Making Up Ch. 1


Jason did not like the look of the two very large men who had cornered him in his own apartment. Their biceps were each about the size of his head. They both had on white button down shirts and white slacks. The smaller one smiled a lot.

“Mr. Gent we need to take you somewhere,” the larger one declared.

“Why?” The fight with his less then sane girlfriend had left him a little paranoid, even though he did lover her. The phone messages threatening his life hadn’t helped matters.

“If you just stay nice and calm about it–“

Jason ran for the bedroom. He was half way out the window to the fire escape when they grabbed him and pined him to the ground. “Let me go!”

“Sorry Mr. Gent but we have to do our job. We have to be sure you won’t be a danger to yourself.”

“What?” The larger of the men got off him. Jason tried to get up, but one was more than sufficient to keep him down. He couldn’t see what the other one was doing, but it couldn’t be good. Jason had the distinct feeling the Mr. Universe holding him down was getting more out of it than exercise. He kept grinning down at him, and made some movements that were not necessary. Jason tried to ignore the fact that he kind of liked it. The other monster came back, cleaned a spot on Jason’s arm and injected him with something. Jason then felt the overwhelming need for a nap.

Mark and Stephan threw unconscious Jason on the bed. “Here he is. You’ve got a weird way of making up with your boyfriends Mag.” Stephan rubbed the back of his neck. “We scared the shit out of him. He might just be mad at you no matter what.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem. Would you put him in the restraints please?” Maggie bit her lip. The boys obeyed, putting the cuffs on Jason’s wrists and ankles, then connecting them to the bed frame with belts. Maggie snapped the blue rubber gloves in her hand and watched her two hulky friend strap down her boyfriend. This was going to be good, even if he was still mad at her.

“I’m going. I don’t think I want to watch this.” Stephan tried to smile. “You coming Mark?”

“Think I’ll stay here for a while.” He smiled at Maggie.

Stephan shook his head. “He’ll wake up in twenty minutes or so,” he didn’t look back as he left the three of them in a padded room of Maggie’s basement apartment.

“How’d you get that stiff to help?” Mark put an arm around Maggie and joined her in watching Jason breath.

“I begged him. And I paid him fifty bucks.”

“Really? What do I get?”

“Your a volunteer, you work for free.” Maggie walked away from his arm and adjusted the positions of the toys on the table.

“Nothing’s free.” He stepping up behind her and started massaging her outer thighs through the jeans.

Maggie rolled her eyes. “I think Jason’s closer to your type than I am.”

“I do like the boys better.” Mark moved his hands up and cupped her breasts through the black T-shirt. “But girls do have their uses.”

She squirmed, he was good with his hands. “I don’t know if Jason’ll go in for that kinda içerenköy escort thing.” She grabbed his butt an pulled him in closer.

Mark smirked and grinded into Maggie a little. “All I want, is to watch. And if he wants to do more. . . .” He walked away from her and stood over Jason. “That’s fine too. This is the one who can do back bends isn’t it?” He ran a hand through Jason’s black spiky hair.

Maggie nodded. “I just wish he’d wake up.”

Jason lifted his eyelids with effort. He was hoping he’d still be on the floor of his apartment; that’d he’d slipped, hit his head, and had a trauma induced hallucination. No such luck. The smaller of the two guys was standing over him with his shirt off. He recognized the blonde hair and the huge arms.

“Good morning Jason. I’m Mark. You’ve been brought here for your safety,” Mark coughed trying to keep the laugh down, “and you are to be kept under constant supervision.”

“Let me go! Let me the fuck go!” Jason struggled against the restraints but only managed to lift his torso. He heard Mark giggle and watched him sit in a chair next to the bed.

“Calm down, hun.”

“Maggie?” Jason stared at his girlfriend standing on the other side of the bed. He was still scared, and still angry, but he couldn’t keep from staring at her body. She almost never wore a bra and her nipples always showed. “What’s going on?”

“You remember the fight we had?”


“I thought we should make up.”

Jason didn’t speak, he was to confused to form a word.

“It was a stupid fight and I wanted to give you my apology.” Maggie pulled on the rubber gloves and rolled the table closer.

“So you scare the crap out of me?” He glanced at Mark, who was trying not to look back at him.

“You weren’t talking to me.”

Jason sighed and smiled up at her. It was a stupid argument. “This is like you.”

“Now to get those clothes off you. Mark, you’ll be my assistant. Knife.”

Mark gave her the knife, then wheeled the table to the other side of the bed and sat back down.

Maggie pulled up on Jason’s blue T-shirt and started cutting at the neck. She slowly made an opening down the front. Jason’s muscles tensed as she cut the last few inches of the shirt that came to the level of his crotch. She bit hard into the side of his stomach. He arched his back and moaned against the restraints. Maggie made more cuts on the arms so she could slide the shirt away from underneath.

Mark stopped grinning. He watched them intently and became aware of a decreasing amount of space in his pants. He was glued to Jason’s chest as Maggie sucked on his nipples and pinched them with the rubber gloves. Jason’s thin, but defined torso kept tensing and rising.

“Scissors.” Maggie held out her hand and waited for Mark to replace the knife. She then began to cut the fly out of Jason’s shorts. Neither of the men breathed in anything other than a gasp. Mark had a good view, but all Jason could see was the top kadıköy escort of Maggie’s blue head. He could feel every snip though, and it sent jolts up his body. When done she nibbled on the inside of his thigh through the boxers. Jason bulked and groaned, turning towards Mark at one point and got a glimpse of Mark’s hand between his legs.

What Mark really wanted to do was to take his penis out and jerk the hell out of it, but he wasn’t sure how comfortable Jason would be with that and he did not want to be kicked out of the room. Today was the first time he’d even seen Jason. This was the first one of Maggie’s boyfriends that lasted more than a month. He continued rubbing the head of his dick though his pants and watched the outline of Jason’s penis jump under his boxers.

Maggie bit and sucked the flesh just to the right of her boyfriend’s penis for several minutes. She liked the feeling of him squirming under her, and feeling the heat come off his cock and warm her cheek. She finally stopped and left him panting. He cut his pants completely off. “Lotion.”

Mark squirted a gob of creaming lotion onto the blue rubber. Jason who had been preoccupied finally noticed the activities of Mark’s other hand. He watched the bulge in the white pants twitch at Mark’s pulling hand. He felt stupid thinking it, but he was curious who was bigger. It made his nuts tighten a little imaging putting their dicks together to compare the size.

Maggie noticed Jason staring. She bit her lip. “Mark, I think you can take off the rest of your clothes.” She took off her pants. Both men were embarrassed at being caught. She slid the lotioned glove inside Jason’s boxes.

“Oh hell,” Jason moaned. The rubber felt strange, but really good. It slipped and slided about his crotch so easily. He turned his head and watched Mark step out of his clothes. The man had an eight inch cock. Jason tried to remember how long his was when Maggie measured it with a ruler, but just then she squeezed and pulled so hard at his penis and he lost every thought in his head. “Ah! Please untie me. I need to touch you.” His voice was begging, but his eyes where demanding. He usually got to be the dom. He could tell she wanted to let him loose. She was breathing heavy even though he hadn’t touched her and she had a hand on her tit. “Remember what I did with just the chocolate syrup and my tongue?” She wriggled a little. He loved watching her squirm.

“Maggie. Come here.” Mark motioned to her and she leaned her ear over the bed. Mark wanted this to go on as long as possible. The sooner Jason was unrestrained the higher the likelihood he’d have to leave. He whispered a few choice suggestions.

Jason briefly pouted, he was not going to be undone, but perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing. Mark’s penis was flopped onto the bed within reach of his fingers. He’d never touched another man’s dick before, he was curious. Did it feel the same? He stretched his fingers and brushed Mark’s swelled head when he backed away from kartal escort the bed. Maggie straddled his stomach just above his dick. She removed the gloves and handed them to Mark. Maggie removed her shirt and Jason forgot about Mark’s penis. She humped his abs with her baby blue undies and twisted her nipples. Soon her hand went into her panties and she moaned. Maggie went faster and got wetter. He could see her underwear get damp. This was much to much. “Oh fuck!” Jason’s hips thrust up a foot off the bed.

Mark swallowed hard and snuck around to the end of the bed. He pulled off Jason’s boxers while admiring Maggie’s rocking body. He had to cut the cloth to get it all the way off Jason. Lotion and precum were spread all around Jason’s crotch. Mark swallowed again. Jason’s rod was as red as his own. He licked the inside of Jason’s thigh, positioning himself so Jason couldn’t see. One of them moaned louder He smiled and climbed on Jason right behind Maggie. He grinded with her, biting her neck every time he felt his dick rub against Jason’s. He reached around Maggie and massaged her breasts, who gasped in approval.

“Fuck me! Suck me! Something please!” Every one of Jason’s cells begged for it.

His riders stopped. Maggie was ready to let him cum, and she knew he would get hard again easily. She got off him and pulled Mark with her. She bent over and took him into her mouth. Glided her tongue around the shaft and sucking on the head.

Jason screamed and used every bit of strength he had to keep from cuming. Maggie’s mouth felt so good he wanted to last as long as possible. He opened his eyes and saw Mark rubbing his cock just above Maggie’s ass. In between moans he managed to mouth the words, “Do it.” Mark needed no further persuasion, ripped off the last piece of clothing in the room not on the floor, and entered his friend, pumping fast. Maggie’s groans of pleasure and surprise made Jason’s penis vibrate. He screamed and shot a long stream into her mouth. Maggie hadn’t decided whether to swallow or spit before Mark flipped her around and French kissed her drinking the sperm from her mouth.

The three all laid in the bed, exhausted and sticky. Mark was still hard and unspent, but he ignored it the best he could, in the hope his patience would be rewarded.

Jason’s mind was raceing and anything but patient. On his right Maggie’s body was draped over him, one breast flopped onto his chest and a leg lying across him. Her juice moistened his hip. And his left was Mark. Jason was not usually attracted to other men, but for some reason he enjoyed being touched by Mark. He was especially distracted by Mark’s penis, which was lying over his own. When he stretched the two rubbed against each other like trying to start a fire with two sticks, but this seemed to be working, Jason was getting hard again and Mark moaned a couple times. Jason took a deep breath. “Maggie?”

“Yeah?” She opened her eyes and started to grind into Jason’s side. If he was up for it so was she.

“What does,” he tried hard not to look at Mark but it wasn’t working, “a dick taste like?”

Mark’s cock twitched and rubbed on Jason’s.

“Would you like to try it yourself?”

Jason did have some macho tendencies, not many, but enough that kept him from saying what was shouting in his head. ‘Yes, oh fucking god yes!’ His breathing just go very fast and he stared at Mark. Mark grinned.

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