Cindy loves cock


“Look, Andy, I don’t mind you writing about me. Makes me feel interesting. And I suppose I’m a bit out of the ordinary. But if you use my real name, and the name of the bar where I work, I’m afraid I’ll be overwhelmed. Not that there’s such a thing as too much cock — I’ve never had too much — but having all sorts of guys coming in to let me have at their dicks will mean I can’t do the job I’m paid for. Not to mention giving me a public reputation. I don’t mind that my friends know what I like. But not the whole world! So, use my middle name — Cindy — and just say I work at a bar in Waco. If folks want to come look for me, well, I’ll put the word out to the club owners in town — if someone comes looking for Cindy, maybe I can get a finder’s fee or something from them. Maybe ten percent of their tab, since I’m the reason they walked in the door. That should work, right?”

“I guess so. That’s presuming the story is hot enough and exciting enough that they really would love to find you.” I said.

“Well, you get hard every time I talk about it. That ought to count for something. And for crying out loud, you’re the writer — make it that way!” she retorted.

“Can I embellish on what you tell me if it needs a little, how shall I say it, spice?” I answered, grinning.

“Well, hell yeah. If my story all by itself don’t make cocks stiff and pussies wet, go ahead and add some spice — if you know what I mean.”

I did.

Cindy had never met a cock she didn’t like. That’s what she said to me. (And I have some personal skin in the game – she liked mine throughout the time we spent gathering the background for this story — so much so that I wonder how we managed to finish!) True, there were some she liked more than others, some were even a little distasteful — literally and figuratively – but to her they were all as unique as the men attached to them. Small ones were “cute,” average ones were just that, and big ones ranged from being exciting to being a challenge.

They were just so different from her pussy that she had given serious thought to going into some branch of science or medicine that dealt exclusively with them — but since her education had ended in high school when she was pregnant in her final semester, dropped out and raised her baby as a single mom, school ended and that thought remained just that – a thought.

Currently she tended bar at a roadhouse in Waco. And no, I’m not going to say which one. Just suffice it to say that the general nature of the crowd was not your sitcom cast. The patrons at her establishment were working class, men and women who worked hard in the trades and partied hard at night and on weekends.

She’s a real sight behind the bar. Indeed, she’s actually featured there. It’s a combination of Coyote Wild and Cocktail. Lots of flash and show by all the bar tending staff, combined with live music on the weekends and at least one ladies’ night a week. And why not? She’s six feet tall so she’s very visible. Her flaming red hair is usually piled on top of her head; she rarely wears more than a T-shirt. And on Fridays and Saturdays she generally wears a sleeveless basketball jersey, sans bra. Her very firm 36c boobs seem to be continually threatening to emerge into view — she says the tips she generates makes it absolutely worth the money she has to spend on the kind of tape that fastens them to the fabric. You know, like the stuff that JLo used for that infamous green dress she wore?

And Cindy’s not some shy retiring wall-flower — she’s as loud and boisterous as you can get! If someone drops a basket in the game area, she’s whooping, hollering and jumping. I personally love to watch the guys’ eyes when she does that — not that her bouncing boobs aren’t worth watching, but I’ve seen the act, I’ve had the awesome privilege of being smothered by them uncovered and unconstrained, and besides, she wants to know what affect she’s having and keeps asking me. I let her know and she has done everything from perfecting a bounce-and-twist move that has her boobs fall out the sides and come back to raise up the shirt and flash the bar, and probably a few more things I’ve not personally seen. She is nothing if not inventive!

All of which gets her propositioned constantly. Which, in turn, allows her access to as many cocks as she can tolerate. She’s not sure what part of her job she likes more — the tips or the cocks! Maybe the tips of the cocks? (That was a line I couldn’t resist — especially because she came up with it as we discussed all this.) And she’s developed an amazing routine. If she encounters a guy that makes her pussy tingle, she steers him around to the end of the bar and has him stand up close. Then she slides open a panel in the bar wall, and while she’s standing there talking, she reaches through to put her hands on the merchandise. We’ve actually installed a video camera over the bar and, while it’s erenköy escort technically for security, we re-positioned it so that we get great views of the faces of the guys. I mean, it’s Candid Camera for Adults only!

Imagine — you go to this bar because a friend recommended the hot bartender. You walk in and this tall, gorgeous redhead immediately captures your attention, mixing drinks and flipping drink shakers, singing out loud to whatever is on the juke box, bumping and dancing with the other bartenders (all guys) and show a whole lot of flesh. She seems unaware that she’s showing off her body, but it’s an act with one purpose — raising the attention of every Tom’s hairy dick. Got the picture? Good. Now imagine that, as she’s handing you your drink and making your change, she leans forward and beckons you close. And that forward lean shows off a gorgeous pair of tits that don’t appear to have any tan lines so you’re already wondering if this will go farther. Then she says in your ear “step around to the side of the bar. I’ll meet you there.” If you don’t have a hardon now, just wait!

When she meets you at the end of the bar she moves you around a little before leaning up against the bar and showing off for you. You press in close and suddenly feel a hand on your junk! And nothing tentative — a hand that is apparently attached to someone who knows exactly what she wants. Meanwhile you are trying to keep up a conversation, or at least the appearance of one as you notice that she’s obviously enjoying her feel of your package. The videos of the guys she maneuvers there have become a legend among her friends.

It used to be that what happened next was solely a product of what size dick she felt. Nowadays, she says, she’s a little more discriminating, less selective, and more a result of the conversation. She began this as a size queen, only going farther with large and monster cocks, but she’s since seen fit to bestow her loving touch on those of us who fall in the “average” category. When I asked, she said she’d seen the error of her ways. When I pressed her further (and she LOVES being pressed, especially in some sensitive places), she let me know that it had more to do with her becoming more interested in the guy attached to the dick.

Seems she’d gotten tired of the big studs who thought their size alone earned them something. More than a few of them fell into the “I’ve got a big dick and you’re lucky I let you touch it” club — arrogant beyond belief and not every endearing. Although she apparently can tolerate that approach when she’s had enough alcohol and what she refers to as a “drought of dead wood” — nights when more than one guy can’t get it up. That’s usually if she’s worked Happy Hour and those guys took advantage of the prices to put away as much liquor as possible. But for the most part, she seemed to tire of being reduced to a living masturbation toy. Now, she’s more likely to be dealing with older guys (middle aged and the occasional silver haired gentleman) who might be packing smaller equipment but who apparently are significantly more appreciative of her attention.

No, I don’t mean they are paying customers. She’s no hooker. She will stop whatever she’s doing if a guy calls her a whore, as a matter of fact. She’s not in it for the money — although she certainly doesn’t turn down the tips at the bar, and they seem a lot larger on nights when she’s active, which is why the other bartenders are fine with her frequent breaks. As well as getting some action a couple of times a week as well. Anyway, some of those guys may contribute to the tip jar, but what she’s told me is they act more appreciative. They treat her nice. They say she makes them feel special, and they, in turn do their best to return the favor, both verbally and physically. She tells me that she’s getting eaten out a whole lot more, and while blowjobs and fucking have their rewards, being the object of oral love for her takes her higher than anything.

So how does she do it? Well, it’s generally only on the nights where she’s got backup behind the bar and can take some time off. In that case, she generally takes a break once an hour. Her backups take up the slack, and the guy she’s been manhandling through the bar generally accompanies her — after adjusting his pants to minimize his arousal (if he can).

She’ll come out from the bar, walk over to her latest cocksman, and take him by the arm. Of course, that’s not always what happens — I saw at least twice that she finally got to that point and turned the guy down. When I asked her why, she said the first one smelled, and she got a “bad vibe” from the other. Since she’s kind of vulnerable, she trusts her instincts. And that first guy? He was back the next night and this time earned a trip — she said he apologized up a blue streak — he’d been at work for three days solid without gebze escort a shower, and after he took one she said his smell went from disgusting to delicious. Some guys do learn, it seems.

Anyway, when she grabs her guy, she head to the back of the bar. There’s a storage basement with a couple of small rooms in it. She’s taken one of them and made it her own — and let her devious mind run wild. First off, she’s installed multiple video cameras that are small and discreet. She says it so they don’t cause camera shrinkage, because it appears that some guys seem to lose their hardon if they get distracted by cameras. It’s likely because they worry about who is going to see things. As far as I know, Cindy has a tight control on the footage. I know she’s got a few girl friends who she watches with, and she showed me a bunch of them as well — but beyond that, she keeps them private.

So she walks the guy into her room, flicks a switch that turns on the cameras and recorders, as well as another that controls the lighting. Once they are in the room and the door’s shut, she moves in “for the kill” so to speak. It’s almost a routine — she strips off her shirt and shows off her boobs. As in, she stands there and lifts them one at a time, playing with them and stroking them and enjoying the sensations. Her eyes tend to close as she savors the sensations, but she always recovers more quickly than the guys can act. “Your turn” she invariably says. If the guy hesitates, she’s not bashful.

“I said, it’s your turn. You’re here because you’ve got a cock I want to see — and probably do more with than just look at — and if your pants aren’t off by the time I count to ten, then I’m leaving. The longer I’m here, the less I make in tips upstairs.”

Of all the videos I’ve watched, there were only two where the guys hadn’t “dropped trow” immediately. One was so clumsy that he fell over in the process — while also revealing a very large uncut cock that she ultimately swallowed whole — and the other one was one of those arrogant big dick dudes, who merely unzipped and fished out 9 inches that weren’t even hard yet. She told me afterwards that when she saw what he was packing, she stopped counting, decided she’d put up with his attitude and then she took matters into her own hands. And ultimately, her throat. She said it was worth putting up with his attitude. I believe her.

Then she generally backs them up to the wall, pulls over a stool and sits down to contemplate her challenge. And that brings her into focus of another set of cameras that lets her see how deep she takes the ones she sucks. Almost universally, she grabs their cocks and slowly caresses them before looking up at their face.

“Here are the rules. Talk to me and you can tell me what you like. How you like it. If you start insulting me or talking down to me, I’ll remind you that I can and will bite. Understood?” At least one guy I saw lost his erection at that point, but managed to get it up again pretty quickly.

“We aren’t filming porn where they have that insane need to show men coming. If I decide to suck that pretty dick, then I want you to come, and I want to swallow that come. I like the feeling in my mouth when a cocks starts jerking and jumping, and I’m a big fan of protein. You can let me know you’re coming, but it isn’t necessary. I’ll know almost as soon as you do. It’s my reward. So far, so good?”

Her responses vary from grunts to somewhat more coherent agreements.

“If I’m not sucking you and you want to come, let me know when it’s happening. I’m not wearing my shirt, so my tits are available. If you’re extra good, so is my face. Just remember, I brought you here because I want what you have. When it’s all over, if you don’t say thank you, I’ll let everyone know you are a bigger dick than you have. Those are the rules. Are you ready?”

I never saw anyone say no. Cindy tells me that it’s happened a few times. And in each instance it was a guy wanting to know if he could touch her boobs, or in some way reciprocate. And at least two of those guys are now “regulars” that I know she’s had at her home.

Have you ever watched someone who just simply delights in what she does? Well, Cindy is one of them — it’s a shame you can’t watch any of her films. Like I said earlier, she’s rarely met a cock she didn’t like, and most that I’ve seen her take on she liked a fuck of a lot. If they aren’t hard, she’ll take her time and devote herself to getting them hard. And while she seems to delight in bigger ones, I’ve seen her spend a lot of time with more than a few smaller ones. One of the most exquisite films I’ve seen of hers was devoted to a guy who maybe made four inches. And she treated him like he was the owner of the biggest dick in the world!

The most amazing part of that video was from the camera focused on his face. First off, göztepe escort he was an older guy, probably around 50, and while there wasn’t a ring on his finger, there was a white area on very tanned hands that said he’d taken it off recently. Above all, he was nervous. Maybe he was afraid his wife would find out — or maybe he was worried Cindy would laugh at him or otherwise make something of his size. But as she began to work her fingers over every inch and he got hard, all of that worry seemed to melt away. And when she murmured “it’s so beautiful” I thought he would come right then and there. That was Cindy — she knew that the man attached to that dick had a mental g-spot she could touch. And she did!

That’s what she told me as we watched that video. She really thinks that guys have mental places where they just need to be reassured that everything’s all right; that while they might be self-conscious about size of shape — they could let that go because she didn’t care. The rest of that video was just as interesting, as she progressed from stroking him, to licking his cock, to swallowing his balls, to burying her face in his pubes, all the while pausing at moments to tell him how delightful his cock was, how she wanted to make sure he knew that she loved it — and him — and then edging him for what seemed like an hour. I did time it — she kept him from coming for 13 minutes and then swallowed every drop of his come when his cock erupted.

What happened next surprised her. And, as it happened, delighted her! He recovered quickly, pulled down her jeans and buried his face in her dripping cunt. He was barely there a minute when she came, pressing him into herself and shaking like a leaf. Then he stood up, kissed her deeply with her juices on his lips, rearranged his clothes and walked out of that room with his head held high and a shit-eating grin on his face. It took her a few minutes to pull herself together before she followed him, making her a few minutes late from her “break.”

The next time she came back to her room, she was accompanied by a very well built, tall black dude with a very obvious bulge in his jeans. As soon as the door closed, her shirt went off, her jeans came off and she moved him into camera range before dropping to her knees and reaching for his zipper.

“I just want a little taste, and to get you as hard as possible, and then if you’re hung like I think you are, I want you to fuck me silly!” she said as she lowered his jeans. Out popped a very thick, hard eight inches of black snake. True to her word, she spent only a minute or so getting his flavor before changing places with him. Facing the wall, she stuck her ass out and spread her legs wide.

“I’m already wet. Work that big cock into my pussy and than fuck me hard! I’m a cock loving slut. But slut doesn’t mean worthless. It just means I like sex as much as any guy — and I can enjoy it more because I can come over and over without having to wait to reload. So that doesn’t give you permission to treat me bad. Tell me what you like. Tell me you like how things feel — but call me names or smack me around or otherwise disrespect me and you will regret it. Understand?”

He grinned. “Damn, you sure know what you like, don’t you?”

“Well fuck, don’t you?” she replied.

“Yeah, of course. I just never had no woman tell me like you.”

“Then stop talking, dude, and let’s get it on!”

And that’s exactly what he did. It looked like they were going to go all night, but Cindy stayed present enough to catch her flashing timer alarm; she’d installed it after the other bartenders had complained (not too loudly, mind you — they didn’t want to jeopardize their regular payback from her) that she was taking too long on her breaks. So when she turned on the lights in the room, it tripped the timer and she now got warnings when time was running short.

“Dude, you have about a minute left before this is over. If you don’t want to leave with blue balls, you better come soon! I mean, I’m loving this, but all good things must end. Want me to suck you dry?”

And with that he just changed gears and started pumping her cunt at rocket speed, coming within that minute with a grunt and groan. Cindy told me afterwards that she waited until she couldn’t feel any more pumping before she pushed him back and out of her, then she inserted a tampon, used a wet wipe to clean up, pulled her clothes back on while making sure he pulled up his pants, and swept them both out of the room. Her walk was a little bit different as she left. For the rest of the night, all her visitors got blow jobs and handjobs.

I know what you’re thinking. “She’s doing strangers bareback. Isn’t she worried about disease? What about getting pregnant?” Well, at least a couple of you thought that. As Cindy pointed out to me when reading this, there were probably a whole lot more of you thinking “how do I get me some of that?”

In a proper, politically correct gesture, we are going to ignore the first questions and move directly to the last one. Cindy says “it’s simple — just come to Waco and visit the local bars. If you don’t get lucky, I’m still gonna make some money and you’ll still have a good time.”

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