Slave Fantasy Ch. 03


The next few weeks proved to be torture for her. She couldn’t stop thinking about him and the motel room. About how she had found the courage to act out her fantasy of being a white man’s slave girl, or about how he had been so good at being her “master.” About how it had all made her lust blaze hotly, about how erotic and amazing it had been. And she couldn’t stop thinking about his cock in her pussy. His hard, throbbing cock fucking her wet little twat and the mind bending orgasms she had experienced.

Mutually they agreed that the one night was only the first, that more had to follow. More must follow. Also, so that it would be easier to maintain their special “relationship,” they should have minimal contact between encounters. The chance of building any serious feelings for one another and ruining the excitement of it all too dangerous for the time being.

So she spent those following weeks trying to keep busy and keep her mind off certain things. But it wasn’t easy and several times she found her mind wandering . . . Wandering back to that night and the urges she had felt, the desire that had raged through her body, the lust that had so thoroughly consumed her.

She tried calling him a couple of times to see when they could get together again but each time he was unavailable so she left a message and went back to trying to stay busy.

Then a package arrived. A package for her. A package from him. Her hands shook as she opened it, her heart raced. Inside was an outfit and a short note telling her to be at the motel the following evening, that there would be a room reserved and that she was to get a key then wait for him. It also told her to wear the outfit he’d sent.

“The little slave girl is going to take her master’s hard cock once again.” It said in closing.

She felt her body growing warm as she read this, felt her pussy start to ache from the memories flashing through her mind.

The outfit went along with the motif of their “relationship.” It consisted of a simple white and blue checker-design dress, with a flat open front and two straps that went over her shoulders. Its hem hung to just above her knees and it had a ribbon at the waist back for tightening it and helping to display her curves. Also in the package was a pair of plain, white cotton panties and a pair of sandals.

Trying the items on she checked her reflection in the mirror and her heart stuttered over a couple beats. The dress was slightly loose, very slightly, as though it was a hand-me-down, and she instantly saw the way it brought their game to the next level. Deep inside her loins she felt her lustful embers start to glow, another wave of passionate heat washing through her body.

In the motel room the next day she quickly changed from her street clothing into the “slave girl dress” and waited for her master to arrive. On the little table was a bottle of liquor and she helped herself to a glass of it. The liquid helped to calm her quaking nerves slightly, but she still felt herself growing anxious as the minutes slowly crept by. Pacing around the room in her dress and sandals her mind raced with a mixture of memories from the previous encounter and imaginings of what this one might hold. Even with the room’s AC blowing out its cool air she felt her body heating up, felt her anticipation stirring the embers of her lust.

When she heard the door being opened her breath caught in her throat and her heart faltered for a second. Quickly she moved into a spot near the table and posed herself demurely, with her hands clasped in front of her. She had to force herself to keep her eyes diverted to the floor, resisting the urge to look up and watch him enter the room.

“Oh yea, look at my hot little slave girl,” he sighed as he entered and walked toward her.

Goosebumps covered her flesh at the sound of his voice. Her lustful embers flashed to red-hot coals of passion.

She waited as he approached her, watched his feet, then his legs, come into view. He stepped past her and poured himself a glass of the liquor before walking all the way around her a few times, his eyes crawling up and down her body as she fought to stand still. Her feet shifted as her nerves rattled inside her but she managed to keep her face and her eyes downcast.

He stopped in front of her. She saw his one hand come up, felt it cup her chin and lift her face to him. An electrical bolt shot through her body as his fingers touched her flesh. She raised her face to look at him, her eyes catching sight of a bulge already evident in his pants before moving upward to his face. They stared into each others’ eyes for a minute as he cupped her chin, his thumb caressing her cheek. She could tell that he was looking for any signs of her faltering in her decision and knew that he would find none. Slowly a pleased grin formed on his mouth.

“Alright, slave,” he whispered, “I think it’s time to have a little fun.”

Slowly her eyelids lowered then opened. A small shiver coursed through her body. He continued to look deep into her eyes for another minute bursa escort bayan then took a step back, releasing her chin.

“Hold this,” he said, handing her his glass.

She took the item and held it while her eyes once again fell toward the floor. On the edges of her vision she saw him pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside. He then kicked his shoes off as well so that he stood before her in only his pants, at the crotch of which his bulge was growing steadily more obvious.

“M- Master?” She whispered as he took his glass from her.

“Be quiet,” he ordered.

Her heart raced as another shiver coursed through her body. Standing there, in the middle of the motel room, wearing the little dress and sandals, she suddenly started to feel vulnerable. She sensed, more than saw him, drain his glass then step forward to place it on the table. As he did his bare arm brushed against hers. Bolts of electricity shot through her from the contact, they raced along her nerves and fanned the embers burning hot within her loins.

“Come here,” he growled then.

Roughly he grabbed her one arm and jerked her to him, his other hand reached around her to grab her ass and press her into him. She felt him grind against her, felt his hardening cock throb through the layers of clothing.

The one hand released her arm and grabbed her head, forcing her to tilt her face up to him. His lips pressed hard against hers as he delivered a long, heavy kiss. More shockwaves of electricity shot through her body, her nerves tingling excitedly. Within her loins her embers turned a bright red and her juices began to flow.

He pulled his lips away from hers and, holding her head in his hand, his fingers spreading out and adjusting her angle, he kissed his way down across her cheek to her neck. Laying a trail of warm, hungry kisses across her flesh he reached her ear and nibbled on the lobe while continuing to grind his crotch against her.

“M- Master,” she whispered. “Pl- Please, master.”

Her voice was soft and weak, the tone of a frightened girl, and it had an effect on him. His hand on her ass suddenly gripped her fleshy orb and squeezed while he shoved his throbbing cock at her through the clothing they still wore.

“Mmm,” she bit her bottom lip as the embers of her passion burst into red-orange flames.

“I’m gonna have you,” he whispered directly in her ear. “I’m gonna enjoy my slave.”

He then nipped her earlobe, tugging on it gently with his teeth before returning to kiss a trail back up along her neck to her cheek and to her lips. Once there he laid his lips against hers again in another hard kiss.

This time when he pulled away he leaned back a little to look down at her, his eyes taking in her face, locking with hers for a brief moment. She tried to make herself look scared, tried to appear unhappy with what was happening and if it hadn’t been for the way she was grinding against his growing cock she might have managed it.

“Pl- Please master, don’t,” she whispered. “Pl- Please.”

“Oh yes,” he answered, a grin on his face, his fingers slipping around to caress her cheek. “I’m gonna fuck you, girl. I’m gonna have my little slave girl’s pussy tonight.”

As the last word slipped from his mouth he drove their lips together once again. This time as his lips pressed against hers she felt his tongue pushing through. For a quick moment she kept her lips together but he persisted and she opened her mouth to allow him access. Their tongues swirled over one another, her instinct too strong to stop it.

She felt his hand slip down from her neck and head, felt it glide down her front, his fingers leaving hot trails across her flesh as they drew toward her breasts. Suddenly he had one of her tits in his hand and was cupping it, squeezing it through her dress. As his fingers massaged the dark, pliant mound, waves of desire flowed through her body. Raw, energetic pulses of passion tingled along her nerves.

“Mmmmm,” she whimpered, her body reflexively pushing herself into his hand.

While they kissed his hand continued to massage her breast. At its front her nipple grew hard, blood filling it and making it stand erect beneath the dress. His other hand also continued to squeeze her ass cheek, pushing her into him as their bodies ground into one another. All of it, the roughness of his voice, the idea of the fantasy, the feel of his hand and his semi-erect cock pressing against her, was effecting her more and more. She felt her passions growing, felt her desires building. Between her legs she felt her juices flowing, her pussy growing damp. She rolled her tongue across his. Her body pressed harder against his crotch. He covered the front of her tit, flattening the hard nipple beneath his palm and she pushed the flesh mound into it harder.

When their kiss broke he pulled back to look down at her once again. She weakly returned his stare from beneath heavy lids, her mouth hanging open just a little. Her breathing was shallow, soft pants slipping past her open lips.

“Let’s bursa evi olan escort see the slave girl’s tits,” he hissed after only a few seconds.

Suddenly the hand on her ass flew up to join the other at her front. Both hands grabbed the low cut top edge of the dress then yanked hard. Stitching gave way and material ripped. One strap came completely unattached, the other held on by only a few threads. Her breasts bound into view, the dark mounds of flesh rolling and shimmying with their sudden release. Cool air swirled across her flesh and dark, swollen nipples. The dress now hung askew upon her, a portion of it hanging down in a flap.

“Hhuuuhhh,” she gasped, then, “Pl- Please…”

“Oh yea,” he sighed happily.

His hands came back up and he filled both of them with her tits, his fingers pressing into her flesh and squeezing. She dropped her eyes and saw his light skin covering her dark mounds, saw them molding her breasts, his fingers rolling her hard, dark, dark nipples between them.

“Pl- Please master,” she whispered. “Please don’t.”

He ignored her words and continued to massage her tits, his hands cupping them one moment then flattening her nipples beneath his palms the next. He toyed with the fleshy mounds, his light skin contrasting against her dark flesh. Both of them watched this, him openly, smiling, her through her downcast eyes and panting heavier through parted lips with each moment.

“Please don’t,” she repeated in a soft whisper a few times. “Please master, don’t.”

Her eyes slipped past his plying hands to the crotch of his pants where she saw the bulge of his near erect cock throb as blood pumped to it. Reflexively her tongue slipped out to run along her lips, memories returning of how it had felt to have that hard member sliding in and out of her mouth. The fire in her loins raged higher, searing flames of lust burning inside of her. Each time his fingers tweaked her swollen nipples bolts of electricity raced along her nerves to stoke that fire. Each time he cupped and squeezed her mounds, heaving slightly as she fought to control her heavy breathing, the flames were fanned even more.

“Oh yea, I’m gonna fuck you,” he told her. “I’m gonna fuck my slave girl good.”

As she stared at the throbbing bulge within his pants and heard his words she felt her legs growing shaky, felt her knees quiver even as she sucked in a deep breath.

“Please no, master,” she whispered. “Please no.”

Whether he understood, or even saw, the shakiness in her legs, or if it was simply good timing, she didn’t know nor did she care. She was just happy when he released her tits and, grabbing her one arm, half-led, half-pushed her toward the bed.

“Get up there, slave,” he ordered.

She was half-pushed onto the mattress, landing in a sort of semi-fetal position, arms thrown out a little, legs kind of tangled together.

“Mmm,” a soft whimper escaped her throat as she landed.

She lay there looking up at him as he stood at the bed’s foot leering down at her, his eyes traveling along her body for a moment. She realized that the dress’ bottom hem had rode up her thighs and that he could probably see the crotch of her white cotton panties from the angle he was at. She also realized that her arousal must be evident in that white crotch by the presence of a darkening area.

“Yea, you’re a hot little slave girl, that’s for sure,” he smiled, slowly undoing his belt and the zipper. “I can’t wait to put my hard, white cock deep into that sweet black pussy of yours.”

A shiver ran through her as he said this, his eyes glaring at the area where she understood her panties were visible to him.

“Pl- Please no,” she whispered meekly. “Please master. Please don’t.”

She wasn’t sure but she thought she saw his grin twitch reflexively at her words and the idea sent another shiver of excitement running along her nerves.

His hands worked his pants and shorts down off his hips and along his legs. As he did his cock came into view. Her eyes became riveted on this and she watched as its semi-erect state rapidly firmed up more. When his pants were off his feet and tossed aside he stood above her completely nude, his cock hardening and pointing straight out.

“You see that, slave?” He asked, seeing her eyes locked onto his member. “You see what’s going to be filling that sweet pussy of yours?”

Looking at the hardening cock, remembering the feel of it being stuffed inside her cunt while he fucked her, and hearing his words caused her fires to flare higher. She felt her body growing hot, her flesh starting to sweat and her every muscles start to ache. More of her juices flowed and she knew the dark spot of her panties was growing.

“Pl- Pleeeaassseee,” she whimpered as he climbed onto the bed.

He moved up beside her, planting one hand on her shoulder and pushing her down into the mattress. His other hand slid into place on top of her tit, the palm flattening her hard nipple as he cupped her flesh.

“Pleeaasse bursa otele gelen escort master. Please don’t,” she whimpered quietly.

“Be quiet,” he hissed.

She watched his face descend and closed her eyes as his lips pressed against hers. She felt his tongue pressing between her lips and opened them to accept it. His tongue rolled across hers and she raised hers’ in response, soft whimpers vibrating in her throat. His hand on her tit was warm, heating her flesh as it squeezed and massaged the aching mound. His other hand lay heavy on her shoulder, holding her down in place upon the bed. Against her bare leg she felt his hard cock press, felt the rigid manhood push against her as precum oozed from the tip and coated her flesh.

Between her legs her heat scorched her loins, increased her urges. The dark spot in her panties grew as more of her wetness seeped from her. Her clit throbbed, poked from beneath its hood and rubbed against the panties’ cotton.

Moments later he broke their kiss. Holding her dark tit in his hand he presented it to himself as he lowered his mouth over her aching nipple. She watched his light colored face descend upon it, his lips encasing the swollen, dark nub of sensitized nerves.

“Please . . . Ooohhhhh,” she whispered as his wet mouth covered the nub.

Her head feel back then as her body reacted, her back arching slightly to push her tit at his face. His tongue swirled over the nerves of her flesh as he suckled softly on her nipple. Shocks of passion coursed from that one wet and warm location to all the far points of her body. Fans stirred the air around the fire within her loins and the flames grew hotter. Her legs shifted upon the bed, scissored a little and her hip pressed against the cock she felt there.

As he sucked and licked her nipple, his fingers still cupping and squeezing her flesh, he pressed harder with his own hips, pushing his hard cock against her body and grinding himself against her.

She panted, gasped quietly as her body grew hotter, her flesh tingling with lustful excitement. Her pussy grew wetter, her clit rubbing into the cotton panties vigorously.

Minutes later he slid the hand on her shoulder down to cup her other tit and moved his mouth to encase its aching nipple. As the wet warmth of him covered her tingling nerves, his tongue swiping back and forth over it, she moaned softly, whimpered while pushing her hip even harder against the throbbing cock that was leaking precum onto her flesh.

While he suckled at this tit his other hand slid down toward her crotch, his fingers scratching across the dress and then onto the inside of her thigh. Shockwaves of desire shot to her loins when his hand touched her bare flesh down there, hot against her skin.

“Mmmmm,” she whimpered, her hips reflexively jerking slightly as they tried to push her pussy down.

He broke the hold his mouth held on her nipple then and raised his face to look at her. She was panting heavily through her open lips as she returned his look from beneath heavy lids, her brown eyes filled with desire.

“The little slave bitch is hot, isn’t she?” He smiled.

“Ooohhhh . . . Please master. Please don’t.”

His fingers were inching their way up her thigh toward her crotch. Her hips rolled on the bed, her legs shifted as she reflexively spread them open a little for him. He stopped grinding his cock against her as he watched her face while his fingers slowly worked their way up, pushing the dress’ hem out of the way as they crawled higher and higher on her leg.

“Please don’t, master. Please don’t.” she whimpered.

“Oh yes. I’m gonna fuck my slave girl,” he smiled, his fingers reaching the bottom edge of her panties and inching up along the outer reaches of her sex. “I’m gonna stick my white cock deep inside your black little pussy.”

“Pl- Please,” she whispered as his fingers found the top edge of her panties. “Please don’t.”

“Oh yes,” he sighed.

Then, with a jerk of both his body and his hand, he sat up while yanking her panties partway down her thighs in one move. Her ass jumped on the bed as she was forced to move in reaction to this. Her legs pulled together and all contact with his hard cock was lost, as well as the touch of his hand upon her one tit.

“I’m gonna fuck you good,” he hissed as he quickly worked her panties down her legs, tugging and jerking them along the path. “I’m gonna fill that pussy of yours with my cock and fuck you hard, you little bitch.”

The force of his actions and his tone caused her entire body to shiver with anticipation as she weakly fought with her legs to keep the panties from going down and past her feet. Her arms came up and she grabbed at the pillow above her head, her fingers gripping it tightly. She gasped through her open mouth, breathing shallow.

“No master. Oh God, please no,” she whimpered as the panties were tossed aside.

She watched him move in between her legs from under heavy lids, his hands being planted on her inner thighs and pushing the limbs apart. As he moved into position she lay there panting, her body aching for the penetration it was about to receive. Her tits swayed upon her rising and falling chest. At her crotch her pussy gleamed with the wetness that had seeped from it, her lips swollen and puffy, her slit shining bright pink from between them.

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