It gave him concern at first. His wife started talking about a new business associate she was working with. It was just some casual mentions in the beginning. But as time went on, the other’s name surfaced more frequently. And it turned out she was a woman.
Kylie had always been the kind of person who needed friends. She’d had many during the course of their relationship and marriage. The friends lasted for a few years and then something would happen that would cause them to drift apart. And then, a while later, she would befriend someone else, and the cycle would start over. She maintained a distant relationship with some of the former friends, but not the closeness she once had.
But Kylie talked about Linda differently. Gus teasingly referred to Linda when Kylie mentioned her name as her girlfriend. Kylie never refuted the reference, though sometimes she pretended to be annoyed, yet not with much conviction.
And therein was Gus’s concern. Kylie and Linda frequently went to dinner together, so naturally, he wondered what the true nature of their relationship was. However, she did go to dinner occasionally with other coworkers. Other than that, Kylie had never given Gus any real cause for concern, nor had their active sex life changed, but he still allowed his mind to conjure up some possibilities.
He often considered questioning her, but always chickened out, uncertain he really wanted to know.
And then the day came when Kylie called him from her office and said she wanted to talk to him about Linda that night. Of course, he agreed. But his stomach was in knots for the rest of the day.
Gus didn’t expect it at dinner, but that’s when Kylie said, “I need to talk to you about Linda.”
“Your girlfriend?” He said without thinking.
With a look of aggravation, Kylie said firmly, “She’s not my girlfriend. I don’t know why you keep calling her that.”
“You talk about her a lot.”
“She’s a very valuable business associate. But she has also become my friend. And because of that friendship, she gives me preferential treatment which benefits me in my job. That’s not why I’ve become her friend. But that’s how she is. The fact is, she is the most genuine friend I’ve ever had.”
“Okay.” What else could he say?
“Her longtime boyfriend recently broke up with her ostensibly because she wasn’t ready to get married. She took it very hard, and I just found out about it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Again, what else could he say?
“I started noticing that she was becoming subdued, so I questioned her about it. At first, she shrugged it off and said she didn’t want to burden me with her misery. I told her that we were friends and that’s what friends were for. So, she finally came clean.” Kylie paused.
Gus started to comment but thought better off it.
“I really feel bad for her.”
“I can see that.”
“I was thinking she needed a change,” Kylie said. “I was thinking we could invite her over on a Saturday afternoon and just hang out. Drink some wine, maybe grill some steaks. You know, just relax unlike when she and I go to dinner just to catch up. Apparently, she doesn’t have many other friends.”
“Is she not a friendly person?”
“She is actually very friendly. And because she is so genuine, I think she is just selective with whom she becomes close to.”
Gus was relieved by what he was hearing, not that he had been certain what he had expected to hear. “So, you want to have her over with me here?”
“Well, of course, silly,” Kylie said with a chuckle. “I’d like you to meet her. And her to meet you.”
That was encouraging. “Okay, well, invite her over.”
“Is this Saturday too soon?”
“I guess not.”
* * *
The relief Gus felt from their discussion was short-lived. Saturday was only three days away, and when it arrived, Kylie seemed nervous and edgy. Linda wasn’t due until three, but the closer they came to that hour, the more anxious Kylie seemed to be. They went to the grocery in the morning where Kylie was very particular about what they purchased for Linda’s visit. Gus just assumed his wife wanted everything to go well and she wanted to make a good impression.
But by fifteen minutes before three, Gus felt Kylie was going a little crazy, so he sat her down. “What’s going on, Kylie?”
“What do you mean?” she nervously asked.
“For someone who is just having a friend over, you’re acting a bit weird.”
“No, I’m not,” she answered unconvincingly.
With a firm look, Gus said, “Kylie, you know you are. What’s going on? I’m getting the feeling there’s more going on here than I know about.”
She didn’t respond right away. But as he continued to stare her down, she finally took a deep breath and spoke. “Uh, well, uh, Linda has, uh, sexual issues.”
“Sexual issues? What does that mean?”
“She, uh, hasn’t had any in a while.”
“So, what does that have to do with her visit here?” a confused Gus asked. “Is she going to flip out?”
Kylie chuckled. “No. Of course, not.”
“Then, Ankara escort what?” Gus pressed, his patience wearing thin.
“I, uh . . . I want you to, uh, to . . . to fuck her.”
“What?” Gus didn’t see that coming. “You’re not serious?”
“Of course, I’m serious.”
“Why would you want me to have sex with another woman?” a flabbergasted Gus asked.
“She’s my friend, she’s hurting, and I want to help her. Besides, she likes big cocks.”
A flabbergasted Gus shook his head. “What do you mean, you want to help her? By letting her use your husband. Does she know about this?”
Kylie grimaced. “Not exactly.”
“Not exactly?”
“I just told her I might have a solution.”
“I can’t believe you want me to do this.”
The doorbell rang.
“So, will you?” Kylie asked.
“You better get the door,” Gus said, walking away.
He went outside to prepare the grill, more to keep busy than anything else. Some guys might be thrilled to death that their wife is asking them to fuck another woman. Maybe if this had come about another way, Gus might be also. But as enticing as the opportunity sounded, he wasn’t certain any real good could come from it. That is, until Kylie brought Linda outside to meet him.
Gus’s other hesitancy was in the fact that there was nothing wrong with his and Kylie’s sex life. He was completely satisfied. They did it whenever either of them wanted it. They never denied each other unless one or the other was sick. In addition, Kylie was a beautiful woman, had a great body and did not hide it from him.
Enter Linda wearing a short summer dress, low-cut with thin straps to reveal a heathy bosom; big but not top-heavy, shapely ass, and great legs at least as far as mid-thigh where the dress ended. Gus would be willing to wager she wore no bra judging by the jiggle of her boobs. She had a nice smile, but she wasn’t what he would call beautiful. Not ugly by any stretch, but not the facial features one might expect from a woman with such a beach body. Cute, pretty, was more like it.
“Gus, this is Linda. Linda, Gus,” Kylie introduced.
A mesmerized Gus forced his eyes up from her breasts to her face, which offered an engaging smile. He was about to raise his hand to shake hers, but she quickly leaned in to hug him, pressing those mighty boobs against his chest. As nice as it felt, he wondered if they were setting him up, particularly as Kylie grinned and nodded.
“Nice to finally meet you,” Gus greeted.
“And you.”
She stepped back, but remained close, still gazing into his eyes, her stare nearly hypnotizing him. In addition, there seemed to be an aura about her that was sweeping him in. He was instantly smitten. No wonder Kylie was so enamored of her friend.
“What can we get you to drink?” Gus asked. “Beer, wine, something stronger?”
“Well, if you’re cooking beef, red wine would be good. Whatever you have open is fine.”
“I’ll get it,” Kylie volunteered. “You two stay and chat.”
Gus tried to keep his wits about him, falsely believing she had some mystical power over him. “Well, then, what should we chat about?”
“Thank you for having me.”
Was there a double meaning there? Gus shrugged. “Kylie said she thought you could use a little relaxation.”
“I could use a lot of things.”
There was also a sultry tone to her voice, and once again, Gus wondered what her true reference was. He could only guess at what Kylie meant when she said she told Linda she might have a solution. Should he play along? “What other things?”
Linda merely smiled seductively. “Will someone else be joining us?”
Gus frowned. “No. Why?”
“Oh, I wasn’t sure. But I’m glad. So many people have been trying to fix me up. I was hoping Kylie wouldn’t do that.”
He didn’t comment because he didn’t know if he was supposed to know about her break-up, but then, Kylie returned with three glasses of wine. Once distributed, Kylie took a seat on their patio sectional. She nodded to a spot next to her, and Linda sat.
Of course, Linda’s short dress revealed some serious legs, and she didn’t bother to adjust her hem.
Kylie noticed, and that her husband had noticed. She smiled to herself.
“You have a beautiful home,” Linda commented. “I love this large patio and your swimming pool.”
“We spend a lot of time out here. Sometimes we even skinny dip. We frequently have dinner on the patio when the weather is nice, sometimes even after skinny dipping.”
Linda giggled. “That must be fun.”
“Feel free, if you like,” Kylie offered with a wicked grin. “We can even dine out here tonight, if you like.”
“That would be delightful,” Linda said excitedly, ignoring the offer to skinny dip. “I live in a one-bedroom apartment with a balcony that could barely fit two chairs. I get the afternoon sun, so it’s not conducive to outdoor enjoyment. The complex has a pool, but it’s usually crowded, so I never use it.”
Finishing with the grill, which was mostly just to pretend Ankara escort bayan to have something to do while stealing glances at Linda, Gus said, “Still a while before dinner if you girls want to swim or do anything else.”
“I didn’t know a swim would be a possibility,” Linda said, “so I didn’t bring a swimsuit, but I don’t know about skinny dipping.”
“It’s quite relaxing,” Kylie said. “You really should try it. I don’t mind Gus seeing another woman naked,” she added with a grin. “Or I have some extra suits that might fit you.”
“I think I’d feel less self-conscious in a suit.”
“Okay. Come on.”
The women disappeared inside, much to Gus’s disappointment, but returned ten minutes later.
“Nothing fit,” Kylie told her husband.
“Invite me again and I’ll bring a suit,” Linda said.
“I’m finished out here,” Gus said. “I can go inside, if it will make you feel more comfortable.”
“Maybe I’ll just dangle my legs in the water.” Linda walked over to the pool, kicked off her shoes, and dipped her toes into the water. She swirled her foot around before stepping into the pool and standing on the top step.
Kylie came over, sat on the ledge, and immersed her legs to just below her knees.
A moment later, Linda sat, planting both feet on the step. “The water feels nice.”
“It’s even better with your entire body in it.”
“Well, don’t let me stop you.”
With a grin, Kylie said, “Well, if you insist.” She casually stripped off her T-shirt, and then peeled off her shorts and panties.
Linda watched as her friend swam around, somewhat amazed both at her large breasts and shapely body and that she was so casual about being nude around other people. “That does look like fun.”
“It is. And once you’re in the water you’ll enjoy it so much, you won’t think about being naked.”
“Oh, okay. What the hell?” Linda slowly and reluctantly lifted her dress up and off.
Gus had taken a seat near the grill where the ladies had previously sat. He pulled out his phone and pretended to be checking his email while really sneaking glimpses of Linda stripping. While he never tired of seeing his wife nude, there was just something about her friend coming over and swimming naked, not to mention that all indications were that Linda had a killer body, as well. And when she discarded her dress on a nearby patio chair, he was not disappointed. She was every bit a match for Kylie. Surprisingly, his cock grew in his pants as she peeled off her panties to reveal a shaved pussy.
Unbeknownst to Gus, Kylie glimpsed him adjusting his cock. She waited until he finished, then said, “Come join us, Gus.”
“I don’t want to make Linda uncomfortable.”
“Will that make you uncomfortable?” Kylie asked her friend.
“Uh, n-no.” But it did somewhat. However, she didn’t feel she should or could prevent Gus from swimming in his own pool.
“Come on, honey.” She turned to Linda and whispered, “Wait until you see this.”
Linda had no idea what that meant and didn’t know whether to be concerned, but she smiled in response. A gasp followed as Gus approached the pool while undressing. His cock was enormous, and hard. She unconsciously licked her lips.
When he saw Linda staring at it, he said, “Sorry. Not used to having two beautiful, nude women in our pool.
Linda again merely smiled nervously, but she still couldn’t take her eyes off that magnificent rod.
And of course, Kylie noticed that also. “Impressive, isn’t it?” she whispered.
“What?” Linda asked. “What are you talking about?”
Smirking, Kylie said, “You know.”
“What are you getting at?”
“It’s okay to notice.”
“How could I not?”
“So, what do you think?” Kylie asked, now grinning.
“Would you like to try it?”
“Excuse me?”
“I asked if you would like to fuck my husband?”
“You’re not serious?”
“I told you I might have a solution.”
“That’s not a solution.” But Linda had not taken her eyes off Gus’s cock. “Oh, no, please tell me you didn’t say anything to him?” But when Kylie didn’t respond, Linda buried her head in her hands. “Oh, no.”
From the other end of the pool, Gus saw what Linda did. He moved closer. “Something wrong?”
Linda looked up, but seeing Gus standing there in all his masculinity, she recovered her face.
“What’s the matter?” Gus asked. “Is it me? Would you like me to cover up?”
Linda looked up again, doing her best to focus on Gus’s face. “Do you know why I was invited here?”
Gus glanced at his wife, then back. “For dinner and to hang out.”
“What does ‘hang out’ mean?” Linda questioned.
“What’s going on here?” Gus demanded. “Kylie?”
“Your wife wants us to have sex.”
Shaking his head, Gus said, “I didn’t agree to it.”
“I’m just trying to help you,” Kylie said, defensively. “You told me you were frustrated because you haven’t had sex in a while.”
“And your solution is to try to set me up with your husband?”
Kylie Escort Ankara shrugged. “I don’t know anyone else, nor anyone else who could satisfy you like he could.”
Linda returned a look of skepticism.
“It’s only sex,” Kylie went on. “I’m not trying to get the two of you to fall in love. Or you to have his baby.” Gus’s cock started to wilt slightly. He was close enough to Kylie that she was able to reach out and stroke it.
“What are you doing?” he asked as though put out, although he loved it when she handled him.
“She hasn’t taken her eyes off you since you undressed. Got to give her something to look at.” Kylie glimpsed Linda again lick her lips, so she leaned over to suck her husband.
“Kylie!” Gus said with indignance as though he wanted her to stop, but he really didn’t. In fact, he couldn’t help but moan.
“Mmmm,” Kylie hummed, noticing Linda watching with interest.
“Kylie, why are you doing that?” Linda asked.
“Want a taste?”
“Why are you trying to tease me?”
“Because I know you really want it.” She smirked. “A little appetizer before dinner?”
“Not funny.” Linda stood. “I should probably leave. This is not what I expected.”
“No, don’t go. I’m sorry. I really was just trying to help. I’ve got Gus all hot and bothered. Let me just finish him off and then we’ll start dinner.”
Linda sat back down as Kylie resumed sucking her husband. She did so slowly not really wanting Gus to come too soon. She wanted Linda to keep looking.
And it wasn’t long before she saw Linda casually get up and step down onto the first step in the pool. Linda continued to watch the married couple, but gradually descended the steps into the water. She moved to the side of the pool nearest where Kylie was blowing her husband to watch. Kylie saw her drop her hand into the water, and the movement of her arms suggested her hand was between her legs rubbing her pussy, particularly since she occasionally closed her eyes as if to enjoy what she was doing and watching. Kylie now blatantly stared at her friend as she intensified her oral ministrations on her spouse. This had Linda’s fingers working a little harder between her own legs.
With a heavy sigh and a look of defeat, Linda finally asked, “Okay. I give.”
“Of course, you do,” Kylie said with a victorious grin.
“Gus, do you mind?” Linda asked.
“I think we’re all past caring.” His wife moved aside, and he walked over to the pool, down the steps and into the water. Linda turned to face him as he moved toward her. When he was in range, she immediately reached out, put her arms around him and desperately pressed her lips to his.
Gus had no expectations of what they would do or how they would begin when he approached her. That Linda made the first move and the move she made was completely unexpected, it was logical and effective. Her lips were soft and savory, and if she hadn’t already seen his erection, she would have felt it pressing against her abdomen. He didn’t know if her “Mmmm” was for that, the kiss, or both. She didn’t kiss any better than Kylie, but the touch of a different set of lips was a thrill in itself. Then there was her spectacular body mashed against his: her tits flattened to his chest, the feel of her abdomen hugging his cock; all things he had experienced with his wife, yet with a different woman, it was enticing.
With that, Gus put his arms around Linda. Her wet skin was soft and supple. It actually felt comfortable to hold her, but also knowing Kylie’s eyes were on them, self-conscious. Linda didn’t seem to want to let the kiss end, and for the moment, neither did he. There was something completely alluring about this woman.
Linda did not hesitate to slip her tongue into his mouth, and she certainly had to feel his dick pulse against her belly. His tongue met hers, the contact sending chills throughout his body. And then, she let her hand drop to caress his cock gently before wrapping her fingers around his shaft.
A high-pitched sigh escaped her lips and then another “Mmmm” as she tenderly stroked him.
Gus couldn’t help expressing his enjoyment with a similar moan.
With her hand still firmly grasping his dick, Linda used it to lead him to the steps and up to the top one where she turned and engaged in another mouth-watering kiss. One hand continued to stroke him while her other explored his chest, teasing and twisting his nipples one at a time. His rod pulsed again in her palm.
It was time to get to know her body, so he grabbed her ass cheeks caressingly. Moving one hand to the center, his middle finger forced its way down the upper crack of her butt, but not as far as her anus. Next, he wanted to feel those magnificent breasts, so he raised his hands to paw her tits. As she had done to him, he teased her nipples, rubbing his fingertips on the flat ends.
“Mmmm,” Linda moaned.
To his disappointment, her lips parted from his, but that lasted only long enough for her to sit him on the ledge, his feet still in the water on the top step. She spread his legs as her face moved in licking the bottom of his scrotum and up separating his balls and continuing up his shaft. Upon reaching the head, she opened her mouth to engulf it, and in one move, slid his entire cock down her mouth and throat until his nuts tapped her chin.