Things I’ve Done to Get a Story!


So this is an account of just a time I needed to get a story and the source needed some level of persuasion.

I worked for a local paper in a small town in England. People here got excited over the smallest thing. Front page for us was the car parking prices going up by 20p.

Now baring that in mind you can imagine my thoughts when I receive an email from an address I didn’t recognise saying that they have evidence of something I couldn’t afford to miss. It went on to imply that they had pictures of a government member having an affair at a hotel in our town and that this person had some very interesting kinks.

I was intrigued of course but we didn’t have the money to buy this story. We couldn’t compete with national papers and this seemed like a national story.

I naturally spoke to the editor before I replied. He said we could offer £300 at best but that if I could then I should try and get the story. Maybe offer them a favour or something.

I replied back that I wanted to meet soon and was willing to offer £300 for the pictures and wouldn’t want only 24 hours of exclusivity on the story. I said I would even give free add space for 3 months for them personally or their business. I ended saying I was open to other favours that the paper could prove. I then hit send. Then there was little to do but wait.

It only took about 15 minutes before I was given an address of a cafe and a time. It was in 20 minutes and I would only just get there in time according to Google if I left 5 minutes ago.

I told my editor and I left straight away putting my foot down the whole way. The whole time I was thinking why me, why not get thousands at a paper that was much ByCasino bigger. The cafe was half full of builders and local elderly people having a later breakfast. I didn’t know who I was meeting so ordered a coffee and sat down. Before I could add any sugar a man in his 30s sat himself in front of me.

“You’re Lucy, I’m Jack.”

This guy was looking over his shoulder like he was being tailed by the secret services. He said nothing and looked scared.

“Look mate it’s okay. Like I said before I can offer cash and I can promise your name will be kept out of it.”

He still said nothing. What the fuck did he want?

“Why don’t you show me what you have and then we can work something out maybe?”

He agreed and pulled out his phone. He typed his password out and flicked through a few pictures to show me a very clear high definition set of stills of a government minister kissing a young woman in a car park. The images started fairly PG and got to PG 13 with some under the shirt groping. This was done good shit and I needed to do what I needed to get these pictures.

“I can write a cheque for £300 and we can workout something that the paper can do for you like promote your business if you have one or give you free personal ads for 12 months?”

He didn’t say anything for a while.

“There’s something I want from you Lucy and it’s why I approached you and not a bigger paper first. I know how bad you want this story so don’t fuck me about.”

I have him my full attention at this point and suddenly became conscious of how he was talking so frankly in a half full cafe.

“You are going to walk over the road with me to the travel lodge and By Casino come up to my room. I then want you to suck my dick and the pictures are yours. It’s that simple.”

I couldn’t believe it. What did he just say. Did he actually just say that in public? All these thoughts going through my head and not once did it occur to me to say no. I thought about how no one would ever know and how this story would facilitate my move to the city, London maybe? But not once did I think to say no to him.

“Okay, lead the way.”

I still can’t tell you why I was so compliant. I just knew I needed this no matter the cost. As we walked over to the travel lodge and we got in the lift he was I assume texting on his phone. We got to the 3rd floor and walked a few doors down to his room. He used the key card to let us in and I walked to the window closing the curtains.

“Before we go you need to shower because I am not choking down and knob cheese.”

He agreed and didn’t take long to wash. I looked in the full length mirror. My grey blouse hugging my slim figure made my small tits look like nothing special. I had on light blue jeans and black leather boots. My blonde hair was up and messy which I guess kept it out of the way.

He came into the room and I told him to get on the bed. He had a slight tubby look as he walked over to the bed and got on. I walked over to the bed, got on my knees on the mattress and began to take in his 6″ member. My blouse hung down and I could feel his eyes looking down my top. This reminded me of the first blowey I gave after school where the guy felt me up and then jizzed in like no time. Jack wasn’t the greatest size. He was shaking By Casino Giriş he was so horny. Every time I took him deep I flicked my tongue over his tip. I just wanted him to cum so I could get back to work.

All if a sudden he pushed me off and got up. He took my arm to get me up and pushed me against a wall.

“Look! You aren’t getting more than what we agreed” I was stern and looked him in the eyes.

He took my hand and put it on his meat. I guess this was easier than having him inside me. I started jerking it quickly and his hand crept up my blouse. He found my little A cups and started to grope away. Before too long waves of his sticky mess hit my thigh and I only had my own bad aim to blame. I can’t believe I was so stupid. I had to go back to the office in this and I was annoyed at myself.

As Jack came back to reality I asked him to email the pictures like he promised. I got a tissue to wipe my leg and he looked at me a little blankly and then came around. “You know I already sent them while we were in the lift, I’m a man of my word.”

I thanked him and went to leave the room, the taste of his member still in my mouth.

“Don’t you know why I picked you?”

I turned round and asked why. It didn’t even occur to me to ask. I was so tunnel visioned on that job in London I was going to get.

“It was because we went to school together. I wanted to do you a favour but when I saw you I couldn’t resist. You looked so fit that I couldn’t help but want you to be with me.”

I thanked him for the picture and left. I felt self conscious when I got to the office. I printed the pictures off and gave them to my editor. He looked ecstatic about them.

“Judging by that fresh stain and your breath I shouldn’t ask how you got these should I?”

I looked up at him feeling myself turning red. This was worth it I told myself… but it was going to be a long road to my London office…

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