Nicola Redux Ch. 03


Olwen’s introduction. This is a work of fiction, dreamed up since joining Literotica and being inspired by lots of very hot kinky stories that I’ve already read. I don’t think I’m a vain person, but I have been self-centered enough to include a character based on myself. She is quite different to me, but I enjoyed putting myself in her shoes. I note that many authors here include a disclaimer that says all characters in the story are 18 or over, and that all sex is consensual. This applies to this serial too. If you like it, please vote and leave comments

*One dictionary definition of ‘Redux’ is ‘to bring back’ or ‘to bring home safely.’

Chapter Three

Georgina steered the car into the car park of the town’s lap dancing club. She drove over to an area marked ‘Keep Clear. Deliveries Only’ and parked in one of the bays. She got out and quickly checked the area before opening the car door for Myra and Nicola.

“All clear, Mistress,” she confirmed. “You can come out now.”

Myra led Nicola into the foyer of the lap dancing club, where an attractive middle aged woman sat behind the reception desk. She smiled as the two women approached.

“Good evening, Mistress,” she smiled, pushing a button under her desk. “I’ve opened the lift for you. You’re free to go in whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Mildred,” replied Myra, taking Nicola by the arm. “Come on sweetie. You’re about to join the Inner Sanctum!”

Nicola followed in a daze, and Myra pushed through a swing door which bore the legend ‘Staff Only. No Admittance’.

They were in a small room and Nicola watched as Georgina opened the only other door. Myra stepped into the lift and Nicola followed her. The door closed and Myra pressed a button. Nicola felt the lift begin to descend.

“I thought Georgina was coming with us,” Nicola said in a puzzled voice.

“She’ll join us later on,” Myra answered. “She has to report to the duty manager first and then she’ll be free to come and serve us. Now, don’t be surprised by anything you see in the club.”

Myra went on to explain that the lap dancing club was a legitimate business, run by the local authority, which brought in a good deal of revenue to the borough. Because of the business that the lap dancing club generated, they turned a blind eye to the existence of the club to which Myra was referring, preferring to pretend that it didn’t exist. That suited the very select group of people who made up the membership of the secret club.

The lift stopped and Myra opened the door. Nicola could see a large vestibule, well-lit and tastefully decorated. As in the foyer upstairs, there was a reception desk, but there the similarity ended. Sitting behind this desk was an extremely large young woman. She was naked and her upper body was almost completely covered in the most intricate and colourful tattoos that Nicola had ever seen.

Her head was shaved, except for a Mohican strip, which was dyed in a rainbow pattern. She wore a myriad of earrings as well as having piercings in her nose, her lips and her eyebrows. As Myra entered, she stood up, and Nicola illegal bahis noted that her belly button and her huge labia were also pierced.

“Mithtreth Myra, good evening,” she lisped.

“Hi Kalie,” replied Myra warmly. “I’d like you to meet Mistress Nicola. She’s joining the Inner Sanctum this evening. Can you arrange membership cards to be issued to her please? Access all areas, of course, and Security Level Alpha plus.”

“Yeth, Mithrtreth. I’ll get onto it thtraight away. Welcome, Mithtreth Nicola.”

Nicola smiled her thanks, unable to take her eyes from the young woman’s body. She was magnificent! In a world where so many women were shamed into trying to be what so-called society expected of them, this person didn’t give a fuck. She was obviously confident in her own skin and if people couldn’t accept that, then that was their hard luck.

Kalie tottered off to organise Nicola’s membership cards, and Myra guided her friend through a set of doors and into a long, well- lit corridor.

“We’re underground here,” she began to explain to Nicola. “This level houses the concert room, three meeting rooms and the reception, obviously. Next floor down are the play areas, the dungeons and the holding areas for subs and slaves.”

“Below that is the medical area, which some members use for medical play, but it is also fully equipped to look after patients who maybe have gone a bit too far in their play. There are also half a dozen suites which can be used by members for longer stays if they so wish.”

“Bloody hell,” said Nicola, impressed. “It’s massive. How the hell do you keep it such a secret?”

“Oh that’s easy,” smiled Myra. “A number of very influential people use this club. It’s in their interest to keep it secret, because if Joe and Jane Public knew what went on here, they’d have a fit!”

Myra stopped at a door and turned to her friend.

“You’ve already met Lynette and Mona this morning,” she said, “and now you’re about to meet the rest of our little group. We call ourselves the Inner Sanctum, because in effect we own and run this club.”

“No-one here will judge you at all,” Myra continued. “We all have our own favourite kinks and fetishes, so no-one is in a position to be judgemental. Of course, everyone here knows about your situation. We are all determined to help you get your own house back, and to get revenge on your shit of a husband. Are you ready to meet your new friends?”

Nicola nodded, her head spinning. She realised that her life had already changed dramatically. How much further was it about to change when she walked through this door with Myra?

Myra kissed her lightly on the lips and opened the door.

Nicola took in the scene in front of her. There were eight, no nine women in the room. All turned to look as Myra and Nicola came in.

“Ladies, may I introduce our newest prospective Inner Sanctum member, Nicola.”

She swept Nicola in front of her and continued,

“Lynette and Mona you’ve already met. This is Nancy, my lover, and next to her is Rachel, who is sitting on her girlfriend Marion’s lap. Beryl’s illegal bahis siteleri the one with the very healthy sun tan, thanks to her time in the south of France. You’ll meet her girlfriend, Theresa tomorrow. Eliza is Mona’s wife and…”

“Fucking hell!” gasped Nicola as Myra made to introduce the only unnamed woman left in the room.

She blushed, put her hand up to her mouth and muttered, “Oh, I’m so sorry!”

“Not at all my dear,” drawled the object of Nicola’s outburst. “We love Ladies who speak their mind!”

“But you’re the Deputy Prime Minister!” blurted out Nicola. “How the hell do you get to be involved in a club like this? I mean the Right Honourable Olwen Simpkins in a fetish club? How come?”

“I own it,” she smiled, “and I regret to tell you I’m not a ‘Right Honourable’. That title is only given to Privy Councillors. Yes, I’m the deputy PM, but I’m not a Privy Councillor. I understand that my friends have been helping you out of a little difficulty? I’m so glad that we can help such a lovely looking lady.”

Nicola blushed. “The ladies I’ve met so far have been very kind,” she began, “and I never realised that this club existed. I’m glad Myra has brought me here.”

“Ladies like us need to have an outlet to satisfy our needs,” Olwen replied. “Once you’ve been initiated, you’ll have all the privileges that we enjoy.”

She broke off as there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” she barked, and the door opened.

“Begging your pardonth, ladieth,” lisped Kalie. “I have Mith Nicola’s patheth, and Mithtreth Myra’s thithy thlut Georgina ith here.”

“Thank you Kalie,” said Olwen, holding out her hand to receive the documents. “Are you engaged tonight?”

“No, Mithtreth,” replied Kalie eagerly.

“Excellent. When I’ve finished here, I’ll have champagne in my suite. Make sure there’s fresh tobacco in my pouch, and you may bring your favourite strap-on. I’m going to fuck you to kingdom come tonight!”

Kalie squirmed with pleasure. “Thank you Mithtreth,” she said, dropping a little curtsey and going back to her reception desk with a huge grin on her face.

Georgina stood silently, waiting to be told to speak. When Myra asked hur what she wanted, Georgina began to explain.

“Mistress Lynette’s sub is awaiting her orders, Mistress,” she said, adding “he asked me to tell you that there is a development with Ms. Nicola’s house. Apparently, Malvina has some news.”

“Go and fetch Malvina, and bring her here,” instructed Olwen. “Lynette, go and sort out that sub of yours, will you?”

Georgina stepped aside to let Lynette go out first, then she too went out, closing the door quietly behind hur.

“Well I wonder what that’s all about,” Mona said, pulling Eliza down onto her lap and taking the cigar out of her mouth. She puffed on it and kissed her wife.

They didn’t have long to wait to find out. Georgina returned with Malvina seconds before Lynette appeared with her sub in tow. Malvina seemed nervous in the presence of so many powerful women, and when she spotted Nicola, she blushed and seemed to shrink canlı bahis siteleri into herself.

“What are these new developments?” Olwen asked sharply, and when both Lynette’s sub and Malvina spoke at the same time, she tutted impatiently.

“One at a time, for fuck’s sake!” she barked. “Malvina, what’s happened?”

“Nothing bad, Mistress,” replied Malvina in her unusual accent. “I just thought that you should know that Kevin has told me that he’s been invited to a conference in Le Touquet on Monday. He’ll be away for the whole of the week. I thought it might be an opportunity for you to sort out the house, and to get Kevin’s wife back into her home.”

“You scheming bitch!” replied Olwen with a smile. “You’re only thinking of yourself, aren’t you? You have my word your residency permit will be granted if you continue to help us. And there will be a job for you in Mistress Mona’s building society when this is all over. We intend keeping an eye on you, my girl!”

“Thank you, Mistress,” replied Malvina. She looked at Nicola and blushed.

“I’m very sorry for what happened between me and Kevin,” she said softly, “I never intended for you to be hurt.”

Nicola stood up and walked over to the trembling girl. She looked at her with contempt.

“Don’t apologise to me, you cunt,” she hissed. “I’ve got some good friends here, who have shown me the errors of my ways. Kevin is a waste of fucking space, and you’re welcome to him. Just remember this. When I become a member of the Inner Sanctum here, you are going to get the most severe caning it will be my pleasure to give you. Then, and only then, will we be quits. Understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” replied Malvina, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Lynette spoke up next.

“Have you changed the locks yet,” she asked her sub.

“Not yet, Mistress,” he replied. “I was going to do it after meeting you here.”

Lynette looked at Malvina.

“Is Mistress Nicola’s husband still in the dungeon?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” came the reply. “I think he’s waiting for me. It’s my turn to be the top tonight. I think he wants a good spanking.”

Olwen looked around and seemed to make up her mind.

“We’ll wait until he fucks off to France,” she said with a smile. “Light-fingered Louie here can change the locks at his convenience whilst Kevin’s away. It might be a good idea to give the whole house another deep clean too,” she added, and Louie nodded obediently.

“Myra, I understand you and Nicola have some business to sort out in school on Monday?”

Myra nodded her agreement, and Olwen continued,

“You and Nicola sort that out. The house can be dealt with as we’ve outlined, and Malvina can keep us informed of Kevin’s movements. Agreed?”

Everyone nodded, and Malvina offered to let Olwen know exactly when on Friday Kevin would be returning home.

“As he’s not going to be able to get in, I suspect there might be some trouble,” she suggested.

“You leave that to me,” Lynette said firmly. “Just make sure that I know exactly when Kevin intends trying to get back into Mistress Nicola’s house.”

The End (of Chapter Three)

Find out in Chapter Four what happens during Nicola’s meeting with Cheryl’s parents

Read how she meets Kevin again, and what happens when he attempts get back into the house in The Close.

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