crystal laughed. “So that’s what the extra ballast is for, to keep them from falling over on their faces.”

Gary chuckled. “I can live with that as long as they don’t get on top.”

“Why don’t you go work on the tack room while I get out of here,” Crystal said.

“Aren’t you going to finish what you had started?”

Crystal did a little double take at her brother and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“You were masturbating right,” he said as he took another step forward. He was right next to the trough. “That’s what you were building up, an orgasm or two.”

Crystal felt her face get hot. Not because of the masturbation part but the who that was talking about it. “That is none of your business,” she said quickly.

Cary shrugged and walked to the far end of the trough and turned to put his foot up on the edge. His view from this position was good enough that he could see that there wasn’t any dark hair on his sister’s mound. He played with the laces on his tennis shoe. “Maybe I should join you. That water looks cool and inviting.”

“I don’t think so,” Crystal said. She suddenly realized where her brother’s eyes were and closed her legs quickly.

Seeing his sister jerk her legs shut, Gary whipped his t-shirt off over his head. He spent a little time looking for a loose nail on the barn wall. He found one and hung the t-shirt up. “Annie shaves her pussy,” he said a moment later. “She say’s it makes everything feel twice as good. Is that true?”

Crystal felt her face get hot again. Again it wasn’t so much the subject but who was asking and the fact that he was looking at her naked body. The clear water wasn’t much in the way of cover. Her eyes wandered over his chest, arms, and belly. He didn’t have a six pack but it was close. With a shiver she said, “It feels cleaner, cooler, and yeah, more sensitive shaved.”

Gary nodded as he untied his shoe lace. He grinned as he put that foot down and lifted the other one to the edge of the tank. He untied that lace and looked at his sister’s face. The shorts he had on were shorter than his normal ones. These didn’t quite come to mid thigh.

With his leg up this way, the leg opening was pointed straight at his sister’s face and he knew his hard dick was showing. Her eyes were on the legs opening. He grinned and said, “I know I like it shave better. No hair in my mouth, if you know what I mean.”

Crystal’s eyes jumped to her brother’s face. Seeing the head of his dick sticking out the leg of those shorts had made her pussy clench up. Add to that the fact that her brother ate pussy and…. She shivered and nodded her head. Her love life was nonexistent, if you didn’t count her fingers. Her only boyfriend had gone to State college and to make a long story short, had a new girlfriend.

Gary watched a string of emotions and expressions cross his sister’s face. Some he recognized and some he didn’t. Women were such a mystery and scary at times. He knew he shouldn’t tease and torment his sister so much but that’s what little brothers did. Then something clicked and he asked, “Who are you dating?”

Crystal blinked a couple of times. Her mind had been on her ex boyfriend and the times they had made love in the front seat of his truck or on that old sleeping bag he kept behind the seat. Her brother wasn’t grinning or smiling even, so it must be a serious question and not another dig at her. Before she Magosa Escort could stop it, her hand came up out of the water and her fingers wiggled.

“I… uh… that’s not good,” her brother said as he put his foot on the ground.

“Yes and no,” Crystal said with a grin. “My hand knows what I like and how I like it and it doesn’t fall asleep on me.”

Gary chuckled. “Richard always was an idiot.”

At the mention of her ex boyfriends name, Crystal frowned. “Water under the bridge,” she said as she lowered her hand.

Gary shook his head and started to walk along the side of the trough. “I’ll get started on the tack. Come on in when you’re ready.”

Crystal gave her brother a funny look. “What’s going on?” She asked.

Gary stopped and looked down at her. “I think I’m growing up,” he replied and then chuckled. “Anyway, finding you skinny dipping in the horse trough is good blackmail material.”

Crystal splashed water at him but she was smiling as she did so. Gary laughed and went on into the barn. “Blackmail your ass,” she said and then grinned. If he wanted blackmail material, maybe she should give him some. Blackmail could be a two edged sword.

Her hands came up to caress and massage her breasts. Her mind was toying with the idea of getting out of the trough and going into the barn naked except for her hat and boots. She wondered at her brothers reaction, not to mention her own. It was broad daylight. She had been naked with Richard but it had always been night time.

Crystal shivered as she put her hands on the side of the trough and stood up. The light breeze had been hot earlier but now it felt cool on her wet skin. She turned around and waded to the corner and leaned out to look in the barn. Her brother wasn’t in sight. She shivered and climbed up to sit on the corner board.

Her feet were wet so she reached up to get her shirt. She could barely reach it and it took a couple of flips of her wrist to get it off the nail. She leaned over and looked in the barn again as she dried her feet. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed that her brother wasn’t in sight. She shivered as she laid her shirt across her lap and reached down for her socks.

Crystal had her boots on and stood up. She had the shirt in one hand as she moved closer to the barn door and looked inside. Her brother must be in the tack room, she thought as she started to put the shirt on. She stopped and shivered hard as the thought of running around the barn naked with her brother there streaked across her mind, no pun intended.

She slowly took the shirt off and hung it back on the nail by the door. Her heart was racing as she did. Did she have the nerve? Did she really want to do this? Why was she doing this? She didn’t have a clear answer to the first but the second was yes. Her sex tightly clenching up was the answer to the third.

With a deep breath, she started inside the barn. A bridle hanging on a stall rail caught her attention and she changed directions to get it. She had it in one hand as she walked over to the tack room door. Her brother had his back to the door as he coiled up a rope.

Her boot made a noise as she stepped up onto the wooden tack room floor. Gary glanced around at the noise and then froze, his eyes wide and his mouth open. Crystal grinned and then moved across to the far wall to hang the bridal up. Her sex was clenched up tight enough to hurt from her brother’s eyes.

She turned toward her brother once she had the bridle on the peg. Gary finally closed his mouth and then groaned softly. “It’s much cooler in here this way,” Crystal said as she pulled the lid off the feed can next to her. It was less than half full. “Two bags,” she said mostly to herself and turned toward the door.

Gary groaned again as she step down and out the door. Crystal moved two forty pound bags of feed over to the doorway. Gary moved them over beside the feed can, opened them, and dumped them in. When he finished the second one, he turned around quickly.

Crystal had a number of chest straps and cinches piled on the table in front of her. She was sorting through them and putting worn ones aside. Gary stood there with his eyes running up and down her body. She was standing with most of her weight on her left foot which kicked her right hip out slightly.

Her ass was short and round at the bottom of each cheek, with a deep cleft up the middle. Her shoulders were pulled back and there was a deep indent running up the middle of her back. She might be skinnier than his norm but she looked sexy as hell. The hat and boots just added to it.

Crystal finished the sorting and turned her head to look over her shoulder. “Shouldn’t you being doing something?”

Gary nodded and sighed. “I am doing something.”

Crystal grinned as she gathered up the chinches and moved over to the nail they would hang from. “Looking at my ass isn’t doing anything.”

“There sure has been some changes,” Gary said Lefkoşa Escort and shook his head. “The guys at that college must be all brain dead.”

Crystal hung the last chinch up and turned toward her brother. “Not really. I’ve got better things to do than get hung up on a guy. Mom and dad are spending good money and I’m not about to waste it.”

Gary’s eyes darted from her face to her breasts and down to her sex. Crystal shivered and chewed on her bottom lip to stifle a moan. His eyes settled on her smallish breasts. They were fuller at the bottom and the puffy nipples were upturned and turned slightly outward. Gary licked his lips and said, “Your breasts are so much different than Mary Beth’s or Annie’s. It’s the nipples more than anything.”

Crystal grinned as her hands came up to caress her breasts. Her palms rubbing across her nipples made her take in a hissing breath. That and her brother watching her intently. “They are very, very sensitive to say the least. I can almost have an orgasm doing what I’m doing right now.”

Gary groaned softly. “You’re driving me crazy doing that.”

Crystal’s eyes dropped to the front of his shorts and the tent trying to rise in the left leg opening. “So I see,” she said as she pinched one nipple and squeezed the other breast lightly.

“Doesn’t pinching that nipple hurt. It looks so delicate.”

Crystal rolled the nipple back and forth and then released it quickly. She took another hissing breath. “It burns and stings deliciously but it doesn’t hurt.”

The nipple she had pinched and rolled looked twice as big as the other one. “One is bigger than the other,” Gary said and licked his lips.

Crystal shivered as she thought of a tongue on her nipples. She whimpered softly as she pinched and rolled the other nipple. When she released it, it was as big as the first one. “Teasing it, draws extra blood there and they get bigger. Didn’t you notice that with those monster boobs you were playing with?”

“Uh, most of it took place in the dark,” Gary confessed.

“Been there and done that with Richard.”

“You and Richard—”

“Yes, me and Richard,” Crystal said cutting her brother off. “Like you and Mary Beth or Annie.”

“Uh… I…. Uh…. We….” Gary stammered and then blushed. “Uh… never… uh.”

Crystal giggled before she could stop herself. Gary gave her a hard look. “Sorry,” Crystal whispered. “So you’re still a virgin.”

Gary sighed and nodded. “Unless a blowjob counts.”

“According to a certain President, it doesn’t,” Crystal said with a grin as she turned to gather up the chest straps.

Gary sighed and shook his head. “Yeah, right.” He watched his sister as she hung up the straps. “How about you and Richard?”

Crystal finished with the straps and looked at her brother. “What about me and Richard.”

“Well, did you?”

“Did I what?” Crystal asked with a grin. “Did I fuck Richard? That’s for me and Richard to know and for you to speculate about.”

“You are such a tease.”

“Not until today,” Crystal whispered and then looked around. “What else needs doing?”

“Talk about your loaded question,” Gary said with a grin.

“I meant to get this place cleaned up.”

Gary sighed. “I know what you meant. With you naked, my mind is not on the business at hand.”

Crystal looked her brother up and down. “I’m surprised you haven’t joined me in being naked.”

“That would be dangerous for both of us.”

Crystal chewed on her bottom lip for a few seconds. “Probably.”

Gary gave a shivering shake as he turned toward the cabinet on the far wall. “Definitely,” he whispered as he opened the cabinet door. He rearranged several items and then turned to toss his sister a round tin and a brush. “Dad’s saddle looks a little dry and so does that bridal you brought in.”

The round tin was saddle soap. Crystal nodded as she moved over to the saddle rack in the back corner. She sat the tin and brush on the corner of the bench as she moved the rack and saddle out toward the middle of the room. Her brother got the bridle and carried it over to the bench.

“Are there any clean rags,” Crystal asked as she opened the tin.

Gary pulled a metal trashcan out from under the bench and opened it. It was half full of rags. He pulled a couple out and tossed them on the bench. He slid the trashcan back under the bench.

“Water,” she said as he headed for the door.

A small metal bucket sat just inside the door. He picked it up and turned to go get water. He paused and looked at his sister. “I’ll bring our clothes inside. I’d hate for mom and dad to show up early and see them.”

Crystal grinned. “Talk about a flag in front of a bull.”

“I have an idea mom would be worse than dad.”

“That’s who I was talking about,” Crystal replied and then grinned. “Mom and dad get more than their share around here believe me.”

Gary gave his sister a funny look. “And how do you know this?”

“I’ve caught them more than once, although they didn’t see me. They were too busy shall we say.”

“Caught them? Caught them doing what and where?”

“Twice, right here in the barn and twice on the tractor during hay season.”

“The, uh, barn I might believe but on the tractor? Anyway, I was out there for all the baling and loading.”

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