His Hot Aunt pt. 3


His Hot Aunt

Part 3

Laura was exhausted from the arduous trip from London after her last minute decision to leave but she couldn’t stay there any longer. Now that she was standing in her sisters’ foyer unannounced, the sounds of sex coming from the other room made her uncomfortable to the point of just wanting to leave but she needed to pick up her car, not interrupt Lisa’s sexual activities. The phone calls to her sisters’ cell as well as those to her sons’ had gone unanswered. Lisa was obviously involved with someone and James was probably off surfing by this time so it was no wonder they had ignored her calls that morning. She was about to retrieve her keys when she heard something that stopped her cold.

“Uhhh,” she heard Lisa groan then, “Fuck me, Jimmy. Fuck me good.”

Before she even realized she was moving, Laura rushed toward Lisa’s room. The cross trainers she wore didn’t announce her approach as she entered. What she saw was her worst fears come true. She had reluctantly agreed to let James stay with Lisa, knowing how wild her sister is but this was what she hoped wouldn’t happen, but it was. James had his cock buried in her sister and they both seemed very comfortable with that situation. ‘How long had this been going on?’ Laura wondered, stunned by what she was witnessing. The question seemed to echo in her head as the shock and anger burst out.


Their heads turned in her direction. The look on their faces was of surprise and fear like a pair of deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi. No one moved for those first tense seconds. Laura wanted to know why…how they could betray her trust; violate their family but she was in shock. All she could do was glare in fury at the pair.


In slow motion she watched her terrified son withdraw his stiff cock from Lisa’s pussy. Even after it was free of her vaginal grasp, a couple clear, syrupy strands kept them briefly tethered together as if their bodies were protesting the premature separation. Laura couldn’t take her eyes off her son as he climbed off the bed. His youthful body and rampant, dripping cock held her fiery gaze. It must have been then that James realized he was naked in front of his mother and quickly covered his manhood with a pillow. When Laura saw her sister move to cover herself, she turned her attention to Lisa momentarily.

“Mom, I…” he was cut off by the return of his mother’s menacing glare. Fearing he might incite her to something worse than the mayhem he was already imagining she bring down on him, he slunk from the room.

Now alone with her sister, Laura stalked toward the bed. She was visibly shaking as she tried to control her rage. She wanted to scream, cry, tear her sister to shreds but all the emotions coursing through her left her trembling a few feet from her cowering sibling. She finally got some semblance of control and leaned closer to Lisa.

“How could you?” her voice a seething whisper said through clenched teeth.

She held Lisa’s gaze for a long moment and that’s when everything collapsed in on her. The exhaustion, the anger, the shock but worst of all the dampness she felt between her own legs. It was the last straw.

Lisa was in fear of what her sister was about to do. She was faced with a very angry ‘momma bear’ protecting her offspring from a perceived threat so she was surprised when Laura’s features softened and tears begin flowing down her cheeks. She’d never seen her sister cry before. She wasn’t emotional like that. Laura was tough, strong and not prone to emotional outbursts unlike herself. She flinched when Laura suddenly stood up straight, eyes cast up upward as she turned away from the bed.

“We’re cursed…my family is cursed,” she said to no one in particular then added, “I’m cursed,” before walking to the door.

“Laura wait,” but she didn’t.

Laura stopped at James’s room. He was sitting on the bed with his head down. She could see he’d put on some shorts but nothing else. He shot to his feet when he realized she was there. Her face was streaked black by her tears. He was about to say something when she spoke.

“Pack your things. I’ll text you when I get us a hotel room,” she said calmly then walked away.

James stood there for a moment then sat back down pondering what was going to happen. He’d hoped she would never find out about him and Lisa. The sound of the garage door opening caused him to look outside. He saw his mother carrying her luggage to the garage and presumably loading it into her Mercedes. There was a resounding slam of the trunk, followed by another from the driver’s door. The engine came to life and James was amazed his mother was able to maneuver the large sedan out onto the street without hitting Lisa’s car in the driveway. She roared off in the direction of Coast Highway.


James was well into his packing when his mother’s car pulled up in front of the house and parked on the street. She’d been gone less than half an hour. He could see her sitting behind the wheel staring forward. He couldn’t tell if she was crying but she still appeared to be upset by the way she kept twisting her grip on the wheel.

“Is that your mom?” Lisa asked standing at his door.

He nodded as he kept watching her. Lisa joined him at the window. Laura finally got out of her car and slowly walked up the driveway toward the front door. Lisa went to meet her followed closely by James. She opened the door for her sister but Laura just stood at the threshold.

“Can I come in?” she asked in a monotone voice. Lisa moved out of the way. After a brief hesitation, Laura took a few steps in then stopped as if unsure what to do next.

“Mom, are you alright?”

There was a long pause then Laura turned to her son.

“James I need to talk to your aunt for a little while and we need to speak in private,” the statement hung in the air as Lisa and James exchanged glances.

“Why don’t you head down to the gallery and let Sandy know I won’t be in for a while,” Lisa finally said, “I’ll call you when we’re done.”

James looked from his aunt to his mother and back again before going to his room to put on a shirt and shoes. He passed by the two women glancing at both before going to the garage. He finally appreciated the differences between them as well as the similarities. They shared the same dark eyes and straight jet black hair but his mother’s fell just past her shoulders while Lisa’s was waist length. Laura had an athletic build, lean and firm with modest B-cup breasts where as her sister was shorter, more petite yet curvier, making her breasts appear to be even larger than the C-cup they actually were. If they had both been dressed for work, they would have appeared to be nearly the same height do the difference in the height of the heels they typically wear. Both would turn any man’s head and even though there’s over a decade in years between them, most people would have a problem telling which one was older. He loved them both and even with all that had transpired that morning, he found himself getting aroused; that disturbed him.

Once James was gone, Lisa and her sister sat down on the couch in the family room. Laura didn’t say anything at first, looking as if she was searching for answers. The uncomfortable silence made Lisa fidget until she couldn’t take it any longer.

“Laura, what’s wrong…besides the obvious issue with me and Jimmy?”

There was no immediate answer from her sister so she decided to try another question in hopes of getting Laura to open up.

“What did you mean by ‘My family is cursed’?” again there was a long pause then Laura spoke.

“Dan is cheating on me.”

“What! Are you sure? With who? How’d you find out?” Lisa asked turning toward her sister who still appeared to be in shock from earlier.

“The same way I found out about you and James,” Laura said meeting her sister’s gaze.

Lisa’s cheeks grew warm as shame filled her. There was nothing she could say about that. It was something all three would have to deal with in their own way. Laura continued.

“We were staying at his parent’s estate. There were lots of family members coming and going from the time we arrived so I didn’t think twice about seeing her there.”


“Anna,” Laura replied, lowering her eyes.

“Anna…His cousin Anna? The flight attendant?”

“That’s her,” Laura wiped a fresh tear from her cheek. “I started to suspect he was fooling around about a year and a half ago. He was acting distant. He didn’t seem very interested in sex either. That’s about the same time he started making more trips to the London office.”

“Well isn’t he the top international attorney in your company? Head of the department as it were?” Lisa inquired.

“Yes and at first I didn’t think much of the trips until I found out most of the ‘issues’ he was going over there for could’ve been handled by any number of lower level attorneys. They didn’t require the big boss’s attention. I also found out Anna was working most of the flights he took over there. His mom let it slip out by telling me how he’d come and visit with Anna when they both ‘flew in from New York together’,” she stopped again to collect her thoughts while wiping more tears away.

“Would you like a glass of wine or something?” Lisa asked as she stood, “I know I need one.”

Laura nodded. Lisa was back in a flash with two large glasses of burgundy and took a seat next to her sister. Laura went on.

“I was going to go shopping with his mom and sister one morning when I realized I’d left my phone in our room and went back to get it. I heard the shower running and was about to tell Dan we’d be gone until dinner when I heard a woman’s voice. I peered in and saw them in the shower together,” she paused as she fought back more tears, “He was fucking her in the shower. I confronted him that evening after we got back and I had a chance to cool off. I decided we’re through at that point and left the following day. The reason I came back here is apparently he’s cancelled all my credit cards. I found out when I tried to get gas this morning.”

Lisa knew Laura was upset. This trauma had changed her because she never dropped F-bombs…ever. She felt bad for her and figured that was all but she was wrong. Once Laura composed herself, she gave Lisa a strange look as a crooked smile crossed her lips.

“You’re so much like Mom,” Laura stated to her confused sister.

“What’s that got to do with you and Dan? And I’m nothing like our ‘prim and proper’ mother,” Lisa replied. This made Laura laugh. “What’s so funny sis?” Lisa asked becoming agitated.

Laura took a long draw on her glass then set it down on the coffee table. She looked Lisa in the eye and said, “Technically you should say, ‘half sister’ to be accurate.”

“What do mean? Are you saying Mom had an affair? That I’m the product of an affair?”

“Yes and yes.”

“Who told you that?”

“She did before you came to live with Dan and me. She was afraid Dad found out or at least suspected she had cheated on him.”

It took a moment for that to settle in but Lisa wasn’t convinced. There was no way her mother had slept around. She wasn’t the type. From what Lisa could remember, their mother always put their family first, their father first. There was no way.

“You’re lying. You told me that I’d become too unruly for them.”

“Why would I lie? You were unruly and that’s all she wanted you to think so you wouldn’t ask too many questions.”

“Who’s my father then?”

Laura drained her glass and looked straight into Lisa’s eyes, “Mike.”

The mention of the youngest of their three brothers, who would have been 19 at the time of their incestuous tryst, was a powerful blow. She felt as if she‘d been punched in the stomach. ‘How is that possible?’ Lisa wondered as she stared back at Laura in disbelief. Mike had always acted strange, nervous even around her but she just thought it was his nature. He had always struck her as odd but could it be true?

“By the time I was born, dad was impotent, according to mom. To be honest, I’m not sure if he’s my father either but it’s a little late to worry about that now. I’ve just kept what she told me a secret along with my beliefs about my own legitimacy. So now do you see what I mean when I say, ‘My family is cursed’? My sister is the product of an incestuous affair between my mother and brother. My husband is cheating on me with his cousin. And now I find out my sister is fucking my son…or should I say half sister? It’s getting a bit confusing.”

Laura began to cry once more. Lisa just sat there and stared at her crying sibling, realizing the meaning of Laura’s comparison of her to their mother. It was a lot to take in, finding out your family is really messed up and possibly explaining why she still has sexual feelings toward her nephew even now.

The one thing Laura didn’t tell her sister was how, for the last 18 months, it was all she could do to suppress the unnatural feelings she had for her own son. She had urges that mothers weren’t supposed to have toward their children. It started out when James was eighteen and she saw him naked in his room after a shower. He was getting dressed but she couldn’t look away. Fortunately he hadn’t seen her. Knowing her family history, she didn’t want to go down the same road as her mother but she could tell by the wetness in her panties it might already be too late.

For the next several months she kept her urges in check by sheer force of will. There were times she felt her resolve waver though. Sometimes when she was having sex with Dan and she closed her eyes, Laura would see James smiling down at her as he thrust his cock deep into her pussy. That usually made her cum violently, giving Dan a false sense of achievement. Laura could feel her son’s eyes on her as she left for work in the morning and that too caused her concern. She liked seeing him look at her even if she was unsure of his thoughts. It made her fantasize he was lusting for her and that made her rebuild the bricks in the wall she had raised to protect him and her from those deviant urges.

Once James had graduated high school and left for MIT, Laura was sad to see him go but also relieved. She could relax and not worry about giving in to temptation, now that her son was on the other side of the country. It was also at that point she began to focus on her husband and his changing attitude toward her. She was truly enraged seeing Dan fucking his cousin but what she thought was the same rage she felt toward Lisa was actually jealousy. Lisa had done what she herself had wanted to do for a long time but denied herself out of decency; or was it shame, or family pride? It made her chuckle when she accepted she was jealous of her sister but she couldn’t let Lisa know or James for that matter. She was going to have to keep the urges under control.


James walked into the gallery and saw Sandy with an older couple, looking at a large painting. She gave him a quick wave and smile and went back to giving the background on the piece of art in front of them. James casually wondered around the gallery, pretending to shop but his mind was consumed with his mother learning of his secret affair with his aunt. Life was going to be very different at home from now on.

“Take my card and give me a call if you any other questions about this piece,” she said, waving to the couple as they left.

She walked up to James and gave him a friendly hug, “How’s it goin’ James? Where’s Lisa? I expected her to at least call by now.”

“My mom is back in town, she’s with her right now. She’s supposed to call me when they’re done talking.”

Sandy could tell there was something more to this story. James wasn’t himself, there was something bothering him.

“Is everything alright? I thought she and your dad weren’t coming home for a couple more weeks.”

“We did too…She kinda caught us.”

“Oh,” Sandy replied understanding now why James was acting funny, “Is she going to have your aunt put in jail?”

“I don’t know. I think that’s what they may be talking about.”

More people entered the gallery.

“I gotta do the sales thing but feel free to hang out here for as long as you want,” she said before introducing herself to the patrons.

James went back and sat at Lisa’s desk and began to think of how things might change. She’d warned him if they were caught it could ruin both their lives. He was now becoming very aware as to just how uncertain his future was. He couldn’t believe that just a week or so ago, his biggest worry was about his own sexuality. Thinking of that made him look up at Sandy as she talked with the new arrivals. He could see the men checking her out while the women they came in with looked around the gallery. ‘I wonder if they’d freak out if they knew the woman they were undressing with their eyes had a cock just like them,’ he thought, ‘There’s no way they could tell.’ He watched as she flirted with them and gave out her card to the ladies. In some ways she looked more ‘lady like’ than they did.

James’ phone rang and after a brief conversation with Lisa, he let Sandy know she wouldn’t be in unless she was really needed then he left. He arrived back at his aunt’s house in time to see his mother removing the last of her bags from the trunk of her car. She and Lisa had apparently made a truce and his mother would be staying with them too. He parked the Jeep and jumped out to help her.

“Let me get those for you, Mom,” he said as he approached, hoping his helpfulness would buy him some leniency later.

“Thanks. Put them in Lisa’s room,” she replied closing the trunk of her car.

James pulled out the handle of the larger bag then picked up its smaller twin. He followed Laura into the house and down the hall to his aunt’s room. His mother pointed to where she wanted them left. He set the luggage down and waited. He was nervously wringing his hands when his mother curtly thanked him then disappeared into the en-suite. James left the room when he heard the water in the shower come on and went looking for his aunt.

He found her sitting in the shade on the back patio with a glass of wine in her hand and a bottle on the nearby table. James exited the sliding glass door and stood in front of her in hopes of hearing the details of what she and his mother discussed. Lisa seemed to be in a daze, not even acknowledging his presence. What had transpired to put his normally vibrant aunt into such a funk?

“Are you okay?” he asked sitting down opposite her, “Did mom call the cops?”

“No…She didn’t call the cops.”

“What did she say? What’s gonna happen?”

“Honestly James, I just don’t know,” she replied then rose from her seat, “I need some time to think. I’ll be back later.” With that said Lisa took her glass inside and set it on the bar, collected her keys and purse and left.

‘She called me James.’ He sat there for a moment then went to his room. He stopped in the bathroom to relieve himself but as he dropped his shorts to pee, he heard a very distinct sound coming from the other side of the wall. The wall that separated his bathroom from his aunt’s, the same one his mother had entered after he brought in her bags. The water was still running in the shower and he heard her moan, just like he’d heard his aunt moan shortly after his arrival. He was shocked then but he was even more so now. That was his mother and he felt his body react.

He stood there in disbelief urinating and trying to keep his steadily growing cock aimed at the bowl. She moaned again and it was like a shot of adrenaline, his heart began to race. He finished, quietly closed the lid of the toilet and sat down. He’d never thought of his mother in a sexual way. He had jerked off many times after seeing her nylon clad legs but that was just him acting on his fetish for nylons; at least that’s what he thought.

In his mind’s eye he could see his mother coming home from work dressed in her business attire. He was focused on her legs; admiring the sheerness of her pantyhose. He couldn’t remember how many times he’d cum thinking of those legs. He didn’t remember considering them connected to his mom though; they were just legs in nylons. But now his focus was pulling back so that he could see all of her, not just her legs. He noticed how well her blouse fit, hugging her trim body and subtly accentuating her breasts. He could see her narrow waist and the flair of her hips and how her tailored skirt hugged her firm round ass. A shiver ran through him emanating from his groin. His hand was slowly sliding along his cock.

“What the FUCK am I doing!” he said out loud.

He heard another whimpering moan then a few moments later, the shower in the other room went silent. He jumped to his feet in a panic. Pulling up his shorts, James flushed the toilet and after quickly washed his yeni site deneme bonusu hands, dashed to his room, shutting the door behind him.


Laura stepped from the shower as the tremors from her orgasm faded. She felt relief and shame. Relief from the tension of the last few days and shame because of who she had imagined gave her that relief. The person in the torrid fantasy she had concocted to masturbate to was her son. She wrapped her body in a towel and sat on the edge of the bed she’d be sharing with her sister for the time being. Her mind kept replaying the images of his young hard cock sliding out of her sister. That brought on a brief swell of anger then it would subside as it played on. It wasn’t her sister on all fours in front of her son, it was herself. She was begging for him to put it back in, holding her slippery lips open for him, needing him to fill her with his hardness. Fresh warmth was spread out from between her legs.

“STOP IT!” she shouted.

A moment later the bedroom door burst open and James was standing there looking around for who or what made his mother cry out. He was only wearing a pair of shorts. She looked at his handsome face showing such concern. Her eyes traveled downward, admiring his firm pectoral muscles and flat stomach. His slim waist barely held his loose shorts in place. Then she saw the bulge within them. Her mind flashed back to his cock withdrawing from Lisa; she was transfixed.

“Mom, are you okay?” James asked excitedly.

The sound of his voice made her jump. Her cheeks flushed feeling she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t have been. “I’m fine…everything is fine. Go back to your room.”

“But mom you sounded…”

“I’m fine I said; go,” when he didn’t move immediately she stood and rushed toward him. “I said GO! GO!” her voice raised as she pushed him from the room, slamming the door in his face.

James stood there for a minute in bewilderment. He could hear his mother crying and didn’t know what to do to even begin to mend the ways between them. He went back to his room and sat on his bed. He was conflicted and ashamed. He wanted to talk to Lisa once she returned to at least get some idea about what she and his mother had talked about and what was going to happen next.


The sun had set by the time Lisa returned and James was beside himself with curiosity and fear. She’d brought home enough Chinese food for the three of them. James was hungry but more ravenous for information. Lisa set the bags on the bar before addressing her nephew.

“Where’s your mom?”

“She’s in your room,” he replied then lowered his voice as he leaned close, “What happened between you two while I was gone?”

“How much has your mom told you?”

“NOTHING!…nothing, that’s why I’m asking you. I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other? Wasn’t that our agreement way-back-when?”

“There’s a lot going on here James,” she said as she un-bagged their dinner, “You’ve got to…”

“It’s James now? What happened to Jimmy? What’s changed between us?”

Lisa stepped around the counter and stood before her perturbed nephew. Her hand went to his face for a gentle caress before she spoke.

“Nothing’s change in how much I care about you as a nephew,” she kissed his cheek softly, “or as a lover,” she kissed his lips firmly with just a flick of her tongue for emphasis, “but you have to be patient. Set the table while I get your mom.”

He watched his aunt walk toward the hall. Shaking his head in frustration, he went about doing what she requested. He set the table with plates and water glasses and two wine glasses for the women, arranging the cartons of food in the center of the table. He placed a bottle of wine there as well.

He’d just sat down to wait when Lisa reappeared with his mother in tow. Lisa had changed into her robe with her hair pulled back in a loose pony tail. He couldn’t tell if she had anything on under the robe as she sat across from him but it didn’t really matter at that moment. His mother had on a pink tank top and black yoga pants. He caught himself admiring how the black spandex hugged her curves right down to her mid-calf. It made his cock twitch.

Laura took her place beside her son and the trio silently portioned out items onto their plates. James picked at his food as he watched his mom and aunt quietly consuming theirs. The silence was deafening to him.

“So where do we go from here?” he asked, finally taking a serious bite of Chow Mein.

Both his mother and aunt turned their eyes to him then to each other. Lisa reached for the wine and topped off her glass then her sister’s before offering James some, even though he didn’t have an appropriate glass.

“Ya know he’s under age,” Laura commented before James could even answer his aunt.

“Yes I know but I didn’t think…”

“That’s right you didn’t think,” Laura’s voice rising in anger, “You didn’t think at all!”

“Please can we just talk this out without yelling?” James interrupted.

There was a long silence then both women nodded. Another pause followed before Lisa spoke up.

Turning to her sister, “You need to tell Jimmy about you and Dan.”

“What about Dad? What’s happened?”

“Your father and I are gonna get a divorce,” Laura replied without lifting her eyes from her plate.

“WHAT?” James exclaimed, “Why?”

Laura let out a sigh then turned to face her son, “He’s been cheating on me. I’d suspected for a while but I caught him in the act on vacation.”

James was stunned. He couldn’t believe his ears but the look in his mother’s eyes was deadly serious. She continued.

“That’s why I came home early. I’d called both your cell phones when I landed this morning but didn’t get a response. So I took a shuttle here to get my car and found you two fucking.” She looked back and forth between her son and her sister, neither wanting to meet her gaze. Again the images of James’ cock leaving her sister filled her mind. It took her a moment to wipe them away before she could go on.

“I’ll be staying here until the renovation is complete at our house then James and I will be out of your hair,” turning to her sister, “Until then we’ll have to get along. I don’t want to have any further incidences like the one I walked in on this morning.”

“Don’t blame Jimmy, it’s all my fault. He’s a good boy,” Lisa said, trying to protect her nephew from his mother’s wrath.

Laura glared at her sister, “It didn’t look to me like you had a gun to his head or that he was an unwilling participant.”

“Laura please…”

Laura stood abruptly and filled her wine glass before saying, “Thanks for dinner and letting James and I stay with you while our house is being worked on. Once it’s complete we’ll leave.” She took her glass and turned toward the hall then added, “You won’t be welcome.”

James and Lisa watched her go. They both sat pondering their situation. It was several minutes before either of them spoke.

“What’re we gonna do?” James asked.

“What can we do? So far your mom hasn’t threatened to have me arrested or disown you,” she said standing to clear the table, “I think we’re pretty lucky in that respect.”

James nodded. Lisa took his plate and put it in the sink with hers then walked behind his chair, placing her hands on his shoulders.

“I’m sorry this happened. And I’m sorry about your parents getting divorced.”

“Their divorce wasn’t your fault,” he replied standing up and taking her in his arms, “And neither was the other thing. At least not totally. I knew what I was doing and I wouldn’t change it if I could.”

Lisa began to cry, burying her face in his chest as she held him tight. She felt happy in his arms and could forget everything as long as he held her. After a sniffle, she looked up at him, kissed him passionately on the lips then headed to her room.


James woke to the sound of his mother’s voice. She was in the living room talking to someone. He glanced at the clock which read 1:12am. He opened his door a crack and peered out. She had her back to him on the couch, talking on her cell phone. It didn’t take him long to figure out it was his father on the other end. From what he heard, it sounded like his dad was cutting all ties to her. James also gathered that he wasn’t going to have to worry about his school tuition being cut off but he didn’t know what was going to happen once his father returned from England.

When he was younger, his parents seemed so happy. He never would have guessed this could happen to them. He knew divorce was common place these days but not between his parents. His mom ended the call and sat on the couch mumbling to herself. James was about to return to bed when he heard her crying. He felt bad adding to her pain with what he’d done. That’s what must have driven him to go and comfort her.

James sat beside his sobbing mother, putting his arms around her. They held each other for a long time before Laura got her emotions under control. She sat back from her son and looked deep into his eyes.

“I don’t want to lose you too.”

“You’re not gonna lose me, mom,” he reassured her.

She hugged him fiercely then stood. “I need to get some sleep. I’ve gotta go into the office in the morning.”

She took his hand and they walked back toward his room. She kissed him good night and went back to bed.


It was around seven in the morning when James was aware of activity in the kitchen. He hadn’t slept well that night and was trying to shake the cob webs from his head when he heard two distinctly different pairs of heels on the tiled floor. One was a sharp click, the other lower and heavier. He once again opened his door a crack. He watched his aunt and mother as they went about their morning breakfast routines. Laura stood at the bar, looking at her phone as she spooned fruit laden yogurt into her mouth while Lisa sat down at the table, sipping her coffee and eating a cream cheese covered bagel. Her high heeled platform pumps had a stiletto heel that had made the clicking he heard. His mother’s heels were lower and wider, accounting for the other.

James quickly focused on what both women were wearing on their legs. Lisa’s shimmered with a transparent glossy sheen whereas his mother’s semi-opaque black hosiery had a matte finish to them. His cock awakened. Laura shook her left foot out of her shoe and mindlessly ran it up and down the back of her right calf. Lisa sat with her legs crossed bouncing her foot. Those simple mundane actions had James rock hard in less than a minute.

Lisa had finished half her bagel when she stood and put her cup and plate in the sink. Holding the unfinished portion of her breakfast, she walked past her sister saying, “I’m off.”

Laura didn’t acknowledge her. Clearly the tension was still high between them. Lisa left with a forlorn look on her face. James was fixated on her shimmering legs as they disappeared from view.

He returned his focus to his mother’s legs, watching her muscular calves flexed as she shifted her weight between her feet. His hand moved to his cock, gripping it through his boxers. He wanted so badly to jerk off but he was seeing his mother as a whole sexual being, not just disembodied legs in nylons any more. That was giving him pause. Having incestuous thoughts about his aunt had gotten them into some serious trouble. Having those same kinds of thoughts about his mother could be even worse. His mother flexed her toes then inserted her foot back into her shoe; James’ cock surged in his grip. He closed the door quietly and sat on his bed until he heard his mother leave, chastising himself even as his cock throbbed. He hoped some sun and surf would wash away those new persistent thoughts.


Laura parked in the open garage, next to the Jeep. It was early afternoon. James’ surf board lay on the lawn, still wet from being rinsed off. She carried an arm load of folders into the house, setting them on the bar. She stepped out of her shoes and sighed in relief. She was about to pour herself a glass of wine when she heard what sounded like ‘Mom’. She turned toward the hall expecting to see James standing there but there was no one. She walked toward his room and looked in. It was empty.

“Oh mom you look so hot!”

Laura spun around and saw the bathroom door ajar. The shower was running and James was softly moaning. She stepped closer to the door but stopped short of looking in. Her hand moved toward the handle. ‘What are you doing?’ she shouted at herself, yanking her hand back and biting her lower lip.

“Wrap your sexy legs around me mom. I love how they feel in those silky hose,” James moaned from inside the shower.

Laura gasped hearing those words coming from her son. There was a split second of anger but the incestuous movie that had been playing so often in her head started again in vivid detail causing the anger to be replaced by the urges she had so desperately tried to suppress. Her panties were beginning to dampen as her wall was crumbling once more. She leaned forward so she could see through the opening. Steam filled the glass enclosure, fogging up the top half of the stall. James stood in profile, supporting himself with one arm while leaning slightly forward. His was head down as his free hand feverishly stroked his rampant cock. Laura watched in awe as his hand glided over the stiff shaft. She wanted it to be her hand. Guilt shot through her at that then yearning then shame.

“I’m gonna cum for you, mom…ugh.”

Laura looked on as James painted the wall in front of him with pearly ropes of his seed while softly moaning. She was trembling. Her underwear was soaking. She wanted to touch herself so badly it hurt. The water shut off and she snapped out of her trance. Panicking, she silently dashed toward the kitchen as quickly and carefully as her stockinged feet would carry her. She heard James humming and busied herself with the files on the bar top as if she’d just gotten home. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see James start to cross the hall naked, toweling off his chest when he noticed her.

“OH…Mom…I didn’t know you’re home,” he said with a start, quickly covering himself.

“Hi honey…I just got here,” she tried to keep her voice from cracking, “I’ve got some paperwork to do.” Laura reshuffled the files again trying not to give away her embarrassment from her voyeurism. She could see his eyes were on her feet and legs making the words he said in the shower echo in her head.

“Okay…I’ll leave you alone. I’ll be in here if you need me,” he said motioning to his room before entering and closing the door.

Once he was out of sight, she let out a long sigh of relief. Laura had gotten lucky her son hadn’t caught her watching him masturbate. Or had she? If he had caught her, maybe she could be holding his…’STOP IT!’ a voice shouted in her head. She looked down at her legs and began to wonder about James’ fascination with her legs and nylons. Did it really turn him on that much? She took a deep breath and exhaled shaking her head.

“Get those thoughts outta your mind right now!” she whispered before getting to work on the papers before her.


Lisa walked into her bedroom to find her sister sitting cross-legged on the bed with piles of paper spread out in front of her. She was in her black yoga pants and a loose fitting CSULB t-shirt. Laura was watching her as she entered.

“Hi,” Lisa said softly.


Lisa went to the closet and stepped out of her heels, kicking them aside. She opened the closet and began to undress; removing her blouse and hanging it up. She removed the wide chain belt at her waist then shimmied out of her form fitting spandex skirt. When she picked it up from the floor, she noticed Laura was still watching her in the reflection of the mirrored doors. She folded her skirt, placing it on the hamper then reached behind her to unfasten her bra. Lisa tossed it on the hamper as well and massaged her now liberated breasts. She turned and faced her sister wearing only her bikini briefs and nylons. Laura’s eyes were still on her.

“Is that how you did it?” Laura asked in an almost emotionless tone.

“Did what?”

“Seduced my son,” she clarified.

Lisa looked down at her hands as they continued massaging her breasts. She didn’t want to fight with her sister again but she also didn’t want the silent tension to continue between them either. She looked back at Laura.

“I don’t think these played much of a part,” jiggling them briefly before letting her boobs drop to their natural position.

“I’m not talking about your tits; I mean your legs and pantyhose.”

Lisa looked down again, this time at her legs and feet. She wiggled her toes as her hands slide down her hips and back to her waist, feeling the silky material encasing her lower half. She hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her nylons and underwear then slid them down. She tossed both onto the hamper and turned back to her sister as she bundled her long hair into a loose pile on top of her head.

“I think they were a major factor,” Lisa replied, waiting for her sister to tear into her for admitting to the corruption of her nephew. Standing naked before Laura was a gesture from Lisa that she was defenseless and was at her sister’s mercy, with nothing to hide, ready to accept her judgment and if necessary, punishment.

There was a long moment of silence. Lisa watched her sister as she seemed to be processing her answer. Her facial expression was one of confirmation rather than anger but she knew that could change in a blink of an eye.

“He has a pantyhose fetish,” Lisa added.

“He’s not a pervert,” Laura shot back.

“I never said he was. He has a fetish as defined: ‘a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etcetera.’ That doesn’t make him a pervert. Everyone has some kinda kink they keep hidden. I had my suspicions he had a fetish for nylons but wasn’t sure until he told me,” Lisa replied, walking to the far side of the bed and sitting down.

“What did you say when he told you?”

“I said it was ‘Hot’.”

“You told him it was HOT! So you encouraged it?”

“If telling the truth is encouragement then yes I did.”

Laura just stared at her naked sister in disbelief.

“I like knowing that people get turned on by looking at me. Whether it’s the way I do my hair or my make-up or the clothes I wear, it turns me on. Doesn’t it turn you on when a hot guy is staring at you and you can see a bulge in his pants?”

“It’s one thing if it’s a stranger but not my son; your nephew. It’s not supposed to ‘turn you on’. You should…”

“Ignore it? I could no more ignore it than Jimmy can ignore legs in pantyhose,” Lisa said as she stood and walked toward the bathroom, “I guess that’s my fetish. I’ll make dinner when I’m done in the shower.”

Laura watched her sister disappear into the bathroom as she considered what she had said. She thought about James staring at her legs and getting turned on; turned on enough to masturbate in the shower…to his own mother. The dampness between her legs grew as she struggled to ignore it.


After a fitful night, trying NOT to be aroused by the thought of her son looking at her as a sexual object, Laura got up as Lisa left for work. She made some coffee but needed to clear her mind of the incestuous thoughts floating around in there. She needed to concentrate on how to proceed with her divorce as well as issues at work. She went out onto the back patio to meditate. Meditation had worked in the past when she wanted clarity before a court case and to help strengthen the rapidly eroding barrier she had created to shield herself and her son from the unnatural urges she was feeling.

An hour later Laura felt no more clarity than when she started her meditation session. She was clear that the delicate remnants of her wall wouldn’t need much of a push to fall to pieces. She got to her feet frustrated and marched into the house. She closed the sliding glass door a bit harder than she intended, scolding herself for that. She paced around like a caged animal for several minutes before deciding she needed to get ready for work. After refreshing her coffee, Laura headed back to her bedroom.


James sat up straight as he woke from another erotic dream involving his mother. His breathing was elevated as was his body temp. Once he realized it was just a dream he sank back to the sweat soaked sheets and stared at the ceiling. He knew it was wrong to feel that way about his mother, especially after she caught him in bed with his aunt. Not that the situation between him and his aunt was any better but Lisa was just so sexy. His thoughts drifter back to his mother, wondering if she had a wild side like Lisa that might allow her lighten up. She deneme bonusu yatırım şartı yok definitely was beautiful too. He remembered back to the previous morning, watching her rub her nylon encased foot against her calf.

James moved the blinds to see if his mother’s car was in the driveway. He didn’t see it. He sat up and looked toward the street, no Mercedes. He settled back to relieve his aching balls. Slowly at first, his hand moved up and down his steely shaft. In his mind he could see his mother’s foot gliding up and down her leg. A long low moan escaped his lips as he visualized every detail. The curve of her sole, the faint color of her skin beneath the semi-sheer material, how her toes fanned and flexed with a silky web between them made him stroke faster. He wanted to feel her legs in those pantyhose; run his hands over them. Another moan filled the room. He was getting close to cumming.

“I love those sexy black hose,” he said in a lustful voice.

He switched gears and now his mom was sitting on his bed, at first fully clothed then just in her nylons. James was breathing faster. She sat between his legs and surrounded his throbbing dick with her silky soles. Slowly stroking him as she smiled with delight, ‘Do you like that honey,’ she asked in a sultry voice.

“Yes mom…I love how you’re stroking my cock,” James answered out loud. He was so close now.

The door to his room suddenly opened and Laura entered, walking straight for him.

“MOM!” James shrieked, wide eyed as he frantically tried to cover himself.


Laura was passing James’ door when she heard him moan. She froze. She recognized that moan. It sounded just like the one he made in the shower. He was masturbating again but was he thinking of his mother or his aunt she wondered? Laura couldn’t move, like her feet were glued to the floor. She leaned closer to the door. She didn’t hear any more immediately and began to think she had imagined the whole thing and then came a second moan.

Her heart was racing. She couldn’t believe she was eavesdropping on her son again. The wall was teetering. She put her ear lightly to the door. She could hear wet sounds of James’ hand working his stiff cock. She could see it in her mind as the shower scene replayed. Her yoga pants were soaked through. ‘Maybe he’s just thinking of Lisa,’ she thought, ‘or some girl he saw at the beach…’

“I love those sexy black hose,” he said just loud enough for her to hear.

Laura stood up straight with her hand over her mouth as she gasped. It was her on his mind. She had worn black nylons yesterday and he saw her after his shower. A shiver ran through her, spreading out from her throbbing pussy. The wall collapsed. She knew what she was going to do.

Padding quietly to her sisters room, stripping off her shirt as she went, Laura knew she didn’t have much time. Yanking down her drenched pants and underwear, she went to the bag that held her dirty clothes. She found the pair of pantyhose she wore the day before and slid them up her legs so fast that it surprised even her. Laura grabbed her sister’s robe and as she was putting it on, saw her own reflection in the full length mirror of the closet door. She was naked except for her nylons and the borrowed robe. Her nipples were fully erect and her cheeks had a rosy flush. She looked like a woman on a mission. Closing the robe and tying the sash, she dashed back down the hall.

Laura’s hand was trembling as she reached for the handle. She stopped. ‘What am I doing here?’ she asked herself as she tried to control her breathing. ‘This isn’t what a mother is supposed to be doing,’ another voice said as she was bombarded with doubt and shame. Her inflamed sex was pushing her to turn the handle as her conscience screamed, ‘NO!’

“Yes mom…I love how you’re stroking my cock,” she heard her son say.

The doubt and shame vanished in a heartbeat as she swung open the door and strode straight toward her panicked son. He shrieked and managed to pull the sheet across his waist before she got to him. His eyes were wide with fear when she yanked back the sheet but the look quickly changed to confusion and disbelief when her hand closed around his cock. ‘It’s so hard,’ she thought, ‘and so warm…so slippery from his pre-cum,’ her hand slowly began to pump up and down his length.

“Mom! What’re you…OH SHIT!”

“Shh…Shh…Shh, it’s okay,” she said leaning in closer to him.

But James wasn’t exactly protesting her actions. If anything, he was trying to warn her. She felt his body go stiff as his forestalled orgasm was released. Laura was struck on the cheek and ear by the first scolding emission and partially by the second as she took his fountaining member into her warm, wet mouth. James let out a deep satisfied groan as his mother drank down the remaining spurts of his seed. She continued to stroke and suck his twitching cock well after he’d given up all he was able at that moment.

Releasing his cock, Laura turned toward her stunned son. She could see he was still in a state of shocked disbelief so to break him out of the trance she asked for some tissues to clean herself. He handed her a wad of tissues but his confused look lingered. After wiping her face and mopping up the remnants of his ejaculation, Laura faced her son.

“Mom…this isn’t right,” he stated in a relatively calm voice.

“You were the one moaning for your mother the last few times you jacked off,” she countered.

“What d’ya mean, ‘last few times?’ You just walked in…”

“Well there was just now and then yesterday in the shower…were there others?” she straightened, crossing her arms under her breasts as she counted on her fingers.

“You heard me in the shower?” his voice had changed to a higher pitch.

“I watched you spray the wall with your cum,” she confirmed, “It was quite arousing.”

“You shouldn’t be watching me jerk…I mean while I take a shower,” there was now agitation in his voice.

“And you shouldn’t be jerking off to your mother,” Laura replied with a stern look.

James took a moment to ponder that before responding.

“I thought you were mad at me and Lisa for catching us…you know. Then you watch me in the shower and come in here and give me a blow job.”

“I didn’t give you a blow job. At least that wasn’t my original intent.”

“I seem to recall your mouth on my dick as I came!”

“I was giving you a hand job when you suddenly started spraying my face with cum. What was I supposed to do?” she calmly replied, “I didn’t want you making a mess everywhere. And I’m not mad at you.”

“What about Lisa? You seemed pretty mad at her the last few days.”

Laura to a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed with her son before answering his question.

“I thought I was mad at her and you too but I realized I was hurt and jealous,” looking down at her hands in her lap.

“I don’t understand.”

She looked into his eyes, “I’ve had these feelings for you since I saw you naked in your room not long after you turned 18. I knew they were wrong and I fought very hard to suppress them. When you went away to college I was relieved the temptation was removed from my everyday life. But even though the temptation was removed, the urges remained. I was really glad you didn’t want to come on vacation with your father and me. However having you stay here with Lisa gave me other concerns which came true.”

“How did you know her and I…?”

“I didn’t. At least I hoped it wouldn’t happen but I know how close you two are and how wild she is…” Laura wiped a tear from her cheek, “I was jealous of her relationship with you. I wanted to be that close to you but was afraid of what would happen…and wanting it to happen at the same time.”

Laura looked to the ceiling, fighting back the tears, “I wanted to have you first. I wanted you to fuck me like you were fucking her that morning I walked in on you. That’s why I was so angry. Please don’t hate me.” She dropped her eyes back to her lap, unable to meet her son’s gaze.

James pulled his mother into his arms as she quietly sobbed. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His mother wanted to have sex with him? This was blowing his mind. He held her for several minutes until she had stopped crying.

“I don’t hate you, mom. How could I? You’re my mom!” the tears started again.

When she calmed herself he asked, “What changed?”

Laura let out a short chuckle and replied with barely more than a whisper, “The wall came tumbling down.”


“It’s not important,” she sat up, “What’s important is, I love you and I don’t want to lose you. I just want to please you and have you please me if you want to? I know it’s wrong in so many ways but…” She trailed off, shaking her head but he knew what she meant.

“What about Lisa? I still want to be with her too. I love you mom but I love her too.”

“More than me?”

“I wouldn’t say more, just differently.”

“How’s that?”

“I love her like a friend and a sister and of course my aunt but also as a lover. Is that gonna be okay with you?”

“Unlike my sister, I’m not the polyamorous type but given the unusual circumstances, I think I can deal with it.”


“You can Google it later. Does that mean you can love me as a lover too?”

James pulled her into a passionate kiss no son should ever give his mother. His tongue probed her lips and when they parted it entered in search of hers. Laura moaned as the ardor built between them. Her arms were around his neck, caressing his head and shoulders. One of James’ hands was planted firmly against his mother’s back, holding her in place while the other traveled down her side. He loved the feel on the silk robe but when he reached the hem and the material he encountered changed to nylon he froze. In the panic and confusion of his mother walking in on him, James hadn’t realized she had on nylons. His recovering cock sprang to attention.

Laura noticed the change in her son’s kissing and the sudden stop of his hand on her thigh. Leaning back, she could see his eyes glued to her leg. She smiled then moved her leg into his hand. He met her gaze.

“Lisa told me about your fetish.” His cheeks became rosy with embarrassment. “Aren’t these the ones you were picturing as you were masturbating?” her hand closed around his cock and a deeper shade of red now appeared.

“You don’t think I’m weird do you?”

“When you told Lisa about your fetish, what did she say?”

“It was ‘Hot’,” he answered meekly, no longer able to look at her.

“She told me the same thing but I couldn’t understand why until this very moment,” feeling her fingers being coated in pre-cum, “I remembered back to how you use to watch me as I left for work and when I got home. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but how you looked at me then is how you’re looking at me know. To feel how hard it makes you and to see the lust in your eyes…I have to agree, it’s HOT! Or should I say it’s ‘Making me Hot’.”

Laura released his cock, rose and removed the kimono allowing James to get his first real look at his mother’s naked body. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed his mother was wearing nylons when she walked in but the fear of death can create some significant tunnel vision. His eyes traveled up and down Laura’s body as he took in every detail. She was standing on the balls of her feet, making her legs tight in their glossy covering. He looked on to her flat toned belly and luscious tits that were just now begrudgingly yielding to gravity.

“Do you like?” she asked in a sexy, playful voice.

James stood and took his mother in his arms for another fiercely passionate kiss. She melted in his embrace. Her heart sang feeling his love for her. She was surprised though when he suddenly tossed her on his bed; she giggled like a school girl. James crawled up between her legs. She expected him to kiss her more but he lowered his mouth to the drenched cotton panel of her pantyhose.

Tasting his mother for the first time sent a tremor through his entire body. Her seductive scent filled his nostril as his mouth drew her nectar to his tongue. Laura groaned in satisfaction from her son’s aggressive attentions. When he suddenly stopped, she let out an exasperated sigh.

James opened his nightstand drawer and removed a small Swiss Army knife. Opening up the scissors he returned to his previous position, preparing to cut open Laura’s nylons.

“WAIT! James, these are expensive. I’ll take them off.”

“They won’t be ruined, trust me,” he reassured her.

Before she could protest further, James clipped a small hole in the cotton gusset then proceeded to remove it by cutting just inside the reinforced stitching. He tossed the scrap of cotton aside and placed the knife on the nightstand. As he pushed her legs open wider, he smiled up at Laura and pointed out his handy work.

“See, no runs and extra ventilation,” he said, blowing lightly on her crotch.

His warm breath on her naked flesh sent a little chill up her spine. His tongue running up her wet cleft sent shockwaves. James took his time lapping at his mother’s drooling pussy. He wanted to saver the experience and make her cum if possible. Her hands went to his head, holding him in place. James sucked Laura’s clit into his mouth and began to flick it gently with his tongue.

“OH MY GOD!” she cried, arching her back and driving her sex into her son’s mouth.

James slid a finger into her clenching hole. He couldn’t believe how tight she was. Her vaginal muscles immediately clamped down on his invading digit as he plunged it in and out.

“That’s it baby, you’re gonna make me cum. OH yes, right there…right there…” she growled, bucking her hips.

Spurred on by her cries, James sucked harder on her clit, lashing it savagely with his tongue now. His handed pumped faster, keeping pace with his oral attack. He could feel the tremors begin as her body stiffened and the flow of liquid from her convulsing cunt flooded out.

“OH YES BABY…I’M CUMMING!” she screamed thrashing wildly.

James did the best he could to maintain her stimulation as his mother writhed in front of him. He lapped and sucked, trying to catch as much of her juices as possible. He eased up when he felt her beginning to calm down, kissing and licking her glistening folds tenderly. She surprised him by shoving him back and scooting away from him to a sitting position. She was trembling and giving him a strange look. He began to think she was having second thoughts in the post orgasmic afterglow.

Laura was in shock. She was shaking as she stared down at her son who had just given her the most mind-blowing orgasm she can remember. There were some faint rumblings of disgust and shame but her body rejoiced at what had just occurred. She wanted more, ignoring the distant protests from her ‘moral’ side. She noticed James’ look of concern at her sudden retreat. She leaned forward and pulled him to her by his ears, kissing him hungrily. She could taste herself on his lips and tongue and that only fueled her passion. It was so naughty, so wrong but so damn good! She broke their kiss still holding onto his face, gazing deep into his eyes.

“I need you to fuck me…right now! Okay?”

James nodded and slid back to give Laura room to lie down. His cock throbbed in anticipation of sinking into his mother’s pussy. Although he hadn’t fantasized about it as long as he had about his aunt, this fantasy was far more intense because it was about his mother. And now it was about to come true. He was ready to feel her warm, wet embrace and her silky legs wrapped around his waist as he fucked her. But instead of lying on her back, Laura had spun around onto her hands and knees, offering James her backside. This wasn’t what he imagined their first time would be like but he wasn’t going to complain.

“I can’t get the image of your cock pulling out of Lisa out of my head. I want you to fuck me like that,” she pleaded, looking over her shoulder at her son.

James edged forward. He placed a hand on her hip and she jumped at his touch. She was shaking with excitement and anticipation. He took his cock in hand and ran it along her slippery valley. Laura moaned. Her pussy was feverishly hot as he positioned himself at her twitching opening. He released his cock and his hand joined the other on her hips. James pushed forward slowly but her pussy wasn’t yielding much. He remembered how tight she was with just one finger in her, now he was about to shove something substantially thicker into her and was concerned about causing her pain.

“Mom you need to relax a little,” he said, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I am relaxed. It’s been a long time for me. Just go slow, sweetie. I’ll let you know if you’re hurting me,” she replied, lowering her torso to the sheets.

James increased the pressure and the head of his cock slowly disappeared into his mother’s pussy. He felt her clench him tightly so he stopped, allowing her to get use to his size. Her breathing was elevated but steady. Her hand went to the back of his thigh, urging him forward. More of his cock entered and he was amazed at her snugness. He kept going until his hips met her nylon encased ass. They both groaned. Laura pushed herself back up with her arms, enjoying the fullness she was feeling from her son’s thick cock. ‘My son’s thick cock,’ she repeated in her head, ‘I shouldn’t be doing this but it feels so good.’

James laid his body over hers and kissed her neck and shoulder while squeezing one of her firm breasts. His thumb and forefinger twisted and rolled her solid nipple. She was shaking again. The warmth of her skin against his chest was nothing compared to the fiery grip his steely cock was experiencing. Every time her muscles contracted it was almost painful. He was extremely aroused to the point that he was afraid he might cum the minute he began to move. He wanted to enjoy this as long as possible.

“You’re teasing me James. I want you to fuck me,” Laura begged, her head down trying to keep her breathing steady.

“You’re so tight mom. I’m not gonna last very long.”

She raised her head and craned it around to look at her son. “Don’t worry about that baby, just fuck me. We can do it again later.”

James smiled at the prospect that there would be more sex with his mother in the future. They managed and awkward kiss before he rose up and began to slowly fuck her. He made long slow strokes, still concerned about injuring her. It wasn’t long though that she was pushing back into him, meeting his strokes with more force. Barely a minute into their first act of intercourse and James was almost on the brink of orgasm. His mother’s moans and wails weren’t helping him hold back either. He could tell she was getting close too but he was just seconds away for erupting.

Laura was stretched to her limit by James’ cock. After a year without sex and nothing but her hand to relieve her tensions, her body had really tightened up. Each time he filled her she trembled uncontrollably. She was going to cum very soon, hopefully before James did. She didn’t want him to shoot then snore like his father would, leaving her to take care of her needs. She felt her son’s grip on her hips tighten.

“OH GOD! I’m gonna cum…I’m sorry mom…UUUGGGHHH,” James grunted, slamming his hips into Laura, fast and hard.

James’ powerful thrusts made Laura shriek. She ignored the initial disappointment she felt from not orgasming before her son but the feel of his thick cock pulsing inside her, flooding her with his hot cum, triggered her own release. Her knuckles went white as she gripped the sheets, driving her hips back into James’s hammering thrusts. As the last of his seed shot into his mother, James held her ass tight to him. Her hips continued to rock up and down as she coaxed the last bit of pleasure from her orgasm.

They were both sweaty and panting. James lay onto his side, brining Laura with him. She was still impaled by her son’s resilient erection. Her hand went to her clit fanning over the sensitive bud until she came again. She let out a blissful sigh of relief and relaxed in her son’s arms.

“Are you sure you’re done?” he asked playfully, caressing his mother’s thigh.

“I could rub out several more with your beautiful cock in me, but that might be a bit selfish,” once she said that, Laura realized what James had said as he masturbated. His hand continued moving up and down her thigh and then she knew she needed to do something for him. She clenched and released her vaginal muscles a few times to hear James moan then reluctantly removed his cock from her pussy.

Laura moved away from her son and lay on her back. James looked disappointed at his mother’s sudden withdrawal but that wasn’t to last.

“Since you’re still nice and hard,” she said giving his cock a squeeze with her hand, “Let’s try another position.”

James deneme bonusu veren siteler yatırımsız smiled and sat up as his mother spread her legs, drawing her knees toward her chest. Her hands glided down her legs seductively, teasing her inner thighs before reaching her leaking pussy. The tip of her finger circled her inflamed clit briefly, making her gasp.

“Isn’t this how you’re imagining me as you jerked off in the shower?”

James blushed at his mother reminding him that she had seen him jerk off. His cock responded too.

“Come here and show me how you want to fuck me,” she purred, biting her lower lip and giving him a sexy look then spreading her thighs to their limit. Once he was in position, she placed the head of his cock at her gooey opening. Without prompting he sank into his mother’s pussy once more. They both moaned in unison.

She kissed James firmly on the lips, stabbing her tongue into his mouth. They dueled briefly then she pulled back to look at him. He was smiling back at her with love and lust in his eyes. She pulled him close again, putting her lips to his ear. She licked the edge and nibbled on the lobe.

“Tell me what you want me to do with my legs,” she whispered.

He pulled back to look at her face, “What d’ya mean?”

“Like you did in the shower, tell me what you want me to do.”

“Put your legs around me…” he responded, partially stating and partially questioning.

“That’s not how you said it,” Laura scolded, “I want you to say it with the same confidence and passion you did when it was just a fantasy.”

James looked down at her. His mind with still trying to come to grips with the fact he had actually fucked his mother once and was about to again. But now she was asking him to talk to her like he had when all he could do was masturbate to thoughts of her. His smile returned and he kissed her softly on the mouth then moved his lips to her ear.

“Wrap your sexy legs around me mom, I love how they feel in those silky hose,” he whispered.

She moaned in delight as her legs encircled his waist. She moved them along his sides and hips, teasing his ass with her velvety soles. She held him tight with her arms when he began to slowly thrust his hips. The length and power of his strokes grew with his arousal. Laura was gasping and moaning as her son fucked her hard and fast, his head buried in her shoulder.

Her orgasm hit her from out of the blue. She hadn’t expected to cum so quickly but in this position James’ cock was hitting her in just the right place like a sharpshooter hits a bull’s-eye.

“Yes baby…that’s so good…right there…right there…you’re making me cum!” she announced then couldn’t say more as her words seem to catch in her throat as a torrent of moans and cries escaped.

James could feel the contractions around his pistoning member; they were pushing him rapidly toward his own release. Her legs clamped down too. Although getting tired, he didn’t want to cum yet. James slowed his pace, pushing himself up to watch the ecstasy on his mother’s face. Her eyes were pinched shut as her head wiped from side to side now that his was no longer in the way. His slow rolling thrusts kept her riding high on a wave of bliss. He smiled knowing he was giving her so much pleasure.

It was also then that the love he felt for her was so much greater than before. It was as if a whole new world had opened before him. He’d always loved his mother but it seemed such a narrow love compared to now. She made him feel so wanted too, just like he felt about Lisa when their relationship took that final step. He loved them both more now than he ever thought possible. In his reverie his hips had stopped moving causing Laura to open her eyes.

“Is everything alright baby?” she asked, feeling a bit concerned at her son’s premature halt of their lovemaking.

He smiled down at her, “I’m fine…I love you mom.”

“I love you too baby,” she replied, still not sure about what was on his mind.

There was a long silent pause between them then James began thrusting with renewed vigor, washing all concern from Laura’s mind. He quickly ignited a new fire within her that soon consumed her in a tremendous orgasmic inferno. She held tight to him once more as his urgent lunges signaled his impending release. She tried to whisper encouragements to him but her own powerful orgasm made it hard to speak coherently.

His movements became sharp and savage when his orgasm arrived. He buried himself again and again with such force it drove the air from Laura’s lungs. She felt his cock pulse, shooting his seed into her convulsing depths. She came again. James finally collapsed onto her, spent and panting. His cock continued to twitch and jump within her. Laura opened her legs and he rolled onto the bed next to her. She felt so empty when his cock was pulled free of her wet grasp.

Laura lay facing her son, kissing him as his breathing slowed. She threw her leg over his hip, continuing to caress him with her velvety nylons. They kissed and talked, basking in the mutual afterglow of their incestuous coupling. The feel of her son’s turgid cock tapping her in time with his heartbeat made Laura smile. She admired the resilience of a nineteen year olds libido.

“I can’t believe you’re still hard,” she stated, smiling at her sweaty boy.

“It’s your fault. This only happens when I’m really turned on,” he chuckled.

“My fault? I turn you on that much?”

He nodded and kissed her warm wet lips.

“I love you James,” she said, resting her hand on his twitching member.

“I love you too mom,” he kissed her again, “but I need to rest before we do any more.”

“Did I wear you out?”

James nodded.

“Then why don’t you hold me while we take a little cat nap,” she said, turning over to spoon with her tired son. His cock was poking at her butt so she shifted her hips and lifted a leg. “I’m going to put this thing to good use so I don’t make a bigger mess of your bed.” Before he could answer, Laura slid his cock back into her oozing hole then snuggled into his body. He wrapped his arm around his mother and the pair drifted off to sleep.


Lisa arrived home for lunch shortly after noon, she was starving. The half bagel and cup of coffee that morning didn’t hold her over to well. She had a large smoothie and salad on her mind for the last hour. She wasn’t expecting anyone to be home since her sister seemed like she was back to her old workaholic routine. And Jimmy was definitely stressed out. She figured he was off surfing with his buddies so it definitely surprised her to see his bedroom door open as she glanced down the hall. She set her purse and keys on the bar and walked toward his room. She wasn’t trying to be stealthy as her heels clicked sharply with each step.

As more of his room came into view, she could see he was still in bed. His back was to her but he appeared to be sleeping. He was probably having as much trouble sleeping at night as she was with all the turmoil in their lives. Lisa decided not to wake him. Although with Laura at work, they could get in a quickie before she had to return to the gallery. ‘No…I’ve caused enough trouble letting my pussy do the thinking,’ she thought. She tip-toeing to his door to close it so she wouldn’t disturb him but what she saw next stopped her in her tracks. James wasn’t alone.

Lisa could see her sister’s nylon clad hip and leg but she didn’t believe what she was looking at. ‘How was this possible?’ Emotions flooded in from all sides: shock, anger, jealousy were the front runners but they were closely followed by lust and desire, her rapidly dampening panties and nylons were a testament to the latter. She searched her brain for another possible answer but she kept coming back to the same conclusion; Laura and Jimmy were fucking! She stormed into the room.

Her feet were planted wide with her hands on her hips when she shouted at the sleeping couple, “Well what do we have here!”

James rolled over to look at his fuming aunt. His cock had long since gone flaccid but was still coated in their love juices. He left a slimy trail across the sheets and himself as he turned. Laura sat up straight, hearing her sister’s angry tone. Her cheeks were on fire as she looked at Lisa.

“So you’re allowed to fuck Jimmy but I can’t, is that it?”

“Lisa wait I…”

“Do you realize how terrible you made me feel the last couple days? Not to mention how you made him feel,” pointing at her nephew.

“I can explain…” Laura said trying to calm her sister.

“This should be good,” crossing her arms under her breast as she waited for Laura to speak.

“Remember when we talked the other day about mom and you?” Laura began, “I left out something…something important.”

Lisa’s gaze narrowed as she listened.

“I’ve had…urges. Urges that I shouldn’t have; no mother should have about their child. I wanted James. I wanted to have sex with him since he was a senior in high school but I denied myself, fearing I’d become like mom.” Her sister’s glare made it hard for her to go on but she steeled herself and continued. “I didn’t realize I was already like mom by just having these feelings.”

“Then why the HELL were you so angry with me?”

“I wasn’t angry with you. Well I was but I,” Laura bowed her head, “I was jealous of you.”

Lisa’s posture softened when she heard that. “Why were you jealous of me?”

“Because you gotta have what I wanted. Because of how close you and James are,” she began to cry, “Because you gotta have him first.”

Lisa was unable to stay angry at her sister anymore. The disarming revelation took all the fire out of her belly. She walked to the bed; leaning across James to hug her weeping sister.

“I’m so sorry Lisa…” Laura broke down sobbing in her sister’s embrace.

“I’m sorry too. James and I shouldn’t have…Well we’re just as guilty.”

The siblings clung to each other, crying and giggling at their silliness. James joined their family hug with an arm around both women. It was a heartwarming moment.

Lisa finally stood and took a step back from sister and nephew. “Does this mean I need to keep my distance?”

“Mom says she’s not as…poly…polyana…polygamist…”

“Polyamorous!” Laura corrected.

“Ya…That, as you are but she’s willing to share.”

Lisa cocked an eyebrow at being defined like that but couldn’t help but smile. She had her concerns about how her relationship with Jimmy would go now that his mother was ‘in-the-picture’ as it were. Deciding it was time to act; she took them both by the hand and dragged them from the bed. She lost her grip on Jimmy but held her sister’s hand, drawing her into the hall.

“Lisa, what are you doing?” Laura asked, slipping and sliding down the hall in her stockinged feet toward Lisa’s room. When they reached the bed, Lisa shoved her onto it. “HEY! Why’d you do that?” Laura shouted as she bounced on the large mattress.

“We needed more room,” Lisa replied frantically striping off her clothes.

James entered the room just in time to see his aunt pounce on the bed between her sisters’s splayed out legs. His mother looked confused and shocked as Lisa crawled closer. She still had her sheer nude nylons on, no doubt for his benefit, and a black thong but otherwise was naked.

“Lisa! What’re you gonna do?” Laura asked nervously.

“Having lunch,” she calmly replied lowering her face toward Laura’s dripping pussy.

“WHAT!” Laura shouted with her hands on her sister’s forehead.

“I’m gonna eat your son’s tasty cream from your coochie.”

“You can’t I’m your sister,” she frantically protested.

“Really? You’re worried about incest after all that’s gone on?”

“No…It’s not that…It’s just…I…I’m not bisexual,” Laura finally stated.

Lisa cocked her head and gave Laura a sly smile, “It’s a good thing I am,” dodging under her sister’s hands.

“LISA…No I don’t…OH GOD!”

Laura’s protests stopped as her sister attacked her drooling pussy, slurping and sucking the frothy mixture oozing out of her. Laura’s moans got louder as Lisa stabbed her tongue deep into her sister’s tight wet hole. She was initially uncomfortable with a Sapphic experience, especially with her own sister but the intense pleasure Lisa was giving her changed her mind. When Lisa removed her mouth for a moment, Laura actually groaned in disappointment.

Lisa looked over her shoulder at Jimmy, standing at the end of the bed, watching them. She put her knees under her and raised her round ass into the air, giving it an enticing wiggle.

“What are you waiting for?” her question catching him off guard, “Get over here and finish what you started the other morning,” turning to face Laura, “before we were so rudely interrupted.”

The sisters smiled at each other then Lisa returned to lapping Laura’s creamy cunt.

“I’ve already cum three times today…less than an hour ago,” James said caressing his aunt’s silky backside, “I’m not sure I can cum again this soon.”

“I’m gonna be a bit selfish here. I don’t care if you cum, just make me cum. I’ve got to get back to the gallery soon so give it your best effort,” Lisa demanded before continuing her incestuous cunnilingus.

James looked at his mother’s blissful face and shrugged. She smiled back, mouthing the words, ‘I love you’ before she was taken by a powerful orgasm. James’ cock was definitely ready for action after witnessing the show before him. He tore open his aunt’s nylons and holding her thong to the side, slid his steely cock into her welcoming vaginal grasp. He let out a satisfied moan that was echoed by his aunt and his mother. His life had definitely taken a turn to the surreal but he loved it.

One Year Later

Laura’s fingernail tapped nervously on the stirring wheel as she sat at the signal. The traffic had been bad getting to the airport and now the signal to turn into the place was taking forever.

“I told you we’re gonna be late,” she said turning to her sister, “Why’d we have to stop by your place before we came here?”

“I had to change,” Lisa replied flatly.

Laura rolled her eyes exasperated then returned her attention to the annoying traffic light. When the light finally changed to green, she accelerated her Mercedes through the turn and began to work her way toward the terminal. Lisa’s phone made a loud chirp and whistle. She fished it out of her purse and read the new text.

“That’s Jimmy,” she announced excitedly, “He’s got his bag and is headed for the curb. See I told you we’d make it in time.”

Laura ignored the latter part of her statement, concentrating on weaving through traffic. She was excited to have her son home on summer break too but she didn’t want Lisa to know that was the reason for her anxious mood. She dodged in and out, narrowly missing a cab. She could see James ahead waving. She dove the big sedan into a spot at the curb between a minivan and a pickup. The car had barely stopped before Lisa was out the door.

“JIMMY!” she squealed as she leapt into her nephew’s arms, nearly bowling him over.

He returned her hug once he regained his balance. She was showering his face and neck with kisses before he finally set her down.

“We’ve missed you so much,” she said bouncing up and down like an excited child.

“I was just here at Christmas,” he replied as his mother approached.

She gave him a warm kiss on the cheek then opened the trunk.

Lisa pulled him down to whisper, “That’s a long time to go without this,” running her hand over his firm package.

His cheeks flushed, hoping no one noticed his amorous aunt groping him. He picked up his bag and tossed it in the trunk, closing it firmly. His mother was already back in the driver seat when Lisa opened the back door and practically dove in, patting the spot beside her.

“You can ride back here with me,” she offered cheerfully.

“OH NO! You’re not gonna mess up my nice leather by fucking in the back seat,” Laura said sharply, “You ride shotgun young man.”

James laughed when he buckled in and looked back at his pouting aunt. She could be so cute some times. He had missed her and his mother. It had only been a year since their relationship started and was discovered and then grew to include his mother; both of them so beautiful and so different. That was reinforced in how they were both dressed. Lisa in a mid-thigh sundress that showed plenty of cleavage, 6” wedged sandals and shimmering nude nylons, while his mother was dressed more business style. Her white silk blouse seductively snug to show off her smaller bosom spectacularly, a dark pencil skirt that ended a few inches above her knee, stylish low heeled pumps and sheer black pantyhose. His cock was awake. No doubt that was both their intent.

“Sorry we were late but someone had to change,” Laura motioned to her sister.

“You weren’t late,” he assured, “Your timing was actually perfect.”

“I just wanted to look nice for you,” Lisa said with a sly smile. When James looked back, Lisa raised the hem of her dress and spread her legs so he could see her bald pussy through her seamless pantyhose. He smiled as his cock strained to be free of his shorts. When he turned back around he noticed they were headed south.

“Are we dropping Lisa off?”

“No…We’ll be staying with her while we get moved into our new condo in Newport. The house is in escrow,” his mom replied, “Three more weeks and I can give your father his half then it’s just a matter of finishing the paperwork.”

Their divorce would be final. James felt strange about that but they were adults and he’d see his dad when he would come back from England. He was now there on more of a full time basis. It was his decision. His dad was still at the company his mother use to work for but now she had moved on.

“How’s the new practice going,” he asked, changing the uncomfortable subject of divorce.

“It’s been tough leaving a fortune 500 company to strike out on my own. I’ve been busy with Lisa’s case against Mr. Hicks. There’ve been a few women I’ve talked to in this state from other galleries he owns that have told me the same story Lisa has. I’m using a couple of private investigators to check out his galleries in other states. This guy’s a real scum bag. We’ll bring this to the authorities real soon.”

“How’s things at the gallery? Is he still giving you trouble there?” he asked Lisa.

“No, thankfully your mom worked out a way to keep him from trying to take over. Sales have been good and I’ve expanded into the unit next door.”

“Wow! You ladies have been busy in my absence,” James said, happy that they both were thriving, “Any romantic prospects for either of you.”

“Your mom has a new friend,” Lisa began giggling in the back seat.

“OH come on Lisa, are you ever gonna let that go?”

“What happened?” James turned to his mother, bringing more giggles from his aunt.

“Your aunt’s just being silly,” Laura said looking at her son, “By the way, thanks for the heads-up about Sandy”

Lisa was roaring with laughter now. Laura just shook her head. James was suddenly nervous. Did she know about his experience with Sandy? Once Lisa controlled herself, she patted her sister’s shoulder consolingly.

“Last week, Sandy and I were soaking in the hot tub after work when your mom shows up. I’d invited her over for dinner. I had her to bring out some more wine and told her to join us. She said she didn’t have a suit and I told her it was clothing optional.”

“I’m not an exhibitionist like you,” Laura said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

“So she finally gets in and we’re drinking and talking and drinking and…Did I mention we were drinking?” Lisa began to giggle again, “By this time, we’re all pretty toasted and your mom starts flirting with Sandy so she flirts back. The next thing you know your mom is sitting on the side of the hot tub with Sandy eating her pussy.”

“He really doesn’t need to hear this,” Laura said with more agitation in her voice.

“Yes I do!”

Laura shot her son a menacing glare.

“Yes he does,” Lisa echoed, “Where was I? Oh ya. So Sandy is munching down on your mom and she makes her cum two or three times. I’m sitting in the tub, stroking Sandy’s cock under water, getting it nice and hard. Sandy pulls your mom back into the tub and they’re making out hot and heavy. Sandy sits down and Laura climbs onto her lap and your mom gets the surprise of her life when Sandy’s cock slides right into her pussy. Once the shock wears off they start fucking like bunnies…”

“OK…OK, we only did it once.”

“HA! Once? Once in the hot tub, once on the couch, once in my bed or was it twice?”

“Alright, can we please change the subject?”

“What’s the matter sis? Is all this talk making you horny?” Lisa giggles some more.

“As a matter of fact, it is. I’m trying to concentrate on the road so we make it back in one piece,” she replied clearly frustrated.

They all had a good laugh at that.

“What are your plans for dinner?” James asked innocently.

Both women exchanged glances then turned to him and said in unison, “You.”

He smiled, knowing this was going to be one wild summer.

The End

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