KCTC Reporter Pt. 03


Tom had another restless night after reading Raquel’s sexy message and answering Yes to every question on the introductory KCTC Questionnaire. He laid in bed, aroused, with his mind reeling from everything that had happened to him so far, and he simply could not stop thinking about these girls and the way they had been sweeping him up in such an inescapably enthralling written web of seduction…

He had contacted Kitty mostly from a business perspective, and she had given him a businesslike response, but she also had been quite flirtatious and enticing pretty much right away. This incredible mix of formality combined with her suggestive, provocative approach had truly stunned him, leaving him intrigued and fascinated.

From the moment he read that initial reply, it was clear that she had an assertive and controlling nature about her, and every message he received from Brigitte and Raquel after that demonstrated more of that same behavior. And he still didn’t know quite what to make of it! I mean, he had heard about girls that like to take the lead in various ways in life – in business but also in personal and sexual situations – but he’d never really interacted with any ladies that were this hot and this beguiling.

But however one defined their actions, it was clear to him that their femme-centric behavior certainly was contrary to the commonly accepted role for men to be the aggressors and the pursuers in interpersonal relationships with women. So it was for that reason that Tom understood why it wouldn’t appeal to certain typical sexist-male types, and it was probably why his guy friends had been so tight-lipped, and a little embarrassed too, about their experiences there!

But what the hell – he found himself not really caring what any other guys might think about him allowing these ladies to lure him in and toy with him like they were doing, because there was just something about it that was immensely appealing to him, and he couldn’t deny it.

Tom had no previous knowledge of this kind of roleplay, mind you, because he had never had any exposure to it. Such openly presented attraction games were quite new to him! Not only was their approach unfamiliar, and hence not necessarily appealing right away, but it wouldn’t have had anywhere near the same effect if all these girls weren’t so mind-blowingly gorgeous. To that end, having them include pics of themselves dressed up sexy in each message really did serve their purpose of ensnaring him and attracting him to them. And that was all it took – he was hooked!

Furthermore, this last round of communication was particularly alluring; their questionnaire was far more direct than anything he’d ever experienced with other women. He loved the businesslike approach they took despite the subject matter being so openly suggestive. And for some reason the way they made him reveal his feelings about the situation really turned him on, like asking him questions that had obvious answers (for example, if he thought Brigitte and Kitty were sexy girls).

Then they made him confess that what they were doing to him was turning him on sexually, and finally they requested his open consent for them to proceed with more of their games. He could have said No to any of their questions, but his Yes answers to all of them felt very natural to give somehow. This was certainly helped along by the fact that he had been provided with more imagery of exactly who his interrogators were, and more importantly, how attractive they looked when they were dressed up very sexy.

Of course, despite them insisting that he openly confess his feelings of attraction to them, they were only revealing little bits and pieces of their plots and schemes for him, which kept things mysterious and intriguing. This served to further develop the idea that they were in charge of the scenario, and that he was simply being taken in by them and strung along into it. He simply couldn’t wait to see what would happen next…

Anyway, after obsessing over all of this for a couple hours, he finally fell asleep, only to awaken the next morning with an incredible erection that took at least an hour to subside. And even then, as he began his day, it simply refused to go away fully – it really wasn’t ever getting completely flaccid. Instead it seemed hyper-sensitized, and it stayed partially erect throughout the day, which was a new and wonderful feeling for him. Of course, just a few seconds of thinking about any one of the KCTC girls had it standing at full attention in no time!

So he went about his business all day long, once again checking his messages repeatedly. He was dying to know what would be next on their agenda, but as the hours clicked by he couldn’t help but wonder if these wicked temptresses were going to make him wait another week or two before responding to his questionnaire answers!

But to his surprise, a message came in later that evening, and it was Brigitte contacting him again. tunceli seks hikayeleri She was rather brief this time, saying that she had consulted with Raquel about his case and that they both wanted to congratulate him on his correct responses to their introductory questionnaire.

She let him know how excited she and Kitty were to hear that he thought they were sexy. She also said that they both loved hearing that their pics and messages turned him on. Most importantly, they were delighted that he had granted them consent to proceed with more of their teasing games…

She added that Kitty really did want to meet him, but she was quite busy for the time being. Brigitte said she’d be checking Kitty’s schedule over the next few weeks to see if an opening came up, and if there was one she’d try to squeeze him in if at all possible.

But if Kitty’s schedule remained as busy as it currently was, Brigitte suggested that perhaps he might like to come meet her instead, and that she would be happy to entertain him. She could show him around the KCTC business office, and maybe introduce him to some of the other TeaserGirls too (she seemed to make it a point to call them that).

Of course, he was particularly excited to hear her say that one of the upcoming Fridays might be a good day for her to invite him in for a visit, given her earlier commentary about the KCTC dress code on that particular day. But he also couldn’t help but notice that she didn’t say whether it might be this week, or the next…or the next…

Tom’s cock sprang to attention from the very moment the message came in, and he could feel it throbbing as Brigitte casually talked about bringing him in to meet her at the KCTC office. Visions of all kinds of hot women strutting around in high heels, miniskirts and low-cut blouses danced in his head as she ended the message with that simple reference to which day of the week it might occur.

Predictably, he noticed there was a new pic of her, this time in another ‘sexy secretary’ getup. It was different than the other pics, but every bit as appealing, showing her sitting at the same desk as in one of her earlier pics, looking at her PC through a pair of classy-looking glasses. Her hair was up in a bun, and she was wearing a soft, white angora sweater, a black leather miniskirt and thigh-high black leather boots with pointy toes and 5″ heels.

After checking her out in her seductive outfit for a moment, Tom also noticed that there were several guys seated in chairs up against the walls of the large office, with each one facing her. They looked very much like the guys surrounding her and Kitty when she shared that pic of them standing on stage in their furs and thigh-high boots at the KCTC nightclub.

These guys were all young and geeky looking, and every single one of them was completely fixated on this hot girl sitting at her desk. Also, just like in that other pic, Tom noticed that a couple of them were staring quite shamelessly at the pointy toes and high heels of Brigitte’s thigh-high black leather boots…

Scrolling down a little further, Tom found another post-script this time as well, and this time it simply told him to expect a more detailed followup message from her. She said that since he had passed the first questionnaire test, she would be more straight with him now and explain more of what was going on. She’d give him some additional context around the dynamics that were being demonstrated to him too.

She also said that there would be a second round to the questionnaire process where he would be required to express himself to her in writing. Like before, his statements would be analyzed and assessed for acceptability, and then a determination would be made as to whether his KCTC enticement process would be continued or not. If he passed the test, she said she might be allowed to invite him in for a session of introductory games with her, and if not, he would be permanently dismissed.

And that was all for this message. It was much shorter than the other ones, and it felt quite anticlimactic even though part of it was Brigitte’s formal acceptance and approval of his behavior. On one hand, he loved feeling like Brigitte was getting more personal with him and taking him into her confidence a little more. And of course he was thrilled to hear that she might explain some more details about the games she and the other KCTC girls had been playing with him…

At the same time, hearing that there would be another round of interrogation regarding his reactions to their behavior made him quite nervous and anxious. The thought of failing one of these tests and being “dismissed” literally sent a chill up his spine! But he was also beginning to understand that their questions were probably intended simply to weed out guys that weren’t truly interested in playing along with their female-led games. And since his feelings were becoming quite clear on the matter, he figured he could express himself well enough to pass their tests…

Anyway, as he enjoyed these feelings of slowly growing personal intimacy and attraction to Brigitte, he scrolled back up to see that pic of her dressed up all sexy once again. His eyes lingered on her as his mouth hung open, with his cock throbbing in his pants at the thought of possibly being allowed to meet her while she was dressed that way.

As he looked at her this time, he found her to be even more appealing than ever! Part of it was because she was making him feel like they were becoming more friendly and more intimate. But it was also the way she looked in that particular outfit; it was different from the way she was dressed in her other pics – this getup had more of a fetishistic style to it, and he just loved it!

He looked her up and down a couple times, and it struck him that dressing like that really was too daring for any normal office environment, and in most corporate situations she may have been sent home, perhaps with a warning from the HR department. Either that or some horny high-level executive might have taken her on as his personal assistant and given her a big raise and a bonus!

But he already knew that the KCTC business office had a completely different set of rules; it was run by women, and they were in charge of the openly suggestive and downright sexy dress code. It had already been explained to him that there was a strict expectation that every girl that worked there should openly flaunt her feminine sexuality (especially on the so-called “casual Fridays”). And he also knew that dressing like that was probably intended to provide visual sex appeal to any red-blooded male who happened to be there as well…

Anyway, as his gaze lingered on Brigitte in this new getup, he found himself fixating on the way she looked in that soft, fluffy white sweater; it was incredibly feminine and enticing! It had an angelic, innocent quality to it, looking so sensuous in the way it wrapped her shapely upper body up in the furry white angora. He could see the roundness of her large breasts as it clung tightly to them too, and then his eyes suddenly fixated on her erect nipples poking proudly into the soft fabric, plainly visible.

It was a huge turn on for him to realize she wasn’t wearing a bra under there, and in contrast to the purity of the way that fluffy white angora looked on her, being able to see her nipples so clearly underneath her sweater was quite a sexually bold and brazen look. Immediately he visualized how she might look as she strutted around in her high heels, the slinky motions of her curvy body causing those large, firm breasts to jiggle around. Oh wow, it would be incredibly tantalizing to watch, seeing them bounce around all loose and unrestrained underneath that deliciously soft, sensual-looking angora fur…

With that image in his mind, he found himself wanting to be close to her, wanting to touch her and feel her body in that soft furry sweater. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to put his arms around her and feel the softness of the fabric with his hands. He would rub his hands over her waist and around her back, then back in front onto her tummy, maybe even up onto breasts, and he’d roll those pert nipples between his thumb and forefinger right through the soft angora…if she’d let him!

As he continued to fantasize about becoming intimate with this gorgeous girl dressed in her furry, fluffy angora sweater, he suddenly realized his hand was resting on his erection, squeezing it gently. And the vision he was having in his mind was starting to cause too much stimulation for him to be able to contain his arousal, because right then he could feel an orgasm building up inside his balls and cock.

So he yanked his hand away and desperately flexed the muscles at the base of his hardon as it twitched right on the edge of explosion, and he could feel a gooey stain leak out into his underwear. His breathing slowly calmed down as he took a tissue and pulled his pants down so he could dab the precum off the head of his cock, but even that simple touching of his himself continued to make his cock pulse, right at the brink of release…

As his near-orgasm slowly subsided, he took a minute to compose himself, but then he gazed back at Brigitte’s picture. And as he glanced down at the other parts of her attire, he saw how the rest of her outfit represented a total contrast to that soft, fluffy sweater.

The way she looked in her black leather miniskirt, and even more so, the way those matching thigh-high spike-heeled boots looked had a totally different effect on him. That part of her attire was more aggressive, and it sent a totally different message of female strength and power.

Suddenly, instead of wanting to tend to her and take care of her as if he was her boyfriend on an intimate date, he found himself wanting to fall to his knees in front of her, surrender to her, do whatever she said and just generally obey her like a subservient subject.

The juxtaposition of his reaction to these two wildly different aspects of her attire was confusing in the way it was causing such conflicted feelings inside him. But one thing was for sure…it was driving him absolutely wild! Good grief – what in the world were these feelings about, and where were they coming from?

Anyway, after ogling Brigitte some more in this new outfit, cycling himself through a few states of arousal leading to near orgasm, he finally decided enough was enough, and he closed his laptop. As he started to get ready for bed, he thought about how being told to wait for yet another correspondence was pure torture. But the thought of possibly being allowed to meet Brigitte sometime soon was plenty of incentive for him to continue to play along, and he couldn’t wait to get some more information about these little games that she was introducing him to!

That night he had a similar experience to the one the night before, with his erection refusing to go away as he tried to get to sleep. Brigitte’s brief message was encouraging but nowhere near as elaborate as her earlier ones, and it was clear that it was simply intended to string him along just a little further. And it also certainly did whet his appetite for the next correspondence and the idea of being allowed to meet her personally, especially because the outfit she wore in the pic of her this time caused even more desire for her to bubble up from the depths of his soul…

Anyhow, at this point in the process of interacting with these women, he had started to notice something about his masturbation habits. He still hadn’t come since he had first contacted the KCTC girls, and he was now into a third week of denying himself release. Because of that, he found that if he played with himself for more than a minute or so, he would feel an orgasm approaching, and he would have to stop.

He had never denied himself release that long (he never really had a reason to stop jerking himself off to completion), but he still refused to grant himself the simple indulgence of orgasm. Somehow, in some way, he was beginning to derive pleasure from his growing fixation on the controlling games he was being led into by these exotic teasergirls. He was starting to find a kind of bizarre sexual satisfaction in giving in to them, doing what they wanted and allowing them to toy with him while he continued to deny himself.

So at that point he was playing with himself less and less often, even though he found himself in a practically ongoing state of arousal and erection. He knew that he might lose control and explode in a mind-blowing orgasm if he pleasured himself for just a few seconds too long, so he preferred to simply squeeze his cock in his pants whenever it got hard and fantasize about them slowly taking him further and further along into wherever they wanted him to go. What in the world was happening to him?

Anyway, after waking up the next day with an increasingly familiar morning hardon that refused to subside, he went about his business that day until at some point in the late afternoon, another message from Brigitte came in. His breath quickened and his cock stiffened as he opened it and started reading.

Dear Tom,

As I stated yesterday, this message is intended to provide you with some more information about what’s been happening to you during the introductory KCTC experience I’ve been leading you into. Despite the fact that this type of roleplay might be completely new to you, you have stated in your responses to our KCTC introductory questionnaire that you find it to be appealing, so at this time we will be proceeding with further enticements…

I hope it is becoming clear to you by now that Kitty, myself, and the rest of our KCTC girls are all into cock teasing in one form or another. Even though we haven’t met you in person yet, we have already been slowly and methodically introducing you to some of the various techniques that can be performed within the realm of this intimate sexual roleplay. For example, have you realized that from the very moment Miss Kitty responded to your original business-oriented correspondence, we have been demonstrating little examples of our erotic mind games?

It began with her warm encouragement of your attention to her, followed by a promise of the reward of meeting her in person. But as the specified time to meet her got closer and closer, alas, there was a sly evasion on her part – a delay of gratification that I believe is still occurring – and THAT, my dear man, is how the game of erotic cock teasing begins!

I should point out that she did not reject you outright, she simply delayed your advances. And she still kinda has you dangling from her string at this very moment, doesn’t she! Anyway, to add some more dynamics to the situation, she handed you over to me, and we later got Raquel involved as well, all to continue the onslaught of feminine enticement we’ve been using to completely overwhelm you…

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