

Hi, my name is Lena. I am 16 years old now, but this is the story of a very special friendship that I had when I was younger.

It was a Saturday morning in June. I was on my way to my friend Kaila’s house. I had met her when I was six years old at my day care, Old Pine Community Center. I had just moved to Philadelphia from Woodstock, New York. Being in a new place and not knowing anyone, I was very shy. One day after my parents dropped me off, Kaila walked over to the corner where I was playing with my pony figurines. When I first saw her, I didn’t think much of her. She was a pale little girl with big brown eyes and straight dirty blonde hair that hung a few inches from her shoulders. “Hi, I’m Kaila, want to be friends?” She said to me in that sweet high pitched voice of hers. I looked up from my toys to see her bright big smile and cute little freckles looking down at me. I said yes and our friendship began. For the next few years we were inseparable. Almost every weekend, we went over one another’s houses. We did everything together.

On this day, I was nine years old and on my way to Kaila’s house. My mom and I were talking about something, I can’t really remember what it was though. We pulled into Kaila’s driveway. I quickly kissed my mom goodbye and skipped towards the front door. I only knocked once when Kaila swung the door open. She looked adorable in her black leggings and horse t-shirt. Without any warning, she jumped on me with a huge hug, knocking both of us to the floor. We both looked at each other and starting laughing.
“Wow, thanks for the warning” I said.
“A warning would have taken all of the fun out of tackling you.” She said as she continued to laugh.
I poked her side and started tickling her, when Kaila’s mom came and saw us playing in the doorway. She started laughing too as she watched us roll around on the floor. “Come on you guys, get in the house.” Kaila’s Mom said.

Kaila looked a lot like her mom. Her name was Alex, she let me call her by her first name. She was only around 5’4. Only a few inches taller than Kaila and I were. She was really pretty. Her hair was dyed brown at the roots and faded blonde towards her ends. She had medium sized breasts which matched well with her petite figure. She wore nerd glasses, which looked good on her. She marmaris escort was only around 28 years old, so the look didn’t make it seem like she was trying too hard. She had freckles around her nose too, but not as many as Kaila had. Alex was really nice too. She often hung out with Kaila and I when we were at her house. She was as much of a friend to me as Kaila was.

I knew that Alex wasn’t married. She had a boyfriend though. His name was Jack. He was pretty nice too, but I didn’t know him very well. He was at least twice as tall as her, so they kind of looked like an odd couple, but they were still cute together. The two of them were engaged. I knew that Jack wasn’t Kaila’s father. I never met him. I don’t think Kaila ever met him either, Alex never spoke about him, so I never asked about him. I know that Alex and Jack never got married. They broke up a little while after Kaila and I went to middle school. Now, Alex has a girlfriend.

We got up from the floor and ran up the stairs leading to the apartment. It was a two floor loft on the third floor of an older building, near Jefferson Hospital. Apartment #A-4. It had hard wood floors throughout the house. You entered into the living room that over looked onto the kitchen. There was a large leather couch facing a huge flat screen tv. In the corner of the room, there was a metal spiral staircase leading to the upstairs bedroom, which belonged to Alex and Jack at the time. Kaila had the master bedroom on the main floor. It was at the end of the hallway. I loved going over to Kaila’s house because her bedroom overlooked a beautiful garden. It was full of all different kinds of flowers. It had five fountains, one in each corner and then one in the center which connected the bricked pathway. Sometimes Kaila and I would sit on her bed and just talk as we looked out of the weekend.

After brutally losing the race up the stairs, I staggered into the apartment, where Jack was waiting with goldfish and apple juice for us. We quickly gobbled up our snacks and skipped into Kaila’s bedroom.

Kaila’s room was always a mess, the floor was our stage where all of our toys were in the exact place that we left them. We were in the middle of an adventure through a jungle, but we ended up just cleaning up marmaris escort bayan and starting over. We usually got bored half way through the story.

We sat on her pink frilly twin bed, trying to decide what do play next. We ended up reenacting the movie “Shark Boy and Lava Girl.” We had seen it the previous weekend. I played Shark Boy, even though I looked more like Lava Girl. Other than the pink hair, we could be twins. But I played Shark Boy because I could do a better “guy voice” than Kaila could. So she played Lava Girl.

“Watch out Shark Boy! Swim! You can do it!” Kaila screamed to me from across the room. My character was trying to get across the river without being caught by electric eels. I staggered across the floor, and jumped onto the pillow that Kaila was standing on. Pretending that we were trapped on a small ice burg, we hugged each other tight so we wouldn’t fall.
“What are we going to do now?” I said.
“I have an idea.” Kaila said looking up at me, as she pretended to shiver in my arms.
“What is it?” I said as Kaila nudged her head deeper into my still developing breasts. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes. I didn’t know what was going on, I started to feel tickling in my panties as I wrapped my arms tighter around my friend.
“I saw my mom do this with my aunt, and it looked like fun,” she said still looking up at me.
“Do wha-.” I said before I felt Kaila quickly lunge forward an kiss me on the lips as she tightened her grip around my waist. I didn’t know what to do, I had never kissed another girl before. I had only kissed one other person, but it wasn’t anything like this. It was a little peck with a boy in kindergarten under a cute little cherry blossom tree. It hadn’t felt anything like this. This was wet. Our lips locked over and over again, until I slightly opened my mouth. I felt Kaila push her tongue into my mouth. I did the same. We explored the inside of each others mouths with our tongues. We made out for a long time too. So long that we ended up loosing our balance and falling onto Kaila’s bed. We were now embraced on the bed, still making out. Kaila was on top of me. Our small breasts were connected, while Kaila’s legs were placed in between mine. Our tongues still gliding around, I felt escort marmaris Kaila’s hand move from the top of my head down towards my chest. I could feel my panties getting damp as my friend massaged my breast. She started to move her body up and down. She groped my breast with her hand, while rubbing against the other with her breast. I could feel my vagina throb as she moved up and down on my clit. This was a new sensation. What was this burst of pleasure that I was feeling? Why did I feel kind of dirty? Is this wrong? My mom had talked about where babies come from before, but she didn’t say anything about it happening between two girls.
I didn’t know what this feeling was, but I kind of liked it. So I decided to just go with it and play this new game. I started to move my hips as Kaila wiggled around on top of me. I could feel the tingling building up as our movements got more rapid. At this time we were both kissing one another passionately as we grinding our private parts together. Then the most amazing feeling over took my nine year old body as it convulsed under my best friend. I opened my eyes to see Kaila going through the same thing. She looked so cute on top of me. She looked down at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. We were both breathing heavily as we gazed at each other, trying to catch our breath. She started to giggle and without realizing it, so was I. We were both laughing when there was a knock on the door. We quickly scrambled from our erotic position and tried to look as innocent as possible. The door opened as Alex peeked her head in. She had a huge grin on her face as if she knew what we had been doing just by looking at our faces. Looking back on it now, she probably did. Kaila and I continued our innocence as much as we could. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Alex opened the door more. “Girls, it is time to clean up, Lena’s mom will be here soon.” She said. “Ok mommy, we will be right out.” Kaila said. Alex closed the door, leaving Kaila and I alone. We sat on the edge of her bed for a little bit in silence. After a while the silence was broken when Kaila said, “I had fun. I like that game.” I didn’t really know what to say, but I said something. “Me too, we should play it again next time.” She looked kind of surprised when I said that, I felt kind of surprised too. I meant what I said though. I did want to do it again. She smiled at me and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. I smiled and we hugged. Then we went outside where our parents were waiting for us. We walked out smiling, looking forward to our next chance to be together.

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