A Flirting Workshop with My Sister

Daily Deepthroat

A long story. The first half is character introduction, the second half is the flirting workshop and the sex scene. I think it’s one of my better sex scenes.

Once again, I ignore the pandemic.

We were interrupted by a knock at my dorm room door. “Come in!” I yelled. I hoped it wasn’t who I thought it was.

“Hi, Eli!” said my freshman sister Z in a slightly higher than normal tone. I rolled my eyes and groaned inwardly before turning in my chair.

“Hi, Z,” I said with my voice full of annoyance. “What are you doing here?”

Z ignored me, instead offering her hand to Landon, the friend I was studying with. “I’m Z,” she said with friendliness turned up to ten. “Eli’s little sister.” Landon stood up from my bed and shook her hand. Landon and I were both sophomores. Z leaned forward to Landon and said conspiratorially, “Mom has me check in with Eli regularly so he can keep an eye on me.”

“Hi! I’m…um…Landon. Landon Chu.” Landon was acting like a pretty girl had never introduced herself to him before. This was going to be bad.

Z looked at the book Landon had set on the bed. “Are you studying Organic Chemistry?” My sister chewed her gum as she waited for Landon’s answer.


Z tilted her head slightly as she looked at Landon. I knew exactly what she was going to say. “Is that the chemistry between males and females?” She had used that line before on my friends.

“Well, um, it…it could be.” Landon was totally flustered. I had warned Landon that my sister might drop by, and, if she did, she would flirt with him even though she had no interest in him. My warning did him no good. “I mean I guess it could be, but that’s not what we’re studying now.”

I said with a little heat. “We’re studying. I have a lot of studying to do. What do you want?”

Z pretended to not hear me. She asked Landon, “Are you a pre-med major too?” She looked at him adoringly with her blue eyes wide as she chewed her gum and twirled some of her shoulder-length blond hair.

“Yes. Yes, I am.” Landon was probably the smartest guy I knew, and he sounded like his brain was mush.

“I could never be a pre-med major,” Z said as she twisted her body slightly back and forth. “I could never learn all the stuff you have to learn.” Z’s movement drew Landon’s attention to the silly mathematical formula on her t-shirt. The formula was Distance Raptor divided by Time Raptor equals Veloci Raptor. The last two words were printed over a black velociraptor that covered most of Z’s left breast. Landon was quiet for a moment as he read the shirt.

Z said, “They’re 34 C’s.”

Landon said in a surprised tone, “What?”

“They’re 34 C’s. You were staring at my chest, so I thought you were trying to guess my bra size.”

Landon had a horrified look on his face. “No,” he said as he shook his head back and forth quickly. “No. I wasn’t–“

“You thought they’re a different size?”

Landon was on the verge of panic. He almost shouted, “I was just reading your shirt!”

“Oh, okay.” Z went back to chewing her gum, twirling her hair, and twisting gently back and forth. She was wearing a short, white cotton skirt. No one wore a short skirt in the dorm except Z, and I think she only wore them when she came to visit me. The skirt swished back and forth, drawing my and Landon’s eyes to Z’s legs. She had great legs, still well-tanned after spending a lot of this summer sunning.

I said loudly, “WHAT DO YOU WANT, Z?”

“I thought I’d drop by and say hi.” Z turned back to Landon. “You must be awfully smart.” She said that with awe in her voice. She was very smart herself, with a SAT better than mine. “Eli is super smart, and he’s asking you for help with homework.”

Landon turned three shades of red. “Well, I, um…well, I am…”

“You said hi, so you can leave now,” I said loudly. I was tempted to call my sister by her first name, which she hated. “Z” came from our last name, Zajaczkowski. I took a moment to collect myself. I said firmly, “I have a lot of studying to do.”

Z gave me a cute, exaggerated frown. It was so funny looking that I felt my anger leave me. “I was enjoying talking with Landon.” She turned to him and stuck out her hand. “It was nice meeting you, Landon.”

Landon pumped her hand enthusiastically. “It was nice meeting you.”

Z turned and headed towards the door, swaying her hips a little more than normal as she walked. She opened the door, turned, waved goodbye to Landon with just her fingers, and then closed the door.

Landon turned to me. “WOW! Your sister is amazing.”

“She’s annoying as hell. She pulls this shit all the time.”

“Do you think…she’d go out with me if I asked her?”

“No. If you talked to her again without me around, she’d be friendly but would cut the conversation short. ‘Hi, Landon. Nice to see ya. How is Organic going? Gotta go!'”

Landon was disappointed by this, but then seemed to brush it aside. “She seemed to really like me.”

I was getting frustrated. “This eryaman arabaya gelen escortlar is why her visits drive me nuts. She drops by, flirts for a little while, and then leaves me to give the guy the bad news. She likes you as an acquaintance. The way she acted just now is how she acts with all my friends. When Dimitri is here when she drops by, I need to wipe down all the furniture because of his drool. He’s asked her out several times. She doesn’t ever say no, but she never says yes.”

“Can you tell me her room number? I’d like to talk to her.”

Landon was not getting it. My sister was only interested in flirting with him. As much as my sister pissed me off, I was protective of her. I didn’t want my friends showing up at her dorm room to pursue a relationship she wasn’t interested in. “I’m not going to tell you. We need to study Organic, remember? These last few problems are butt kickers.”

Sadly, Landon was useless for the last few problems, and I solved them myself. It would have been a lot faster if we had worked together on them, but Landon couldn’t stop thinking of my sister. I was sure the vision of her shapely butt covered by her short white skirt was now etched into Landon’s brain.

* * * *

The next day, I knocked on my sister’s door. Z yelled, “Enter!”

I walked in and said to Z’s roommate, “Bella, would you mind if I talked with Z alone for a while?”

Bella shot a look at Z to make sure it was okay, and then said, “Sure. No problem.” She carried the book she was reading with her as she left the room.

Once Bella was gone, Z turned to me and said, “Hey, big brother! Great to see you over here in the less desirable side of town.” My sister was in a Freshman dorm. “Are you here to keep an eye on me like Mom asked you to?”

I ground my teeth slightly. “I came down here to ask, ‘What the hell is going on with you?'”

Z was sitting in her chair with her feet up and her arms wrapped around her legs. As I moved to her bed, she said, “Me? Nothing. Studying my ass off. Engineering ain’t no walk in the park. For a study break, I occasionally visit you. I like your friends a lot.”

I sat down on the bed. I was so frustrated that I didn’t know where to begin. “Why do you always flirt with my friends? You were never like this. What happened to my nerdy little sister?”

Z laughed. “Ah, that. Yeah, you deserve to know what happened. You remember Katharine Newton?”

I smiled. “Of course. She came over all the time.” Katharine was a cheerleader who liked working with Z on school projects. She was one of the prettiest girls in my high school with long brown hair and a gorgeous smile.

“She was a big flirter, right?”

“Right.” She flirted with me every time she came over. Just a little, but enough to get me revved up. She’d make me feel like she was that close to throwing herself at me.

“Well at the beginning of last year, she went to a party hosted by one of the younger cheerleaders, Kylie. Kylie’s big brother Tyler was there, and he was very cute. Becki Davis had met him several times before and was really interested in him. Katharine got to the party before Becki and started flirting with Tyler. Nothing serious as she had a boyfriend, but she enjoys flirting, and Tyler ate it up. Becki got there, and Tyler ignored her to talk with Katharine. Katharine figured out what was going on and left the party early, so Becki could have his attention. The next day at school, Becki was furious with Katharine. They had never gotten along well, and they had lots of little conflicts over the years. They got into a shouting match in front of a lot of people. Eventually, Katharine got kicked out of the football player and cheerleader clique.”


“After she got kicked out, she began hanging out with me. One day, I complained to her that guys were never interested in me because I was so smart in math and sciences, and she said, ‘Let’s change that’. She did a complete makeover of me. She got me on a cheerleader diet and a cheerleader workout program. She helped me buy a new wardrobe. She got me a new hairstyle,” Z swung her hair slightly, “She taught me how to brighten my hair color and what product to use to improve its fullness and shine. She taught me about makeup. She guided me through smile practice.”

“Smile practice?”

“Yeah. Sitting in front of a mirror and practicing smiling. For an hour. Everyone in cheer must do it. They have to have a smile on their face for an entire football game. Not smiling when you’re performing is a serious no-no.”

“So they sit in front of a mirror and smile for an hour?” That sounded worse than watching paint dry.

“Yes. They practice one smile. Katharine taught me a variety of smiles. A happy smile.” Z smiled. “A sexy smile.” A slightly different smile that did hint at naughty thoughts. “A grin.” Another slightly different smile that hinted she was laughing. “The right smile for every moment. You know how I used to hate having sincan escort bayan my picture taken?” Z used to get pissed off whenever our parents tried to take a picture of her. “It was because I could never make a smile on demand. Now, I can. I was very surprised by what Katharine taught me. It was like there was a whole world of practical knowledge that the cheerleaders kept a secret from the non-cheerleaders like me.”

I had to admit that my sister was very attractive now. I had never paid much attention to how my sister looked until she started flirting with my friends, but I had known vaguely last Christmas that she had lost weight and looked better.

“And she taught me how to flirt. Katharine loves flirting and was thrilled to have an eager pupil. She had me practice initially with Becki’s boyfriend. I never got him to break up with her, but I made Becki so angry. She’d tear into Katharine before or after practice, and Katharine would pretend she didn’t know what Becki was talking about. I eventually flirted with a guy I really liked, and he asked me out. I was so excited.”


“Someone else. And then I learned the downside to flirting. He never took me seriously, even though I was one of the smartest people at our school. It was like flirting made me a bimbo in his mind, and I could never overcome that. I eventually dumped him. Brett started giving me attention. Katharine coached me through how to encourage him, but not encourage him too much. He eventually asked me out, and I had a good time dating him. He always treated me how I wanted to be treated.”

Brett had seemed like a nice guy. I had assumed her losing weight, wearing prettier clothes and having a new hair style were due to Brett. When she broke up with him just before going off to college, I had expected her to revert back to her pre-Brett self.

“Great. You know how to get a boyfriend. Now, go get one and stop flirting with my friends.”

“I’m working on it. I’m getting to know my classmates. My classes are so huge that it’s taking a while. The guys who talk to me now are aggressive jerks. It takes a while to get to know the type of guy I want to date.”

“Fine. Flirt with your classmates then instead of my friends.”

Z shook her head. “No.”



“Why not?”

“Two reasons. First, if I flirt with a nice guy that later I want to date, he’s never going to respect me because I flirted with him first. Second, flirting can turn scary if the guy takes it as a message that I’m a slut he can use as he wants. I need to have someone close by that I trust to get me out of a scary situation.”

My stomach suddenly dropped. I could see what Z was leading up to.

“Your room is the only place I feel safe to flirt,” she continued. “I know your friends are going to be nice guys, and you’re there in case anything goes wrong.”

This was not how I expected this to go. Z had me on the defensive now. “It could still go wrong. They could accost you in some hallway when I’m not around.”

Z arched an eyebrow. “Did you tell Landon that I wasn’t serious when I flirted with him? Did Landon ask for my room number, and you refused to give it to him?”

I clamped my teeth together. It was like Z could see right through me. I felt like I was losing this fight. “So, you’re taking advantage of the fact that I’m a good big brother?”

Z got up, sat down next to me on the bed and put her arm around my shoulders. “You’re right. I am taking advantage of the fact that you’re a great big brother.” She was speaking slowly; her voice full of honesty. “I know you’ll do your best to take care of me. As much grief as I’ve given you about Mom telling you to look after me, I’m glad that you are. A big university is a scary place for a girl not raised in the city.” Our town was modest-sized, and it was the biggest for miles around. “I know I should have asked about this before, but I thought you would say no. Would you please let me flirt with your friends when I’m with you?”

“I don’t think it’s a nice thing to do to my friends.”

Z smirked. “You don’t think Landon enjoyed my flirting with him? Do you think a pretty girl had ever flirted with him before?”

I didn’t say anything, but we both knew from Landon’s reaction that he had never had a pretty girl walk up and flirt with him like Z had done.

“Landon seemed like a nice guy,” Z continued. “I’m sure he’ll marry some wonderful doctor someday, but I doubt she’ll be as pretty as I am. I gave him a thrill he’ll remember for the rest of his life.”

I thought back over Landon talking to me. He had been thrilled. I had warned him beforehand, and I still had to talk him down after Z had flirted with him. He hadn’t been angry. It was like…for a few minutes he had been like a movie star or a high school quarterback. It had been an emotional high that I could see him not forgetting.

As for him marrying a fellow doctor, doctors had by far the highest rate of intermarriage. gölbaşı sınırsız escort There were some nice-looking girls in our classes, but none who could hold a candle to Z. As Landon was average looking, he’d probably date average looking pre-meds and then average-looking med students, and eventually marry an average-looking doctor. He knew it as well as I did. So, Z was indeed probably the prettiest girl who’d ever flirt with him.

Had any of my friends been angry at any point with Z? None that I remembered. All of them had similar reactions as Landon. The few she had flirted with multiple times, they had been just as eager to flirt with her the later times as the first time.

“Your flirting is great for you, and I have to agree that my friends seem to enjoy it, but it really sucks for me. You left Landon so distracted that he was no help on the Organic homework. I had a huge amount of homework yesterday and stayed up later than I liked to get it all done.”

Z said in almost a little girl voice, “Do you like me visiting you? You never come here to visit me.”

I closed my eyes and ground my teeth. Now she was making me feel guilty. “Yes, I like you visiting me. I like seeing you’re doing okay. I never come to visit you because I’m always up to my eyeballs in schoolwork. I wish you’d visit me when no one else is there.”

“That’d be so boring. You know I’m normally a terrible conversationalist. It’s a lot more fun visiting you when you’ve got friends over. It didn’t take me very long to figure out when you were most likely to be studying with a friend, and that’s when I drop by to let you know I’m doing okay.”

“And to have fun flirting with my friends.”

Z laughed softly. “True. But not just fun – I did enjoy talking with Landon. All of your friends are nice guys.”

This was so frustrating. Z wasn’t getting how much of a pain her visits could be. “I’m glad you think my friends are nice, but there are times when I don’t want you flirting with them, like yesterday.”

Z nodded. “How about this – when I come in, if you rap twice on your desk, I’ll not flirt and leave as quickly as I politely can?”

I thought that over. “That’d be fine.” Even though Z drove me nuts at times, we got along well. I respected how hard she worked and how smart she was. I felt like she looked up to me, which made it hard to be mean to her or tell her no.

“Great!” Z gave me a big hug. “Thanks, Eli, for being so understanding.”

“As you never tell me anything when you come to see me, how are you doing?”

“Doing great. I’m acing all of my classes.”

“How do you like Bella?”

“She’s okay. Not a friend, not annoying.”

Now that Z had gotten what she wanted, she was back to her usual non-chatty self. Her giving short answers to my questions was pretty typical of her, which made her flirting even more unusual. “Speaking of Katharine, have you heard from her recently?”

“I text her all the time.”

“Tell her I said ‘Hi’. How’s she doing?”

“Doing fine. Driving the guys at her college crazy.”

“Have you heard from Brett?”

Z shook her head sadly. “He was really upset when I broke up with him before I left for college. He wanted to keep dating.”

“How did–“

“I don’t want to talk about him.”

“Okay.” I felt drained from our conversation, so I decided to leave. “I need to get back to studying.” I gave Z a side hug and then stood up. “Please visit often. I do enjoy seeing you. Feel free to join me and my friends for lunch or dinner.”

“I’ll do that.”

* * * *

Once Eli left, Z pulled out her phone and started texting with Katharine.

Z> E talked to me. He doesn’t like me flirting with his friends

K> He’s jealous you don’t flirt with him

Z> K! He’s my brother!

K> Guys hate it when a girl flirts with everyone but him

Z> He didn’t like that I was distracting his friends from studying

K> But they study all the time!

Z> LOL! I know. I promised to not flirt when he has to get some studying done

K> You’ll have to be bolder when you do flirt

Z> I’m so bold now

K> You can be a lot bolder. Show them your boobs!

Z> Stop it! You’re so evil

* * * *

A few days later, my roommate Dimitri and I were comparing how we did on our first major exam when Z dropped by. She was wearing a dark blue short skirt and a white shirt that was almost like a gym shirt; a thin amount of material on her shoulders and lots of open space around her armpits. I could see on top the straps of her black bra and through the arm holes the sides of it. When she came in, she went straight to Dimitri. “How’d you do on your test?”

“Very well,” Dimitri said with his heavy Ukrainian accent. “Better than your brother.”

“That’s wonderful!” Z gave Dimitri a little hug. “You’ll be a great doctor someday. And I’ll be able to say I knew you back when you were a lowly pre-med student. Have you told your parents?”

“No. I will talk to them middle of next month.” It was late September. “I do not talk to them about the good tests, so I do not have to talk to them about the bad tests.”

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