The Reluctant Exhibitionist Ch. 03

Big Tits

[Author’s Note: This is the continuation of a very popular series called The Reluctant Exhibitionist about Wendy Wilson, a young college co-ed who is blackmailed into participating in naked-on-demand public exhibitionism. The original series was first posted on the ASN Stripping Forum by an author named Falcon and after he abandoned the story he gave me permission to continue it. I can’t post Falcon’s original series here (although I’ll e-mail a link to those interested in reading it) but previous chapters written by me can be found here under my author name. Although this story makes references to events in previous chapters I believe it works well enough as a standalone story to be enjoyable to those unfamiliar with the rest of the story.]

The Reluctant Exhibitionist – Temperature’s Rising

Nancy Johnson was beside herself with anticipation as she scrubbed the countertop around the kitchen sink. The counter was already spotless and Nancy knew she was just burning off nervous energy waiting for Wendy’s arrival this afternoon. Calm down, she told herself, or you’re going to have a nervous breakdown before Wendy ever makes it to graduation.

Nancy put away the cleaning supplies and poured herself her usual glass of wine, then walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa to wait for Wendy’s arrival. On the coffee table in front of her was the summer job jar she’d placed there earlier and her excitement began building again as she wondered which one of the eleven envelopes Wendy would choose for her assignment today. Ultimately it didn’t really matter that much since they were all similar in nature and each task was designed to exhibit a fully nude Wendy to anonymous strangers for a relatively brief time. These summer “jobs” were intended as repetitive training to help prepare the girl for the next phase of her training in the fall. Still, the element of random chance provided another level of excitement for Nancy since even she didn’t know yet what Wendy had in store for her this afternoon.

Nancy thought again about how far the young co-ed had already come under her tutelage. She was convinced now that Wendy had both submissive and exhibitionist tendencies although they’d been deeply suppressed until Nancy had unlocked them. She saw herself as a kind of archeologist who was patiently sifting through the layers of Wendy’s psyche to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface. Watching the internal struggle between her conscious mind, which was genuinely mortified by her public nudity, and her subconscious, which got off on it and compelled her to obey, was absolutely delicious to watch. No, she really couldn’t have chosen a better girl to act out her fantasies than Wendy Wilson.

Nancy picked up the remote and turned on the TV, then began watching once again the digital recording of last week’s adventure at Lake Rutherford. There on the screen was Wendy, her body glistening with oil, walking nude along the beach as dozens of people stared. Nancy had watched this over and over again this past week, imagining herself as Wendy and bringing herself to numerous orgasms. She would’ve given just about anything to be able to trade places with Wendy…to be young and beautiful and compelled against her will to exhibit her nude body in public. Since that wasn’t possible she had to settle for the next best thing: living vicariously through Wendy’s exploits. That was still intensely exciting for her.

Nancy also worried constantly that something would happen to destroy what she’d so carefully and patiently created. She was playing a dangerous game and her own career and reputation were at risk if this ever became public. So the unexpected appearance of Sandra Clayton – one of Wendy’s professors – at the lake last week could’ve been disastrous if she’d seen Nancy there encouraging or directing Wendy in any way. Fortunately she’d been far enough away that Clayton hadn’t seen her but this reminded her that she needed to maintain a discreet distance while Wendy was out in public. This was also the reason she’d enlisted her friend Margaret to take pictures and videos since she was the owner of a lingerie shop and didn’t give a damn if anyone from the college saw her playing a role in Wendy’s nude excursions.

Nancy also knew that Wendy had gone home for a couple of days earlier in the week and this had worried her a little. She obviously couldn’t prevent the girl from visiting home but the distance and a change of scenery might have given Wendy the opportunity to re-think things. But she’d returned a couple of days later and was preparing for summer classes to begin next week so Nancy was confident that the co-ed was still firmly on the hook.

Nancy glanced at her watch and saw that Wendy would be here any minute. She flicked off the TV, looked excitedly at the summer job jar and then glanced out the window at the bright sunlit afternoon. It was going to be a hot one today.


I’m not sure how long I stood in front escort bursa of Nancy’s door without knocking but it must’ve been at least a couple of minutes. I raised my hand to knock several times but couldn’t go through with it. All the resolve I’d built up from the pep talks I’d been giving myself all day had suddenly evaporated. The door opened just as I raised my hand to make another attempt. “Are you going to stand out there all day, dear?” Nancy asked as she stepped aside so I could enter.

The first thing I saw as I entered was the summer job jar sitting on the coffee table and my stomach did a couple of nervous somersaults. I stood in her living room waiting for my instructions but Nancy remained silent as if she expected me to say something. She finally spoke up. “What, no demands or pleas or attempts to bargain today?”

“No, Nancy,” I sighed. “I’m here just like you wanted and I’ll do whatever it is I have to do today.”

“That’s great news, Wendy,” she responded with that maddening smirk of hers. “I think you’ve reached the acceptance stage now and that’s an important step for you. Hopefully we can dispense with all of the nonsense now and keep things as lighthearted and fun as possible.” Lighthearted and fun? I was tempted to say something snarky but thought better of it and kept my mouth shut.

“So,” she continued, “I think it’s time to establish a couple of new ground rules for you. First, from now on I want you to strip as soon as you arrive without being asked. There may be times in the future where you’ll leave the house dressed, and I’ll let you know if that’s the case, but none of your assignments this summer are going to require any clothes.” Nancy’s imperious tone was briefly interrupted by a short giggle at that last remark. She stopped talking and stared at me expectantly.

I slipped out of my sandals and then slid the straps of my summer dress from my shoulders and peeled the dress down my body to the floor and stepped out of it. Nancy’s eyes grew wide when she saw that I wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I knew she’d take this as another sign of my obedience and she’d be right. There was no question about what was going to happen today and I didn’t see the need to wear any extra clothing that I’d have to remove anyway. A broad smile spread across Nancy’s face as she gestured for me to sit down on the couch.

I looked nervously at the summer job jar in front of me as Nancy pulled up a chair and sat down on the opposite side of the coffee table. “Before we find out what you’ll be doing today I think I should tell you about the second ground rule.” I knew I wasn’t going to like whatever it was but I just nodded. “I’ve decided that all of your tasks this summer need to last at least twenty minutes. I think that’s a fair amount of time considering where you are in your training. It’s long enough to push you and insure that you’ll continue to progress but not so long that it’s beyond your current capabilities.” I was glad that Nancy didn’t know about my late night streak back home that ended up lasting over four hours or she might have decided that twenty minutes was much too short. It still sounded like an eternity to be out naked in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon.

“If any of these tasks don’t take the full twenty minutes,” she continued, “then I’ll have you do an additional store walk to make up for it. So keep that in mind, Wendy, if you’re tempted to rush through your assignment today.”

“Nancy, how am I supposed to know when twenty minutes are up? It’s not like I’ll be wearing a watch or anything. Will you let me know or give me a signal or something?”

“I’m afraid not, dear. I guess you’ll either have to develop an internal clock or make sure you’re well past twenty minutes to be sure.”

“So even if I’m just a minute or two short I’ll still have to walk naked through an entire store?”

“That’s right. Some of the assignments, like the one at Lake Rutherford last week, will easily take twenty minutes to complete. But others you’ll definitely have to stretch them out.”

The thought of having to walk naked through a store in addition to whatever else I’d be doing today was more than a little unsettling. I decided that I’d better make sure that I used up the full twenty minutes on whatever crazy stunt I pulled out of the jar. “So Wendy, are there any other questions before we get started?” she asked.

“Yes. I asked you awhile back how often I’d be doing this kind of thing and you said that once I was ‘up to speed’ it would only be once or twice a month. So when does that start happening? Because you’ve been getting me naked a lot more than once or twice a month so far.”

“Well, dear, you’ve got to understand that you’re still in training now and have quite a ways to go until you’re fully up to speed. It’s important that you make steady progress so that means maintaining a consistent training schedule.” She made it sound like she was coaching me to orhangazi escort compete in the Olympics or something.

“But, Nancy, how long do you think it’ll take before I’m fully trained?”

“I don’t have a set timetable for it, Wendy. It just depends on how quickly you progress. I’d say offhand that it would be by the beginning of next summer at the latest.”

“So then I’ll only have to do this once or twice a month, right?”

“Not necessarily,” Nancy responded. “What I said was one or twomajoradventures a month. That means spending a full day – or longer – out nude in public. We’ll get together more often than that for fun little adventures like we’re doing today.”

My jaw dropped when I heard that. “You consider this ‘little?'”

“Oh absolutely! And you will, too, by that time Wendy. Spending thirty minutes or so out naked in public will be a piece of cake for you by then. But like I said, that’s what we’re building toward so it’ll be awhile before we get there. In the meantime we’ll keep getting together every Saturday afternoon during the summer and if that works out well I may continue that routine after school starts in the fall.”

Listening to Nancy describe my future – and barring something unforeseen happening I knew thiswasgoing to be my future – stirred up all the usual conflicting emotions inside of me. I shifted uncomfortably on the couch and stared at the summer job jar in front of me. Nancy let me squirm for a minute before speaking again. “So if that’s it shall we pull out an envelope and see what we’ll be doing today?” I hated when she used the word “we” to describe what I’d be doing as if she’d be out strutting around naked too. I hesitated for a moment before reaching for the jar.

“Ah, hold on,” Nancy said and then picked the jar up and shook it to mix the envelopes up. “There you go,” she said giddily as she placed it back in front of me. My hand was trembling slightly as I pulled an envelope out and began nervously tearing it open. I took a deep breath and then began reading what Nancy had written in big block letters on the card:


Kegler’s Landing. I’d heard the name before but was only vaguely familiar with it. I knew it was some type of touristy place on the river on the north side of town but that’s about it. I was certain that strolling naked through the place was going to be simply awful, though.

“Let me see it!” Nancy said excitedly and I handed her the card. “Oh, that’s a good one! Have you ever been there before?”

“No. I’m not really familiar with the place.”

“Well, I guess we’re going to fix that today, aren’t we?” she said with a bright smile.

Three For The Road

“I just the love the way her nipples are constantly erect when she’s naked,” Margaret said.

“I know,” Nancy responded. “And the little man in the canoe comes out for air, too.”

“I wonder if she’ll masturbate in the car again? That was quite a show last week.”

“I bet she’d like to even if she manages to restrain herself this time.”

“You know, I’m right here,” I said from the back seat. “I can hear everything you guys are saying.” God I hate when they talk about me like this. Nancy chuckled from the driver’s seat and they both kept talking. I guess Margaret must be an official member of our little team now because we’d picked her up on our way to Kegler’s Landing, and she’d brought a bag full of photographic and video equipment with her.

The conversation thankfully turned to the hot weather as Nancy’s four-door sedan pulled onto the freeway on-ramp and began picking up speed. Today was the first ninety degree day of the summer and Nancy had the air conditioning cranked which only caused my nipples to become even harder. I stared out the window at the passing scenery and tried to mentally prepare myself for what was to come. I didn’t really have an image of the place I’d be strolling through which wasn’t necessarily a good thing since my imagination began running wild in picturing what it was going to be like. I tried to put it out of my mind but that was impossible. I finally spoke up during a break in the conversation up front. “Nancy, how long do you think this walk will take me if I go at a normal pace?”

“I walked it off when I was planning this and it took me a little over ten minutes,” she said.

“Ten minutes! That’s it? How am I supposed to stretch this to twenty then?” It seemed odd to feel disappointed that this wouldn’t last longer but I really didn’t want to add a store walk to today’s humiliation fest.

“Well, you don’t have to. There’s a supermarket near Kegler’s Landing that I’m sure would enjoy a naked visit by you today.”

“I’d rather get this over with in one shot if I can,” I said.

“Then I guess you’re going to have to take your sweet time then, Wendy. Do some window shopping outside some of the shops or even go into one and bursa otele gelen escort look around. Or you can stop to pose for pictures by Margaret or maybe even some by the tourists and locals. I’m sure there are a few who’d love your picture as a souvenir. It’s your choice.” It sounded absolutely horrible.

“There’s a beer garden if you want to stop in for a drink,” Margaret said brightly, obviously enjoying this. “I doubt they’ll serve you any alcohol without an ID but I’ll spring for a soft drink if you want one.”

“Thanks, Margaret, that’s very generous of you.”

“Ooh, she’s starting to get a little bitchy on us,” she chuckled and Nancy laughed along with her. I wonder how the hell these two managed to find each other anyway. I decided to keep my mouth shut and stared out the window, my anxiety building with each passing mile. Ever since going on that late night streak with my cousin Becky I’d been trying to convince myself that I must be an exhibitionist at heart and should just learn to enjoy this. It was a futile effort, though, and I was a bundle of nerves as I thought about what lay ahead of me. I don’t see how I’ll ever get used to this no matter how much I try to convince myself that I will or how often Nancy tells me that what I’m doing now will eventually be easy for me. I definitely didn’t want to think about what she had planned for me down the road after I was “up to speed.”

A few minutes later Nancy interrupted my thoughts. “We’ll be there in a few minutes, Wendy, so I’ll fill you in on how this is going to happen, okay?” I caught her glancing at me in the rearview mirror and I nodded. “This is going to be a simple A to B walk through the pedestrian area of Kegler’s Landing. I’ll drop you and Margaret off and after you get started I’ll drive the car to the other end where you’ll meet us. Pretty simple, really.”

Pretty simple except for the stark naked part, I thought. “I don’t know my way around there,” I said. “How will I know where to go?”

“Margaret knows,” she said. “She’ll be with you taking pictures and videos. It’s not really that hard anyway. You’ll just go a couple of blocks down one street and then hang a right and walk for a couple of hundred more yards down a pedestrian pathway. It’s not nearly as far as you had to walk last week at the lake which is why you’ll need to stretch this out if you want this to be all you have to do today.”

This new twenty minute rule that Nancy had cooked up really put a twist on things today. The idea of taking my time going through a busy tourist area sounded awful but so did having to add a second stop at a supermarket. I didn’t know much about Kegler’s Landing but I did know what it felt like to walk naked into a supermarket and I really, really didn’t want to do that today. I thought of another option that was only slightly better on the awfulness scale. “Nancy, why don’t you just leave the car parked where you drop me off and I’ll walk to one end and then back to the car? That will take up a full twenty minutes, right?”

“I thought about that, Wendy, but I think I like this plan better. It wouldn’t be as much fun to have you passing by the same people twice and I want to see how you handle this anyway. I’m curious about whether you’re willing to take it slow at this point in your career or if you’ll decide to walk at a normal pace and do a supermarket walk as well. This’ll be an interesting experiment.”

Career. Experiment. God, I hated some of the terminology that Nancy used to pretend that this was something more than just some perverted blackmail scheme she was using to get her kicks. As usual she was giving me a choice that was really no choice at all. Either way this was going to be a humiliating experience, which is exactly what she wanted.

“What about cops or security guards? I don’t want to be dawdling if there are security guards patrolling the area.” This was something I was really worried about after barely evading police the other night during my streak with Becky.

It was Margaret who spoke up now. “There are no security guards there, at least none that I’ve ever seen and I’ve been there quite a few times. I’ve never seen any cops either. It’s just a fun little tourist area and there aren’t usually many problems there.”

So do I keep a nice steady pace or take my time to stretch it out to twenty minutes? I really didn’t know yet what I was going to do. I decided to just play it by ear and see how bad this place was first.

Up ahead I could see the Kegler’s Landing exit sign and as Nancy flipped on the turn signal I swear my heart was beating so loud that it must’ve sounded to other cars like a thumping bass was coming from Nancy’s car speakers.

Kegler’s Landing

“Just go up to the corner and hang a left,” Nancy said. “Keep walking and Margaret will let you know where to go from there.”

We were parked in front of a house about half a block down from an open air café that I assumed marked the beginning of Kegler’s Landing. Margaret had already exited the car in order to get into position to photograph me getting out to begin my nude walk. Nancy had adjusted the rearview mirror so she could see me in the back seat and her eyes were staring intently at me. “What are you feeling right now, Wendy?”

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