The Woodworker Ch. 02


Georgia stepped into the shower and pulled Mike under the hot spray behind her. “Now remember, I want you to come to my house to eat, so let’s not stay in here too long,” she said.

Mike pulled her close and kissed her, “So let me get this straight. You want me to be naked in the shower with you, rubbing my soapy hands all over your deliciously hot naked body, but you want to make this quick. Is that correct Miss Ginger?”

Georgia laughed as she dripped the shower gel on his chest spreading it around with her other hand. “Well not too quick, I wouldn’t want to miss anything,” she replied, her hand spreading the suds lower on his body. She was teasing him by getting close to but purposely avoiding contact with his semi-erect cock. She leaned against him rubbing her soft breast against his chest.

Mike played along with her, taking the shower gel from her and dousing her back and then slowly spreading the slick suds over her smooth skin. His hands roamed from her shoulders to her ass, caressing her, kneading and massaging her soft body as they stood under the hot pulsating spray of the shower.

Georgia applied more gel to her hands and soaped up his stiffening shaft, “Now don’t get too excited Mike, I’m just going to wash you off before we rinse off and get out of the shower.”

“Okay Georgia, no problem,” he responded as he turned her body and applied more suds to her breasts before reaching down to wash between her legs. “I won’t get too excited if you don’t.”

She leaned back against him relishing his touch, “Darn you Mike, that’s not fair!” she said, laughing again as she wiggled her tight butt cheeks against his hard-on.

Georgia turned in his arms again and kissed him while she maneuvered both of them around under the water until they were suds free. “As much as I would like to stay here until the water gets cold I think we better get out now before it’s too late,” she suggested.

Mike reached behind her and turned off the water. Georgia stepped out of the shower and pulled an oversized towel off the shelf. She unfolded it and held it out for him. Mike stepped toward her but instead of letting her wrap the towel around him he pulled it from her grasp and wrapped her up in it. He pressed the soft Egyptian cotton against her body, absorbing the moisture from her skin while feeling her curves under the towel. When his hands reached her butt he let the towel fall loose and caressed her bare skin, pulling her to him. Georgia didn’t resist his embrace, putting her arms around him and hugging him back.

He leaned his head down and kissed her soft lips. “You are the best seductress I have ever met, Miss Ginger,” he whispered into her mouth, between kisses.

Georgia used the towel to dry Mikes back and butt before dabbing away the remaining water drops on her thighs and lower legs. She handed him the towel to finish drying himself as she stepped in front of the mirror. “Oh geez,” she sighed, “Look at me, my hairs a mess!”

“There’s a clean comb in the drawer if that helps,” Mike offered, “And if that’s what you look like when you’re a mess you’re in great shape!”

“You’re just saying that because I offered to feed you,” she responded, suddenly feeling bashful at her nudity in front of him. She blushed at the thought of being embarrassed. How funny she thought to herself, she had come here to him to seduce him and he had let her. They had spent the afternoon pleasuring each other, first outside on the swing, then in his bed and now she was going to take him to her house and cook for him and then take him to her bed to make love with him and perpetuate this fantasy.

She wasn’t sure if he sensed what she was feeling but she instantly felt more at ease when he stepped up behind her. She watched in the mirror as he put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her on the back of her neck. “I would have said that even if you weren’t cooking for me. Maybe it’s been way too long since someone showed you just exactly how sexy you are.”

She leaned back into him again, letting his arms cross in front of her and cup her breasts, “There you go again,” she said, softly, “You just can’t help yourself can you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Missy.” he said.

“You just always say the right thing. It’s like you are reading my mind and you know what I want you to say. I have to warn you if you keep it up you cold have trouble getting rid of me,” she whispered.

“I’m just telling it like it is Georgia,” he replied, “And who says I want to get rid of you?”

She looked at Mike in the mirror as he held a steady gaze at her body, “What are you looking at?” she asked.

“I just realized you have freckles,” Mike said, looking back at her in the mirror, “I think I’ll just have to kiss each one of them.”

She moved one of his hands from her breast, sliding it down her body to her smooth pubic mound, “Well don’t forget about the ones down here.”

Mike didn’t need any further prompting; sliding a finger between her moist lips kayseri escort into her pussy before giving her clit a little circular attention.

Georgia turned in his arms, pulling his hand away from her vagina and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. Mike’s hands slid down to her butt and pulled her against his erection. The kiss reheated their passion, tongues exploring, hands groping, arms and legs entangled they held each other for several minutes and savored the moment. Georgia finally twisted away from the embrace, “Oh my God Mike, we have to get our clothes on or we’ll never get to my house!”

Mike laughed, “You’re right about that, I can’t keep my hands off you. I think we left our clothes lying outside. Can I get you something to wear until we get to your house?”

“You’re right, we did. I guess I wouldn’t want to put them on after showering anyway. So what do you have that might fit me?” she asked.

Mike took her hand and led her back into the bedroom. He pulled open a dresser drawer and offered her one his selection of Green Bay Packer T-shirts. “One of these should do. Some of them are oversized so you wouldn’t need to wear anything else,” he suggested.

“What are you saying?” she teased, “That I’m fat?”

“You know what I meant,” he countered. “Actually I was thinking that an oversized T-shirt would cover that cute little ass and still show off those shapely legs of yours. I’m thinking if you’re dressed in the least amount of clothes possible I can get you naked that much faster.” he added with a grin.

“A man with a plan, I like that,” she replied. Mike watched as she put her arms into the shirt and raised them over her head, her petite naked body stretched toward the ceiling sensuously in front of him. The shirt fell down over her head and shoulders before covering her smooth breasts and erect nipples, finally dropping low enough to conceal most her body.

She caught him watching her as her head poked out of the shirt. “See something you like?” she asked looking down at his erection.

“Oh yeah,” Mike replied, “I like everything I see!”.

Mike grabbed a T-shirt from the drawer and pulled it over his head. He pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and slipped his feet into his sandals.

“Would you like some shorts Georgia?” he asked. “We do have to go out in public to get to your house.”

“No, I’m good like this,” she answered, flipping the bottom of the shirt up to give him a quick peek of her nether region. “I thought we’d go back through the woods. It’s shorter and well this is a small town Mike. I’d prefer not giving my nosey neighbors any gossip fodder.”

“Okay by me, you ready to go young lady?” he replied.

Georgia stopped and slipped on her sandals before picking up her discarded clothes as they left through the back door of Mike’s house.

Mike followed her through the trees shining his flashlight ahead of her lighting the path. They soon exited the wooded area into her backyard and were greeted by her dog, which stopped short when she saw Mike. The hair on her back went up as she growled at the man following her mistress.

“It’s okay girl,” Georgia called to her protector, “He’s one of the good guys.”

As the dog approached Mike recognized the breed. “Oh, a Samoyed,” he said, “I’ve had two of them in the past. They’re great dogs, very loyal and protective. What’s her name?”

“I named her Fiona, not sure why, just like the name I guess,” she answered, “most of the time I call her Fi for short.”

They stopped and waited while the dog approach them. She greeted Georgia first and apparently satisfied that her mistress was safe walked toward Mike’s outstretched hand. Fi sniffed at his hand and let him pet her head. He used both hands to rub her ears and neck.

“Careful Mike, you’ll have a friend for life if you keep that up,” Georgia warned.

“Hey, if it works on her maybe I’ll try it on her mistress,” he suggested, laughing at her expression as she pondered the possibilities.

“It probably would work but you might want to try someplace other than my ears,” she countered.

“We better get in the house Miss Ginger,” Mike said. “I have my work cut out for me between kissing all your freckles and rubbing you in just the right place, which incidentally sounds like it could be near those freckles you were so kind to point out.”

Georgia took his hand and led him toward the back door, “You are very perceptive sir!”

Once inside the door Georgia turned and gave Mike a hug. She kissed him and said, “Welcome to my house Mike, I’m glad you could come home with me, I think we’re going to have a really great time tonight.”

“Can I get you something to drink before I feed Fi?” she asked.

“Maybe just a glass of water for now. Can I help with the dog?” he offered.

Georgia took a glass from the shelf and filled it from the dispenser on the refrigerator door. “Here you go. I can take care of Fi, you just have a seat and relax, and I’ll be right back.”

Mike took the glass and gave her a peck on the cheek, “Thanks,” he said patting her butt as she turned to go out the door.

Mike took a seat on one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. He quickly downed the water and set the empty glass on the counter as Georgia was coming back in the door.

“Wow, I guess I was dry,” he said, “any chance I could get a refill?”

“Sure, but it’ll cost you,” she replied taking the glass and refilling it. Instead of handing it back to him she walked around the end of the counter and held the glass behind her, “So just how do you propose paying for this sir?”

Mike slid off the stool and stepped close to her. He lifted her chin with one hand and kissed her while his other hand lifted the T-shirt and cupped her bare butt, pulling her closer.

Georgia’s lips parted, inviting his tongue into her hot wet mouth as he slipped his hand around her and took the glass from her. After setting it on the bar he reached down and lifted the other side of the shirt. With both of his hands now on her naked skin she conceded to him and kissed him passionately.

Mike slowly lifted the shirt even further as he caressed her smooth skin from below her butt to her shoulders. She could feel the rush of cool air as he exposed her bare backside. “I certainly hope no one is looking in the window,” she said.

“Just Fi,” he said, “I hope she’s not the jealous type.” He caressed her again, “Hmmmm, you sure do feel good.”

She pulled his hands away from her, letting the shirt fall, “I believe you are paid in full,” she said, “And if you kiss me like that again you won’t get to eat.”

“Well not dinner anyway,” she added laughing. She moved quickly away from him as he reached out and tried to catch her.

“I need to do something with this hair or I’ll never get a brush through it,” she announced, “Why don’t you grab a beer out of the fridge and relax. I won’t be long, promise.”

“Okay, you sure you don’t need my help?” Mike asked.

Georgia laughed, “As much fun as that sounds you better stay here. Check out my CD’s for some music you like, I’ll be back before you know I’m gone.”

“I doubt that but okay,” he answered, watching her walk away, the T-shirt riding up on her backside as she walked, showing the inverted heart shaped curves of her firm ass.

Mike grabbed a beer and went into the living room to check out her CD collection. She obviously had an eclectic taste in music with something from a wide array of genres. He found several of the romantic bent and finally chose a few CD’s of romantic classical piano and guitar music. After loading the CD changer he sat back in the recliner to wait for Georgia to return.

True to her word he didn’t have to wait long. He was surprised to hear her coming toward him after only two or three songs had played. When she rounded the corner into his view he was even more surprised to see that she was no longer wearing the Packer shirt that she had worn home. In it’s place she wore a Packer shirt of her own. This one was white silk, the ‘G’ logo in pink being held away from her body by her soft breast. Her erect nipples protruding against the material. It was about the same length as the other one, barely reaching her thighs.

“Wow, nice shirt!” he exclaimed.

“You like it?” she asked, raising her arms and turning around to model it for him, revealing a matching pink and white thong in the process.

Mike fumbled for the lever to raise the recliner to the upright position but Georgia quickly straddled him on the chair, pressing her thong-covered sex against him.

“We haven’t talked about our roots,” she said, “I’m a Cheesehead by birth. Are you surprised?”

“For sure, no wonder you didn’t object to wearing my Packer shirt,” he answered.

They soon discovered that they were from the same Indianhead area of the dairy state, having grown up in towns only about ten miles apart.

“Too bad I didn’t know you then,” Mike said, “but then again with our age differences I guess it wouldn’t have been appropriate.”

“The important thing is you know me now,” she said, kissing him and wiggling her butt on his lap.

Mike cupped her ass, returning her kiss as he squeezed her cheeks.

“Mmmmm, you smell good,” he said, kissing her neck, “And your hair is all…all…it looks great! How’d you do that so fast?”

“Well I knew there was this handsome guy out here waiting for me. That inspired me, I didn’t want you to give up on me and leave,” she replied laughing.

“Yeah, like that was going to happen,” Mike said.

“I’m starved, lets eat,” she said, sliding off the chair and holding out her hand to pull him up.

Mike found the lever and sat the recliner upright as he stood, catching her and giving her a hug. “Food does sound pretty good,” he replied.

Georgia walked to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of white wine, “Would you mind opening this, I feel like a little vino with dinner?”

“Not at all, that actually sounds pretty good,” he responded, taking the bottle and corkscrew from her.

She set two chilled glasses on the counter while he pulled the cork and offered it to her. “Well aren’t we fancy,” she laughed as he held the cork under her nose. “You are so funny Mike, you really make me laugh.”

Mike laughed with her as she made fun of his pretentiousness. “You make me happy too,” he said. He filled their glasses and handed one to her.

“What should we drink to?” he asked, touching his glass to hers.

“To us, to the perfect day we’ve shared and to having as much pure unadulterated fun as two consenting adults can have in one night,” she offered.

“Absolutely,” he replied, touching her glass again before tasting the wine. “Mmmm, very nice!”

“Mmmm, yes it is good. I’m glad you like it. Now, tell me. How do you feel about sushi and sashimi?” she asked.

“I love it,” he replied. You made it? I’m impressed”

“Yes,” she answered, “Another one of those classes I took when I didn’t have anything better to do. I hope it’ll be okay. It’s all fresh, I made it this morning, another part of my diabolical plan to seduce you.”

He smiled at her, standing in front of him in the oversized T-shirt, knowing that she wore only a thong under it and worrying that he might not like what she had prepared. “You’re too funny, of course it’ll be okay,” he said.

She opened the refer again and slid out a platter of the food she had prepared. She sat the platter on the counter in front of him and retrieved the small dishes of sliced ginger, wasabi and soy sauce. She set two oriental style plates along with a pair of chopsticks for each of them next to the food and stood there for a moment looking at the setup. “Did I forget anything?” she asked.

“The wine?” he asked.

“Right here,” she said, handing him the bottle and pushing the other barstool closer to him before climbing onto it and kissing his cheek.

Mike refilled their glasses and toasted her again, “Here’s to my new favorite neighbor,” he said.

They filled their plates with the delicacies Georgia had prepared and enjoyed them; mixing small talk along with the wine.

“This is absolutely delicious Georgia,” Mike said, “You learned this all in one class?”

“Well several classes actually, two whole semesters at the local JC,” she replied, “I’m glad you like it.”

She continued, “I thought at first I might try for a Chefs Certificate but after a year I decided against it. I figured out that if I got the certificate I would most likely have to move out of the area to put it to any good use so I scrapped that plan. I took a few more cooking and baking classes after that first year, mostly for my own enjoyment. I can bake you a fantastic cake if you ever need one.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Mike said, a big smile forming on his face.

She caught the smile and asked, “What?”

“Oh, when you said cake I thought of frosting and then I thought about what you might look like wearing nothing but icing,” he replied, his grin even bigger than before.

“Oh my goodness!” she gasped, in mock shock “What have I done?”

“More importantly,” she continued, “What kind of icing do you prefer?”

“Normally when I eat cake I would save the frosting for last but having already tasted your lovely delights any flavor would do, you would be the pièce de résistance,” he answered, “But if I had to choose, I guess I’d pick chocolate.”

Georgia took the last piece of sashimi from the platter and set it on Mike’s plate. “Here you go Mike, please eat this I’m stuffed.”

“Thank you,” he said, “I’m getting pretty full myself but I can’t let this great food go to waste. You really did great Georgia, I loved every morsel!” He held his chopsticks with his right hand as his left hand found her thigh and moved toward her waist.

Georgia let her legs relax, enjoying the feeling of his hand caressing her bare leg. When Mike’s hand slid between her legs Georgia’s thighs squeezed his hand, “You have an amazing talent Mike, one caress of your hand on my leg and I’m ready to melt,” she sighed. “Let me clean this stuff up first and then you can touch me all you want.”

“Would you like me to help you clean up?” Mike asked after he had eaten the last of his fish.

“There’s just a few things, I’ll rinse them off real quick and put them in the dishwasher. I don’t want to waste time in the kitchen when we could be doing other things,” she replied with a smile, reaching over and stroking his thigh, making sure her hand touched him in the right place.

“I’ll drink to that, I think I like where this is going.” he said, picking up his glass and draining the rest of the wine.

Georgia rotated her stool toward Mike and slid off, causing the T-shirt to ride up and reveal her nearly naked nether regions. She spread her legs slightly giving him an even better view of her sex covered only by the pink silk of the thong. The delicate lips of her labia were evident, a slight fold of material in the indentation between them. He felt his shaft stiffen when he noticed the damp area at the base of her slit.

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