A Bit of a Belly Ch. 06


I never wanted the kiss to end… But all good things have to come to an end. “Show’s over, boys,” Becca said with a grin, “now beat it!”

The boys scattered and we were left alone again. My mind was immediately flooded by self-conscious thoughts. My shoulders dropped. She only did it to get rid of that douche. I looked at Becca’s beautiful face, at her curvy body. She’s so gorgeous! There’s no way she can actually be interested in a whale like me. Tears were starting to form in my eyes.

“Did you do it only to get rid of him?” I asked her, somehow managing it without my voice breaking, expecting the worst.

Becca sighed. “I…” She noticed the tears now trailing down my cheeks. “Liz, why are you doing this to yourself?” Becca asked wiping my tears away. “Of course I wanted to kiss you! I wanted to do it for years! I just… I never had the courage.”

“But why?” I asked dumbly. I put my hands on my bulging gut. “I mean look at this thing! I’m so fat!”

Becca chuckled and let her small hands sink into the soft flesh of my belly. “I never saw anyone more beautiful.” Now it was time for me to kiss her. The bell announcing the start of class rang, but our lips remained locked together. We couldn’t care less.

The school day ended and it was time for lunch. My stomach made sure to remind me of it frequently, despite the fact I already devoured all the snacks I brought with me today. Guess it’s time for another upgrade…

With the cafeteria still closed we headed into the all you can eat buffet. It was decided that it would be our replacement for as long as the cafeteria remained closed, because it was nearby and honestly, the way I intended to eat it was the rational choice financially as well.

We entered the buffet, getting hit by all the different smells that made my mouth water. We paid the entry fee and started pilling our plates with food. When we both had an overfilled plate in each hand we sat down at a booth that was relatively secluded, yet still quite close to the food area. I was sure this wasn’t our last trip there.

We placed our plates on the table and took our seats. “Why don’t they have booths like this everywhere? It’s nice to fit in one without a problem…” I complained.

“You know, most people can fit even into a regular one without a problem.” She said with a smile. “I prefer the regular ones to be honest.”

I frowned. “Why?”

“The table is too far… I can’t rest my tits on it!” She said giggling.

The table might have been too far for Becca’s chest, but it wasn’t as far as I would like from the spherical bulge that rested in my lap. There still was a nice gap I wasn’t going to fill in the near future, but if I was to gain as much weight as I planned to and if the weight settled on my middle as it always did, there would come a time when I wouldn’t fit. The thought was as scary as it was enticing.

“Are you really sure you don’t mind it?” I asked for at least the fifth time since we entered the buffet.

Becca rolled her eyes. “Do you think I would keep getting up to get you more food if I did?”

I watched her putting down another two overfilled plates she brought me.

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “You’d tell me if you would change your mind, wouldn’t you?”

Becca squeezed my hand. “Do you really think I’m so shallow that I would dump you just because you’re fat? You’ve got a bit of a belly, so what?!”

“It’s more of a gut these days and I am going to get even bigger!”

Becca grinned. “More for me to play with.” She said laying her hand on my belly and squeezing.

Three overfilled plates disappeared inside my stomach, yet I knew I still could eat way more than that. This was only the beginning. For the last few days I was constantly exceeding even my own expectations in how much I could cram into my sizable belly and I fully intended to continue with the trend of eating more and more with every meal. I was determined to gain as much weight as I could. More importantly I realized that I wanted to eat as much as I physically could! sinop seks hikayeleri I didn’t want to do it just to spite Kurt and Mrs. Pecker. Overeating just felt so damn good! It didn’t matter that I was going to gain weight. Becca didn’t mind and so I had no reason to mind it either. I liked my big belly. I liked the way it rested on my thick thighs. Becca doesn’t mind! It was a great relief to get my self-doubts out of my head. Hopefully for good. Becca doesn’t mind! I excitedly repeated in my mind. I’m gonna get so fucking fat!

I was starting to get up to get another refill, but Becca stopped me. “Sit. I’ll take care of it.” She said leaning forward, showing off her exquisite cleavage.

Seeing the personified perfection made me ask one last time. “So you’re really sure it’s ok?”

Becca rolled her eyes, then a mischievous grin appeared on her face. “I’ll show you how much I don’t mind… I’m gonna bring you so much food you’ll be begging me to stop!”

I giggled. “Sounds perfect to me, bring it on!” I said, feeling confident in my stretchy clothes that no fabric related mishap was on the cards today.

I let out a heavy breath and leaned back. “I can’t eat another bite!”

I never felt so big. My stomach was hugely bloated, larger than it ever was before. Becca was bringing me so much food at such a fast rate that I lost all sense of how much I was actually eating. I let out a gasp, when I saw the piles of empty plates filling up the table. I couldn’t have eaten all that! I’m not that bottomless, am I? Taking a better look at my belly I couldn’t believe my eyes. It wasn’t the first time in my life I looked full term pregnant, but it was the first time I looked full term with triplets. At least that’s how it looked from my perspective. I kinda remembered pulling my pants below my stomach as they were getting tighter and tighter throughout the meal and my top was getting stretched thin. Even my stretchy clothes from the maternity store are reaching their limit!

I laid my hands on my huge gut and started to massage it gently, alleviating some of the pressure I felt.

“I’d explode if I’d eat another bite!”

“That would be a real shame.” Becca said matter of factly. “Especially since you haven’t eaten your desert yet!” She said oh so sweetly, placing a plate with a whole chocolate cake on the top of my stomach.

“You can’t be serious!” I exclaimed in horror. “I can’t eat all that!”

“Oh, I beg to differ. I’m sure you wouldn’t let this sweet, soft and delicious chocolaty goodness go to waste would you?” She moved to sit very close to me and took a slice from the plate and started slowly maneuvering it in the direction of my mouth. “Just look how good it looks! Now be a good girl and open your mouth for me.”

Despite myself, my mouth started to water and I opened it obediently. I took a big bite and pure joy filled every inch of my body. It’s so delicious! I didn’t even remember opening my mouth again, but I must have done so, because I was chewing another mouthful of the sweet wonder. Becca held the slice in front of my mouth, while caressing my expanded middle with her other hand. The circular motion on my overfilled gut felt so good I let out a soft moan of pleasure, muffled by another mouthful of cake.

The first slice disappeared and Becca reached for a second. I shook my head slightly. I was getting too full! Letting out a soft whimper from pain.

“You don’t want it?” Becca asked.

“No.” I whispered.

Becca picked up another slice. “You need to beg me to stop.”



“Please. I… I… I don’t. I. I want more!” I said, surprising myself.

Becca grinned. “That’s what I thought!”

I was in so much pain, tears started to flow down my cheeks. There was still one last slice of the cake, but Becca seemed to be reluctant to feed me with it. Logically, I never craved chocolate cake more than I did right at that moment.

“Gimme.” I said weakly, exhausted and so damn full.

“Are you sure?” Becca asked, concerned.

I nodded and wiped away my tears.

The cake was part of the history, becoming only a single item on the long list of things I managed to gobble up today. Suddenly very thirsty I asked Becca to bring me a coke to wash my meal down. Becca returned with a two liter bottle and I immediately started to chug it down greedily, feeling the soft drink filling up any free space there was to find inside my belly. I drank it all in one go and dropped the now empty bottle on the floor, feeling my gut expand even further. A loud burp escaped my lips.

I was so full, I was sure I would pop right open. It didn’t come as a surprise, when I heard groans and tears from my middle thinking I’m bursting. Luckily it was only my clothes that couldn’t handle my current size anymore. I felt my unbelievably expanded belly surge forward, only now realizing my top was actually hiding the real size of it, holding it back. Some of the pressure disappeared, but was replaced with a sharp pain. I cried out and Becca immediately reacted.

“Are you alright? I’m so so sorry! I don’t know what came over me!”

“I- I’m fine… I think. It’s just…”


“Did you move the table closer?”

“Nope, it’s still nailed to the floor.”

“Oh crap!”

Despite the fact I was leaning as far back as I could, my massively swollen gut now reached all the way to the table.

“Look at the size of this thing!” I exclaimed, examining the spherical midsection that was lying on my thighs almost reaching to my knees. “It’s so big, you could fit inside!”

Becca giggled and put her hands on the massive globe as well. Her delicate touch felt amazing. “You’re not that big…” Becca said, moving her hands in slow circles. “You’re still huge though! Guess that’s what six hours of excessive eating looks like!” She laughed.

“Six hours?! You’ve got to be kidding. Have we really been here for so long?”

“Yep, and you’ve been eating all that time. That’s fucking amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it before. Just look at all the empty plates, you’d think there was a huge party! And it was just you!” Becca’s eyes were shining with excitement. “The staff were giving me some dirty looks when I kept coming for more and more food… but hey, all you can eat is all you can eat, right?” Becca said.

“Yeah…” I slid my hands down my side, where my soft flesh was oozing from the holes in the ripped shirt. “No wonder this shirt couldn’t hold it anymore…” I said sadly. I was really bummed about the shirt, because I thought it was the best looking one I had from the maternity store.

It must have shown on my face, because Becca put her hand on my cheek and kissed me on the lips. “Don’t be sad.” She said. “If the shirt couldn’t handle your appetite, then it wasn’t the right shirt for you.” She said with a smile.

I sighed. “It was supposed to be stretchy enough to last the whole pregnancy and I destroyed it with one meal…”

“Well, that just shows that you’re better than any pregnant lady. I’ve seen plenty of pregnant ladies, but I’ve never seen a belly like yours!” Becca said in awe.

“Well, I’m one of a kind.” I chuckled, before cringing.

“What’s wrong?”

“The way the table’s digging into my gut is getting really painful. I think we should be going… I’m gonna need some help though.”

Getting up wasn’t an easy task, because it seemed my body was using all of my energy trying to digest the massive feast I devoured. Luckily my fat belly was still way too soft to become wedged in place and so with the help from Becca I was soon standing on my feet. My center of gravity shifted forward and I was only too happy to lay my bulging midriff on the table, pushing aside dozens of empty plates. I ate all that! I thought in awe of my own ability to eat unreasonably large amounts of food.

Walking was difficult and by the time we exited the buffet I was exhausted. Once outside I collapsed on a conveniently placed bench. I can’t get home in this state! I’ll have to call someone to drive me home… But which parent do I call? I’m not even sure if I can even fit in dad’s car like this! Mom’s car is bigger, but I don’t think I should let her see me like this… She already mentioned me growing in size after all. I made a decision and pulled out my phone.

“Hi dad, do you think you could come pick me up? I’m in front of an all you can eat buffet next to the theater. Yeah, I know it’s just a few blocks, but I ate so much I can’t really move… you’ll see. Thanks dad, you’re the best.”

“Dad’s gonna be here to pick me up in a few minutes.” I told Becca who was watching my belly in fascination.

“How does it feel?

“Huge. Heavy. Awesome! It… hurts a lot though. I’m trying not to think about that much.” I shrugged.

“Is it weird I find it… sexy?” Becca blushed. “I never told anyone, but I was always fascinated by pregnant bellies and you’re just… so much more!” Becca said, finally unable to resist her urge and started to massage the massive globe with her hands.

I closed my eyes in pleasure.

“Does this feel good?” Becca asked.

I nodded softly.

“I’m sorry I went so overboard, you could have really hurt yourself.”

“It’s not your fault. I could have just as well stopped eating.” I said, shaking my head.

“Could you though? I’m pretty sure if I were to bring you more food right now, you’d eat it without hesitation!”

I opened my mouth to protest but then I chuckled instead. “You’re probably right!”

It was difficult to part with Becca after everything that happened today, but we figured it would be less awkward if she left before my dad arrived. Becca kissed me goodbye and started to walk away. I could still see her top heavy figure in the distance, when dad’s small car appeared.

“Well, I certainly hope you didn’t eat anyone I know.” My dad said, chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

I felt so heavy, I couldn’t get up from the bench on my own. Luckily my dad saw me struggling and gave me a hand before I could even ask for it. He walked me to the car and then helped me maneuver through the narrow door as if it was normal everyday stuff to help his daughter to fit inside a car. I quickly adjusted the seat, taking it as far back as it could go, but my belly was still pressing against the front desk heavily. I can’t begin to describe how unpleasant it was. Dad should really get a larger car! There was no way in hell I would try to buckle my seatbelt.

“Let me guess, boy issues?” My dad asked once we were on the way.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Uh, not really? I didn’t do it because I’m depressed if that’s what you think!” I said maybe a bit too roughly. Dad obviously remembered the way I stuffed myself when he was getting divorced with mom and so he assumed I was feeling down. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” I apologized. “There isn’t any special reason why I ate so much… I just love to eat! It just got a little out of hand today.”

“A little.” Dad chuckled. “She can barely fit into the car and calls it a little.” Dad burst into laughter and I quickly joined in.

“You’re not angry with me, right?” I asked sheepishly when we parked in front of the flat.

“Why would I be angry?”

“That I eat the way I eat. That I’m only gonna get fatter and fatter.”

“Lizzy, that’s… none of my business.” Dad scratched his chin. “What matters to me is if you are happy like this. Are you happy?”

My mind immediately went to the mental image of a certain beautiful busty blue haired girl in a tight tank top. I smiled at my dad. “Very happy.”

“Then everything is fine with me.”

“So… if I was to ask you for a pizza right now?” I asked curiously.

“Then I’d ask which one you want.”

“Well… I was going for ‘how many?’ but we’ll work on that.” We both laughed. “I love you, dad.” I said, suddenly emotional and laid my head on his shoulder. We sat there like this for at least 5 minutes, the only sound being my groaning stomach as it fought with the huge amount of food inside of it.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”



“I think I’m stuck. Could you help me get out of the car?”

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