My Adonis


All characters in this story are fictional; I’m a single child myself. This is my first story, so please, give me feedback- good or bad!

My hands reach out and grip the doorknob above me, my knees rubbing against the soft carpet I’m kneeling on. The door creaks open slightly, but the person inside is oblivious to the noise. I gaze at him for a few moments as he slams away at the punching bag in the corner of his room, obviously frustrated with something. Suddenly, he collapses onto the bed from sheer exhaustion, and I nearly topple over from dismay when he tugs off his shorts.

It’s my brother.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My name is Rachel, and I’ve just turned 18 years old. I’m a good looking girl, sure- about 5’7″ with big blue eyes and wavy blonde hair that my friends envy greatly. My skin is tanned from being outside so much and my body is firm from swimming laps in the back pool so often. My breasts are beautiful, at least I think, at 36B, and my ass balances them out perfectly.

Only recently did I start spying on Drew, after I heard some very suspicious noises coming from his room. God, he was perfect. His body was naturally tan and rock hard from excercising so often; he literally made me weak in the knees. My brother had the same blue eyes as me, electrifying and beautiful, but his hair was dark brown- almost black. Adonis, I’m

sure…But, back to the story.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I fall back on my ass when he takes off his shorts, gripping them tighly and nearly ripping them off with excitement. I shudder at the size of his cock- it’s nearly 9 inches long, at least. My hands find my clit and I wonder if a cock that size would ever fit inside me. Drew reaches out, holding his shaft and pumping furiously, lifting upwards to meet his hand like he’s fucking a woman. The look on his handsome face is one of pleasure, but I know that I want to give him more pleasure than any other woman- or his hand- ever could. Boldness fills me and I suddenly open the door, knowing that my camisole was sticking to my breasts from sweat.

“Drew?” I ask softly, feigning surprise when I see him in such an interesting position. God, he’s perfect.

“FUCK, RACHEL!” he yells at the top of his lungs, bewilderment spreading across his face- but it’s too late, and that look is back. He lets out a cry of pleasure, arching upwards and sending ropes of thick white Escort bayan cum into the air. Some lands on his chest, and I bite my lip, waiting for him to say something. One last shudder, and his perfect body sinks back onto the bed.

He looks at me with those stunning blue eyes, and I nearly shiver. Instead, I walk over and gently sit beside him on the bed. “I’m sorry…” I look to him pleadingly, and he simply can’t resist the look in my eyes as he nods his forgiveness. “You should leave.” he mutters hoarsely, seemingly ashamed of his nakedness. Why the hell would I leave? I ask myself, then shake my head and lay down beside him.

“It’s okay…I don’t mind.” I mutter, but his cheeks get red and I smile inwardly at his embarassment. I lean down, my face parallel to his chest.

“Really, Rach-” he inhales sharply when I suddenly trace my fingers along his body, getting some of his cum on my fingers. I lick it off, and actually like the taste. My whole body is hot as I put my head down and lick the cum straight off his chest, but the look in his eyes is one of anxiety and I know he’s torn. I move lower, my breath hot on his cock.

I take it into my mouth, relaxe my muscles, and let it slip in completely. Drew groans involuntarily and takes my head in his hands, shaking his head firmly, but I start to hum and the vibration drives him up the wall. My pussy is wet and my underwear is soaked, so I pull away (much to his displeasure) and take everything off but my shirt. A look of happiness is on my face, but he looks distressed. “Rachel, don’t be a dumbass.” he mutters as he sits up and reaches for his clothes. “You’re gonna get me thrown into jail, I swear to God. Just….get dressed, okay? I’ll get you some lunch and we can…Do shit. I dunno.” he’s confused, but I feel discarded. A tear slips down my cheek as he stands, facing me with a sigh.

“Don’t look at me like that. Please.” He’s weakening, and I can sense it. He got a hard-on from my short but sweet blowjob and it’s forming a bulge in his shorts.

I look at him with a small smile, reaching up and touching the outline of his cock. “Did I make you hard, Drew?” I ask softly, and smirk a little as I tug those shorts back down ever so slightly. “I think I did. God, you’re disgusting, thinking of your little sister like that. You’re thinking of my pussy, aren’t you?” he grits his teeth together as my fingers caress his hard dick. Bayan escort “Do you want to see it?” he shakes his head, but how long could he refuse?

“Fuck.” he breathes, as I move onto my back and spread my long legs open. I’m soaking wet just for him, and the look of temptation on his face is enough to make me work all the harder. “Drew…you have no idea how much I want you in me.” I say softly, realizing that I’m saying things I never thought I would before. “But I’m not good enough for you, am I?” a saddened look crosses my face as I stand and look at him. I only reach to his chest, but his hands grip my hips tightly enough that I feel as if we’re even. “Not true, Rach. You fucking know that.”

He’s so stressed.

“How am I supposed to know if you won’t have me?” I look up and him and frown a little, then press my body against his. I can feel his dick throb in wanting, and my hands grip it tightly. The look on my brother’s face is one of both pleasure and irritability. “Fuck you, Rachel.” he whispers angrily, picking me up and pushing me hard against the wall. I let out a squeak, shocked with his sudden rage but wanting him more than ever now.

I reach for his shorts, but he grabs my wrists and pins them back with only one hand. The other pulls his shorts down and his throbbing dick appears, looking just as angry as he does. And at that point, I realize I want to be used. I want to give him so much pleasure that he can’t even stand it. I wanna be his little fuck toy, one he can play with whenever he wants.

He slams into me with so much power that I get shoved against the wall even harder. “DREW!” I scream, feeling like I’m about to be ripped apart. My brother’s breathing heavily, pressing his head against my shoulder as he eases his cock into my aching pussy. I whimper, out of both pain and pleasure, but he doesn’t listen.

Drew looks directly into my eyes, blue reflecting blue. “Say it, Rachel.” he says lowly, wiping the beads of sweat off my upper lip.

“Say what?!” I cry out, trying to pull him further inside of me.

“Tell me what you want, Rach. You’re dying for it and I’m going to give it to you….but only if you ask.”

My eyes flutter shut in shame. When did he get the power?

“Drew, I…”

“You what?” he asks, twisting my nipples through my cami. I gasp and my pussy muscles clench him tighter.

“Christ, Drew, just fucking fuck me!” Escort I yell at him. He smirks and pin my hands against the wall again, allowing me no real pleasure of my own. He pulls out of my pussy then suddenly slams back in, again and again, filling the room with the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. He’s fucking me raw- my own damn brother is fucking me raw and I’m enjoying every second of it.

He’s gritting his teeth and sweat is dripping down his chest, the chest of an Adonis, and I struggle to touch him. As soon as he decides to let me go, I cling to his thrusting body and meet his lips in a lustful, angry kiss. He bites my lip and I bite his- we kiss so long that I can hardly breathe. We break apart, but his thrusting continues as he shoves me onto the bed.

My brother is fucking me doggie style. I arch my back and he knows I want more of him inside me. His body presses against mine, his lips kissing my neck in a way that drives me wild.

“Drew.” I whimper softly, feeling his hands on my shoulders. “Drew, please.”

He smiles a little at my submissive begging, and reaches beneath me to twist my clit. I gasp and shudder, thrusting me hips back to meet his strokes. “Harder.” I whisper, and he takes full advantage of my plea and fucks me all the harder. I’m being fucked by the same boy that used to wipe the ice cream off my cheek when I spilled. He used to swing me on the swings until I let him stop. Now he was shoving inside me and I’m his little toy, wanting to be abused.

“Shit.” he mutters, speeding up a bit. One final twist of my clit and I scream, wanting the entire world to hear my pleasure. My hot juices cover his cock and my muscles spasm around him. It’s far too much for one man to take, and he thrusts one final time inside of me. A cry of pure, animalistic lust escapes his lips as he grabs my breasts tightly and bites down on my neck, hard.

I whimper softly at the pain but I want to let him do what he pleases. When he’s finally finished shooting into me, he pulls out gently and collapses onto the bed. I’m panting heavily, and his breathing matches mine when I lay on top of his body. “Drew…” I manage to mumur between breaths, and he wraps his arms around my firm body.

A tear slips down my cheek, and I kiss him softly. “I’m so sorry.” I’m crying, infinitely scared that he’d send me away or hit me out of rage. “Drew, I’m sorry!” I press my head against his chest, tracing the defined muscles that I so loved. “Please….”

He groans a little and brushes my hair behind my ear, then says something I didn’t expect:

“Christ, Rach, I love you.”

I love you too, big brother. God, I love you too.

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