A Nun’s Story Pt. 14


Sister Teresa wanted to check on how her young charge, Claire, was coping without the Gift. She knew herself how a period of abstinence after a major assignment could seem like penury. Sister Claire had been told she would not share the Gift for at least a month. After fucking Father Filippo whenever she wanted, that would seem like a very long time.

“I know you have unclean thoughts,” Teresa said with a gentle smile. “I assume you’ve found plenty of time to pleasure yourself.”

“I try not to think about it,” replied Sister Claire. “I tell myself that this is the life of other nuns. The ones who aren’t as lucky as us.”

“We become nuns to serve and to sacrifice ourself for others,” Teresa reminded her. “And then the Gift is presented to us. Fucking men and women is part of our duties. You are a dedicated nun so you have a desire to resume sharing the Gift.”

“Is it wrong to say that I am so fucking horny?” asked Sister Claire, almost in desperation.

Teresa tried hard to suppress her giggle. She understood exactly what Claire was talking about.

“The Gift is a wonderful privilege. But always remember that your first duty is to our Order.” Teresa paused briefly. “And yes, it is fine to say that you are horny and need a good fuck.”

“I didn’t think that being in the inner circle would mean that I would have to go without. I had hoped it was the answer to my prayers about unclean thoughts.”

“Its harder for you,” granted Sister Teresa. “You had sex before entering the Order. You are not familiar with denial. For someone like me, I had much less experience. Maybe I don’t miss it so much.”

“Is that how you were chosen? Like me? Unclean thoughts?”

“I came from a more conservative family than you. But there were boys around. One in particular who served in our local church. I thought he was destined to become a priest.”

“Because he was horny and wanted to have sex with you?”

“It was that young man who introduced me to unclean thoughts,” confessed Sister Teresa. “He was obsessed with me and I became tempted.”

She could remember still the nights lying awake in bed as her mind had been filled with thoughts of that young man. Her parents would have forbidden contact with the boy if they’d had any idea. But each night, Teresa had felt her body respond to those thoughts. The response grew stronger over time till she had no choice but to relieve her physical aching.

“There was no sex,” Teresa explained. “Not proper sex. I remained a virgin. But he wanted to touch my pussy. We hid in the church offices one night and he tried to finger me. I thought it was quite awful. He was clumsy and inexperienced. And, I think, a little scared.”

“The men who share the Gift with us now are such wonderful lovers. And the women, too.”

“He made me touch him. Then I was scared. His penis became so hard. And the veins — I was sure he was deformed.” The two women shared a laugh. “He made me do it a few times, showing me how to rub him until he came. That was frightening the first time. But very exciting the next time. Still, I decided to turn my back on such things.”

“Until later. When the unclean thoughts came to you again?”

“I spoke to my friend, Sister Mary. She told me not to approach the Mother Superior. But she sent me to a priest. He is a part of the secret inner circle and knew what to do with me.”

“That priest… he was your first? He took your virginity?”

“Not quite. He is a lovely man. A bit like Father John is for you, I suppose. He calmed me, explained to me. Then I was sent to the Mother Superior.”

“So what happened?”

“You can see it’s a very complex thing, the Gift and our inner circle. That is necessary – for our protection. And you know that we also have a strict rule about not seducing other nuns. But the Mother understood. She encouraged me to visit Sister Mary again — now she is our Mother Mary.”

Mother Mary?… she was your first? You surrendered your virginity to a woman?”

“Yes. And why not? I was amazed at what she could do with her fingers and her mouth. And grateful. I truly saw heaven that first time and then every time after.”

“Yes, its true,” agree Sister Claire. “Even though I had sex before joining our Order, it was never as good as sharing the Gift.” She almost blurted out about the intense anal fucking she’d had with Father Filippo. “I tell you, we are blessed with wonderful lovers.”

“I thought I was going to be a lesbian,” continued Teresa. “But our Mother sent me back to that priest. And he also showed me a glimpse of heaven. He has the most beautiful cock. He filled me with the Gift in ways I’d not imagined. I was so glad that I’d saved myself until a man like him.”

“That sounds amazing,” breathed Sister Claire, aware of a strong tingling in her cunt. “The Order expects us to be bi-sexual. But when you were teaching me… I sensed that maybe…”

“Mother Mary was my first. I never expected that. But its natural, I suppose, that my first experience of the Gift left strong desires for women. Now she escort bayan is my Mother and my boss. And also my teacher and lover.”

“But we should not have feelings for others,” protested Claire.

“Its not love,” explained Teresa, patiently. “I suppose I feel devoted to her. But Mother never lets emotions interfere with the Gift. Or serious fucking.” Sister Teresa knew that the Mother Mary was happy with anyone who could give a proper licking to her butthole. “I stay close to our Mother because I hope to be promoted to her office, in time.”

“I will pray for that, Sister,” said Claire warmly. “As for me, I think I will always find that the Gift is stronger with men.”

“Father John has been very good for you,” said Sister Teresa. “And there is no sin in wanting to be filled — spiritually and physically.”

The two women shared dirty laughs about that. And Claire once more felt the tingling in her cunt.

“In fact,” said Teresa, you would have been the better choice than me when it came to my first big assignment.”

“Oh, really? Please tell me, Sister.”

“Let me just say that being naturally submissive would have served you very well. And your love of cocks would have been quite satisfied.”

“What happened? Was it awful? Or did you feel fulfilment from the assignment? Spiritually, of course.”

“I don’t want to say more,” said Teresa with a laugh. “You have another week left of your abstinence. Hearing about my assignment will make you more horny than you can stand.”

But Sister Teresa could tell that Claire would not be leaving her office until she had all the details. And it pleased her to reveal so many secrets she’d kept to herself. With her diary empty for the afternoon, Sister Teresa relented and began to tell the whole story.


The Abbot was well known to Mother Isabelle. The boss of the Order of the Mount had encountered the senior man at a dinner to celebrate the appointment of a new bishop. Then they had crossed paths again when inspecting good works done by the church in a remote rural area. It just happened that a training school for his novice monks was located a two-hour drive away from the town. The Abbot had been polite enough to invite Mother Isabelle to dinner where they’d shared a pleasant conversation. And there had been other times since when the two had crossed paths.

But the Abbot had a problem. A former member of his Order had been convicted of terrible crimes — none committed while ordained as a monk but, nonetheless, the scandal threatened to ruin his Order. There had been threats from on high about abolition or, at least, a takeover.

“I won’t let my Order go down without a fight,” he told Isabelle in a cold fury. “If I have to, I’ll tell the Bishop about others who have transgressed. I’ll make sure their secrets become public.”

Mother Isabelle knew that men had fantasies about nuns that sometimes became rumours. And she had understood immediately that she was being threatened.

“Don’t be foolish,” she advised quietly. “Even if your accusations against us could be true, you can guess that we have protection at the highest levels.”

Mother Isabelle was right. The Order of the Mount had powerful protectors. That included the Bishop who himself had enjoyed the Gift several times. Yet, the Mother would rather avoid any unpleasantness. It would not help her Order to have public allegations about nuns in wild sex parties with priests or lay people. She quickly hatched a plan to calm the Abbot.

“I recall you have your tiny school in that remote location. A few novices are enrolled there to learn in seclusion. I am sure that this affair must have greatly damaged their morale.”

The Abbot agreed that was true. Some of the novices were on the verge of quitting. He was ready to listen to an offer from the nun as to how she might help to soothe the wounds felt by his men.

“In our Order, we have a strong belief that certain gifts come from god and are meant to help us to do our good works,” explained Isabelle. “I feel it would be a good thing if we arranged to have our Gift shared with your novices.”

She saw the Abbot relax and smile. And Mother Isabelle knew exactly how to close the deal.

“You will be a part of this arrangement. So I shall rely on your silence. Do not think for a moment that you can use this to blackmail me or this Order.”

“Not at all, Mother, I am most grateful. Of course, I don’t wish this Gift for myself. And I have my duties here in the city. But I do have six men in our little school.”

“I will insist,” continued Isabelle, “that they all join in this sharing of the Gift. They will share in it as a group. No man is to experience this alone. In that way, the fear of exposure and ruin of one will apply to all. That is the only way I can be sure everyone will keep our secret.”

“There are six men… how many nuns will you send?”

“One of my nuns will be quite enough,” explained Isabelle. “I can send one nun to a remote place for one week. But sending more adana escort will surely attract questions and suspicion.”

The deal was agreed on the spot. Mother Isabelle already had a special nun in mind. Sister Teresa had recently entered the inner circle. She’d fucked several priests and a recent sex party had been her most important initiation. Her best qualifications were the F-cup breasts that sat atop her young body. But sending her to the monastery would be a suitable final test.


Teresa got off the small plane in a dusty, rural town. She’d hardly ever been out of the city before. And nowhere so far as this. It wasn’t hard to find the man who was to drive her to the school. He was so obviously excited to see her. Though at first Teresa did not register that this was partly due to the enforced abstinence imposed on the novice monks — deprivation, it might have been called.

Terry was a plain-looking man in his late-twenties. Tall and with a seemingly kind disposition. He could not believe his luck at being chosen to collect the young nun from the airport. It was his first time outside the school for three months. And Teresa was only twenty-five years old. He could hardly stop himself from staring at her enormous breasts.

They spoke little during the long drive. All the novices had been told the reason for her visit. Terry hoped that she would not notice the bulge in his trousers. In truth, he felt intimidated by the sexy-looking nun.

Teresa was feeling daunted by what lay ahead. She’d been learning to appreciate the Gift in so many different ways. And her sister nuns in the secret inner circle had already involved her in several sex parties — where she had been fucked in front of an audience and taken multiple men in one night. Unlike some, Teresa had not needed persuading about the Gift. For her, true sin was ignoring pain and hurt. Fucking for Jesus was the complete opposite. And she had truly found a glimpse of heaven in using her body to give intense pleasure.

What was different about her new assignment was that she would be alone. There would be no sharing of the men. She was expected to service all six males — likely all feeling extra horny and needy after many months of self-denial. Even masturbation was off-limits. Sister Teresa badly wanted to succeed in her assignment. She feared that six men and their hard cocks would be too much for her.

“This is it,” said Terry as he pulled into the dusty drive that led to a large, wooden structure.

The place was isolated. And Teresa was sure that the old wooden building was a noisy place. Not like the bricks and stone she was used to. But it didn’t matter that everyone could hear since group sex was the crux of her mission.

“I’ll fetch your bags later,” he said to her, opening her door. “The guys all want to meet you first.”

Inside the large common room was a group of men — six now, all looking stunned at the arrival of a sexy woman and, in a couple of cases, obviously desperately horny. Teresa was quickly surrounded. She knew she was trembling and couldn’t tell if it was fear or anticipation. The circle of men made her feel so small and vulnerable. They seemed nice enough and she noted they were a very diverse group. But these men had gone without many pleasures for a long time. Teresa still wasn’t really sure about how she could satisfy six cocks for a week.

“I want to touch her,” said a small man in a quiet voice.

Teresa saw he was the youngest. He looked excited and scared in equal measures. These men were monks and, she supposed, had little contact with women. But they were men and all lusted for her F-cup boobs.

“That’s Anthony,” said Terry. “He is very keen. He’s still a virgin.”

The others laughed and Anthony blushed with embarrassment. It was obvious that he was, indeed, a virgin. Teresa thought that very sweet.

“Remember the rules,” said Terry in a firm voice. “Whatever happens with Sister Teresa, it must be done as a group. No solo play.”

Terry’s easy control boosted Teresa’s confidence. She knew that these men were so eager, desperate, that they would do whatever they were told. She was expected to fuck for Jesus — all six men. But a woman so often had power when it came to sex. That was doubly so for a nun who offered the Gift. Luckily, it came naturally for the sexy nun to assert control.

“You can start,” she said to Anthony with a smile. “Everyone is here now. Go ahead and touch me.”

The young novice did not hold back. The other men had been egging him on since they’d gotten the news. Anthony stepped forward and took two big handfuls of Teresa’s massive tits. That brought a smile to her face. She remembered the crude fumblings of that boy in the church offices. Anthony grabbed her harder than necessary but the naughty nun always felt aroused when men lusted for her over-sized bust.

“You are a sexy woman,” Anthony muttered, trying to sound confident.

Teresa was still smiling. Her big, heavy tits were the perfect ice-breaker. adıyaman escort That smile was a signal to the others. In a flash, the men were pressing close. Their hands were all over her. If Teresa had any misgivings they were obliterated by the frenzy of desires and groping. One heavy-set man stroked her face gently. Other hands were grabbing at her breasts, almost tearing off her buttons as the sex-starved novices helped themselves to her body. Someone had a firm grip on her tight, young butt. Another hand was wedged between her legs as a dirty novice grabbed for her cunt through her jeans.

“What a body,” she heard a voice say.

“This is a real gift,” said another.

Teresa already was half-naked as the men pulled at her clothing. She was relieved — and aroused — by their reaction. Displaying her body gave her joy. These men so obviously were in need. And her mission was to pleasure this group of men, let them fuck her.

Her bra was yanked aside and her massive tits fell into view. She heard gasps of pleasure and, strangely, that calmed her nerves. The other nuns had warned about sin but Teresa still took pride in sharing her body so brazenly. Her huge tits always gave her the advantage when it came to men. That was a lesson learned from that first boy in the church.

And if these six men lost control, then so what? Perhaps she should fear rape? But there would be no such thing – Teresa had taken a solemn vow to use her body exactly like this. There was no hiding her arousal with her nipples already erect and her cunt beginning to moisten. Strong male hands were pulling at her.

“Suck on them,” she said to young Anthony. “Its OK,” she assured him, reaching through the forest of arms to guide his mouth to her breasts.

“What a woman,” groaned someone.

She wiggled her hips to let them slip her jeans over her pert bottom and down her slender legs. There were more gasps and groans as her naked body was revealed fully. Teresa was inspired to truly play her role.

“Don’t be greedy,” she said to them with a wicked grin. “I have plenty for all of you.”

At some unseen signal, suddenly Teresa was bodily held aloft. She felt herself weightless as they carried her to the dining table. The power of the group was tangible. She felt her cunt throbbing as she was laid out, surrounded on all sides by the larger forms of six horny men. Teresa was tiny in their midst but that only made her more aroused.

The virginal Anthony resumed his eager sucking of her juicy tits. Strong hands pulled her ankles and wrists wide so that she was spread, opened for them. Held down, she reveled in the gentle exploration of unseen hands. Someone squeezed the breast that was not in Anthony’s mouth. Fingers stroked her shaved cunt lips and she tried not to buck her hips in delight. Sister Teresa had wondered how to begin a gangbang but it really was not hard.

“Normally this is our dinner time,” explained Terry, almost apologetically.

Having enjoyed a couple of sex parties with priests, Sister Teresa knew how men liked to start. Eager men always meant hard cocks.

“You can give me something to eat,” replied the nun through the haze of her own growing lust. “I’m here to take care of that.”

It took only seconds for the men to unveil their rampant dicks. The fear vanished from Teresa’s mind. Six cocks was a wondrous sight. Teresa preferred the more gentle way that a woman could reveal her desire. But the men were displaying their power and the willing nun was ready to take full advantage. She felt her hole start to melt.

They were a variety of shapes and sizes and Teresa didn’t mind who went first. A random cock was thrust into her sweet mouth. It was the heavy-set man and she knew from the start that he had some experience, his thrusting showing confidence and vigour – and yet, not too rough. Teresa felt thrill and gratitude at having man’s hardness in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the thick shaft and was excited by his moan. Though she was more excited to feel a finger begin to penetrate the entrance to her cunt.

Then another novice wanted his turn. But Teresa knew that she should control the pace of the fun. After all, she would be with these men for a week.

“Let me down,” she moaned to them. “Its better if I suck you on my knees.”

Hands grabbed at her glorious tits as she began to fellate the second man. This one was a little more cautious. Already Teresa was enjoying the different sizes, tastes and techniques of taking six men in turn. Terry was next and she grabbed his butt to pull him deeper. He was the informal leader, she had guessed, and it would pay to give him special attention. She let him thrust forcefully, enjoying his full length as he took his pleasure. But next a black man shoved his hard pole into her mouth. Teresa really liked the feel of that one — a perfect size to make her lips stretch.

“Give it to her Mikey,” cheered on another of the novices.

The slim, black man knew what to do, holding her head firmly as he proceeded to fuck her face. He seemed to enjoy having an audience, using her more roughly than the others. But a dirty nun like Teresa could take any man forcing his cock into her throat. She had been taught by two wicked priests and was ready even if he made her gag.

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