Scarlet Troopers 02


My names Emma I’m a Scarlet Trooper Captain, you may have read some of my other tales of the daily struggles myself and my squad of Scarlet Troopers face trying to maintain order. Scarlet Troopers are, just to remind you, highly trained mounted female soldiers we pride ourselves in our appearance and our skintight red lycra catsuits, Black leather belts, riding boots and black cropped jackets distinguish us from the rest of society. We wear our catsuits next to our skin with no underwear it would spoil the look of a beautiful fit young woman’s body encased in second skin lycra. Our bottoms and vaginas are clearly defined by the stretchy material and we have no problem flaunting our bodies in front of our enemies.

We try to keep control in a land dominated by the wealthy women, a group of landowners who show us no respect and actually humiliate us by paying the impoverished village women to steal our uniforms while we are still wearing them! Good money being paid for the uniform of a Captain and a premium paid if the unfortunate girl soldier is forced to cum in her catsuit before it is forcibly removed from her!

As well as the wealthy women we have to contend with the Amazonian Warriors, a fearless tribe of strong powerful women who have no morals and don’t care how they treat us Troopers, we are fair game to them and they delight in humiliating us whenever they can. Recently a squad of thirty Scarlet Troopers were outwitted and defeated by just ten Amazonian’s!

The unwitting group of young girl soldiers were travelling on horseback to another of our fortresses when they rode into an Amazonian trap. The girls were freshly trained recruits ranging in age from 18 up to 21 and were led by two experienced Troopers both in their 30’s one was Captain Sarah the other Captain Amanda, these were two of our finest soldiers but that day they were overpowered with humiliating results.

The squad were halfway along their journey when they stopped at an inn for refreshments, this inn is known to us and we use it regularly so it should have been safe. Unbeknownst to the Troopers was the fact that some Amazonian’s were waiting for them, somehow they had information regarding the squads movements and a trap had been set.

The young Troopers reached the inn, dismounted, tied up their horses and went inside everything seemed normal there were a few local village women eating and drinking sitting around in the filthy rags they call clothes, straight away such a large group of well turned out sexy young Troopers caught the villagers eyes, the villagers looked on in envy as the cat suited soldiers confidently entered the room.

The serving girls ushered the Troopers in and got them comfortable, knowing that Scarlet Troopers are relatively wealthy they could be in for a profitable afternoon. As is normal the serving girls offered drinks to the thirsty Troopers and then offered the young soldiers some more intimate relaxation. All inns offer local girls to passing travellers for sexual pleasure and Scarlet Troopers are good customers, many of the Troopers jumped at the offer but how could they accommodate such a large group? Surely they can’t have a girl for each Trooper? The serving girls said the Troopers would have to go in pairs and have a threesome with one of the local prostitutes, this was no problem for the Troopers who regularly have lesbian orgies back at their fortress.

Twelve Horny young girl soldiers were led upstairs by one of the serving girls and they were separated into six pairs, each pair went into one of the bedrooms where an eager sex worker awaited them! Those twelve poor soldiers were then all subjected to the same treatment as unbeknownst to the horny Troopers the prostitutes were in fact Amazonian’s!

At first all seemed normal the Troopers were stripped out of their uniforms, this is common practice for a naked prostitute to strip the girl soldiers of their jackets, boots, belts and skintight suits, these would be carefully placed out of the way, then the sex worker would begin to pleasure the Troopers. In this case the Amazonian’s had devised a plan so that they all did exactly the same to their young clients, once stripped each girl soldier was lay down on the bed side by side with her comrade, then the prostitute would finger each Trooper getting her wet and relaxed before inserting a 12 inch long dildo into the soldiers vagina, these would then be slid in and out of the Troopers cunts making them scream in ecstasy and bringing them close to orgasm, cruelly the soldiers were never allowed to cum the skilful Amazonian’s knew how far to go and then they would stop, pause for a few seconds and then start again each time the soldier girls were brought close to orgasm but never achieved it, you can imagine how frustrating that became not being allowed to cum drives a girl soldier to distraction.

The twelve Troopers were now begging to be allowed to cum, their comrades downstairs could hear them pleading “please, please let me cum, I wanna cum, I need zonguldak seks hikayeleri to cum!” Well of course at this point none of the Scarlet Troopers were aware that the prostitutes were their sworn enemy the Amazonian’s, the girl soldiers downstairs were laughing and joking with the village women about their comrades upstairs begging to cum. Captain Sarah remarked that she could hear her Captain Amanda’s voice, “Fuck me she sounds so desperate!”

Meanwhile back upstairs things were about to reach a humiliating climax for the Troopers, the six Amazonian’s were each servicing two girl soldiers, all of the Troopers were so horny and so desperate to cum that they hadn’t realised that the crafty Amazonian’s had another of their Warriors going around each room! While the Amazonian was dildo fucking the girl soldiers cunts another of her filthy Amazonian sisters was stuffing rags into the Troopers mouths, each pair of soldiers were quickly overpowered having been completely caught off guard.

The helpless girls were unable to scream out for help and soon they were tied up tightly unable to move, in a cruel twist the dildos were left inside the Troopers vaginas for a couple of minutes during this time the severity of what had happened had started to sink in, the last thing on the girl soldiers minds was sex. Inevitably their vaginas dried out which is what the Amazonian’s were waiting for, the dildos were then forcefully removed from girls sensitive cunts making them wince with pain, if that wasn’t enough each soldier then received a powerful punch to her vagina rendering her useless.

The Scarlet Troopers downstairs did not know anything was wrong with one saying “It sounds like they’re sleeping off their orgasms!” Everyone in the room burst out laughing but the laughing amongst the Troopers soon stopped, suddenly the door from the stairs burst open and the Amazonian’s who had been upstairs overpowering the horny Troopers charged into the room letting out blood curdling screams.

The three serving girls removed their smocks revealing they to were Amazonian’s! So the scene was set ten Amazonian Warriors, six of them naked! Against eighteen Scarlet Troopers, surely it was an easy victory for the young soldiers? No it wasn’t, the Scarlet Troopers all stood up to defend themselves but this was a tactical error, each of the Amazonian’s picked out the younger Troopers and in a well planned attack delivered painful kicks to the inexperienced girl soldiers lycra clad vaginas.

The Amazonian’s were wearing leather boots, the tips of which penetrated the young soldiers cunts, it was a move that the Amazonian’s had used before, they knew the soldiers were naked under their catsuits and knew that the material was stretchy enough to allow some penetration forcing the lycra up inside the Troopers vagina! Even the naked Amazonian’s kicked had enough power to force their victims to collapse in agony. The young soldiers rolled around on the filthy floor helplessly clutching their aching cunts.

The remaining eight Troopers looked terrified two tried to escape but one very strong Amazonian grabbed the pair from behind by their leather belts and smashed the two girls together several times until they too fell to the floor helpless and defeated, once again the two whimpering soldiers received painful vaginal kicks.

The Amazonian’s quickly overpowered the last six Troopers often knocking them to the floor and sitting on the girl soldiers face much to the amusement of the village women who were watching in awe of the strength and ability of the Amazonian Warriors, the poor girls who’s faces were sat on passed out due to the stench of the Amazonian’s cunt, it’s a smell you never forget as I myself have fallen victim to it.

All the Scarlet Troopers were now defeated! Lying helpless on the floor of the inn their victorious enemy standing over them gloating then the Amazonian leader gave the order that no Scarlet Trooper wants to hear, “make the bitches cum in their catsuits then strip them!”

With the help of the village women the Amazonian’s went round each defenceless girl mercilessly rubbing her lycra clad cunt until the poor girl was forced to orgasm, I’ve had it done to me it’s not a pleasant way to cum it hurts and you feel violated and humiliated, when I endured such treatment I had a huge squirting orgasm in fact I was still cumming when my skintight catsuit was pulled from my body my attacker shouting to her Amazonian sisters, “this bitch is pissing herself!” It wasn’t piss it was me cumming hard I still remember the pain as the Amazonian scum kicked me hard in my squirting cunt!

Once forced to cum the degraded girls were tied up by their victors as they had done with their comrades upstairs, each Troopers ankles were bound together as were their wrists then filthy rags were stuffed into the girl soldiers mouths held in place by more rope. Two of the Amazonian’s went upstairs to collect the Troopers uniforms and put them with the others, thirty Scarlet Trooper uniforms a huge reward which wealthy women would pay handsomely for especially the cum soaked catsuits.

But sadly for our defeated Troopers the humiliation didn’t stop there, they were all carried out of the inn, thrown into the back of a horse drawn cart and paraded through the village for all the villagers to see, you can imagine the scene, naked young girl soldiers piled on top of each other probably in the most uncomfortable of positions some of the villagers reported hearing the girls sobbing as they were passing and that some girls had another girls arse or cunt in her face, unable to move away from the cum drenched body of her comrade, it was a sorry sight but of course the Amazonian’s and villagers relished in the spectacle.

The Troopers were taken to one of the wealthy women’s residences were she apparently bought all of their uniforms for a huge sum of money, deliberately boasting to the soldier girls that their uniforms were now hers, and then all the Troopers were taken from the cart and laid on their stomachs on the floor, what else could possibly happen to the poor girls?

The wealthy women are known to be sadistic and this particular one is well known to us in fact there is a bounty on her head but more of that later. The depraved bitch went round each girl soldier and delighted in inserting objects into each Troopers anus. You may be wondering what objects? Well it’s simple, what does every Scarlet Trooper have? Her riding crop! Each poor, helpless, humiliated girl had her riding crop inserted deep into her arse hole and it wasn’t a subtle insertion it was swift and brutal! The riding crops are three feet long but only two feet protruded from the girls anus!

Following this the girl soldiers were forced to stand their ankles and wrists were untied but they were not being released so easily, the terrified Troopers were ordered to stand in a line one in front of the other, each girl moving awkwardly due to her riding crop being buried in her anus, then they were ordered to put their hands on the shoulders of the Trooper in front one either side of the head. That’s how the Amazonian’s re tied them, each girl soldier now had the hands of a comrade tied round her throat and that’s how they were forced to march naked and on foot back to their fortress, it took two days of marching before the exhausted girls were found by a rescue party of Scarlet Troopers.

The rescue party were shaken by when they saw what had been done to this squad of young recruits. The girl soldiers were untied and the other Troopers carefully pulled the riding crops out of the poor girls rectums the rescue party included a nurse who went round each naked girl applying soothing cream to the girls raw anus each girl flinched as the nurse massaged the cream into their tight holes.

So the young girl Troopers were rescued and taken back to the fortress all of them recovered from their ordeal and vowed revenge on the Amazonian bitches that had humiliated them so badly that day, however the two Captains, Sarah and Amanda were punished by their Commander for being so stupid. They were taken to the parade ground inside the fortress and were tied naked onto two wooden benches, they were lying on their backs and for two days they were used mercilessly as sex toys for the other Troopers, they had dildos strapped to their waists which the other girl soldiers could come and ride until they orgasmed over the tied Captains bodies, alternatively the Troopers could sit on the Captains faces forcing them to lick their often sweaty cunts until the oversexed girl soldiers came over the shamed soldier, it must have been two very long days and in that time they were given no food or water and if they needed to piss they would have to do it over the bench, once their punishment was complete the Captains were forced to clean the benches down and were demoted back to Troopers, the ultimate humiliation for any proud Scarlet Trooper Captain!

But the story doesn’t end there for me it gets worse, much worse. I mentioned briefly that one of the wealthy women had a bounty on her head, she was responsible for many of the attacks against us, her main goal was to humiliate us by stealing our worn uniforms, there were rumours she had dozens of soldier girls uniforms in her collection, intelligence that we had indicated that some of these uniforms were on display in her mansion, mannequins were dressed in cum stained catsuits as trophies to display to her friends, and more bizarrely she held parties where her wealthy friends could come and try the uniforms on. One of her maids who was serving at one such gathering reported seeing wealthy women parading round the mansion during one party all dressed in our stolen uniforms, the maid said they dressed fully in the catsuits, belts, boots and jackets and the cum stains were clearly visible, to add insult to injury the wealthy women even made each other cum in our stolen suits, they then bought them from this depraved bitch and wore them home.

It was decided I would lead a small squad of experienced Troopers to go and capture this woman and hopefully retrieve as many of our uniforms as possible. We set off on our horses late one night, it was about a two hour ride to the woman’s mansion, my squad consisted of myself, Trooper Linzi, one of my favourite soldiers, and two other older Troopers so four of us in total the idea was to get in and out as quickly as we could hopefully without being seen.

We were about half a mile from our target and we took a rest to go over our plan, we dismounted to talk tactics, the mansion was guarded by White Warriors young girl soldiers recruited from the local convent and trained by one of the Nuns, they wear white catsuits, black boots and white capes we had had many skirmishes with them and every time we out witted them easily they were young and naïve

This wealthy woman had employed a dozen White Warriors to protect her and her property but we knew only six would be on guard tonight with the other six resting in their quarters, the Warriors quarters were next to the mansion and we knew it wasn’t guarded so we decided to neutralise the girl soldiers in there first.

We rode to within a few metres of the perimeter tied our horses up and proceeded on foot, the Whites were clearly visible, their shining white uniforms glowing in the moonlight, within minutes we had determined where they all were and silently and undetected we scaled the perimeter and we were in!

We made our way to the girl soldiers quarters, a crude wooden hut in a dark damp corner, as the Captain I went in first I slowly opened the door and crept in. The room was in darkness and there was a heady smell of sweaty vagina in the air, I suspected these girls had just had an orgy which could be to our advantage.

The other Troopers followed me in, in the gloom we could just make out the Whites lying naked on their bunks luckily for us they were two to a bed which made our job easier, the four of us leapt onto the startled young soldiers and before they could raise the alarm all six were overpowered, one Scarlet Trooper easily defeating two Whites by cracking their heads together, the dazed girls were then bound and gagged, I’d noticed as we entered their quarters a wooden box I decided to lock them in there, we dragged them outside each girl was kicked hard in her sweaty cunt, I opened the lid of the box it was empty but damp and smelt horrendous, each girl was thrown in forming a very satisfying mass of writhing bodies, the helpless girls were crammed in like sardines! I closed the lid and we put a large rock on top, they weren’t getting out anytime soon after a while the conditions inside would have become unbearable but that wasn’t our problem.

We turned our attention to the White Warriors standing guard around the mansion, easy pickings for us they were spread out and were no match for our surprise attack. The first White was taken down by Trooper Linzi, the Trooper crept up behind her victim grabbed her round the throat and put her hand over her mouth to stop her crying out, one swift vaginal punch and the pathetic girl slumped to the floor in seconds, Trooper Linzi bound and gagged her and dragged her into a very secluded corner of the compound whispering into her ear “night night darling I’m sure someone will find you in a few days but fuck knows how badly you will smell by then, you stink as it is don’t you ever wash your cunt?” With that she kicked the girl in her vagina, her Lycra catsuit offering no protection from Trooper Linzi’s boot.

The remaining Whites didn’t prove a stern test and were soon dispatched in a similar fashion, vaginal punches and kicks disabling them all too easily, one of my other Troopers did have her vagina squeezed hard which is very painful but that just made her more angry and her attacker had to endure the humiliation of her white catsuit being ripped open at the crotch and then my Trooper fist fucking her with not much time for the poor young White Warrior to get even remotely moist between her legs, a dry vagina being fist fucked, not much fun but we didn’t care!

With all six guards bound and gagged we entered the mansion, there was a light coming from the far end of a long hallway, we crept along silently we knew they were no more guards but we didn’t know who else was here, there would be serving maids and maybe some local girls from the village, we could hear voices, laughing and joking it was perfect for us to surprise them grab our target and get out.

I told the other Troopers to stay out of sight I would go ahead alone to see what was going on, I got to the end of the hallway and realised the light was coming from a room off that, I went up to the door, it was open I peered round the corner there was our woman and there were three young schoolgirls with her I knew they were schoolgirls because they were still in their uniforms, short grey skirts, white blouses and white tights, clearly they didn’t have school in the morning it was well passed midnight by now. The wealthy woman was getting very intimate with these girls which meant she was distracted, perfect!

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