Winter was approaching. Not cold enough to bundle up, but cold enough to wear a jacket.
To my dismay, I hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing her wearing any of her short dresses for a while, unless she was wearing leggings under them.
The contract on her apartment was up, so she decided to go ahead and move in with me. We spent a couple of days transferring all of her stuff to my apartment. Fortunately, both of us were semi-minimalists, so it was not too big of an ordeal.
I pondered the fact that she was actually going to be sleeping next to me every night. How will I deal with that, I thought to myself.
Because we usually are refraining from doing anything sexual, it got a little… frustrating, shall we say, at times.
I mean, I was half hard on that trip, but, just like in economics, the more of something there is, the less value it has, and the buildup has yielded some very nice results for her, so far, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
She sat in the passenger seat, surfing the internet on her phone, occasionally saying something related to whatever she happened to be seeing.
“What’s a ‘blumpkin’?”
I let out a quiet laugh.
“Something we won’t be doing,” I replied.
“Is that so, Mr. Man?” she asked jokingly, with a raised voice, as she started tapping intently on her screen.
I could not help but grow a huge smile.
“Well, maybe I’d like to decide for myself whether or not I want t-yeah, we won’t be doing that,” her tone lowered with perfect comedic timing, inciting me to laugh boisterously, which I rarely ever did.
She smiled to herself in appreciation.
After a moment, I asked, “What Batıkent Escort were you looking at that made you ask what a blumpkin is?”
Never looking up from the phone, she said, “Never you mind,” with a sly grin on her face.
I could not stop smiling for a good thirty seconds.
Back a my place, or rather our place, we brought in the last of her belongings and hung up our jackets.
We put things away, organized, took inventory, rested in front of the TV.
It was getting close to dark, and we were getting hungry. She had said earlier that she wanted to cook for us to celebrate.
“I feel like eggs, tonight,” she said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.
“Sounds good, but we don’t have any,” I warned.
“Shoot.” I heard the fridge open. “You have a sausage.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Why, yes. I do have a sausage,” I said, wondering if she would catch the double entendre. “Would you like to eat my sausage?” No reply. “Perhaps with two eggs?” Another pause.
“I would very much like to eat your sausage,” she replied, playfully.
I started chubbing a little.
“A nice hot sausage covered in the sticky runny of your eggs,” she went farther than I expected, and then I was at full boner.
I heard the fridge close.
“I’m going to the store for some eggs,” she said from the kitchen.
“Okay,” I said from the couch.
As she passed by, she ran her fingers across my head and face, and then my raised fingers.
I had noticed that we did not really ever say good bye to each other, when we were physically in each other’s presence. We usually just touched Batıkent Escort Bayan in ways similar to that.
More often than not, when she caressed my head, it meant she was at least a little aroused. She enjoyed letting me know when she was a little bit horny, and I definitely enjoyed knowing it.
She slipped on her jacket and left the apartment.
About thirty seconds later, I received a text from her.
Her: [I forgot to ask if you needed anything.]
Me: [Yeah. Either more detergent or more underwear]
Me: [I keep pre-cumming like crazy when I’m around you]
Me: [or thinking about you]
I waited, but there was no reply. Hmm.
After about twenty seconds, the door flew open. She stormed in, and all in one motion, took off her jacket, shut the door and threw everything that she was holding on the floor.
What the heck, I questioned silently with wide eyes, as she headed straight for me.
She grabbed my shirtfront and pulled so hard that I thought she might rip it. I moved as quickly as I could with her in order to help avoid any damage to my clothes.
She shoved me to the floor, straddled my hips, pinned my hands to the floor, and immediately attacked my mouth with hers.
She started grinding the crotch of her leggings into my bulge.
“Ohh,” I quietly breathed out with the sudden pressure and friction.
She parted our kiss to focus more on her hip movement. Her head was hovering over mine, and her hair hung down, swaying back and forth with her rocking.
She stared me in the eye, only periodically closing them in particular pleasure, but Escort Batıkent the moments when her parted lips drew back slightly, showing her aggression, was what really brought me close to the edge.
“Nnnnnggg”, emanated from her, and then she picked up her speed even more. “Yes,” she uttered with a half moan, half whine, and that made me lose it.
“Oh, shit,” I exhaled quickly and then unloaded stream after stream of cum into my underwear, as my hips pumped against her. “Oh, Jen,” I managed between convulsions.
That must have been her tipping point, because she lowered her head, slowed and let out a long, almost labored groan.
Her pace slowed by half and fingers splayed from her palms pressing down on my wrists.
“Fuuuuuuck,” she said, low, with a long exhale. Her pace slowed further.
She put her hands on my chest and shifted herself to sit on my stomach, then forcefully grabbed the sides of my head.
She gave me one deep kiss then bit my lower lip and pulled it just far enough to not hurt, then released.
“Damn, boy,” she said, finished, but still panting.
“You did all the work,” I said, rubbing my hands up and down the back of her ribcage.
She patted my left cheek three times, paused for a short recovery, put her hands on my chest, paused again, pushed herself up and stood over me.
If she hadn’t been wearing black leggings under that dress, I would have had a magnificent view.
She put two fingers between her legs, wiped, then licked them, while looking me in the eye.
“I’m gonna go get some eggs. And maybe both of us some new underwear.” Somewhat exhausted, she turned, stepping one foot over me, and went to pick up her jacket and keys from the floor.
Not bothering to put on the jacket, she opened the door, walked out, and shut it behind her.
I stayed on the floor a little bit longer, not really looking forward to the feel the cum-filled underwear on my walk to the bathroom.