A Practice Secret Ch. 04


Not so plain Jane anymore

Jane’s close friend suggested she see Doctor Love and Jane shared her review of the Practice in her first story. Discovering Chelsea’s naughty secret about the charming Doctor Love, Jane also succumbed to his delightful sexual therapy in her following story. Read how Jane returns for another session six month later, a different woman and with some exciting news.

I opened the wrought iron gate and took the few steps to the large stained-glass front door. Pausing to gaze at the brass sign that simply read ‘Doctor Love’s Practice’ and the address, it didn’t seem like six months since I’d registered and became a Guest. The nervously crumpled slip of paper with the contact details that Chelsea gave me is still in my shoulder bag. Sometimes it takes a close friend to recognise you need help and I’m thankful for the persistent prompting that persuaded me to see her counsellor.

We’ve been friends since we were at school and even in our early 40’s we’re still very close. Sadly, we lost the men in our lives only a few months apart but our friendship has helped us cope. Chelsea was concerned about me after I lost John. We couldn’t have children and I was so lonely on my own. She naturally thought of me after receiving wonderful counselling from Doctor Love after her marriage breakdown.

The benefits of Doctor Love’s treatment were obvious. Chelsea seemed happier, more relaxed and confident about the future. She was the Chelsea I knew, excitable and full of life with a bubbly personality. I’m just plain Jane in comparison and John and I had a relatively simple life together. I was never as attractive as Chelsea and even put on more weight since John died. Desperately wanting to get my life back on track, I made an appointment to review the Practice.

It sounded unusual really. Who reviews a medical centre? I met Maddisyn, the Practice Manager, and she was lovely and provided a tour. There was something about the Practice that puzzled me. The building is a beautifully restored two-story terrace house that has been converted to a medical centre for women. Every room is furnished with lovely period furniture and furnishings. It was obviously exclusive and luxurious but It didn’t have that medical centre feel about it. I left the Practice feeling excited, intrigued and suspicious.

I could see why Chelsea loved the Practice. She’s much more elegant than me and loves the lavish lifestyle, being entertained and pampered. I was surprised Chelsea told me hardly anything about the place or Doctor Love for that matter. She’s not good at keeping secrets. I knew she would have told me about such a wonderful place. I’d known her far too long to know there must be something more to the Practice.

My suspicion was aroused with intimate and erotic questions in a personality survey I completed during the review. It wasn’t just my curiosity that was aroused, leaving with sodden panties in my bag! I had a feeling I was going to enjoy being a Guest. The Practice had a naughty appeal and I was intrigued to discover its secret. I registered and looked forward to meeting the mysterious Doctor Love.

I couldn’t wait to catch up with Chelsea a couple of days later. She was beaming and had difficulty containing her excitement while telling me how wonderful the Practice was. I listened in amazement as she described Doctor Love as charming and handsome with smouldering eyes and a gorgeous smile.

Then I discovered her secret as she sensually rolled her eyes. Chelsea was having sexual therapy. Naively, I asked what that meant. You can imagine my reaction at hearing she was having the best sex ever with Doctor Love!

Once I got over the initial shock and realised how happy she was, I became more excited and even aroused than concerned. John and I may have been an ordinary couple but we enjoyed an adventurous but discrete sex life. There was something sexually arousing about the situation. It doesn’t take much to get me horny. I was even more interested in meeting the charming Doctor Love knowing he was my best friend’s lover.

I soon realised what attracted Chelsea to Doctor Love. He was handsome for a man in his late 50’s with a heart-melting smile and sensual gaze. There was just something exciting about him. Even that first touch as he took my hand sent a shiver through me. I was impressed with his immaculate dress and grooming and I found him charming and a real gentleman. It was sexually thrilling knowing what his Guests were enjoying.

I decided he could charm his way into my panties anytime and I’ve been enjoying his sexual therapy ever since. I rang the doorbell and was excited about telling Maddisyn some wonderful news.

I soon heard the familiar sound of her heels striking the polished floorboards in the entry hall. ‘Hello Jane. Ooh . . . you look gorgeous! Is that a new outfit?’

‘Yes, and it’s nice to be wearing clothes that fit,’ returning her infectious smile.

I’d never had an hour-glass figure like Chelsea, even as a teenager. I wasn’t a glamorous dresser either and preferred Kızılay Escort loose-fitting clothing to accommodate my chubby build and wide hips. But I was very happy how I looked wearing an off-shoulder blouse and a short skirt with high heels. I laughed to myself thinking how ridicules I would have looked in it six months ago.

‘I’ve made my goal weight and treated myself,’ the smile in my voice was obvious as I showed off my much slender figure.

Maddisyn leant into me and gave me a hug. ‘I’m so happy for you. You look wonderful,’ she smiled.

‘There’s more. I have a date this Saturday!’ I exclaimed and gazing into her eyes, widening in excitement.

‘Really! Come through and tell me all about it,’ she answered with a shriek and a broad smile filling her face.

I’d never seen Maddisyn so excited. She normally spoke in a soft and gentle tone and had an innocent, almost spiritual nature about her. An attractive brunette with shoulder-length soft curls and a gorgeous figure, she’s in her mid-20’s. Maddisyn’s always elegantly dressed and I was pleased she loved my outfit. I always look forward to her warm welcome and she’s probably the first gay women I’ve really got to know so well.

We made our way into the Sitting Room. It’s a lovely room for Guests to relax before meeting with Doctor Love. The period furniture and furnishings were carefully chosen to match the old building and the room has a cosy feeling with pastel colours and decoratively papered walls with lovely paintings. Lace curtains hung at the bay window and the sunshine glistened on the chandelier hanging from an ornate ceiling. We sat on one of the two luxurious couches with soft cushions in front of a magnificent white fireplace.

‘Well then, what’s his name?’ Maddisyn excitedly commenced.

‘Stuart,’ I simply smiled.

‘How did you meet?’ She continued, sharing my smile.

‘We met at a children’s play park while I was walking my dog,’ I softly laughed.

I explained that his two young girls thought Molly was adorable and wanted to pat her. They were often at the park when I was out walking and we just got talking. Molly just loved playing with the girls. Stuart offered me a coffee one day as they were going to a café opposite for a drink and things just progressed from there. The last time we had coffee he asked me out for dinner.

‘Olivia and Sophie are twins, aged five and so cute,’ I added.

‘And Stuart . . .?’ Maddisyn leaving the question hanging and urging me to continue with an inquiring expression.

‘Yes, he’s cute as well,’ I grinned causing us to giggle like young girls.

‘Single then?’ She continued prompting.

Stuart is a widower and lost his wife when the girls were still babies. I could appreciate his loss. John and I had a plumbing business and he died in a vehicle accident on the way to a job. Surprisingly, Stuart didn’t live far away and operates his own painting and decorating business.

‘I must have a thing for tradies,’ I laughed.

‘I’ll look forward to hearing about your evening,’ she grinned, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

I felt myself blushing. ‘Oh . . . Maddisyn. It’s only a first date,’ I smiled back.

‘Would you like anything before you see Doctor Love?’ Maddisyn kindly asked getting back to business.

‘Just some mineral water please,’ I answered.

‘Certainly,’ Maddisyn replied, returning my smile before going to the kitchenette behind her desk at the other end of the Sitting Room.

I admired how fit and toned she looked. Heels really worked for her, adding to the swing of her hips in a mid-thigh dress and emphasising her long smooth legs. She reminded me of a younger Chelsea who, as a mother of three and the same age as me, could still attract a second glance.

Guys hardly noticed me and I didn’t think I’d be dating again. I’ve always been chubby and my ballooning weight wouldn’t have helped. I ran my eye over my remodelled body, quite pleased with the new look. Stuart obviously saw something he liked.

Maddisyn soon returned, distracting me from my dreamy thoughts. She placed a silver tray with my drink on the coffee table in front of me.

‘No cakes or slices?’ I teased.

‘I wouldn’t dare,’ she laughed knowing how dedicated I’d been on dieting and exercising.

‘Would you like help with your hair and makeup?’ She offered.

‘Yes, thank you. I can’t wait to tell Doctor Love the news,’ the excitement in my voice obvious.

Relaxing in the peaceful ambience of the Sitting Room, my thoughts turned to my journey so far. The initial counselling involved the emotionally and physical effects of coping with John’s death and the effect on my self-image and weight issues. It felt so liberating discussing my lifestyle and relationship needs. The more we talked the more positive I became, finally developing a plan with personal goals. There was also the wonderful sexual therapy of course!

I picking up my shoulder-bag and caught Maddisyn’s attention. ‘I’m going to the Lounge,’ I mentioned.

Maddisyn Kolej Escort left her desk and joined me. The Guest Lounge is off the Sitting Room and a beautiful room to get ready for Doctor Love’s session. The dressing table has a large ornate mirror for Guests to sit at for grooming and makeup. The Lounge also has a spa bath set in a wrap-around window with a view of a private court yard garden and a separate room for a massage.

I enjoyed our time together before seeing Doctor Love. There was much to like about Maddisyn. She has a gentle and innocent nature and a lovely angelic smile. I wasn’t surprised she liked Yoga. Her interest in running and healthy living also helped with advice on my fitness program and diet. Maddisyn is also a wonder with makeup and hair. I really felt like her Guest and she couldn’t do enough for me. I looked forward to seeing her as much as Doctor Love.

I sat in front of the mirror and Maddisyn sat on a stool with wheels opposite me and to the side so I could see my reflection. She used some of the lovely cosmetics that were available for Guests and did my makeup.

‘What do you think?’ Maddisyn asked, looking pleased.

‘Looks lovely and you’re so fast,’ I smiled back.

‘Working in health and beauty spars helps,’ she replied, moving behind me and starting on my hair.

‘I thought it strange when I first heard you helped Guests with their makeup and hair,’ I mentioned with a knowing smile.

‘Guests like to look their best when seeing Doctor Love,’ she replied but an uncharacteristic cheeky grin acknowledged the actual reason they wanted to impress him.

I smiled to myself recalling the first time I met Doctor Love. Older men wouldn’t normally interest me but I instantly liked him. It was so unexpected. He’s just so . . . charming and charismatic. I melt at the sight of his warm dreamy gaze and when he flashes me one of his lovely smiles. I could imagine Guests throwing themselves at him. My deprived body begged for the forbidden pleasure that other Guests were enjoying. How could I resist?

‘Doctor Love will be impressed. You look beautiful,’ she smiled at my refection.

It wasn’t just Doctor Love’s therapy that had me aroused. ‘Thank you. Do you mind me asking a question about the personality survey I did during the review?’ I ventured hopefully and enjoying the moistness between my legs.

‘Not at all,’ she smiled into the mirror.

‘There was a question with a description of a person kneeling with hands on my thighs which I had to respond to,’ I recounted with a slight nervous tone. ‘Do you know it?’

I’d certainly attracted her interest, no longer brushing my hair. ‘Yes,’ she simply replied, her eyes fixed on mine in the mirror.

‘I assumed it was a man but it could have been a woman,’ I continued holding her aroused gaze.

‘I think it’s written that way. Some Guests are gay,’ she answered, showing keenness to see where the conversation was leading.

‘I wonder how it would be different . . . with a woman,’ I added with an inquisitive look.

A naughty smile I hadn’t seen before formed on her face. ‘If you were gay, you’d know,’ she answered a little suggestively.

Surprised and holding her reflected gaze, I gave Maddisyn a smile of invitation. ‘I’m not gay but . . . you don’t have to be gay to have some girly fun,’ I hinted.

I’d always been a bit bi-curious. John and I had often fantasised about sharing another woman. We’d never been game enough to do anything more. Maddisyn and I have shared a few wicked moments and laughs and it seemed the perfect opportunity. The Practice just brought that little bit more wildness out of me.

‘I do like to keep my Guests satisfied,’ she accepted with another naughty smile that made my pussy tingle in expectation.

The memory of getting Doctor Love to replicate the same scene during my first session was entertaining my mind as I stood up and pushed the chair away from the dresser. My heart beat became more noticeable and my pussy throbbed as I reached behind my back. I unzipped my skirt and eased the waistband over my hips and allowed it to drop to the floor.

My eyes returning to her excited gaze. ‘Surprised I don’t have any panties?’ I grinned.

‘Not really. I type up Doctor Love’s case notes. Your sexual therapy in the shower last session was very . . . exciting,’ Maddisyn breathed, each word increasing laced with a husk of arousal.

The hit of adrenaline was wonderful. I shouldn’t have been surprised Maddisyn knew. The Practice was full of naughty surprises. That’s one of the reasons I love the Practice so much.

‘Did you masturbate?’ I asked, providing a surprise of my own.

Maddisyn hesitated as she searched my eyes and then smiled before replying. ‘Yes. It was wonderful,’ her eye-roll providing a little comical relief.

Her admission ignited me. John and I were just ordinary people but sex was often wild. He would phone and I’d join him at the site he was working at without panties under my dress. We would find somewhere secluded Maltepe Escort and have sex. Chelsea would be amazed if she knew what we got up to. I just love the Practice and having naughty fun again. My heart was racing as I sat down with my thighs tightly held together.

I cleared a knot of lust in my throat. ‘I’d like to know what it feels like,’ I invited with a lusty smile.

My nipples were like beacons pressing through my bra and embossing my blouse. The atmosphere was full of anticipation as Maddisyn moved in front of me and dropped to her knees. I began to breath more rapidly and my body trembled as I watched what was unfolding.

‘Show me what happened in the question,’ I almost begged.

Maddisyn placed her hands on my bare thighs. I couldn’t help by sigh and moistened my lips with nervous excitement. They were tender and cool against my hot skin. She stroked towards my knees and worked inwards between my thighs. My sighs turned to soft moans. She started to part my legs sending a ripple of pleasure through me. There was no force. We parted my legs together. I wanted her to see what I had to offer. I wanted it to be hers. It was exactly what I had read in the survey and Doctor Love did!

Maddisyn lifted her eyes to mine and slowly ran her tongue around her lips. ‘Nice and wet. Just how I like it,’ she grinned.

Suddenly, a gush of fluid flooded my pussy at hearing Maddisyn’s words. Her demonstration was as exciting as Doctor Love’s performance. I had to bite down on my lower lip to stifle a moan, it felt so good. My nipples tingled and I felt the cool air on the warm wetness between my legs as Maddisyn’s eyes lingered at my mound with its neatly trimmed bush. I was left breathless and trembling with the thought of what might come next.

I took a gasp of settling air. ‘What happens next?’ I muttered.

Maddisyn’s eyes drifted up to share my gaze. She gave me another naughty smile that sent a surge of excitement through my body. My breathing was shallow and I felt my pulse racing with the arousal. I sat further back and Maddisyn gently lifted both of my legs over the arms of the chair. Her lustful gaze upon my fully parted legs and intimate pink flesh drew a long sensual moan from me.

Maddisyn held my gaze and started lowering her head. ‘I can’t believe this is happening,’ I gasped.

I clutched my knees and arched my back against the chair in expectation of Maddisyn’s face between my legs. I had to remind myself to breath as she lowered her mouth, kissing the inside of my thighs and sometimes pausing to delicately suck at my skin as she working her way to the obvious destination.

Maddisyn’s lips trailed over my mound before her tongue traced my pussy lips. ‘Hu, hu, hu,’ I gasped and trembled, hearing her tongue lazily lapping at the pooled moistness.

Maddisyn lowered a hand between her legs and slipped it under her dress while her mouth continued pleasuring my pussy, adding to the sensation as she began to masturbate.

‘Suck my clit, please,’ I finally begged as I listened to the wet sound of her fingers and lips filling the room.

Maddisyn’s tongue curled my clitoris, pushing it about and finally taking it in her mouth. I soon discovered where pleasure and pain met. My body was pleading for release as she nipped and sucked at my sensitive nub. I squirmed and rolled my backside against the chair while moaning with the torturous pleasure. I began to shake as her mouth and tongue relentlessly worked me to an orgasm.

‘Oh God, I’m going to cum,’ I uttered, my breathing uncontrollably shallow and rapid as the sensation overwhelmed me.

‘Ooh, Maddi, Maddi, Maddi,’ I gasped her name over and over, my voice getting louder and louder until crying out as the orgasm ripped through my body.

Maddisyn’s mouth ceased her assault on my pussy, gently lapping at my slick arousal and then lifting her face to mine. ‘Now you know,’ she grinned.

I just wanted to lay there slumped on the chair in post-orgasmic bliss, it felt that good. I watched through a lust filled haze as she stood and adjusted her panties and skirt before starting to return to the Sitting Room.

‘Thank you,’ I simply sighed as she gave me one of her misleading sweet and innocent smiles.

Maddisyn turned and paused at the door and gave a little smirk. ‘Enjoy your bath,’ she said with a wicked grin.

‘I certainly will,’ smiling back as she left and then realising what Doctor Love must have recorded in his notes.

I sat for a few moments, recovering and enjoying the warm afterglow before getting dressed. I had a last glimpse in the mirror and was pleased with the reflection. I liked how much healthier and attractive I was and looked forward to showing it off to Doctor Love. I don’t think I’d ever worn such a figure-hugging skirt or shown so much skin. I felt rather sexy as I left using the passageway door to make my way to Doctor Love’s suite.

Maddisyn may have been the entrée but my pussy was throbbing for the main course and Doctor Love was on the menu. I loved the sound of my high-heels striking the polished Baltic Pine floorboards just like Maddisyn’s do. It felt wonderful having hips like Chelsea’s to swing rather than waddle as I sashayed along the passageway. My moist pussy wanted what Maddisyn hadn’t filled and I couldn’t wait to join Doctor Love.

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