Unexpected Threesome Ch. 05


For those looking for this continuation, I apologise for the delay. It’s been a bit busy on the work front to work on this and even now I fear that may show itself in the result.

This is a continuation from my previous “Unexpected Threesome” stories; although you shouldn’t need to have read them to enjoy this. As I said before, the story was inspired by actual platonic relationships I observed in operation in similar circumstances. You can decide the likelihood of such a mismatched age relationship developing this way. I’ve had interesting if mixed comments on the point made in relation to my previous stories.

Ned, the owner of a yacht cruising the pacific and now in his early 60’s, has unexpectedly found himself seduced by his two long term crew – nubile girls in their late 20’s.

As before with these stories, I am indebted to the male friends who have assisted me with relating to the male mind and body; and the red wine that made the conversation flow and loosened lips a bit more than normal. Mind you the internet can be good for researching this stuff too.


Ned was intrigued by the mood of the girls that morning. More playful than usual, and more tactile, they’d been as thick as thieves since they’d got up and each dressed in one of the tiny bikinis that passed for their standard boat outfits these days. He had a sense they were planning something, but couldn’t imagine what and completely failed to make a connection with the messages due that day.

By coincidence (or at least so Ned thought at the time) they’d all been loitering in the main cabin and it was rather amusing when the three mobile phones beeped almost in unison with a message. It made it pretty clear to Amy, Issie and Ned they were the messages they had been expecting that day.

Each reached for their own phone and studied the text that had arrived; a grin spreading over every face. Then they looked up; three pairs of eyes meeting along the table where they stood.

As one, they turned their phones around and laid it down on the table. In identical terms it was a message from the clinic indicating their precautionary tests had all come back negative. It was what happened next that took Ned by surprise and led him later to conclude the girls had pre-planned the whole thing.

Initially standing either side of him, the girls suddenly moved in on Ned from both flanks and started fondling him; sliding the thin gusset material of their bikini bottoms against his thigh as they stroked his manhood through his swimmers with the tips of their fingers. The effect was predictable; a full boner was soon stretching out the Lycra of his racing briefs, the tip of it extending well past the low slung waistband and offering them all the more surface to stroke.

The planning behind it was so obvious, Ned couldn’t help but blurt of..

“What are you guys up to?” while almost instantly realising the stupidity of the question.

As the girls changed their position from his flank to each straddling the front of a thigh and Ned found his body subtly turned to face the front of the cabin, he assumed he was about to be pushed backwards to the master cabin. Instead each of the girls wrapped a hand around his still swimwear sheathed member and started walking backwards – leading him forward.

Heading down the port side companionway they stopped and turned when they reached the bunk cabin they had shared before moving into his. Located on the starboard side amidships, it had twin bunks tiered one above the other against the sides of the hull.

As they entered the cabin, Amy went first, sitting herself on some cushions already positioned on the lower bunk and pulling Ned between her legs to kneel down on a cushion that was on the floor in front of her. Before Ned had time to work out what was happening, Issie mounted the upper bunk and wrapped her legs around his shoulders, thrusting her crotch into his face as she bent over to kiss the top of his head.

Ned couldn’t see what Amy was doing but he could certainly feel it as she teased his hardness before peeling his swimmers down his legs. Then with a hand around the back of his bottom holding him against her, he felt her crotch being rubbed up and down on his erection, the soft flesh on the inside of her golden thighs slipping provocatively up and down on his own hairy legs. At first he could feel it still covered by what little in the way of a bikini bottom she had been wearing. But when, after the briefest of interludes, his erection felt the most delightful moist warmth of a woman’s crease, he knew she’d pulled the string ties and it was her nakedness pushed against his manhood.

Again there was a moment’s interlude and her hand wrapped around his hardness and bent it out horizontally. The tip touched her body; a part that was wet and warm. The hand that was wrapped around his hardness pulled it, drawing it towards whatever the tip was in contact with. But instead of its path being blocked, he felt his manhood dikmen escort brought into a silken embrace, a tight little circle squeezing its circumference as her vagina progressively yielded to his penetration of her. It was like her wetness was permeating into the very flesh of his boner, exciting, swelling and strengthening it, even as he felt the tip of it push aside the folds of her sex to accept him.

In this era of safe sex, it had been a long time since the sensitive, hard, bare flesh of Ned’s erection had experienced that; even longer since it had experienced the supple juicy womanhood of a woman still in her very prime. Ned couldn’t deny there was something about Amy’s body that attracted him with something close to an obsession. He pictured his cock inside her, the tip nearly in contact with her cervix, its length and thickness filling her; he surged it and imagined the tip momentarily lifting up towards the perfection of her navel, almost touching it from the inside.

He let out a long mewling sigh of pleasure delivered against the gusset of Issie’s bikini pants. With his face pulled hard against it when Issie first mounted the bed, he’d taken the hint and pushed his tongue firmly against its seductively thin cloth, creating a deep fold into the material which filled the expanding valley of her crease. As Issie became more aroused by what he was doing, the soft woven film had hidden nothing from the sensitive tip of his tongue as it explored the domain it occupied.

Deeper within her thighs his tongue found a point where there was no resistance to its penetration other than that provided by the stretchy cloth itself. As his tongue loitered there, pushed harder and wiggled within the hole it created, the material became wet; far too wet to be explained by Ned’s saliva. Travelling up, his tongue experienced the engorgement of her bud; a well-defined bulge arising where none had been before.

Ned fumbled around Issie’s hips until he found the string ties to her bikini pants, pulled the knots and withdrew the pants from between her legs. There laid out on front of him was the entirety of her womanhood. Issie’s crotch had always struck Ned as having something in the nature of porn star qualities. There was a simplicity to it, especially in its aroused state; hairless, her outer lips more prominent than her inner ones, her swollen bud standing proud of its surrounds and there, not far below it, was her sex; open and waiting whatever he might do to it.

Ned placed his mouth over her sex, gently sucking on her labia whilst his tongue penetrated her. His senses were overwhelmed by the visceral signs of her arousal. The warm, slippery juices emanated from her body and seeped into his mouth, a trickle at first, but soon a flood. The scent of her arousal, pungent and yet almost sweet in its femineity, permeated his body.

Issie drew her legs up even further and pulled his head closer, seemingly inviting Ned to bury his face deeper into her folds

But it wasn’t just up top that Ned’s senses were overwhelmed. On the lower bunk Amy was guiding his manhood in and out of her delightfully warm and juicy sex as Ned moved his hips in and out. Her hand was wrapped around his cock, a sort of stopper, maximising the raking of the tip of his shaft against her g spot.

Ned felt her legs shift; no longer wrapped outside his thighs. At the same time he sensed a tilt in the angle of her body. Overcome by a need to see what she was up to and at the same time view the sight of his manhood plunging in and out of a body that drove him to constant distraction, he fought against the pull of Issie’s hands and looked down.

Amy’s legs were now spread wide, lifted above her body where they were bent at the knees and jammed against the underside of the upper bunk, her hips tilted upward to the point Ned felt he could almost look straight down into her womanhood; or at least he could have if his cock wasn’t occupying the space.

He could now see the silken embrace that his shaft could feel, the tight press of her sex upon the flesh of his hardness, warm and wet. His shaft glistened with her juices each time it emerged, as her vulva creamed to the action, an ooze of white juice emerging with each withdrawal to circle his shaft with the next plunge.

But Issie wasn’t to be denied. Her hands tugged at his hair, drawing his face back in between her legs.

With renewed focus, Ned fluttered and flicked his tongue against her clit, conveying an urgency as he lapped relentlessly at her. Issie was shuddering in pleasure, her moans rising in harmony with those louder and more desperate ones coming from Amy below.

Soon Ned realised he had both women on the verge of their climaxes.

Amy went first, her now familiar profane cries of…

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit… Fuck, fuck, fuck…oh my god…Ned,…aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh,..oh god, aaahhh. “

Amy wriggled and squirmed under him, taking away emek escort the hand that limited his penetration, she thrust herself towards him, taking the whole of his manhood into the warm embrace of her body and then circling her hips. He felt his cock pummelled by the contraction of her body, even as he continued to flutter his tongue against Issie’s clit.

Already trembling on the edge, but perhaps spurred on by Amy’s orgasm, Issie went moments later, arching herself up, contorting herself even more in the narrow width of the bunk she was folded up in. Issie became a gyrating, undulating feast for his eyes, her soft breasts, capped by her jutting nipples softly bouncing as a backdrop to the rotation of her crotch that filled Ned’s vision, all the while her own cries of…

“Mmmmmmmm,…Ned, oh Ned, Ned, that’s beautiful, ooohhh,…mmmmm.” mixing with Amy’s louder more desperate and profane moans.

Ned’s ball were on the point of boiling; strands of sensitivity were shooting up his shaft, all telling him his own climax was imminent. He ached to unleash himself into Amy’s body, just waiting for the moment his intended vigorous pounding of her wouldn’t spoil the residue of her orgasm. But it seemed the girls had other ideas as Amy slipped him out of her, leaving Ned on an unsatisfied verge. As Ned stood there mutely, the girls changed position around him, caressing and handling his body, telling him how great he was, all as if to reassure him his turn was coming. Issie moved to the bottom bunk while Amy spread her legs around Ned’s head, presenting her crotch to his face.

Ned watched as Amy shuffled closer to him until the lips of her vulva straddled his nose; her mound with which he was so obsessed right in front of him, her perfect breasts so close in his vision as she sat up to position herself. The powerful scent of her now dripping womanhood, rimmed by the cream his thrusting had generated, flooded his senses and aroused him. At the same time as Amy challenged him to …”Do for me what you did for Issie.”…, he felt his shaft bent down and slipped into the wet embrace of Issie’s sex.

The immediate need to climax had subsided, but as he felt the hardness of his manhood fully immersed in the silky, sensuous grip of Issie’s body, Ned wondered if he’d last another full cycle.

With Amy, Ned needed quick results. Tonguing her clit while fingering her g spot, he soon had her moaning in pleasure; partly reassured by his knowledge that Amy’s second orgasm was usually quick to follow her first.

Issie was the one he was worried about. Like Amy had, Issie was using her hand to limit the depth of his penetration. But her g spot lay much deeper within her than Amy’s did and in any case Issie was allowing a much more through penetration with every thrust. As Ned rocked his hips back and forward to thrust into her he was aware that already bubbling threads of sensitivity extend from his balls well up his shaft. He could erupt at any moment.

Trying to distract himself by concentrating his thoughts on his tonguing of Amy, Ned soon had her rolling her hips languorously, undulating her pelvis against his face as she involuntarily responded to the stimulation, seeking to supplement it with her own syncopated movements. Her hands held Ned’s face tightly into her body, her fingers fluttering through his hair as if that somehow would dissipate the rising tension in her body. For a few long seconds she tensed and trembled on the brink of her orgasm; a high-pitched moan of impending pleasure drawn from her throat.

Then, with her usual release of profane vocals she was over the edge, writhing and squirming about.

For Ned, Amy’s orgasmic performance was the last straw. He’d tried to slow his rate of thrusting, made shallower penetrations, but nothing was working. His senses weren’t telling him Issie was going to get there any time soon.

Almost pleadingly, he called out…

“Issie, I’m about to cum. I can’t hold it.”

Issie moaned back…

“Let it rip Ned, I want it. I want it now.”

Issie took the hand away that was limiting his depth of penetration. Immediately Ned thrust his whole hardness deep into her, four then five times; hard, fast thrusts that sent waves of pleasure through his body. His balls boiled over and a sense of ecstasy shot up his shaft as he sprayed her cervix with his seed.

At that moment, Issie came too; her hips lifting as she cried out and her womanhood started pummelling Ned’s shaft with its contractions. But Ned was too lost in his release to do anything more than maximise his own pleasure. Two more thrusts and he hosed it again, and then again and then a fourth time.

Ned’s knees went wobbly as it seemed all his strength had been ejected with his seed.

As he rested his weight on the top bunk, Amy was now bent over him, kissing the top of his head as her breasts hung temptingly across his vision. Below he could still feel the last eryaman escort of Issie’s contractions bearing down on his still firm shaft; her body otherwise still and silent.

Ned pulled his head away from the edge of the top bunk just enough to look down. Issie, like Amy before him, had her legs in the air, her feet spread wide apart to brace themselves against the underside of the upper bunk; her crotch turned upwards so that it looked to Ned as if he could look straight down into the depth of her womanhood. Or at least he could have if his own cock wasn’t plugging it. The rim of her sex was heavily creamed, now also diluted with his milky seed that was oozing from the entrance.

He was in no hurry to withdraw. There was still considerable pleasure for him in its embrace. But as he softened, the moment came and he pulled out, glimpsing Issie’s hand bring a towel up between her legs in the instant before his head was lifted by Amy so his lips could meet hers.

Ned savoured the taste of Amy’s mouth; penetrating to the back of her throat with his tongue. She in turn seemed determined to taste herself inside Ned’s mouth as she licked the top of the tongue that only recently had been planted in her sex.

The next think he knew a still naked Issie was standing beside him, arms wrapped around him. As Amy finished with him, Issie turned him towards her, drawing him into a full length bodily contact, his flaccid cock pulled under her mound where Ned was sure he could feel it surrounded by the lips of her crease. It felt nice, but at this point nothing was going to happen. It would be a good half hour or more before that could happen.

“Well Ned, that wasn’t so bad was it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Giving us head.”

“When did I say…?”

Issie cut him off. “We’ve noticed you’ve given us nothing more than a quick kiss on the pussy until now. We were willing to allow for the possibility you were worried about STI’s. So once that was off the table we figured we’d give you a good workout; break the ice sort of.

And we know that you’ve not had much head from us either, although that’s more because your erections are too valuable to waste on our throats. But we’re going to fix that problem for you too.”

Ned thought that was just like Issie; reading him like a book. It was a bit disconcerting to have her inside his head like that. He sometimes worried whether there was any secret he could keep from her. Still one thing intrigued him.

“What are you going to do to fix what you call a problem?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

The rest of the day passed uneventfully enough. It was that night as they settled down to bed the full meaning of Issie’s words became evident. He’d just finished turning from side to side to kiss each of them goodnight and was resting on his back.

Even when he didn’t expect anything to happen, engaging in a full body contact kiss with two naked women inevitably raised an erection, and tonight was no different. Without any real warning, Amy rose up, knelt beside him and after a couple of kisses and licks of it, deep throated his hardness; vigorously slipping it in and out of her mouth across wet lips and burying it deeply enough on the intake he could feel the back of her throat completely surround it and its full length immersed in her mouth.

Instinctively he reach out to tickle up her erogenous zones; her butt rising and falling with her actions almost right in front of his face. But as soon as she felt that, her hand came around, grabbed his and pinned it under her leg. The message was clear enough – lie back and enjoy it.

So he just laid his head back hard into his pillow and moaned softly until he came; Issie on the other side of him caressing his chest as she whispered in his ear…”Does that answer your question?”

As Ned was to find out the next day, that wasn’t the end of the implications of the clear test results from the clinic. It seemed the girls had more in mind. It all started when Issie caught Ned as they passed in the companionway outside the master cabin; blocking his way.

“Just to let you know Amy and I have been talking.

We’ve noticed you’re a bit careful about being ambushed by one of us for a quickie. Amy told me about how you dodged around her when she tried to seduce you the other day and she knew it was because you thought I’d be jealous. She was quite amused by the way you turned bright red and got all flustered.”

Ned knew the incident Issie was talking about. It was the day when Amy had gone ashore to give Issie free time with him. After she’d got back and while Issie was swimming, Amy had provocatively groped him – slipping the bulge of his erection under the hem of her mini skirt and against her crease – while they were putting away the groceries. Ned had rather enjoyed it, but it just didn’t seem right to follow through with it. Mind you, he hadn’t realised his discomfort had been so obvious.

“Yea, well, it was meant to be your day…”

Issie raised a hand and jumped back in before Ned got himself in a lather of explanation.

“What we’ve decided…no, I should say what we want you to know… is that quickies are allowed. We all need spontaneous sex sometimes and to pander to our personal fantasies. Girls do have fantasies too you know, don’t you?”

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