The Inheritance Problem Pt. 05


The following is the fifth part in a somewhat-long-running filth fetish series about three siblings who enjoy making a mess of themselves. Like previous parts it will contain scat, watersports, mud, trash and other gunk kinks. This time they find a farm and a shit-filled hole in the ground. Fun!


Mary, youngest child, very gay, free spirited. Pat, middle sibling, slightly stuffy but rapidly melting in a cabin without a toilet or shower in sight. Liz, was voted mostly likely to lay a teacher in high school.

And last night, all three had shat themselves in terror when lightning hit a tree roughly 30 feet away and then made that tree explode. In fact Liz still had a slight ringing in her ears (and a headache).

Walking out last of the trio in the morning she saw her siblings sitting at the table in dirty chairs. She was dirty too, having spent the previous day under their cabin in mud crawling around on all fours. She also had the same outfit on she had arrived in, and it reeked. What didn’t help was her pissing her panties as she walked through the little living area, utterly care-free.

There was a knock at the door. Mary and Pat froze. Liz yawned. “Who’s here?” She asked a bit confused.

Pat and Mary actually had no idea, but they had suddenly become very self conscious of how dirty they were.

Liz didn’t care, or was too sleepy to realize the potential issue. Possibly both. “I’ll get it.” She muttered as her dirty hips swayed back and forth. Her short skirt flashing some of her loins as it moved, its edges showing signs of tearing and growing shorter still.

After a stretch before opening the door she opened it with a “Hello” only to find groceries on the porch. “Ah.” She hummed as she got them and brought in a few bags, then a few more. Then more still. “Jeez, we get two deliveries a week.” She grumbled eight bags in. “But its so heavy. And some bitches don’t wanna help lift.”

“What if someone sees you, on the board of a major company or three?” Pat asked. “That would en-“

She was cut off by Liz walking to the open door, bending over, ass turning to the outside and hiking her skirt up as she grunted and let out a wet fart into her filthy underwear. “Oh? What was that? Take a picture of my ass?” She asked, sarcasm thick in her voice. Her fart became a bit… Well shittier after a bit, a splat hitting the front steps.

“No shitting in the common area!” Pat said.

“M’not.” Liz grunted as she stood up. “Its on the front porch. Its cheating, but its going there, so we good.” She pulled on her panties, soaked in slop and feeling something rip some. She didn’t particularly care though, she was well past giving a fuck about how she looked. “Oh… So.” She grunted as she put bags down on the modest kitchen counter. “Did anyone go outside to look at the outhouse?”

“I did.” Mary said after a moment poking her plate with a fork. “It… Uh… Its right fucked.”

“Define right fucked.” Pat asked. “You jut said its bad and wanted coffee.”

“Thanks for that by the way.” Mary said raising a mostly empty mug as Pat finally helped get bags and shoo’d Liz to the table to let her eat. “Well, the tree exploded, and… Uh, the outhouse is fuckin gone.” She said with a little bit of disbelief in her voice.

“Like… Did it wash away or?” Liz asked as she sat down with a simple breakfast of bagel with excessive cream-cheese.

“Dunno… There’s just a tree, and a massive stink back there.” Mary muttered.

“Didja shit?” Liz asked before taking a bite.


“So someone has to be full right?”

“We went last night you dirty idiot.” Pat grumbled as she pre-rinsed a plate before putting it in the dishwasher. “And don’t tell me you didn’t. Cause I truly doubt that of you.” Pat scolded somewhat before ripping a wet gassy fart. “A-although I do need to go.” Probably the lactose intolerance she kept feeding each morning.

Liz was quiet as she kept eating, and then drinking her milk. Lactose intolerance was common in the family. Quite common.

“Well… I mean if you doubt me, go look yourself. Its not that far.”

“Fine then.” Liz said. “Lemme finish breakfast, and we can go right out. Lets see what happened together.”

This seemed to be the end of the conversation as the two siblings finished their morning routine. Pat putting dishes away before walking along and pissing herself as she went to her room for a few minutes.

Mary was a bit lazier, chosing to relieve herself right on her chair, as the siblings had given up on caring about where they pissed a while ago. They cared a bit on where they shit, but only a little bit.

It was a bit later when Liz knocked on Pat’s door. “We’re ready to go.” She said before walking down to their back door out to where the outhouse had once been.

It was naught but a few moments before Pat joined her siblings. She was the first out as she sank thigh deep into the mud and water right by the door. “Oh. Lovely. Seems water pools here manisa seks hikayeleri from the rain.” Her siblings waded in as the smell of shit got stronger.

Where the outhouse had been was the better part of a few trees. Luckily nothing big had hit their house. However, well, things were rather busted. The girls waded through a large sludgy puddle their shoes and feet soaked in mud and muck as they waded to a shallower point, Liz in the lead.

“Well…” She said as she left the puddle and stepped on something that didn’t sound like wet mud and shit mixed together. “I think its fucked.” She reached down to pick up what she stepped on, to reveal a broken piece of toilet seat. “So… No shitter. Probably explains the smell.” She said as she got closer, climbing over some branches, short skirt hiking up to go on display.

As she got over the branches she noticed something. “Holy shit…” She breathed out. “There’s someone in there.”

Mary had been following behind, a ways behind, but close enough that when Liz stopped to make her remark her nose went right into Liz’s filthy taint. After a moment, and a slight shiver from Liz, Mary pulled her nose from the others nasty loins. “I know you are constantly hallucinating on shit fumes, and things are worse now, but like for fucks sake, don’t start hallucinating people in shit piles.”

“No I swear there’s someone in there. Looks like a girl.” Liz said as she moved forwards, getting off a few branches (and feeling them rip her outfit a bit) before she hit the soft wet earth. “Hey there. You alright?”

The girl was seated in the pile of shit. Stuck in a soft hole she seemed to have dug for herself. She seemed asleep, hands between her legs and her shirt pulled down to expose a shit smeared tit. She slowly stirred as Liz shouted at her. “Huh?” She said clearly in a daze still. She looked up at Liz, processed things for a bit, and spread her legs some revealing that she was in a bikini bottom and it had been pulled aside to reveal her shit smeared slit.

Liz licked her lips and got closer for a moment before the woman shouted. “Hey! Stay away! The edge is crum-“

And that was all the warning Liz had before she took a tumble right into the shit pit. The muddy ground of this massive hole crumbling as she fell forwards into the wettest part of the pit with a splat, Liz and the girl in the pit both getting a spray of decades old sewage.

There was a moment as Pat audibly swore and cursed her sibling and Mary winced before she tightened her grip on her branch and moved forwards. “You alright sis? Also hi stranger.”

Liz grumbled as she surfaced, head to toe in smeared in a mixture of brown shades and reeking heavily. “Just like a pig in shit.” She said after blowing some out of her mouth. “Gonna chat with this girl here, and… Uh… Um.”

“I have a farm downhill. There’s a ladder there, that’s our best bet.”

“Farm. Downhill, ladder. Siblings, go get that.” Liz said with a nod.

Pat also climbed on the branch. “We’re kinda disgusting. I don’t think-“

“Its ok. There’s nobody there but me for now.” The girl answered. “And… Uh, well I’m here. The ladder will be in the old barn, up against its side. Um… Go around the pit, there’s a bit of a shallow spot in the stream almost straight down from your pit, and the barn will be a ways down there.”

Mary glanced. “Alright. I…” She looked forwards. “Since when was there a farm next to our property?”

Liz paused. “Uh… I think the whole time. I forget which grandparent, but one of them bought some of the least-farmable land from a farmer one-hundred-plus years ago. I know when I worked on the property evaluation a few years back we…” She paused. “Are you… Uh… Fuck, have we actually met?”

There was a pause as the two exchanged a confused look of vague recognition. “Oh shit.” The mystery girl said. “Yeah. I was with my grandfather then. And… Uh… Ha-hah-hahah.” She poked some awkward fingers together.

“Right, yes, dad was there too. Um… If you’re alone I guess…?”

“Yeah. He died a few years ago.”

“Oh. Shit. S-sorry.” Wow, Liz felt awkward. “Well, at least if we make a lot of noise *this* time Grandpa won’t hear.”

And *that* got Liz a handful of shit to the face. “I’d say I deserved that.” She said after a glob fell off. “But I rather like it, and you know that.”

The girl paused. “If its you, do you remember my name?” She asked sighing some.

“Sarah.” Liz said after a moment. “It did take a while, but I remember it now.” She paused. “And… With how you were, I remember just how dirty you were too~” She hummed. “Did you come up here to find a new masturbation aid?”

Sarah bit her lip. “U-um no.” She let out. “Your… Shit pit, has sprung a few leaks. And sewage was spilling downhill to my farm. Well, what’s left.”

“Whats left? What happened?”

“Grandpa… He’s dead. And well, I’m capable, but alone. And after our previous funding, I spent most of it on his healthcare in his old age.”

“Ah. Unfortunate.” Liz said as she sat in the shit pile, there was a gurgle and bubble from her ass as she found herself a bit gassy. “And here I am being very serious.” She laughed. “My father died recently… So I feel ya too.” She paused and patted her lap. “Come take a seat.”

Sarah paused. “Sit in your lap? Really?”

Liz smirked. “That or take a shit in it. Your pick.”

“Look I’ve been here for most of the night. I noticed the sludge after a lightning strike last night. It was about two hours uphill, and then I fell in a bit after midnight.” She paused. “How close is your place from here?”

Liz laughed. “So… Uh. You’re like… 100 feet from our back door, probably less.”

Sarah got on all hours and sat up, before sinking in some. For the few moments she could see how every inch of her skin was coated in a layer of shit. And Liz rather liked that look. However she quickly sank in, and over-jerked herself around so she hit Liz and stumbled out, pushing the sibling down deeper into the sludge, and flashing her filthy loins at Sarah.

Liz landed in the point where there was still water with a splat, and she sighed, legs up in the air. “You said it was a few hours down to the farm right?”

“Well the weather was shit. And I… Might have been enjoying some muck and manure on the way up.” Sarah let out.

“One of those still applies to those two.” Liz grunted as she sat herself up somewhat. “And me too, surprise surprise.”

Sarah snorted. “What? You’re all nasty as hell. What kinda freaks are you all?”

“As nasty as you knew me. There’s a reason a one day negotiation took five days.” She chuckled. “Speaking of… I’m guessing you’re a bit hard on money aren’t ya… I can’t do anything about that right now, and admittedly the big money is gonna be a bit. But… I can help a little. I think I can afford it a bit.” She chuckled. “Oh speaking of affording you have to be starving. When we get out come inside, don’t worry about makin a mess, and lets get you something to eat.”

Sarah had crawled on top of Liz, and had sat her bikini clad ass on her lap. “I… Uh… I can’t say I won’t take food. But I’m as hungry as you think.” She said as her stomach gurgled. “Although… My… Snacks had run right through me overnight. It might just…”

Liz leaned into the wall. “Pick a spot. I think my clothes are too clean anyways.” Her clothes were, now, covered in shit almost all over. A nice thin layer, at least compared to Sarah who was filthy all over.

Sarah rested her ass above Liz’s cleavage, with some guiding. She grunted and pushed and quickly shit right into the others cleavage. Her shit fairly runny and a very light shade of brown. “Oh god. My meal ran right through me.” She grunted.

“How much did you eat?” Liz asked as Sarah kept shitting.

“I… More than I’m proud to admit, even to you.”


Mary and Pat had a difficult time ahead of them. They scaled down a hill until a ways down they came to the ‘issue’. There was some sort of leak in the cesspit for the outhouse. And it had burst in the recent storms. And they discovered it from the stink.

“Shit. Smells like ass.” Mary muttered as she looked around for the source.

“I think Liz said something about the pit being weirdly dry. Which… Well yeah, I figured we couldn’t find it for the damn hole in the ground. How big can it be?” Pat muttered out as she walked down towards the softer and softer ground.

It wasn’t huge, but it had done some other bad things. The girls soon came upon the ‘leak’ which was a spot of the hill that had turned into basically a mix of shit and mud. And they noticed it easy as, well.

Mary took a step and watched her foot sink up to her thigh. “Oh. Oh my.” She said as she smelled the stink increase as she lifted her foot up. “Found the leak.” She stomped down a bit, a brown sludge moving from under her toes. Mary took a moment to enjoy moving her foot up and down.

Pat walked over to her, stumbling a bit on the hill and soft earth. “Having fun.” She said as she let out a wet sloppy shart without any concern, her own lactose intolerance still bothering her. “Do be careful. If this is a leak of the… Apparently massive shit-pit our grandfather dug out, well… Look I don’t mind stinking plenty, but lets not drown in shit.” She said looking at the hill, it did seem to have some deterioration in its facing, and was threatening to partially collapse in a mud/shit slide. Even so she did mush her foot in a bit.

“Oh… I think… You think this is the girls footprints there?” Mary said pointing at a large roughly foot-shaped depression in the soft smelly earth.

“Who cares? She’s stuck in a shit hole. Who cares where else she stepped.” Pat said as she stepped into the hole and sank in nice and deep, her knee nearly vanishing. Pat grumbled as she slowly worked her leg out. “Lets avoid these spots.”

Mary licked her lips. “Its tempting. Sure fuckin temping.” She rubbed her hands together while an internal debate played out.

“Think of it this way, the sooner we get down the sooner we can reach the mucky old farm.”

Mary was quiet. “You are so right, and it is super annoying.”

With that they got going, feet sinking into the soft dirty earth as they went down the hill, noticing that many trees had been uprooted. “What the fuck kinda hole did grandpa dig?” Pat asked. “Did he dissolve that hill or something?”

“Wasn’t there a stream here before?” Mary asked as she looked around. “Maybe a bit off but…” She then stumbled and fell face first down… About eight inches into a slightly flatter section.

“Wasn’t the stream in a deep bank?” Pat chuckled at her siblings fall. There was a pause as she stepped in, dropping a bit, and sinking in deep again. “Oh shit.” She realized. “I think the stream collapsed in the rain… Maybe things are bad here.” She muttered. Indeed the stream was a flood of mud with a skim of water.

And Mary was face down in it for a while. She finally got up annoyed and threw some mud at Pat. “Stop laughing!”

Pat got a *thwap* of mud to her chest. “Oi! Chill! That-” Next she got a thwap to her head. “We’re trying to save our sister, and a stranger. Mostly a stranger. C’mon. Lets go.” She said picking up her sister.

The ground remained soft, but they stopped sinking deep ways down. Eventually the two made it to a fence, or the remains of one, pushed aside by a mud-slide. “Oh. Now I see why she came out in the storm. This is kinda nuts.”

“Fuck… If the outhouse did this… I feel bad.” Mary muttered.

“I… I think we’ll owe the lady a quite hefty sum of money. Not like we can’t pay.” Pat muttered. “Triple so if we split it up by threes and get all of mom and dads stuff. Lets make sure she lives first. Also Liz. Less so Liz than the other woman.”

The barn was fairly obvious. The mud had nearly flowed right into it, stopping shy in a large slush just a few feet shy of the barn walls.

The stalls were open, and not very clean. In fact it seemed like shit had been piled in them as a temporary storage. Mary and Pat figured this out about ten steps in as their filthy shoes stepped into a turd. Pat said nothing, just giving her feet a look when she felt a softer step than expected. Mary enjoyed it a bit, stepping in the shit and then making sure to step in a few more loose turds. “Wonder why all the shit’s here?” Mary asked herself aloud as her feet sank into a pile of assorted animal crap.

“I dunno, we just need to find a ladder for now.” Pat said sighing. She didn’t mind stepping in animal crap, but she was focused on their current mission. Maybe later they could sneak in and do something dirty here. But that was later, this was now.

Mary, on the other hand, didn’t much care about now vs. later. She was in a barn full of animal shit, and she was gonna enjoy herself. She removed her and stepped in some shit with her socks. Then she grabbed some shit and stuck it into her shoes before putting them on with a smush, rubbing her dirty hands on her shirt. After a moment she decided to walk to another shit pile (stepping in smaller loose turds along the way) and pick up a fairly solid one, and the mushed up remnants of a cow-pie and let them pool in each hand.

“Wonder why she has so much shit stock piled here?” Pat asked as she looked at a pile in a stall with an oddly human-shaped dent in it.

And then she was ambushed. One hand down her ass, and one down the front of her pants. Pat felt a fairly solid turd press and compress into her rear, while her loins got a lovely slop-shit massage. She bit her lip and made a few pleased noises before (After about a minute)finally speaking. “Alright. I get it. Trust me, we will come back. Not sure when, but we will.”

“Possibly to return the ladder when we finish with it.”

“Probably then. But until that happens we should rescue the stranger who owns this lovely barn. That way we can, say, play in it some.”

“Awww, but I want to play n-” Mary tried to do a dramatic minor finger fucking of her sibling, but her hand slipped and instead she and Pat both fell right onto the ground with a mix of a thud and smush. “Owww…” Mary let out as she gave up on her ‘playtime’.

However Pat made a different noise. “Found it!” She said laying on her sibling and looking right up.

There above them, hanging from the ceiling reachable from the second floor was the ladder. After a moment Mary saw it. “Aww, of the shitty floor. C-can you get-“

“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Pat muttered as she got up.

From there it was a short journey up to the fairly empty second story (although it had a few cans of oil and paint that Mary wanted to play with, but Pat kept her on task). And then the ladder was lowered down (falling the last few feet) but the two sisters were able to get it and start the messy trip back.


Liz and Sarah had been busy, as one might expect of two women who were both very into other women and, say, had masturbated to being stuck in a cesspit together for a few hours.

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