Amazing Grace Part Twenty-Three Chapters 89-92


Chapter Eighty-NineGrace woke early and was puzzled to find the side table lamp still on. A quick peek at the clothes strewn around the room on the floor reminded her that she and Mac had simply stripped off their clothes and went at each other. She smiled down at her husband, still sleeping, and looked at the clock.Damn, she could have slept another two and a half hours until the alarm sounded! Maybe she could get up, go pee really quickly, turn off the light and go back to sleep. Or perhaps she should get up and take another look at the personnel files to make sure she was ready for the day’s meetings.But the bed was so cozy, and she didn’t want to wake Mac up by getting up. Still, she really had to pee!“You’re thinking very loudly, Gracie.”“Shh, I’m just going to the bathroom, then we can both go back to sleep.”Mac nodded, but now that they were both awake, maybe they would make better use of the time. He wondered if he would ever get enough of her.When Grace climbed back into bed, she grinned.“Mmm, somebody is awake for me.” She slid under the covers and kissed her way down Mac’s body until she found the prize she sought.He was rock hard for her and moaned when her lips parted as she took him into her willing mouth.“God, yes, Grace! You make me feel so good.”“Mmm-hmm.”Mac smiled as he lifted the sheet to see his beautiful redhead with her mouth full of his cock and her blue eyes full of mischief.He didn’t have to wonder for long what she had planned. Soon enough, her perky little nose was touching his belly as she took him all the way into her throat.“Oh, fuck!” Mac’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as she eased back, swirled her tongue around the tip of his shaft, and swallowed it balls deep again.She continued this erotic torture just long enough to drive Mac wild. Then she backed off and said, “Fuck me, Mac.”Mac rolled her on her side and took her from behind, easing his throbbing member into her hot, wet pussy. They both moaned with pleasure as he moved in and out of her, slowly at first, then with wild abandon as their need grew stronger.“You feel so fucking good on my cock!” Mac shouted as he pumped into her tightness.“Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Grace cried out as he hammered into her as waves of orgasm overwhelmed her.“That’s right, baby. Cum on my cock. That’s a good girl!”Mac exploded and filled Grace with his seed, panting hard and burying his face in her long, red locks.“I like that position,” Grace said when she could finally speak. “That will come in handy when I get bigger.”Mac murmured something unintelligible as he slid out of her and pulled her close.With his arms around her, Grace drifted off to sleep again, enjoying another two hours before the alarm woke her to start their day. They enjoyed a room service breakfast of poached eggs on English muffins and some green tea, which Mac had arranged the night before. It warmed his heart to watch her enjoy breakfast again as her nausea had mainly subsided.After breakfast, they quickly showered and dressed to get an early Ankara escort start at the office. Grace wanted to make good on her promise to meet with Ian and put the fear of God in him.Their driver, Miguel, smiled to himself when he noticed that Mrs. Stewart looked happy and well-rested when he picked her and Mr. Stewart up to take them to the office. In addition to that, it was interesting to see how last night she’d been gorgeous and elegant for the party, but this morning she appeared ready to kick some ass in her professional business attire. She was still beautiful, but also a little scary. He pitied whoever would be her target today.Daniella greeted Mac and Grace upon their arrival.“Good morning! Mac, your usual office is available. Grace, I’ve arranged for you to use a small conference room for your workspace for the week,” she said formally. Then she added, “Grace, I am truly sorry for my despicable behavior yesterday. I had a bit too much champagne as I was nervous about meeting you and seeing Ian so soon after our breakup. I promise that it won’t happen again.”“See that it doesn’t,” Grace said sternly. “I’ve heard many wonderful things about you, so let’s start fresh today, shall we?”Daniella nodded. “Yes. Thank you for the chance to prove myself.”“Of course,” Grace said with a little more warmth. She wanted Daniella to respect her, not loathe her.Mac gave Grace’s hand a quick squeeze and smiled as he watched her follow Daniella down the hall to her makeshift office.The room was a nice space, and Grace noted that a desk, computer, and phone were waiting for her.“I think you will find everything you need, but if something is missing or would make your day easier, please don’t hesitate to ask!”“Daniella…”“Please, call me Dani. I know you’re my boss, but I would like us to be on friendly terms. Despite my shitty comments yesterday, I am really a decent person.”“Dani, if I didn’t have faith in Mac’s assessment of you, I’d be about to kick your ass instead of Ian’s,” Grace said as she tilted her head. “Thanks. The office looks well stocked, and the chair looks comfortable. All I need now is for you to let Ian know that I’m ready to speak to him.”“You want me to get him?” Dani asked, looking flustered.Grace sat down and discovered the chair was, indeed, comfortable. “Yes, you can handle that, right?”Dani inhaled sharply. “Yes, of course.”“Good! Oh, and Dani? I’m well aware that Mac used to ask you to set up appointments and extracurricular activities for him when he was in town. He won’t be needing those anymore.”Daniella’s face grew hot. “He made that very clear,” she said defensively.“Good to know,” Grace replied. “I want us to get along too, Dani. I just need to know we are on the same page.”Dani nodded and went to find Ian. But on her way, she ran smack dab into Mac.“Oh, goodness! I’m so sorry, McKinley. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”“Are you okay, Daniella?” he asked. She was clearly flustered.“I just feel like I’ve gotten off on the Ankara escort bayan wrong foot with Grace, and I can’t seem to fix it,” Daniella sighed. “I know I said some stupid things yesterday, but I shouldn’t have to prove myself to her when you know damn well I’m good at my job.”Mac pondered whether he should get involved or not. Then he realized his best move was to stay out of this for now. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t offer some advice.“You said some shitty things yesterday, Dani. If that were my first impression of you, I’d wonder about your ability to lead this office,” Mac said. “So, it’s up to you to show her what I have always seen in you.”“Would you talk to her?” Dani asked.“Nope, not a chance. I’ve already sung your praises, and you embarrassed me last night. I don’t particularly appreciate looking foolish. I have great faith in you, but you need to fix this yourself. Otherwise, maybe I’m not as good of a judge of character as I thought I was.”Mac patted Dani on the shoulder and walked away.Daniella inhaled sharply and headed to Ian’s cubicle. Chapter Ninety“Ian, Grace would like to see you,” she said, keeping her voice professional.“Seriously? Damn it! If I lose my job because you’ve filled her head with shit about me…”“I haven’t said a word about you,” Dani interrupted.“Fine. I will head there in a minute.”“She asked me to bring you to her office,” Dani said impatiently. “I don’t think she wants to be kept waiting.”Ian felt irritation creep up his back. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to deal with one irrational woman, now he was stuck having to kiss McKinley’s wife’s ass. He didn’t care what she said; no one climbs the ladder that fast without fucking the boss.He got up from his chair and followed begrudgingly. The door was open, so Dani knocked on the door frame to get Grace’s attention when they got there.“I’ve brought Ian to see you,” she said.“Great! Thanks so much, Dani. I appreciate your help,” Grace said, flashing Dani a warm smile, leaving her confused.Grace picked up on this and said, “Are you free for lunch?”Dani tilted her head. “Sure, what time is good?”“How about noon here in my office. You can bring in some food from wherever you prefer. Just not anything too greasy or spicy,” Grace suggested.“Will McKinley be joining us?” Dani asked.Ian felt his annoyance growing. They were acting as if he wasn’t there.“Maybe you two could make your lunch plans after our meeting? I have things to do,” Ian said curtly.“No, Mac has some things he wants to take care of during lunch, so it will just be the two of us,” she said, ignoring Ian.Dani might have felt some pity for Ian if he hadn’t been a total jackass Saturday night when he broke up with her. But fuck it, he was a cocky asshole who needed to be knocked down a few pegs. If anyone could do it, she was pretty confident Grace could.“Noon sounds wonderful. I will see you then unless you need anything from me beforehand.”“Nope, I should be good. Thanks! Oh, and would Escort Ankara you close the door on your way out, please?”Dani smiled and nodded, pulling the door closed behind her.“Now then, you mentioned having things to do. Why don’t you have a seat and tell me about your role here?” Grace asked.Ian made an exasperated noise but did as she asked, sitting across the table from her.“I am in charge of the social media marketing department,” Ian answered with his chin jutting just a little too much in the air. “I have several employees who work under me.”“That’s nice. But what do you do?”“I manage people, make sure they complete the given tasks on time, and review their work,” he explained, feeling defensive. “I also help create content for the various social platforms.”“I see. Are you good at your job?”Ian was taken aback by Grace’s candor. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and took a deep breath before answering.“Yes, I’m damned good at my job! What kind of a question is that?”Grace raised an eyebrow at Ian’s outburst.“A fair question, seeing as how I met you just yesterday when you managed to insult me at a reception given in honor of my husband and me. You came off cocky and rude, despite knowing that I was one of your bosses now. I need to know if you’re good enough at your job to spend my time getting to know you better and working through whatever issues you have with me or if that would be a total waste of my time.”Ian sat speechless for a moment. Then he crossed his arms in front of his chest like a petulant child.“If you’re planning to fire me over a comment, I want McKinley to be in on this. You have no right to come in here and act like a…”“Choose your words carefully, Ian,” Grace interrupted. “I understand your frustration, but you don’t want to take a step here that you can’t take back. Whether you like it or not, I am your boss, and my first impression of you wasn’t very favorable. My intention in meeting with you today is to figure out if you were drunk, nervous, or just a complete asshole. If you’re damned good at your job, I’m willing to work through any of those scenarios with you. If not, social media gurus are likely plentiful here in L.A.”“All of this is because I think you slept your way into your position?” Ian asked impatiently.“Nope. All of this is because you thought it was okay to say it out loud and then tried to blame your poor behavior on a breakup with Daniella, who also happens to be your boss. One could look at you and wonder what your intentions were when you decided to enter into a relationship with your boss. But I’m willing to bet it was merely a mutual attraction. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for both of you.”Ian paused, then nodded. “We had a strong physical attraction, but we are just too different to make it work long term.”“McKinley and I also had a strong physical attraction, though ours turned into something passionate and lasting. We were more fortunate.”“I’m happy for you both. And I see the point you are trying to make. People could think that I was trying to sleep my way into a better position and, when it didn’t work out, I called it quits,” Ian said.“Is that what happened?”“No! I told you what happened. We just are too different. For example, I like the nightlife, and she’s content to stay in and watch a movie. It just felt stifling.”

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