Gunge Girls 06: Mud Night Stand


A reasonably warm night in late August is when it happened. Whether it was a blessing or a curse, I still haven’t decided, but what I do know is it was a night I will not soon forget.

I was walking through a mostly forgotten bike trail in a wooded area near the lake that particular day. I was feeling a bit adventurous, so I decided to hike a bit off trail and see if I could find anything interesting. Well, I did. I came across a small clearing, still mostly surrounded by trees and bushes, with a large pit of the smoothest, most perfect looking clay I had ever seen. I have a pretty big fetish for getting messy, and I’ve done plenty of experimenting with it in my time, but my lifelong dream was always to find a pit of mud exactly like this and have as much fun as I could possible imagine. I was pretty much ready to do that right then and there, except that I noticed the pit was surprisingly close to a nearby house, and almost certainly within the lot line. The pit was probably blocked well enough by the trees that it was likely nobody would notice, but I wasn’t about to risk it. I figured if I could see the house, then someone in the house could potentially see me. So I went home with the decision that I would return later that night when it was dark enough that no one would see me, or care, since they would probably be asleep anyway.

It was approaching midnight when I decided it was time. I had been thinking about my plans all day: when I would go, what I would take with me, what I would do to avoid being seen, all of it. I packed a bag with some extra clothes and shoes if I needed them and dug out an old, crusty blanket to lay on my car seat in case I were to track any of the mess in my car. I was originally going to walk, but the distance I would have to walk wasn’t ideal if I had to walk back looking like the swamp thing, so I drove around to the back of a small, nearby corner store that was closed for the night and began my trek into the woods.

I made sure to take excellent note of where I found the place while it was light out so I would be able to find it in the dark, and the moon happened to be bright enough to help me out a bit. I was actually worried it was going to be too dark to be out there until I realized how bright it actually was. I followed the line of thin trees and thick bushes until I found the clay pit. I dropped my bag on the ground and stared at it in awe. I still couldn’t believe how perfect it looked. The top was smooth and pristine, and it was just waiting there for me. My heart began beating a little faster as I took off my shoes. Since I didn’t exactly want to have to dig into my extra stash of clothes afterward, I took off my shirt and pants, but as much as I wanted to go in completely naked and feel it all over, I figured it was safer to just leave my boxers on, just in case.

Adrenaline filled me as I took my first step into the clay. I can’t possibly describe in words how awesome it felt on my feet and between my toes. And it was even the perfect consistency; like a thick pudding, or brownie batter. It wasn’t thick enough to truly get stuck in, but it wasn’t really watery either. I stepped in a little further and sunk up just past my knees. As the mud coated my legs, I noticed how pleasantly warm it was; like it soaked up all the August heat and stored it until nightfall. Given that it was edging on a bit chilly, it actually felt really nice. It was a bit like a hot tub. By the time I tried to force myself in closer to the middle, I was well past the point of no return. I had sunk all the way up to my waist, and my last push forward sent me downward until I was up to my chest.

By that point, I was actually completely lost on what to do. I could definitely feel the bottom, but I was also deep enough in the stuff that I couldn’t really move too much unless it was to try getting out. All I could think to do was sit there and enjoy the sensations of the thick, heavy mud. For about ten, glorious minutes, I leaned back slightly in the clay and sifted my hands though it like a child, enjoying achieving the very goal I had always wanted to. And after those ten minutes is when shit really hit the fan. Not necessarily in a bad way, just, very unexpectedly.

“Well, this is certainly interesting.” I heard a woman say. I completely froze. Before I could even look around, my body went into full panic mode. I was almost ready to turn around and look at the speaker while frantically flipping through excuses and explanations in my head when the woman who called me out circled around the pit until she was in front of me.

For a moment, I couldn’t even form words. I don’t sakarya seks hikayeleri know what held me in silence more, the fact that I was caught, or the fact that she was hot as fuck. She had her black hair in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing vinyl leggings and a matching bikini top.

I struggled for words.

“I swear, this is not-“

“Not what it looks like?” She cut me off. “I’m not stupid. I saw you scoping this place out earlier today.”

“Y-you s-saw me?”

“Sure did. I figured it was only a matter of time before you waltzed in here and planted yourself in my earth. I guess you missed the sign that said ‘private property.'”

“I… I’m sorry. I can leave…” I pushed myself back a bit to return to the edge and get out. I never did see any sign saying ‘private property,’ but I wasn’t about to piss this woman off any more, so I figured I’d just gather my things and go. Worst case scenario achieved. Except it wasn’t; it literally became the best case scenario in a near instant.

“Don’t bother,” she said as she noticed me working to get out, “I don’t really care.” I looked at her in shock. “I was actually hoping I could join you. You look a bit lonely, after all.”

Fuck, I was not expecting that at all. There I was, sitting in this four foot deep pit of mud, getting caught in the act by the woman I assume owns the house I could see from there, and she wanted to join me? Damn. There’s no way I’m going to say no to that.

“I’m going to assume that silence means you don’t mind if I slip in for a little bit…” She pulled off her shoes stuck her toes in the clay. “Mmmmm… squishy…” she side stepped a bit and sat down on a large rock at the edge of the pit, sticking her feet further in until the mud was just past her ankles. “So tell me,” she said, “How is it in there?”

“Muddy…” I replied. I didn’t know how else to answer her. I was still in so much shock and awe about what was happening that I just couldn’t form any words, or thoughts, for that matter.

“That’s the best answer you can come up with?” She said. She looked me over, like she was judging me, and all I could do is stare back. “I guess I’ll just have to get in and find out myself…”

She stood up from the rock and slowly, almost teasingly, inched further and further in, until she was up to her knees. Seeing she shiny vinyl on her perfect legs begin disappearing below the surface was oddly alluring, but I couldn’t help but speak up about it.

“You’re just going to ruin your clothes like that?” I asked.

“Well, I’m not about to just get naked in front of you, pervert,” she said. “Plus, I know that look in your eyes…” she took another step forward, losing another couple inches of her legs in the clay, “these tight, shiny pants vanishing into the clay… you’re into it.” She smiled so fiendishly as she said it. And she wasn’t wrong. I definitely was into it. The closer she got to me, the further she sank, and as she sank further, I could feel my dick hardening in my boxers. I could feel my erection pressing hard against the muddied fabric, and the heavy mud surrounding me pushed right back. It was a bizarre and surreal sensation.

“Oooo!” With a last step, she sunk past her waist; the mud stopped just below her glorious, vinyl wrapped breasts. “It’s nice and warm in here.” She pushed forward a bit more to get even closer to me. “So…” she started, “as long as we’re both going to be in here for a while, what’s your name?”

It came right out of the blue. I was so caught off guard, I wasn’t sure if it was safer to lie or just tell the truth. “Jason,” I answered.

“Good to meet you, Jason,” she said, “I’m Lexa.”

Cool. I was on a first name basis with a perfect ten sitting about a foot and a half from me in a four foot deep mud pit; god, that was hot.

“So what are you really doing all the way out here in the middle of the night besides spying on me?” I asked. I was finally starting to regain a bit of confidence. At least enough to try making small talk.

“Well, for starters, this is kinda my personal play spot.”

“Your personal play spot,” I asked.

“Yeah, I made it myself.” She started rubbing the mud sensually around her exposed skin. All up and down her arms, then around her neck. She seemed very careful not to get it on her shiny bikini though.


“Because I like getting all messy, just like you.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Oh, please, you didn’t sneak all the way back here in the middle of the night and strip naked by accident.”

“I’m not naked…”

“Those boxers down there are going to come off sooner or later, this isn’t my first rodeo, you know.”

She stuck her hands back into the mud and slouched down just a bit. Suddenly, I felt her delicate fingers graze my erection ever so slightly.

“You’re already hard,” she said very matter-of-factly. “Perhaps I can help with that.

The her hands returned to the surface and grabbed mine. She moved my hands in a scooping motion with hers, picking up a massive gob of clay in each hand, and I suddenly found myself slapping the gobs of clay on her vinyl-clad breasts. Of course, I couldn’t resist the temptation to give them a long, tender squeeze while they were there.

“Mmmmmm, you like that?” I failed to hold back a silent but telling smile. “That’s good. I liked it too.” She looked down at her clay covered tits. “But you know what would be even better?”

I had no answer for her. How could I? This was already better that I could have ever hoped to experience.

She took a gob of clay in one hand, pulled the cup of her bikini away from her left breast, and plopped it in. She took a gob of clay in the other hand and did the same thing to the other side.

“Are you ready?” It was hardly a question. I knew damn well what was about to happen next. She grabbed her tits with her muddy hand and squeezed. She released a deep, aroused moan as she pressed the clay into her boobs, and my dick began throbbing as I watched the mud seep out the sides of her top. She re-affirmed her previous statement, “Yeah, those boxer will be off real soon.” It certainly wasn’t in my original plans, but I was thinking she was most definitely correct.

She continued rubbing the mud on herself, and then occasionally rubbing some on me. I knew the mud was warm, but I was sweating profusely; and I’m sure my face was red from the intensity of it all. I just couldn’t believe this was happening.

“Mmmmm. Are you touching yourself down there yet?” She asked.

What a question. First she was complaining about getting naked in front of me and calling me a pervert, and now she was practically encouraging me to jack off to her… in the mud… I shook my head ‘no’ in reply.

“Perhaps I can find some way to help you get started…” she moved back toward me again and stuck her arms down into the mud. I could feel her fingers grasp the elastic of my boxers. She slowly pulled them down around my thighs, and I immediately felt the warm clay engulf my dick in a way it just couldn’t with the fabric barrier. I then felt her hand gently close around my shaft and slowly thrust up and down. She only did it three or four times, but in those brief moments, it felt like my brain completely shut down in pure ecstasy. It was then that I realized if I got a full, legitimate hand job from this woman in the mud might, it be the best thing I’ve ever felt.

She backed away from me slightly and lifted her self up to a slightly shallower section of the pit until the mud was only up to the bottom of her crotch. She paused to look at me. Again, she had this devilish grin on her face, and I knew she would only end up doing something extra sexy soon.

I was right. She pulled the waistband of her leggings out in front of her a bit. Although I was at a lower angle, I could just barely tell she didn’t have anything on underneath; and it was like night and day how clean the vinyl kept her legs compared to the rest of her body. For a split second, I thought she was finally going to take them off, but I was wrong. Instead, she held the waistband out in front of her and stepped further into the pit again. I’ll never forget the sight of the soupy clay funneling its way into her pants as she dipped her waist below the surface. My god, I probably could have came right then and there if was prepared for that sight.

“Mmmmm. You like watching me fill my pants up with the mud?” She asked.

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered. I was in no condition to form words by that point.

She let the waistband of her leggings return to its normal spot and plunged her hands into the mud. She let out a massive smile and groaned with pleasure. I could only imagine her hands squeezing the crotch of her leggings and squishing the mud around everywhere.

She inched her way closer to me and grabbed my right hand. She guided it below the mud, and I suddenly felt my own hand make contact with the slippery, mud-coated vinyl of her leggings. She guided my hand up and down her thigh, the positioned it directly under her crotch, and forced it upward until I was squeezing it myself.

“Mmmmmm.” She moaned. “You know, I usually finish myself off in here. But perhaps I could let you do the honors.”

She didn’t have to say it twice. The next thing I knew, my hand was vigorously squeezing, pressing, and caressing her crotch, and each time all the mud in those vinyl leggings sloshed around her happy place. Judging by her moans, she was feeling each movement to the fullest. Finally, I just couldn’t help myself; I grabbed the waistband of her leggings and pulled them down around her thighs for better access.

“Ohhhh, yes… please,” I heard. I stuck my finger exactly where I needed to and rubbed her glorious clit until I could feel her shuddering. “More… More…” she said. I couldn’t say no. I gradually got more and more hands on and fingers in until she was practically shaking with pleasure. I rubbed and rubbed and she got louder and louder. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she chanted. “Yes… yes… YES… Oh God! Oh God! OH GOD! OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!” She thrashed and flailed in the mud like I’ve never seen before, and her piercing scream was music to my ears.

“Oh, god, that was good. It really does feel better with a man’s touch,” she said in between catching her breath. “You’re such a naughty, naughty boy…” She quickly regained her composure and pushed herself closer to me until we were mere inches from each other. “Perhaps I can turn you back into a good boy…”

Her hands were back below the surface, and I felt her very deliberately close her fist around my cock while her other hand fondled my balls. I’ve had some experience before, but never in the mud, and I can definitively say it felt so much better in the mud. She began stroking me. Starting out slow, but gradually increasing speed. With everything that happened up to that point, it almost pained me how little I lasted before she made me erupt.

Being the horny son of a bitch that I am, I’ve endured many, MANY orgasms, and I’ve experienced them in just about every way you could possibly imagine, but nothing has ever felt as ethereal as sensation of jet after jet of hot cum pushing its way through that mud; it almost felt like it would never stop. As soon as I let out my first groan of orgasmic pleasure, I could feel Lexa’s other hand tickle my tip and stop to feel every wave of my cum leave me. When I finally stopped, it almost felt wrong.

“Wow!” She said, “It certainly feels warmer down there now.”

She backed herself up and pushed herself back to the surface. Once her feet were back on solid ground, she took her hands and began wiping all the clay off her body. She started with her arms. Then she switched to her tits and the rest of her torso. Once her midriff was clear of most of the mud, she took both hands to her right thigh and squeezed. As she did, the mud she allowed to pool in her leggings formed a large bubble that traveled down her leg with her hands until is began plopping out the bottom by her ankle. She did the same to the other leg. Then she did what I had been hoping for from the start. She finally pulled them off. Once she got both legs out, she squeezed even more mud out of them before spreading them out in front of her.

“I think these might be ruined now,” she said. She crumpled them into a ball and tossed them right back into the pit in front of me. “There…” she said, “have a souvenir.” She wiped more mud of her legs before stepping away from the pit in the direction she originally came. “I think it’s time for me to have a shower now,” she started, “You can stay a little bit longer and enjoy yourself if you want. Just know that if I ever catch you out here in my personal mud pit again, I will call the cops.”

She walked away and left me there, stunned. I was so filled with disbelief from what just happened, and so numb and tingly from the sensation of the mud, as well as coming down from my orgasmic high that I can’t even remember the rest of the night. All I remember after seeing this beautiful, muddy woman walk away was that I eventually got out and made my way back home. I did indeed keep the vinyl leggings she tossed back out to me. I was originally going to wash them off a bit, but it’s too much of a turn on for me knowing they are still stained from that clay, and knowing what all transpired that night. Sometimes, when I’m feeling really horny, I’ll even put them on and stoke myself in them. I walk by that clay pit every now and then, reminiscing with the night I had with that beautiful young woman, but I haven’t dared to go back; I’m certain she was serious about calling the cops, I didn’t want to risk it. If I ever get a good job and can move out to a place in the country somewhere where there’s few people around, I’m going to make my own clay pit like that and have all the fun I want. Hopefully, I’ll even find myself another girl that enjoys the mud as much as I do.

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