All Those Forbidden Thoughts Ch. 03

Asa Akira

Meeting another incestuous dad creates a taboo opportunity. All characters are over the age of eighteen.

As far as getting together and expressing our love physically, early 2021 was not ideal. Pandemic protocols, flight restrictions and a job change at my daughter’s work all contributed to the poor circumstances. Christine was on my mind but not in my life.

Even our plans to message each other fell apart when she got a new company phone with more security and company tech oversight. Christine was nervous about what might be exposed on her company phone, so we deleted the secret messenger apps.

“I’m sorry dad.” I could hear the sadness in her voice while we fit in a few semi-private facetime moments.

Between her energetic kids charging around and who might pop into the picture at any moment, our innuendo was faintly suggestive at best. “Well, we have summer holidays coming up, and I plan on renting a boat for the duration.” Running her tongue between her lips, my daughter’s suggestion was clear. I pursed my lips into a little kissing face. “I miss you guys a lot- and so does someone else.”

Christine understood the meaning and cocked her head to the side, “I love you dad, and someone here misses you a lot too!”

It was no one’s fault, but I couldn’t help feeling a bit depressed about everything. I felt so deeply for her too. Even without all the forbidden love, everyone got along so well and I missed the grandkids.

Facetimes dwindled and her computer was shared so having a private or semi-private email address could potentially raise eyebrows. I was conscious of not doing something overtly that would fuck things up for everyone.

I immersed myself in working out along with trying to find some new activities that would be semi-pandemic-friendly and interesting. At least that would stave off some of the boredom.

Whether I was giving off pheromones or had a semi-invisible neon sign that said ‘naughty dad’ detectable by a group of like-minded people, it was incredulous how frequently I’d get lingering smiles from younger women at the gym, pool or an activity group that seemed of interest. I wanted to fuck them all.

I chalked it up to societal loneliness and didn’t get any dates out of it yet aside from all the shit going on everywhere, it made me feel good and pushed me to keep trying new things.

One of those things was Astronomy (don’t laugh.) I was curious about it, and it was mostly outdoors so I thought I’d give it a try. It turned out to be an exceptional choice. That was where I met Miro. Actually, it was Miroslav, but I called him Miro for short. He didn’t seem to mind. He was a stockily built man who one might have pegged for a stonemason or something equally laborious with an equally thick Serbian-English accent.

Even he struggled to carry all the parts of his significant portable telescope so welcomed the help along with my 4×4 pickup truck that enabled us to get to some high, light-pollution-free areas that he did not have prior access to.

Miro was a dad as well albeit ten or so years younger than me, at least. I navigated his accent fairly well and we hit it off with a lot of common interests. By the second weekend evening, he brought a couple of beers and we chatted while the telescope was auto-tracking and taking digital images.

Instead of talking about our other common interests, Miro seemed curious about my relationship with Christine. “Are you close with her?”

If he only knew, plus I didn’t know how to say that I was fucking her in Serbian. “Yeah, we are really close, but we don’t live in the same location. She is far away from me.”

“Too bad, but she would come up here and have a beer with you?” The question was puzzling but even within his accent, there was something else he seemed curious about. He paused as if he was trying to explain his question. “With you here alone?”

“Yeah, for sure we are good friends.”

“Special are our daughters.” He took a long swig of his beer.

“That they are.” I looked at Miro surmising that he was wanting to expand the subject. “You have a daughter? How old is she?”

“Jana, yes, twenty-two.” Miro surveyed me for a reaction.

“Is she here or back in your home, in Serbia?” Miro judged me correctly on the topic. I tried to not sound perverted but was keenly interested in hearing more about his daughter.

“My wife, my father, my mother, are in Belgrade.” He kept his face stoic but didn’t hide the hint of a smile. “Jana is here with me.”

“Oh, that’s great that she is able to stay with you. Is she going to school, or working?” I led the conversation to more conservative topics.

“Jana is going to university and I work, so she can study.” Miro sounded proud of those facts.

“I bet she really appreciates that.” I paused this time. “I bet you two are very close -too?”

Miroslav was silent for a bit as if he was weighing the leading question. “She makes me less lonely.”

I sensed there was something he was not comfortable telling me yet so leaned over, looking at the digital image Beşiktaş Escort coming through on the telescope. I scrolled the iPhone for last summer’s images. “Do you want to see a photo of my daughter and me, Miro?”

I held up the phone showing a photo of Christine in a bikini hugging me at the beach last summer.

“She is a beautiful one.” He smiled. “She loves her daddy more than most know.”

What did that mean? Was it the photo I picked? What I said?

“Do you want to see my Jana?” Miro’s eyes inferred something.

“Yes, sure, absolutely!” I was temporarily glad for the change of subject.

“Wow she’s pretty,” I commented while Miro scrolled through a bunch of pictures that looked like they had been taken last winter. Other than her cutish face and reddish-blonde hair there was nothing much to see aside from fluffy jackets and warm clothing. “Very nice.”

“See something else.” Miro winked.

Something was leading about that wink. “Sure.”

Even though the next picture was another one of Jana in the snow, kind of posing with her arms out like she was having fun or doing jumping jacks, I tried to go along. Miro kept side-scrolling pictures until Jana started with a set where the fluffy jacket came off and she was wearing blue striped white snow pants and a sweater.

“I take photography as well,” Miro commented and continued with the scrolling.

“Not only an astronomer,” I joked outwardly but the pervy side of me liked where the photos of his daughter were going.

“See,” he said scrolling through the next set which continued in the snow scene. Jana was pulling off her sweater revealing a blouse underneath, then the blouse came undone.

“Wow, very nice!” The late hour and beer were no deterrent for me to wake up fully. Her bra hid breasts that were not as big as Christine’s, but still a nice firm C-sized pair of ripe ones. My cock stirred when Miro scrolled further to where Jana had her blouse fully off and playfully posed only in her bra.

“You like them?”

“God Miro, she’s gorgeous and,” I paused for a moment. “She let you take these pictures?”

“Of course, yes, look. Miro scrolled more slowly through a series of photos where Jana relieved herself of her snow pants and was standing in her bra, panties and snow boots, comedically posing for her photographer. Her dad it seemed.

“Would you?” He asked.

“Would I what?” I knew what he meant.

“You know. Would you?”

“Well, any red-blooded man would, of course.” I deferred the question. Part of me questioned the veracity of the pictures seeing so many people claim what they were not on the wonderful wide web.

“Let me show you something else.” I sense he perhaps was reading my doubt. The next photo was a selfie with him and Jana. She had her bare leg upon him still in the snow scene in her bra and panties.

Good lord, did he do her? “Did you two, um, you know?” I thought of Christine and me and how exceptionally carnal our incestuous lovemaking had been. Together with Miro’s photos, I was getting very erect in my jeans. My heart was thumping when he revealed the next pictures of Jana with her bra off and her obviously very cold nipples.

“Were you this close with yours?” He asked meaning my daughter.

I nodded half-embarrassed and half worrying about the consequences of admitting my foray into the forbidden. “Uh-huh.”

“Every father should experience this love.” He stated matter-of-factly.

A topic that I kept secret from everyone except for my daughter, I remained thoughtfully silent.

Miro slapped my shoulder with a chum-like nudge, “Plus we teach them all that they need to know.”

It was more than me teaching her, Christine taught me a few things as well. “So Miroslav, dad taught Jana, what exactly?”

He started wrapping up the telescope gear for the night. “Everything she needs to know.” His expression let me know there was much more detail to the conversation. “I tell you next time.”

Damn, I had anticipated some brand new nighttime fantasy dreams, instead, Miro cut me short. There was more I wanted to know and see, particularly concerning his daughter Jana. Had he fucked her? Probably but I wanted to hear it from another father.

Prying words didn’t come to me through the drive back down the mountain, plus if Miro had chosen to describe anything I’d have likely hit a tree on a switchback.

Miro loaded the telescope in his Honda sedan, then came back with his cellphone in hand. “Look at this.”

“Jesus, that’s- hot!” The cell phone screen revealed a grainy close-up of a rather hairy man penetrating a porn-star-like pussy. Even with the poor image quality, one could see how wet the girl’s pussy was. “Is that, your daughter?” My eyes focused on the clit piercing, the faint landing strip. Did he take pictures of them fucking?

“Jana.” His less than wordy response suggested he was waiting for a stronger endorsement.

“She’s lucky. You’re lucky, do you have more pictures.”

“I show you more next Beylikdüzü Escort time,” Miro smirked satisfied he had another father’s approval before heading back to his car. “Talk to you after the weekend.”

The last thing on my mind was the star tracking images. I was so excited that I had connected with another dad who expressed his love for his daughter. I wanted more of his story. How did he feel? How did she feel about it? All of the graphic details and more pictures if he had them. I was so distracted that I nearly blew a traffic light on the way home. Surely that would have landed me a sobriety test at this early hour.

Thickened by the night’s activities my cock made itself prominent during the rushed readiness for bed. Trying my best to be quiet, I smashed a drinking glass from the kitchen counter. “Fuck!”

I stilled myself awaiting a complaint from our bedroom. Blessed by no awakening sounds, I took a deep breath and swept up the shards from the kitchen floor. I’d be a sight nude, semi-erect in the kitchen at this hour. Never mind the broken glass. My cock hung there like a stopped-up garden hose. I had to get rid of the need or I’d never sleep.

Stepping back into the bathroom, I coated myself with baby oil and padded down the hallway to our bedroom. Sinking into the bedding I slowly stroked thinking about Miro fucking his daughter, and flashbacks to Christine and I. Imagining we were at the same campsite together, watching each other fuck our daughters was too strong of a fantasy and my cock head tingled with its imminent release.

Not wanting to sleep in a wet spot, I leaned to the side and let my cock pulse a fat load of cum on the back of my wife’s nightie. Hopefully, she would not roll over right away or it would dry before morning.

Curiously I slept deeply and well past my wife’s awakening. Stretching like a crotchety old cat, I took my time rolling out of the bed.

“Did you have a wet dream or something?” My wife held her coffee before taking a sip.

Oh-oh. “What are you talking about honey?”

“You left a big jizz splat all over the bed and it got on my pyjamas!”

Actually, I shot cum on your nightie and you rolled on the bed. I chuckled inside. “You are kidding, right?”

“No, I had to put it in the wash.”

“Oh sorry, I don’t know why that would happen. I must have been dreaming about you.”

“Hmmph, yeah right.”

Satisfied that I navigated the serious spouse questions, I hugged Mary, cupped her boobs and kissed her cheek, before plunking myself on the living room couch to watch the news and surf social media.

My smartwatch buzzed. Usually, on the weekend it is just spam email, but I swiped the screen and saw the instant message icon.

It was from Miroslav.

-What are you doing today?

-Heading to the gym in an hour or so

-Mind if I come along

I was curious.

-Sure I have a visitor pass I can give you

-Great what do I need to bring?

-Gym clothes –workout gear, towel and stuff if you need to shower

-cya in an hour

I didn’t really care much if Miro was going to work out or not. Jana was what I wanted to hear about.

Miro was waiting in the lobby ogling the girl at reception when I got to the Ironwood gym lobby.

My workouts were kind of a sacred time with a specific routine, and I was particular about this. Even though I wanted to find out about his daughter, I didn’t want Miro to change my routine.

“Do you mind giving Miro a tour of the gym?” I handed Janine the visitor pass, “He’d probably like the cardio equipment. Maybe he’ll even buy a membership.” I knew they were all on commission there so she lit up at the chance to sign up a new prospect on a typically slow morning.

“Sure, Miro?” She smiled at his semi-dad-bod with dollar signs in her eyes, “Follow me.”

That solved that problem and meant my workout would go off without a hitch.

When I finally caught up with him at the end of my workout, Miroslav looked like a guy who did battle with the elliptical the day after a new year’s-resolution kicked in. “I hope you brought shower stuff with you?” I smirked, knowing how hard he worked.

“Not this time.”

“Just ask at reception, they’ll give you a towel.” He headed that way, but I like a long shower, so I ducked onto the change room to snag my favourite stall. The accessible one on the corner was more private and had a large mahogany shuttered door for privacy. I loved to take my time and I’d be lying if Jana wasn’t on the top of my mind while I worked out a thick one in the hot spray.

Cooling water temperature meant the showers were filling up with stragglers, so I made my way to the locker room. Miro was already fully dressed, waiting.

“You take a long time.”

“Yeah, I like a long shower.” A long-time fitness junky, I wasn’t shy about showing off my body. Still lingering with thickness my cock was enjoying the Jana fantasies.

“You have a good body, how long you work out for?”

“All my life, Beyoğlu Escort but I guess I started weights twenty years ago or so.”

“It’s good for you.” Miro nodded his approval.

I knew what he meant. “Thanks.”

“Can I take a picture?”

“Whaaaat?” I dragged out the vowel. “Of me nude?”

“I want to show Jana.” He unpocketed his cell phone. “Okay?”

“Wait- wait- wait-” Having already seen the nude and semi-nude pics of his daughter, it wasn’t the sharing that bothered me as much as having another guy walk-in at the wrong moment.

I thought briefly about stroking my cock to hardness and putting on a good display for his daughter. I didn’t need to. My penis warmed greedily. I looked around and listened for noises, voices, anything. “Okay, just a couple quick ones.”

“Shit!” I grabbed my towel, just as a couple of steroid junkies busted the locker room door open next to us.

“Good timing,” Miro laughed. “Coffee?”

“Yeah, sure there’s a Starbucks across the street.” I was enthusiastic gambling he and I could talk more about Jana, his daughter. I was right.

Furrowing his eyebrows in thought, Miro sat across from me. “Tell me honestly, would you?”

“Would I- what?” I raised my voice in question, then hesitated. I wanted him to be asking me about Jana.

He leaned across the table and softened his voice, “With my daughter, would you?”

“Do you mean if I am you, or I am me?” I was confused. “Are you seeking my approval? I mean- I think you don’t need it, and I approve anyway.” My jeans tented under the table as the topic evolved. “You guys are lucky to have that kind of relationship, not many have it, as you know.” Shit, Miroslav was fucking his own daughter, what more did he want? What ideas did he have? Taboo incestuous fantasies hardened me until I pressed uncomfortably against my zipper.

He tapped on his phone screen and placed it face down beside his latte. “Would you fuck Jana?” Just above a whisper, Miro’s straight-ahead gaze clearly underlined the question.

“Look,” he handed me his phone, then held it, “Careful, don’t show.”

I held the phone in the shadow of my lap, scrolling through a dozen pictures of Jana, in the snow setting laying back nude in the cold snow prying her labia apart and masturbating. “Holy fucking shit,” I mouthed above a hush, “Yeah I’d fuck her, of course, but aren’t you…?”

“No, I do not worry about that,” He took his phone back, “I will ask Jana.”

“Miro?” My voice trailed up, while he texted on his phone.

“I told Jana about you and Christine-“

Whispering loudly and abruptly, this was said in confidence. “Hold on, you told her about-“

Miro reached and touched my forearm, “She was so happy.”


“Yes, she wants to meet you.” He took a sip of his latte and nodded rapidly, positively.

Thirty seconds ticked away before I was able to slow my heart rate enough. “Jana would like to meet me?”

“Look watch.” Tapping away at his phone screen, Miro smiled slyly then showed me the message screen.

Some of it was in Serbian, but the last two messages were in English and to an avatar image of Jana.

-John is here, asks if u want to meet him?


-Why u want to meet him?

-He’s a sexy dad

“See I told you,” Miro slapped me on the shoulder, “Watch,” he said taking back the phone and tapping the screen some more.

What is he saying this time? Why did she want to meet me? Should I dare hope?

“Here,” Miro handed me the phone, “Careful, don’t show.”

I held the phone in my lap with my cock just about jumping through it. On the phone was a short video message from Jana. It said; “Hi John” Then had her lifting up her top exposing both of her breasts.

My body heated in that familiar excitement I had experienced with my own daughter. “Wow, that’s amazing!”

“Jana wants to come with us next week, watching on the telescope.” He pocketed his phone again, “Do you think okay?”

“Absolutely yes!” My body was ripe and young with scenarios. How could I sleep at night until the weekend?

“Great, see you next weekend.”

Like I was prepping for a pre-covid beach vacation, I hit the gym every day that week with a tenacity that resulted in more than a few sore muscles. I booked a haircut and laid out some less scruffy jeans for the Friday night spying stars.

What would she be like? What would she actually want to do? I stuffed a folding fitness mat and a blanket in the back of my pickup truck. I wanted to be prepared for the best scenario.

Using the next stall, I pulled the pickup truck beside their car. Gravel skidded under the tires with the quick stop. At eight pm in the dark, theirs was the lone car that late in the mountainside lot. I thought I’d be early however Miro was there. My mouth got dry when the headlights caught glinting reddish-blonde shoulder-length hair peeking above the passenger seat next to him.

His door flung open. “Go- go sit Jana, I can get the telescope.”

I wondered if Miro would notice the extra blanket and mat when he clunked the heavy boxes under the tonneau cover. What would he think?

Jana burst into the passenger door of the truck and plunked herself down. Her svelte youthful body was mirrored by the close-fitting blue chemise-like coat. Removing her knitted matching blue toque, the Serbian cutie shook out her reddish-blond hair like a wet puppy dog.

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