The Office Team-Building Day Ch. 16


Massage Therapy

“Let’s just fucking get this over with, ok?”

Bella folded her arms defiantly across her prodigious bosom and turned her head to the side, not even trying to hide the sneer curling her lip. Henry ‘Hank’ MacArthur chuckled gruffly, then leaned forward in his office chair to fold his hands on his desk, leering openly at his guest as she sat impatiently on a chair against the wall.

“Come on now, sweetheart, don’t be like that,” he said condescendingly. “We can have a few minutes of civility between us while we wait for my friend to arrive, can’t we?”

“Ugh, yeah right. I know you didn’t invite me here for the conversation, Mr. McArthur,” she replied, but tried to avoid being too rude lest he make things worse for her.

Hank held his hands up and shrugged as if considering her statement.

“I guess that’s fair. Your mouth is better used for other purposes,” he said, chuckling again, a sound like gravel being rattled in a bucket arising from his wrinkled throat.

He could already feel the faint spark of arousal deep in his loins. It had been a long day, and he couldn’t wait to blow off some steam with the help of this impertinent yet nubile young slut. He sat back in his chair again, his eyes still crawling over her, one hand moving to his groin which he squeezed as his eyes settled on the magnificent pair of tits threatening to fall out of the top of her tight blue tube dress.

He was about to stand and begin the fun, even if Garrison wasn’t there yet, when he heard a knock at his door.

“What are you-oh. Right. Get on with it, then,” he barked at the intruder.

The cleaning lady, a young thing of eastern European appearance was poking her head in. She entered with her cart, and now Hank’s attention swung to her impressive assets. Her tight white tee-shirt was being stretched by her large breasts, and Hank couldn’t decide whose he preferred, Bella’s or the cleaning lady’s. As the cleaner began her work, Hank still leering at her, he began to wonder what it would be like to have both her and Bella on their knees in front of him, slurping away at his cock and balls. His hand squeezed his groin again as his watery eyes glazed over.

Presently, another man entered the office. Hank smiled at him, moving his hand from his slowly swelling bulge to the arm of his chair.

“Hank, working overtime again?” said the new man as he entered, not looking at the person he was addressing, but ogling Bella instead.

“Yes. Some of us are more diligent than others, Garrison,” said the gravelly voice in reply. “You remember Bella?”

“Of course, how could I forget,” replied Garrison in a smarmy tone, matched only by his grin.

He approached Bella and shook her limply-offered hand, staring at her tits instead of looking in her eyes, which would have been impossible anyway since she was rolling them almost to the back of her head. Garrison took a seat opposite Bella on the left side of Hank’s desk, sitting heavily and expelling air from his lungs thanks to his bulk. His eyes flicked to the cleaning lady, focusing exactly where Hank had just been looking as if staring long enough would allow him to see through her tight cotton top to the round, plump treasures beneath.

“You get that memo from Cheng?” Garrison asked, finally turning his attention to his colleague.

“I did. I don’t know how she gets away with it. Does she ever do any actual work around here? I know she travels a lot with Gary, but I’ve never seen her doing her job,” spat Hank-who was a master delegator, and rarely did any work of his own-the irony lost on him.

“I know how she gets away with it,” smirked Garrison, giving Bella a sideways glance and winking at her.

Bella sneered in acknowledgement and rolled her eyes again, then looked back at her phone, doing her best to ignore the old men; as long as she could, anyway.

The men discussed work, sports, their family lives, all in a cursory manner, both of them seeming impatient, on the edge of frustration. Finally, Garrison addressed the cleaning lady.

“Aren’t you finished yet?”

She nearly jumped out of her sneakers, her tits jiggling wildly despite being constrained in her bra and skin-tight t-shirt.

“Oh! Um, yes sir. Yes, finished now,” she quickly assured him, her face going very pale, then bright red in quick succession, her hands fidgeting in front of her.

A moment passed where nobody moved, including the cleaning lady.

Hank raised his eyebrows. “Well?”

“Yes, yes, sorry!” the cleaning lady squeaked, then turned and wheeled her cart out through the door without shutting it.

“Shut the goddamn-” Garrison called out, but she was gone. “Be a good girl and shut the door, will you sweetie?” he addressed Bella, waving his arm at the open office door.

Another eye roll, but with an exasperated sigh she complied, leaning forward to drop her phone into her handbag, then standing up and closing the door with a bang.

“Lock it, too,” said Hank.

She balgat escort did so, then turned and faced the men, crossing her arms again.

“So young Bella, how are things? Getting used to the job?” began Garrison.

She opened her mouth to reply, but Hank beat her to it. “I think our pretty guest just wants to “fucking get this over with”, isn’t that right, honey?”

Bella’s cheeks reddened in both anger and embarrassment, but she shut her mouth and didn’t reply.

“That so? I don’t mind. I don’t want to waste any more time than we have to,” said Garrison, struggling to push himself out of his chair and stand up in front of his colleague’s desk.

He began to fumble with the buckle of his belt, which his gut obscured, but managed to undo his pants and drop them to the floor, pulling his prick out of his white briefs and shaking it between his fingers.

“Come on sweetie-pie,” he said, “get on your knees for daddy.”

Coming around the desk, Hank leaned his ass against it next to his friend, crossing his arms as he watched Bella slowly approach the men. She looked at Garrison, then Hank, her expression changing from digust and annoyance to a kind of blank acceptance, then she knelt in front of Garrison. She reached up mechanically to pinch his dick between her well-manicured finger and thumb, slowly stroking the stubby cock as it poked out of a white bush of pubic hair. It stiffened between her fingers.

“Ooooh fuck yes,” growled Garrison as he leaned back against the desk, his lips twitching.

Hank watched, his own hands unbuckling his belt and dropping both his pants and his boxer shorts to the floor. His cock was larger than Garrison’s, and hung between his thighs. Bella reached up to put her other hand around it, pumping the flaccid shaft until it began to swell in her palm. Soon, both men were rock hard, looking down at Bella with dazed smiles as she stroked them off.

“Don’t be shy, pet. Use your pretty little mouth,” murmured Hank, running his fingers through her hair.

Her eyes flashed up at him with a flare of anger, but it was soon quenched, and she brought her mouth to Garrison’s stubby cock, sliding her lips over his dick head and pulling her cheeks in. Garrison tipped his head back and opened his mouth, his hands gripping the edge of the desk.

“Ooooh christ on a bike…” he hoarsely muttered, thrusting his hips forward.

As Bella bobbed her head, her forehead bumping Garrison’s prodigious belly, his body stiffened and he put his hand on the back of Bella’s head. A guttural, gravelly moan churned from his throat as his cheeks flushed an unhealthy purple-red.


Bella’s eyes widened, then she dropped Hank’s penis and pushed herself back from Garrison. She turned her head and spat violently to the side onto the cheap office carpet.

“Uuuugh, what the fuck?! You can’t just cum in my mouth, you asshole!” she yelled, spitting again and wiping her mouth with the back of one hand as her other hand covered Garrison’s prick as it shot thick squirts of semen against her palm and dripped to the floor.

Hank laughed and slapped Garrison’s back.

“Well done, my friend. Didn’t take much for you to pop, did it?”

After he had finished cumming, Garrison wheezed and gave a rough chuckle.

“Not with this hot piece of ass sucking my knob.”

“Give me some tissues, for fuck sake,” Bella said, holding her gooey palm up and sneering.

Hank obliged, handing her a few tissues to clean up.

“Now you behave, missy,” he said softly, but with a stern tone.

“I told you, no cumming in my mouth or on my face. He knew that!” she retorted, tossing the tissues aside and pointing accusingly at Garrison, who was now shuffling back to his chair, sitting down without pulling up his pants.

“And it won’t happen again, will it Thomas?” he said looking at Garrison, but with a fraternal smile. “Now let’s continue, shall we?”

Bella sighed again, shooting Garrison a dirty look before shuffling across to Hank, taking his cock and pumping it rapidly before opening her mouth to receive his stiff member.


Becoming aware of a dull ache in my hands, I uncurled my fists to discover that my fingernails had dug into my palms so hard they left small, red crescents imprinted on my flesh. I pushed my chair back from the desk in my home office and lowered my head, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. The computer screen continued to play the video, but I could hardly watch any longer.

Ellen had managed to place my phone on the bookcase between two folders, well-hidden, yet with a perfect view of nearly the entirety of Henry McArthur’s office. I had watched the video almost without blinking. It had gone more or less as I might have expected. Bella gave them blowjobs (Garrison had got a two-for-one deal, since he came so quickly the first time), kneeling on the office floor. For the grand finale, Hank had asked her to pull batıkent escort her tits out so the men could spray their cum across them, then handed her the tissue box so she could clean up. Once she was decent and had pulled her dress back up, each of the men stuffed bills into her cleavage, making lewd comments, telling her condescendingly to spent it wisely, and that they looked forward to “next time”.

No, the contents of the video had not surprised me. What had surprised me was my reaction to it. I didn’t feel any satisfaction. No Schadenfreude. No perverse pleasure. No sense of retribution. This wasn’t how I thought things would go. This was supposed to be our chance to finally put Bella in her place; to get things in the office back to how they used to be.

Instead, I felt disgust. Not just at the two men, who were clearly using Bella (although she was using them as well, I accepted) and treating her in such an appalling manner, but at myself. I recalled seeing Bella turn and toss her head, fishing the bills out from between her breasts as she bent to pick up her handbag and strode toward the door. Facing away from the men, the camera had caught the face not of a bitchy, entitled, disrespectful brat, but of a young woman who was scared, humiliated, angry, hurt, sad. That look broke my heart, as well as any resolve I had had for revenge.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed deeply, closing my eyes, feeling almost as dirty as Bella had undoubtedly felt.

“You think she’ll tell Gary?” a voice spoke over the speakers. It was Garrison.

I looked back at the screen.

“Who do you think introduced me to her?” Henry laughed as he finished buckling his belt and sat back down in his office chair.

“You’re joking,” said Garrison, mopping his sweaty brow with a tissue.

“He knows he can’t get away with spoiling her with that bitch of a wife keeping an eye on things, and doesn’t want to put up with her if she’s not getting what she wants. He didn’t say it outright, but he knew I’d be her sugar daddy.”

“Jesus…” Even Garrison sounded slightly appalled.

My heart sank even further. Her own fucking father pimping her out. What is wrong with this world?

Hank shrugged, then opened a drawer in his desk, taking out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “She gets fancy clothes, we get a young slut sucking our cocks. It’s a win-win.”

“Think you can convince her to let us fuck her? I’d kill to feel my cock inside a tight little teen pussy again,” asked Garrison, taking his glass of whiskey and sitting back in his chair, pants back on this time.

“Let’s not get greedy, Garrison,” chided Hank, but in a tone that suggested it was probably worth trying.

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t listen to any more of this. I was thoroughly disgusted with myself, and besides, what had this accomplished? If I decided to blackmail Bella with it, I was just as bad as McArthur and Garrison-worse, even. The whole caper had been useless. I reached out and put my hand on the mouse, moving the cursor to close the video.

“Speaking of which, did that transfer go though?” asked Garrison.

My finger paused over the mouse button. There was a pause and a look between the two men that was pregnant with meaning. Hank quickly stood and went to the office door, opening it to look up and down the hallway, then closed and locked it again. He returned just as briskly to his seat.

“Yes,” he said after nervously clearing his throat. “Just this afternoon. I have Schneider managing it, he’s assured me everything’s going smoothly.”

“Schneider? Can we trust him?”

“If you can trust me, you can trust him.”

My heart was racing now as I leaned forward, turning up the volume on the speakers, riveted to the screen. A new sense of hope rekindled itself in my heart.

It quickly became apparent that the men were siphoning money from the company. Having their cocks sucked by Bella seemed to have loosened their lips, with additional help from the booze, and they were amazingly candid. Names were mentioned, dates, transfer amounts. I wasn’t lucky enough to have account details read out for me, but it was more than enough to launch an investigation.

I’ve got you fuckers! I thought, clenching my fist and grinning maniacally. Then, as the men finished their drinks and stood up to leave, putting their suit jackets back on, another bomb dropped.

“Is Gary up-to-date?” asked Garrison.

“Not yet. We’re trying to keep our contact minimal. I’ll update him after the next transfer.”

“And hopefully by then we’ll be transferring our dicks into his daughter’s ass,” laughed Garrison as Hank opened the door letting the men out as he slapped him on the back.

“One can hope,” Hank responded as the lights were turned off and the door shut.

I stared at the screen in shock, all the way to the end of the video when Ellen, looking red-cheeked and flustered, came back in to retrieve my phone. I flopped back in my chair beşevler escort and stayed that way for a good few minutes, my mind abuzz with possibilities.

Our caper hadn’t been for nothing after all.


I had already received no less than five text messages from Natalie between when I’d arrived home last night, and before arriving at the office the next morning. They read:

-So? Did we get anything juicy? 😉 –


-Ugh, ur an ass. Night x-

And the next morning…

-Thanks for keeping me in the dark, I barely slept last night! I’ll be in the office early. C u then-

-And you’d better not fucking call in sick or I’m coming to your house and prying it out of u!-

Avoiding her until I could get my thoughts together and organise a plan was clearly not an option. I had a strong suspicion that Natalie-tormented daily at the hands of our insolent colleague-would not have much empathy for her situation. It didn’t take long for those suspicions to be confirmed.

To my amazement, Nat wasn’t waiting to spring from her desk the moment I arrived at work. Thinking I’d dodged a bullet, I strolled to my office, but stopped short. I heard Natalie’s voice coming out of Courtney’s office through the open door. I resumed my stroll, simultaneously trying to seem casual, yet rush past. It was Courtney who blew my cover.

“Good morning!” she said cheerfully in her singsong voice.

I stopped and winced, my hand on the handle of my office door. Nat was beside me before I’d even had a chance to respond.

“Morning Courtney,” I said brightly, looking into Natalie’s wide, eager eyes as she gripped my upper arm with both hands.

“I need to have a chat with you about the draft report from last week,” she replied.

“He can’t right now. Just wait ’till after he’s had a coffee,” Nat answered for me, then pushed us into my office.

I set my briefcase down and hung up my jacket as she leaned on the edge of my desk. She wore a fitted pink dress with black trim and a thin black belt. As she leaned her palms back on the desk her bosom protruded beautifully, and I could see her nipples poking faintly through the fabric. Her hair was up and she was biting her lip. Under other circumstances I would be more than pleased with her presence in my office, and my balls would be tingling in anticipation of whatever naughtiness we might get up to. This morning, however, I felt a sense of heavy dread. At this point it was useless trying to deflect Natalie’s inquiries, but I still didn’t feel ready for this discussion.

“Look, Nat-“

“Oooh no. Uh-uh. Don’t even try it. You can’t ignore me any longer. Spill it,” she insisted.

“Not here,” I sighed, wondering if Carmen still had her cameras set up.

I turned my computer on, then picked up my coffee mug and left the office, Nat hot on my heels. We went to the kitchenette down the hall and I began making myself a cup of coffee. We were alone for the moment.

“So?” Nat said, leaning against the cupboards so she could see if anyone approached.

“It’s as we might have guessed,” I said, not looking at her.

“Yes! I KNEW it!” she hissed, closing her fist in front of her like a cartoon villain. “What did she do? Did they fuck her?”

“No. They just forced her to blow them.” I felt dirty just saying it.

“Forced her? Oh sure, just like they forced her to take money to buy a new designer handbag,” scoffed Nat. “I want to see it. You have to show me!”

“No way. Like it said, I don’t want you to get involved in this.”

“Are you serious? We’ve got her by the balls and you’re telling me not to get involved?!”

“Well, not literally by the balls-” I began to mutter under my breath.

“-I’ve been suffering at the hands of that spoiled brat for weeks, and now you want to cut me out?” Nat interrupted, baring her teeth as she turned to me. “I don’t know why, but she tends to leave you alone. Not me.”

“Oh come on, she’s been better over the past two weeks, even I’ve noticed it,” I retorted, my coffee cup filling under the espresso machine.

Nat rolled her eyes and crossed her arms under her breasts, turning to face the hallway again.

“Don’t try to sway me. I’m going to talk to her today. I’m going to tell her I know everything and if she doesn’t change her attitude I’ll go to Carmen. No wait, I’ll go to Gary!” she declared.

“Go to them with what, Nat? I’ve got the video,” I reminded her.

“You’d do that to me? You’d deny it and make me look like a fucking liar?” she asked, nearly gasping in shock.

Of course from Natalie’s perspective, the matter was simple: Bella was making her life hell, we had an incriminating video, and naturally the only response was retribution in the form of blackmail. What reason would I have not to help her?

“Of course not, but it’s… more complicated than that,” I ventured, taking my cup from the machine and turning to face Natalie. “Bella’s being used, and-“

“-Bullshit!” she blurted, her eyebrows knitting angrily over her button nose. “She’s using them just as much as they’re using her, and you’re falling for it too,” she poked my chest firmly with a pink-painted nail.

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