Taking Care of Family Pt. 05


Chapter 5 – My Cousin, My Teacher

When I returned home that morning, my mother was already up and in the kitchen having coffee with Aunt DJ and cleaning up from their breakfast.

“Hello, Sleepyhead!” Mom said as she looked up and saw me coming into the house.

“Hey, Mom, Aunt DJ,” I replied.

“You just missed breakfast, but I can make you something real quick, if you want,” she told me.

“Naw, I’ll just make myself some cereal,” I told her.

“So, I heard you had an unexpectedly short night last night,” Mom said over the top of her coffee cup.

“Yeah, I was really tired and can’t believe I conked out like that. Ms. Anderson told me she talked to you and I could stay there for the night,” I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee and trying to sound nonchalant.

“It sounded like you were able to help her out. I can’t remember the last time she sounded that happy,” Mom observed.

“Yeah, I think she’s in the clear, but I told her I’d try and keep an eye on things just to make sure. I also offered to set up some security on her home computer because anyone could hack into it, if they wanted.” That last part was true. I’d mentioned how vulnerable Carrie’s home computer was the first time I got on it, but she was so distraught over being blackmailed, I doubt she remembered. “I’m going to head to my room and get cleaned up. Is Kacie still asleep?”

Aunt DJ answered, “I tried to get her up a couple times, but knowing her, she’s still in bed. Why don’t you see if you can roust her? Tell her we need to be leaving in a couple hours.”

“Okay,” I said as I headed towards my room. When I got there, the door was half-open and I looked in to see my cousin still under the covers. I slipped in and closed the door quietly. When I sat on the edge of the bed, Kacie rolled over and looked up at me through nearly closed eyes.

She groaned. “Don’t tell me my mom sent you in to get me up,” she grumbled.

“Yep, but I also wanted to ask you for a favor,” I replied.

Her eyes opened up a little more. “Yeah? What kind of favor?” she asked suspiciously.

I suddenly started to have second thoughts about my plan, but decided to press ahead. “I met this girl and she wants to have sex, but I want to make sure I know how to please her before we, uh… you know,” I finished lamely.

Kacie’s eyes opened wide. “Holy shit! You met a girl? And she wants to have sex with you? Are you fucking kidding me? What are you waiting for?” She sat up in the bed with the sheet falling off of her to reveal the long t-shirt she usually wore to bed. I could make out the shape of her bare breasts as they moved under the thin cotton material when she wiggled around to get herself comfortable. She saw me looking, but didn’t care.

“Who is she?”

“I’m not ready to tell anyone about her until I know whether we’re really together, you know?” I said.

“She wants to fuck you. That sounds like she’s ready unless she’s a fucking nympho slut,” Ataköy Escort Kacie countered.

“No, she’s definitely not a nympho slut,” I said defensively. “But I want to make sure I don’t disappoint her sexually.”

“What do you want from me?” Kacie asked.

“Um, I was wondering if you could help me learn how to um, … uh, … have oral sex with her,” I finally managed to say.

Kacie almost burst out laughing. She barely contained her amusement and when she was able to speak, she was incredulous. “You don’t know how to eat pussy?”

“No, I know how,” I retorted. “I just wanted to know if there were any special things I could do to make sure she enjoyed it.”

Since I started college a year early, she and I both attended our freshman year together and we would occasionally run into each other on campus. We even had the same first-year history lecture hall together, but she was usually surrounded by a group of guys from one of the fraternities and ignored me. Not that I blame her. The word that I think came to everyone’s mind when they saw Kacie was “cute”.

Kacie was the pretty, exuberant, outgoing type and I was your basic introverted nerd. In high school, she transformed almost overnight from a gangly teen with braces to a beautiful young woman. She was a little shorter than her mother, but slender and with small breasts like my Mom. Unlike my mother, Kacie had a very shapely figure and whenever she wore snug jeans or shorts, guys would all stop what they were doing and stare as she walked by, seemingly oblivious to their lecherous thoughts.

I knew otherwise. Kacie was perfectly aware of what they were looking at and intentionally dressed in close-fitting clothes that hid everything, yet showed off everything at the same time. She had been having sex since she was a junior in high school and being away from home at college just made things easier for her. We couldn’t have been more different.

However, there was one thing about Kacie. We practically grew up together and while she could be a real self-centered pain in the ass, she could also be one of the most caring people in the world. When she saw how serious I was and understood how difficult it must have been for me to talk to her about this, she stopped kidding me.

“You really like this girl, don’t you?” she asked. I nodded. “So, what were you thinking about?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you could tell me why guys do to you that you enjoy,” I answered.

“What makes you think I’m some expert?”

“You’re really pretty and guys are always hitting on you. You’ve had a pretty busy social life and let’s face it, we both know you’ve been having sex since high school,” I told her.

“You think I’m pretty?” she asked. Not what I was expecting.

“Yeah, of course you are. I think you’re one of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen,” I replied, perhaps a little too honestly.

She looked at me for a while. Ataşehir Escort “Well, I do have a little bit of experience on the subject,” she finally admitted. “I can tell you stuff, but it would probably be better if you practiced on me and I could give you feedback. You know, I’d tell you what to do or you could try out things on your own. I could tell you what feels really good and what doesn’t. Then we both win!” she said brightly.

It wasn’t like she and I had never played around together, but the only thing I ever did with her pussy was put my fingers in it and rub it. We weren’t going to fuck, so it really wasn’t incest, and I couldn’t think of any better options, so I agreed.

“Great!” she said. “When do we start?”

“As soon as possible,” I quickly responded.

“Okay. I think Mom and I are going to stay here a couple more days, but then we’re going home and she’s gotta get back to work. If we can’t get together here, maybe you could drive to our house while Mom’s working and we have the place to ourselves?” she suggested.

I wasn’t happy about waiting a few more days, but I agreed.

“Kacie! Hurry up and get out of bed!” we heard her mother call out.

“Okay, Mom!” Kacie yelled back. She scooted out of the bed as I got up and yanked her t-shirt over her head as she got ready to go into the bathroom. I looked at her standing in front of me wearing just a thong and felt my dick quiver under my pants. Kacie was completely unflustered by my presence and yanked down her thong to reveal a perfectly smooth and bare pussy.

“You’ll be seeing more than this later, but get out now before one of our mom’s catches you in here,” she said. The wicked smile she had the previous week when she sucked my cock dry was back and I wondered what I was getting myself into.

* * * * *

That night, Kacie crept into the living room to see if I was still awake and told me to follow her back to my bedroom. I started to object, but then she threatened to scream out that I was peeping on her as she was naked. I saw a lot of flaws in her threat, but reluctantly followed her back to my bedroom anyway. She sat on the side of the bed and spread her knees.

“Come here and let’s see what you got,” she whispered.

I knelt down and found her pussy in the near darkness of the room. Separating her outer lips with my fingers, I leaned forward and started licking up the length of her slit with my whole tongue. ‘What are you, a dog? Don’t do it that way. Use the tip of your tongue to explore around the folds, Try to find my clit with it,” she instructed.

I knew the clitoris was near the upper part of her pussy and focused on that region, but she had me moving around more. “Don’t wear out the same spot,” she cautioned. My tongue ran across a small round bit of flesh that was firmer than the surrounding tissue. At the same time, I heard Kacie suck in her breath. “Ohhh! That’s it,” she whispered Avcılar Escort with excitement.

I kept moving my tongue around in that area and repeatedly brushed over her clit. It seemed more pronounced than before and Kacie started breathing a little faster. “Try sucking gently on it and holding it with your lips,” she offered. At first, I couldn’t really find just her clit and kept sucking up her pussy lips and everything around it. She let me fumble around a little longer before suggesting that I use my fingers to pull her pussy lips far apart at the top of her pussy. I did exactly that and found her clit sticking up in the middle.

I pretended it was Carrie’s nipple and sucked the small, smooth bud up between my lips and held it there. “Ahhhh-ahhhh…” I heard her bite back her body’s desired response in order to keep from waking up the entire house.

Seeing how much she was enjoying it, I sucked a little harder and she almost yelped out loud in pain. “Not that hard!” she said in voice that was as close to a scream as you could but still whispering. I spent the next few minutes learning how to alternate my mouth’s attention from her clit to the rest of her pussy so that I didn’t overstimulate her and cause more discomfort than pleasure. Less than ten minutes after I started, Kacie had an orgasm and my mouth became covered with her juice. I dutifully lapped up as much as I could, but my face practically reeked of her sex.

She climaxed two more times before having me leave the room and get cleaned up. By then, she was almost a quivering mass unable to move by herself. Before I left, she still had the audacity to say, “Plan on tomorrow night for your next lesson.”

I smiled to myself as I left the room and went into the kitchen to wipe down my face in the sink. For all her smart-ass remarks and attitude, I thought I may have given Kacie a lot more than she bargained for.

* * * * *

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I smelled was the scent of Kacie’s pussy on me. Even though I had washed my face, apparently some of her juice either got on my t-shirt or somewhere else. I hurried to the bathroom and got in the shower before anyone else and was stepping out with a towel around my waist when my mom walked by towards the kitchen.

She was wearing the same gown she always did and her tits were swaying back and forth as she walked unsteadily down the hall, still half-asleep. I could also see her nipples poking out through the fabric and hoped my dick didn’t start growing and lifting the towel up under my waist. “Hi, honey,” she said, barely looking at me. Mom was never a morning person and that was her typical appearance until she had a couple cups of strong coffee in her.

After she disappeared, I went into my bedroom to get some clean clothes and immediately smelled Kacie’s sex. I got dressed while she continued to sleep under the covers and wondered what her mom would think when she came in and smelled the tell-tale signs of sex in the air.

Later that day, I caught up with Kacie and told her my concern. She laughed. “Yeah, Mom noticed, but it’s not the first time. I just told her I had to masturbate.” Kacie laughed. “As far as she’s concerned, it’s better that I masturbate than have sex with some guy.” I just shook my head in disbelief.

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