
BAD LITTLE GIRLI came home five hours late and ready for trouble.Daddy was waiting for me in the living room, sitting in his big easychair and staring at the front door. He had his belt in his hands, thelong black leather one that he usually wore. Daddy held it doubledover across his thighs and I had the impresson that he’d been sittinglike that for a long time already.I didn’t say anything. I just swallowed hard and closed the doorbehind me with a loud snick sound. The house was very quiet and thatmade it worse somehow. It felt like there was nothing else in theworld but me and him, and I felt very, very small.”Where have you been, Princess?” daddy asked in a soft, deceptivelygentle voice that made me shiver. I almost changed my mind right then,but it was way too late for that and I knew it.”Cheerleader practice,” I replied, putting my hands behind my butt,resisting the urge to look down at myself.”Really?” his handsome face took on a little smile, like I’d told himthe sort of joke only a f******n year old girl could think of.”Uh-huh,” I nodded seriously, but biting my lip probably gave it awayand I twisted slowly on my hips, turning my pleated skirt this way andthat. It was red and gold, like the stretchy top I was wearing.”You’re telling me you had cheerleader practice until eleven o’clockat night, huh?” daddy looked me head to toe, with his dark eyesnarrowed and the corners of his mouth turned down.”Yes sir,” I answered and I tried to keep looking at him, but my heartwas going fast and I could barely breathe; my clothes felt much tootight on my small body.”What’s that on your legs there?” daddy wondered and all the lightswere on; there wasn’t anyplace to hide.I looked down without thinking about it, following my daddy’s gaze,and we could both see the stains on my legs. Long glistening streaks,clear in some places and whitish gray in others, were running frombeneath my skirt down to my knees and even to my bare calves above myankle socks. I could feel it all wet and sticky and cold now, not hotlike before.”I don’t know,” I lied.”Lift your skirt up, Princess,” daddy breathed and his face had takenon some color, more brown than red, I thought, and that frightened meall the more.”Yes, daddy,” I answered, knowing better than to argue.I took the hem of my cheer skirt in both hands, between my thumbs andindex fingers, and lifted it slowly. I closed my eyes for a moment,until I remembered how much my daddy hated that. He always wanted melooking at him when we talked about something, even if it wasn’treally talking at all.”What happened to your panties, girl?” he asked me, and I wasn’t hisPrincess anymore.”I lost them, daddy,” I offered him quietly.He was staring at me now and I didn’t have to look to know what mydaddy was seeing. My hairless little sex was red and puffy, pink andturned inside out, with my pussy lips all swollen and hanging down.Mostly they were tucked inside me nice and tight, but not anymore. Mysexy labia were split apart and dripping the remains that leaked fromthe depths of my pussy. My tiny clitty, which was still brand new forme, was stiff and buzzing like she’d never stop.”Lost your panties, huh?” daddy shook his head and drew his lips intoa thin crease. “How’d that happen?””I don’t know,” I swallowed and looked down. I couldn’t help it.”How many boys fucked you, girl?” daddy demanded and his voice wasjust a growl.”Um…” I bit my bottom lip.”Look at me,” daddy said. “And don’t you tell me you don’t know.”I brought my blue eyes up to daddy’s face quickly and I shivered sohard that I almost let go of my skirt, but that would have been bad.My blonde hair was in my eyes, all loose and messed up like the restof me, but I didn’t try and get it out. I just blinked and stared andtried to remember.”I think…Six?” I said softly. “Or no. Seven, daddy.””You let seven boys fuck you?” daddy’s knuckles were turning whitearound the belt and it made a soft creaking sound. “All at once?””They took turns, daddy,” I said, not trying to be funny at all.”You little slut,” daddy shook his head. “Stupid little whore. Whatelse did they do?””They…” I licked my lips cause they were dry now, “…They were in mymouth too, daddy.””You sucked seven cocks?” daddy asked and I nodded.”They made me do it,” I told him, but I wasn’t ever any good at lyingto my daddy.”I bet they did,” daddy agreed sarcastically. “You’re a littlecocksucker now. Just like your mother, is that it? A cocksuckingwhore?””Y-Yes daddy,” I agreed, because that was what he wanted.”Yes daddy, what?” he demanded.”I’m a-a-a cocks-s-sucking whore, daddy,” I stuttered and I closed myeyes just for a second, but even that was probably too long.”You swallow, slut?” daddy wondered.”I swallowed some,” I admitted after catching a bit of breath. “Kindof.””Kind of?” daddy chuckled, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “Either youdid or you didn’t, slut. Tell me the truth; you swallow a lot of cum?””Yes, daddy,” I answered reluctantly and he was waiting for the restof it. “I swallowed a lot of cum.””What else?” he wanted to know. “That all you did? Fuck and suck sevencocks? Or did they make you do something else too?””I don’t know…” I shook from my tailbone up to my shoulders because Iwasn’t sure what he was asking.”Turn around, bitch,” daddy ordered. “Show me your ass.””Oh,” I winced when he said that, but there was no chance of refusingand I turned slowly, like the ballerina in my jewelry box upstairs.”Bend over, slut,” daddy said, “and keep that skirt up, or so help meJesus, I’ll make you the sorriest little whore in the world.””Y-Yes, daddy,” I tried to say, but the words didn’t want to come outof me just then.I did exactly as daddy told me too, spreading my legs slightly to keepmy balance, and bending over from the waist. I kept my skirt pulledout and up, blinking at the floor as I exposed my red round bottom tomy daddy’s piercing gaze. He could see what I couldn’t, but I knewwhat it felt like. My butt still hurt after those boys had put theirfingers and then their dicks inside it. I was sore, like somebody hadpunched me inside so that I had cramps and bruises. Even so it wasbetter than it had felt at the time they were doing it and the greasysperm that was inside me there was almost soothing, except it feltsort of dirty and I knew it was trying to leak out of me.”Ass fucked too, eh?” daddy’s voice filled the whole house it seemedlike, although he wasn’t talking very loudly at all.”Yes, daddy,” I breathed. “They did it to me there too.””They ass fucked you, bitch,” daddy insisted.”They a-a-assfucked me too, d-daddy,” I replied obediently.”And you loved it, didn’t you?” he asked me. “You wanted those boys todo it. Tell me the truth.””Y-Yes, daddy,” I nodded and the blood was rushing to my face, makingme hot and dizzy, but I didn’t dare stand up.”You knew what they were going to do, didn’t you?” he chuckled againand I shut my eyes. “What did they tell you, slut?””T-That I was going to b-be their special girlf-f-friend,” I stammeredsoftly. “After p-practice.””You feel special now, bitch?” daddy wondered.”No daddy,” I answered.”You think you got seven boyfriends that are going to love a stupidlittle whore like you?” he continued and my knees were shaking.”N-N-No,” I sighed weakly, “daddy.””Everybody’s going to know what a slut you are,” daddy decided. “Thewhole school. The whole town. Every boy around is going to think hecan get his dick between your legs.””I know, daddy,” I agreed.”You’re gonna let them too, aren’t you, bitch?” daddy asked. “A cuntlike yours Escort can’t say no to a hard cock, can it?””No daddy,” I shifted my feet, wriggling my butt and feeling my tenderinsides protest as I stayed bent over like I was. It was starting tohurt a lot and I was afraid I’d fall down in a second.”No? No, what?” daddy demanded. “No, you ain’t gonna let those boysfuck you anymore? Or no, you’re gonna spread that pussy for any manwho wants it?””I…I’m gonna spread, daddy,” I almost sobbed and my arms were gettingtired too from holding my skirt out and up like I was.”Spread what, bitch?” daddy asked. “Talk to me like you got aneducation, slut.””I-I’m gonna s-spread my p-p-pussy, daddy,” I moaned, “for any m-manwho w-wants it.””Just like your mother, huh?” daddy gave me a deep sigh. “Least shetaught me how to deal with stupid cunts like you. Get over here,slut.””Yes, daddy,” I agreed, standing up and feeling my whole body ache andtremble. It felt good and my eyes went a little black for a second,stars twinkling blue and red and yellow as I’d moved too quickly.”What are you waiting for, bitch?” daddy demanded. “Get your sluttyass over my knees. You know what’s coming to you.””S-Sorry, daddy,” I took a faltering step and then another, the roomcoming back into focus and my dad was still in his chair, waiting forme.”Not as sorry as you’re gonna be, cunt,” daddy promised me. “There’sonly one way to teach a whore like you.””I know, daddy,” I nodded and took my position, the one I’d learnedfrom the time I was born, it seemed like.”Get those hands out of the way, slut,” daddy warned me and I movedthem quickly, pressing my palms to the carpet as my tummy and hipswere over his thighs.”Yes, daddy,” I whispered, closing my eyes as I felt him raising myskirt, pulling it over my bare butt and out of the way.”Spread these legs, give me your holes, bitch,” daddy said, pressinghis big hand between my wet thighs so that I had no choice but to dowhat he wanted.”Oh!” I gasped as daddy’s fingers curled, reaching down to find mypussy and the swampy mess all those boys had left down there.”You got fucked hard, didn’t you, whore?” daddy chuckled. “Fucked hardand put away wet, eh? Guess you liked it just fine too, stupid cunt.Tell me.””Y-Yesssss…” I hissed and my hands and toes came off the floor asdaddy suddenly shoved two thick fingers inside my pussy without anyhint of kindness at all.”Yes, what?” daddy teased me, twisting and turning his fingers againstthe soft walls of my cunt. Juices were spilling out of me quickly, hisfingers making lewd wet noises that only humiliated me further.”Y-Yes, I l-liked it w-when they f-fucked me hargghhh!” I gasped andthe breath fell out of me as daddy took a handful of my pussy.The two fingers inside me were curled up to meet his palm with mytortured flesh caught in between. He lifted me by my pussy like that,pulling me right off his legs, but not very far of course, just enoughso that I imagined he was going to rip my sex away, and my eyesflooded with hot tears of pain and embarrassment.”That’s what I thought, slut,” daddy said and he’d let me go rightaway, after just a second, but it had seemed a lot longer than that tome. “Open your cockhole, bitch.””Wha…” I didn’t know what he meant at first, but daddy yanked my headup by my hair with one hand and shoved his dirty fingers between mylips with the other.”Suck them clean, whore,” daddy said, shoving his fingers as far intomy mouth as he could. “Come on, bitch, show me how you sucked off allthose boys.”I was gagging and choking, my jaw working uselessly and I was fightingto breathe. Daddy was tickling the back of my mouth, the entrance tomy throat with his fingertips and I was retching, squirming in hislap. He pulled back slightly and then rammed his fingers against theinsides of my cheeks, one side and then the other while he twisted myhead so he could see my face while he did it.My cheeks bulged outward and I could taste the familiar mix of cum,mine and those seven boys on my daddy’s fingers. He played with mytongue, trying to catch it between his fingers like pinchers, and Iwriggled it around in the spit that was filling my mouth. I swallowedand drooled and my flushed cheeks were wet with tears. Daddy hookedhis fingers into my cheek, tugging at my face until he could gather abig wad of his own spittle.”Open your fucking mouth, bitch,” daddy said, not removing his fingersat all and I did my best to do what he wanted.I was twisted and looking up, barely able to breathe and tremblingwith fear and excitement too, I have to admit that. I was quiveringwith anticipation and I’d known all night what was waiting for me onceI got home. I watched my daddy’s spit as it fell from his mouth tomine, a large wad of it landing heavily on my tongue. His fingersplayed with it, pushed it around and stirred our saliva into a weakbubbling froth that I swallowed eagerly.”You nasty cunt,” daddy snorted, pushing my head back down and he wasreaching for the belt he’d dropped to the floor. “You can’t evenpretend not to like it, can you?””Noooo…” I moaned and it was true, every word my daddy uttered was atestament to my slutty desires. “I like it, daddy.”My reluctance and tepid responses were flying in the face of mydaddy’s love, the only love I’d ever known. The belt was coming, likegoodnight kisses hot on my skin and I pushed myself up even higher,spread my legs a fraction wider for it. I held my breath, shut my eyestightly, and bathed in the eternity that my daddy made me wait for hisleather bound affection.SMACK!!The air exploded from my lungs with a whoosh as the supple strap ofdaddy’s belt found my ass, licking me across both cheeks like a tongueof flame. It burned cold for an instant and then hot even as he drewhis arm back for another blow. They came hard and fast, endlessly atopone another and there was nothing I could do to escape them. I didn’twant to get away. I wanted to live there, burning in the fires withhim for the rest of my life.”You stupid whore,” daddy was saying, the words coming in time withthe belt, punctuated with explosions of ripe pain across my flesh.”Giving your cunt away like the slut you are. Cocksucking bitch. Ifeed you. I clothe you. I send you to school and for what? So you canfuck every cock you can find?””Ahhhh…D-D-Daddy!” I gasped, digging my fingernails into the carpet,my feet scampering uselessly. The crack of leather against my assfilled my ears like thunder, and lightning was the pain. Jets ofelectricity shooting up my spin, forcing me to arch my back and liftmy head. I was whimpering like a puppy, howling like a bitch in heat.Every sound I made hurt with its desperate escape, leaving the rest ofme behind to writhe in agony.”That cunt belongs to me, bitch,” daddy said. “That mouth of yours?That cockhole is mine, slut, understand me? That cocksucking assholeof yours too. All of it belongs to your daddy. You’re my slut. Mywhore. Nobody else’s.””Yessss…” I screamed and with one last kiss of the whip, daddy made mecum.My tummy contracted and my cunt spasmed as I drew my knees up and myelbows down. I hugged my daddy’s thighs, embracing him the only way Icould, clutching him as I sobbed loudly, shuddering with my bestorgasm of the night. My pussy pumped old sperm and fresh girl cum outof my hole with a tiny flood to stain my daddy’s trousers. But theywere already wet and he barely noticed. I barely noticed. We were toobusy just then as daddy’s hands found my ass and I was lost in adazzling rapture of unearthly Escort Bayan delight.”Fucking slut,” daddy was breathing hard and he had both hands on mybutt cheeks, digging his fingers into my swollen flesh.I had welts now, long stripes of raised bumps and blisters from thetop of my ass down to my thighs. He’s whipped me as hard as he’d everdone it in his life, harder maybe, and I imagined I’d never standagain, never walk or run, but only held in my daddy’s loving armsforever after. There was too much pain and I couldn’t tell it from thepleasure. My head was swimming and maybe there wasn’t any pain at all.I felt high and happy and daddy’s hands on my body felt so good justthen. This was very much like heaven must be, I thought, and I wouldhave gladly died to stay there.Daddy squeezed my butt gently, giving me some small tenderness as hisfingers explored the art his efforts had wrought upon my skin. Imoaned when he pulled my cheeks apart, determined now to reward me forbeing his good daughter and taking my punishment so well. It was ourritual and not the only reason I loved the belt, but certainly one ofthem. It was the after that made it special and I gasped and clenchedmy asshole around daddy’s finger instinctively as he pushed inside me.”Don’t you fight me, cunt,” daddy said and I nodded, sucking anapologetic breath of cool air and forcing myself to relax.I was still sore, very sore inside my butt and I’d been bleeding fromthe fucking I’d taken. Not a lot, but enough to see spots of redfloating in the sperm that fell from asshole into the toilet bowlafterwards. I hadn’t cleaned myself before coming home of course, notat all, but I’d wanted to know. Now daddy knew as well and he had hismiddle finger as far inside my clasping rectum as he could get it. Icould sense the greasy sperm inside me being pushed deeper, or maybejust around that thick digit as daddy wiggled it gently. I was torninside and I held my breath, but this felt good too and after a minuteI was rolling my hips, wanting to feel more.”You got a dirty mouth of an asshole, don’t you?” daddy chuckled.”Sucking my finger like a bitch on her knees.””Yes, daddy,” I whispered.”You want more cock in your ass?” daddy asked me. “Is that what you’reasking for, slut?””P-Please, daddy…F-Fuck me,” I used what little strength I had left topush my butt against his hand. “I need it.””Need that cock, huh?” daddy took a deep breath, fucking his finger inand out of me now. “You’re a bad little whore, you know that? Tryingto seduce your own daddy. Shame on you.””I…I’m sorry, daddy,” I whimpered, collapsing onto his strong legs asmy arms gave out finally.”What am I gonna do with you, cunt?” daddy wondered. “Spankings don’twork. Grounding you doesn’t do any good. You don’t listen to a word Isay, do you?””N-No, daddy,” I admitted. “I don’t c-care what you s-s-say.””Just like your mother,” daddy said and he seemed to think about thatfor a moment. “Is that what you want? To be a whore like your mother?You think you can take her place?””Yessss…” I moaned loudly, feeling my heart skipping and I lifted myhead, daring to turn my eyes towards daddy’s face.”Be your daddy’s wife?” he grunted. “You know what that means? No moreschool. No more cheerleading or going to the mall with your sluttyfriends. I’ll fucking tie you to the bed and **** your ass every day,bitch. Is that what you want?””Y-Yes, daddy,” I swallowed thickly, nodding as I stared into hiseyes.”You’ll fuck my friends when I tell you to,” daddy promised me.”You’ll suck cock when I say so, anytime, anywhere. If I tell you todrink dog piss, you’ll fucking do it.””I w-want to do it, daddy,” I promised him.”Prove it,” daddy said. “You want to be my wife so fucking bad? Youwant to take your mother’s place in my bed? Get on your knees, slut.”I moved awkwardly, feeling stiff and broken, like my muscles hadforgotten how to work. But I did it, quickly as I could, getting offdaddy’s thighs with no help at all, getting on my knees between hislegs as he sat there in his chair watching me. I was hot and soakedwith sweat, my top askew and my breasts aching like they were tryingto grow-up all at once. My nipples itched and burned, and my tummycramped painfully. But that was nothing compared to the fire in my assand thighs, the high of my orgasms and the joy of pain and pleasurefinally wearing thin.”I gotta piss right now,” daddy told me. “Take out my cock and show mehow much you love me, cunt.”I reached for his trousers with trembling fingers, undoing his buttonand then his zipper, spreading daddy’s pants like a dark tablecloth sothat I could reach inside his underwear and free his cock and balls.The cock that had made me almost fifteen years before and it was hotand heavy in my small hands. He wasn’t hard though, not completely,and I stared at the ruddy length of him, thick and warm, and smellingof sweat and manly musk. I got goosebumps along my arms and I staredat the smooth head of daddy’s cock, lighter in color than the heavilyveined shaft, and wet with precum from when he’d been whipping me.”Hurry up, slut,” daddy said. “I don’t have all night.””Yes, daddy,” I whispered and I brought my lips to it, kissing the tipof his penis and then opening my mouth as wide as I could.”Not too much, stupid,” daddy slapped the side of my head gently and Iflushed with humiliation at his rebuke. “I want to piss, not cum.Don’t spill a drop of it either.””Mmphh…” I nodded with my eyes and made sure my lips were tight justbeneath the pronounced ridge of his cockhead. He was big too, eventhough daddy’s cock was only sort of hard, it filled my hands andmouth. I could feel it alive beneath my fingers and lips, pulsing witha life all its own. I loved my daddy’s cock, worshipped the way itdominated me so easily. I loved that thick piece of man meat the wayonly a real slut can.He let go of his bladder after a few seconds of waiting and my mouthwas suddenly filled with hot salty piss. The flood almost made mepanic, but I swallowed as fast as I could, drinking my daddy’s pee andadding it to all the sperm I’d swallowed earlier. The taste was acrid,a little sour maybe, or bitter, but it was my daddy and I didn’t care.I drank him eagerly, loving him with my eyes while daddy stroked myhair and smiled. He knew it wasn’t easy to swallow all of his piss, hehad a lot of it, but I was doing it and I could see the pride in mydaddy’s face.”Good little whore,” daddy said and he was helping me too, controllinghis bladder so that I could keep up. “Drink my piss, all of it. Showme how much you love me, bitch.”At the end, when all that was left were the quick little spurts whendaddy would squeeze his muscles, he took my head firmly in his bighands.”Now start sucking with that cunt mouth of yours,” daddy demanded andeven as I tried to get comfortable with a belly full of hot urine, hewas pulling my mouth down hard.I gagged and almost threw-up, but I didn’t. I just kept my tongue outof the way and my lips tight as daddy’s cock started to get bigger.He’d had his piss and now he wanted to cum and his dick began to swellquickly, the head jamming against the entrance to my throat as daddywanted me to take more and more of his lengthening cock.”Open your throat, cocksucker,” daddy demanded. “Open it or I’ll fuckyour ass with my fist.””Ummphh…” I blinked rapidly at him, my eyes once again filling withtears. I tried to open my throat, to find the muscles but my brain wasin a fever. I couldn’t breathe and all that pee in my tummy wasboiling and Bayan Escort threatening to come back up. I was impaled on daddy’s fatcock and I pushed uselessly against his legs with my hands, but heignored all of that.”Ahhh…That’s it you, fucking slut,” daddy smiled as somehow, by way ofa miracle it seemed to me, my throat opened for him.My daddy’s cock suddenly lunged completely into the too small openinghe’d found at the back of my mouth. My nose was pressed flat againstthe thick nest of pubic hair above his cock and my chin found daddy’sheavy cum-filled balls. My lips were stretched taut around the verybase of daddy’s cock and halfway to my tummy the head of his penis wasdripping precum to mix with everything else I’d swallowed that night.”In and out, bitch,” daddy told me. “That’s what a wife is good for.Get used to it. We’re going to be doing this every fucking day for therest of your miserable life.”Daddy was the one doing all the work, lifting my head up and thenpulling me back down hard. He was fucking my throat and it hurt atfirst. I hadn’t done that before, but I kept my eyes on his, showinghim that I loved it. I loved him and I wanted to learn how to be agood wife. This was all I was good for, I knew that, and so I wantedto be the best at it. I was almost going to pass out, my lungs laboredand burned under my heaving breasts, but I ignored it. I kept mythroat open and fucked daddy’s cock with my mouth the way he expectedme to.”Yeah, see? Fuck, you’re the biggest slut, I ever saw,” daddy said.”Eat it, bitch. Take it all, that’s it. That’s my good littlecocksucker.”I was surprised to realize that daddy wasn’t holding my head anymore.He’d let me go at some point and now it was all me. I was the oneforcing my mouth down around his cock, taking him into my open throatover and over. I wasn’t pushing at his thighs anymore, I was pullingat him, drawing myself down so I could fuck my daddy with my mouth. Iwanted his sperm in my tummy. I wanted it mixed up with his piss andspit and the cum from seven boys I didn’t even love.I didn’t love anybody but my daddy and I’d always known that. Now Iwas proving it. He didn’t say a word, didn’t warn me or anything whendaddy started cumming. It just happened all of a sudden, with his cockstuffed balls deep in my throat. He was shooting into my belly andbefore I could understand that, I’d started pulling back so that hewas cumming in my mouth and I blinked and jerked and had to swallowfast and hard.Daddy was cumming a lot and it was warm and thick, not watery likesome of those boys I’d sucked off. This was rich, manly sperm. Thestuff that had made me and I washed my tongue all around daddy’scockhead even as he spurted against it. I savored the snotty textureand the salty flavor that made my mouth water in response. The creamyspend was a balm as it slid down my bruised throat, soothing andcomforting while I nursed on my daddy’s prick like a baby on abottle.”You like that, huh?” daddy asked me with a gentle voice and I refusedto let his cock go.”Umphh-hmphh,” I agreed, washing his dick clean with my tongue,tickling his piss hole and trying to get the last drops that might behiding inside.”Yeah, my little fuck face, that’s what you are,” daddy decided. “Imight have to change your name. Fuckface, you like that name?””Mmphh,” I nodded slowly, working my lips back and forth, wanting toget my daddy hard again.”You need a cock in your pussy now, don’t you fuckface?” daddychuckled. “You want your daddy to put a baby in your belly?””Yesss…” I breathed, pulling my mouth away just for that and I heldhim in my hands, rubbing daddy’s dick all over my face.”A little girl to take your place when she’s old enough?” daddysuggested and I shivered at his words. “Gonna give me a daughter tolove the way I love you, fuckface?””Oh, daddy,” I sighed, pressing my lips to his balls, kissing andlicking at them as his cock began to grow strong for me again.”The way I loved your mother?” daddy continued. “Is that what youwant, fuckface?””Yes, daddy,” I agreed breathlessly. “A little girl. I want to have agirl for you.””I’ll fuck her holes,” daddy promised. “Right in front of you. I’llmake you watch when I make her bleed.””I know, daddy,” I licked along the underside of his cock and kissedthe head.”She’s gonna be a slut, a little whore just like her mother,” daddypredicted. “Just like her grandmother. She’ll fuck every cock she canfind, I guarantee it. You’re all the same.””Yeah, daddy. We are,” I gasped, taking my daddy’s cock into my mouthonce again and he was almost there, almost ready to fuck me good.”I’m cursed with daughters. With little sluts and whores like theirmothers,” daddy sighed. “I thought you were gonna be different,fuckface.””Mpphhh…” I shook my head because I was the biggest slut of them alland we both knew it.”Stop flirting with my dick and get your cunt around it, fuckface,”daddy said, pushing me away. “Show me how good that mouth between yourlegs can suck.””Yes, daddy,” I said with a wet smack of my lips. “I’m sorry, daddy.””Hurry up,” he said. “That’s your other problem, fuckface. You talktoo much.””Yes…Oh…” I bit my lip and my face burned as daddy just shook hishead.I stood up on rubbery legs, feeling my tummy bloated now, it was toofull and it felt like I’d drank a gallon of daddy’s piss and cum. Iwas feeling the need to pee myself, but I knew I’d have to hold it. Ihad to love my daddy first and fuck his cock the way he wanted me to.I was his wife now, his c***d-bride, and the idea that we were goingto consummate our love drove my heart wildly until I thought it wouldburst. I was going to do it. Finally, after so many years of trying toseduce my daddy, I’d found the key.It had taken me several months to prove to the man that I was a realslut. That I was a hopeless slave to cock and cum. I had to show himover and over that I had no respect for myself, or his silly rules, oranything but my desire to be used like the whore I was. I’d snuck outa dozen times, two dozen, and fucked every cock I could find. I’d lethim catch me and punish me and call me names, knowing that one day Iwould push him just a little too hard, a little too far. I was hislittle whore. His slut. His bitch. His little fuckface and now I wasmy daddy’s wife.I’d give him a daughter too, just like I’d promised. A girl we couldlove and teach and grow into a slut just like me. I’d teach her justlike my mommy had taught me, knowing that someday my daughter wouldtake my place in her daddy’s bed. With her tight little cunt wrappedlovingly around his big cock. And I’d watch, God yes! I’d be on thefloor with a fat buttplug up my ass and a vibrator stuffed deep in mycunt. I’d have my mouth gagged with pissy cum stained panties and myhands and feet would be bound beneath and behind me. All I’d be ableto do was watch and cum and cry as my daughter took my place.I smiled at my mommy when I turned around, seeing her eyes all big andwet with tears. She was cumming for me; struggling weakly against theropes that daddy had used to tie her down with. Mommy was staring atus while I stood between her husband’s…No, I stood between myhusband’s legs, my back to him as I bent over and brought my hornycunt to his eager cock. Daddy just waited patiently, smiling andnodding; he could see mommy too and he’d gotten her ready just forthis. I brought my hole closer and lower, reaching between my legs toguide daddy’s fat prick into my well-fucked cum hole. This was whatI’d been bred for all along and it had only been a matter of time.”Sorry mommy,” I giggled and made a little kissy face just beforedaddy’s cock pushed between the folds of my eager little pussy andmade me sigh happily. “Ahmmm…Yeah, he’s my husband now,” I told herand then daddy fucked me good.

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